626 resultados para ornithophilic mosquitoes
West Nile virus (WNV) is a neurotropic flavivirus that is maintained in an enzootic cycle between mosquitoes and birds, but can also infect and cause disease in humans and other vertebrate species. Most of WNV infections in humans are asymptomatic, but approximately 20% of infected people develop clinical symptoms, although severe neurological diseases are observed in less than 1% of them. WNV is the most widely distributed arbovirus in the world and has been recently associated with outbreaks of meningo-encephalitis in Europe, including Italy, caused by different viral strains belonging to distinct lineages 1 and 2. The hypothesis is that genetic divergence among viral strains currently circulating in Italy might reflect on their pathogenic potential and that the rapid spread of WNV with increased pathogenicity within naïve population suggest that epidemic forms of the virus may encode mechanisms to evade host immunity. Infection with WNV triggers a delayed host response that includes a delay in the production of interferon-α (IFN-α). IFNs are a family of immuno-modulatory cytokines that are produced in response to virus infection and serve as integral signal initiators of host intracellular defenses. The increased number of human cases and the lack of data about virulence of European WNV isolates highlight the importance to achieve a better knowledge on this emerging viral infection. In the present study, we investigate the phenotypic and IFN-α-regulatory properties of different WNV lineage 1 and 2 strains that are circulating in Europe/Italy in two cell lines: Vero and 1321N1. We demonstrate that: Vero and 1321N1 cells are capable of supporting WNV replication where different WNV strains show similar growth kinetics; WNV lineage 2 strain replicated in Vero and 1321N1 cells as efficiently as WNV lineage 1 strains; and both lineages 1 and 2 were highly susceptible to the antiviral actions of IFN-α.
Nel corso degli ultimi anni le problematiche legate al ruolo vettore delle zanzare stanno emergendo sia per quanto riguarda l’uomo che gli animali allevati e selvatici. Diversi arbovirus come West Nile, Chikungunya, Usutu e Dengue, possono facilmente spostarsi a livello planetario ed essere introdotti anche nei nostri territori dove possono dare avvio a episodi epidemici. Le tecniche di monitoraggio e sorveglianza dei Culicidi possono essere convenientemente utilizzate per il rilevamento precoce dell’attività virale sul territorio e per la stima del rischio di epidemie al fine dell’adozione delle opportune azioni di Sanità Pubblica. Io scopo della ricerca del dottorato è inserito nel contesto dei temi di sviluppo del Piano regionale sorveglianza delle malattie trasmesse da vettori in Emilia Romagna. La ricerca condotta è inquadrata prevalentemente sotto l’aspetto entomologico applicativo di utilizzo di dispositivi (trappole) che possano catturare efficacemente possibili insetti vettori. In particolare questa ricerca è stata mirata allo studio comparativo in campo di diversi tipi di trappole per la cattura di adulti di zanzara, cercando di interpretare i dati per capire un potenziale valore di efficacia/efficienza nel rilevamento della circolazione virale e come supporto alla pianificazione della rete di sorveglianza dal punto di vista operativo mediante dispositivi adeguati alle finalità d’indagine. Si è cercato di trovare un dispositivo idoneo, approfondendone gli aspetti operativi/funzionali, ai fini di cattura del vettore principale del West Nile Virus, cioè la zanzara comune, da affiancare all’unica tipologia di trappola usata in precedenza. Le prove saranno svolte sia in campo che presso il laboratorio di Entomologia Medica Veterinaria del Centro Agricoltura Ambiente “G. Nicoli” di Crevalcore, in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agroambientali della Facoltà di Agraria dell’Università di Bologna.
Dengue-Fieber ist eine durch Stechmücken der Gattungen Aedes aegypti und Aedes albopticus übertragene, virale Infektionskrankheit des Menschen, welche eine zunehmende Bedrohung für die Weltbevölkerung darstellt; das Infektionsrisiko betrifft vorwiegend Menschen, die in tropischen und subtropischen Gebieten der Erde (Asien, Afrika, Amerika) leben. Bei dem Erreger handelt es sich um ein Flavivirus, bestehend aus einer positiv polarisierten Einzelstrang-RNA, welches in vier verschiedenen Serotypen existiert. Eine Infektion mit Dengue-Viren zeigt sich durch drei mögliche Krankheitsbilder: Klassisches Dengue-Fieber (DF), hämorrhagisches Dengue-Fieber (DHF) oder Dengue-Schock-Syndrom (DSS). Das Dengue-Virus-Genom codiert eine Serin-Protease mit einer klassischen katalytischen Triade, bestehend aus den Aminosäuren His51, Asp75 und Ser135. Die Funktion der Dengue-Virus-Protease besteht in der post-translationalen, proteolytischen Prozessierung des viralen Polyprotein-Vorläufers, womit sie essentiell für die Virus-Replikation ist und damit einen wichtigen therapeutischen Ansatz für die Entwicklung neuer Wirkstoffe gegen Dengue-Fieber darstellt. Die Ziele der vorliegenden Arbeit bestanden darin, neue potentielle Inhibitoren der Dengue-Virus Typ 2 NS2B-NS3 Protease (DEN-2 NS2B-NS3pro) zu synthetisieren, deren Hemmwirkung sowie den Inhibitionstyp mithilfe fluorimetrischer Enzym-Assays zu bestimmen, Struktur-Wirkungs-Beziehungen (u.a. mithilfe von Molecular Docking-Rechnungen) zu analysieren und die erhaltenen Leitstrukturen zu optimieren. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden zwei Substanzklassen und damit zwei Teilprojekte behandelt: Phenylacrylsäureamide im ersten Teilprojekt, Benzothiazole und Diarylthioether zusammen im zweiten Teilprojekt. Im ersten Teilprojekt zeigten einige Phenylacrylsäureamide eine schwache Hemmung der DEN-2 NS2B-NS3pro zwischen ca. 50 und 61 % bei einer Inhibitorkonzentration von 50 µM sowie eine nicht-kompetitive Hemmung, welche jedoch durch vielfältige Derivatisierung kaum verändert oder verbessert werden konnte. Darüber hinaus wurden die endogenen Serin-Proteasen alpha-Chymotrypsin und Trypsin durch einige Phenylacrylsäureamide erheblich stärker gehemmt als die DEN-2 NS2B-NS3pro. Das zweite Teilprojekt befasste sich mit der Synthese und Testung von Diarylthioethern mit hydroxy-substituierten Benzothiazol-Bausteinen sowie der Testung einiger methoxy-substituierter Synthese-Vorstufen der Endverbindungen, um die Relevanz und den Einfluss der einzelnen Bausteine auf die Hemmung der DEN-2 NS2B-NS3pro zu untersuchen. Der in der vorliegenden Arbeit synthetisierte, potenteste Inhibitor der DEN-2 NS2B-NS3pro (Hemmung: 90 % [50 µM]; IC50 = 3.6 +/- 0.11 µM) und der DEN-3 NS2B-NS3pro (Hemmung: >99 % [100 µM]; IC50 = 9.1 +/- 1.02 µM), SH65, ein Diarylthioether-Benzothiazol-Derivat, entstand aufgrund der Vorhersage zweier möglicher Bindungsmodi (kompetitiv und nicht-kompetitiv) mithilfe von Molecular Docking-Experimenten an der Röntgen-Kristall-struktur der DEN-3 NS2B-NS3pro (PDB-Code: 3U1I). Nach experimenteller Bestimmung der IC50-Werte bei unterschiedlichen Substratkonzentrationen erwies sich SH65 jedoch als nicht-kompetitiver Inhibitor der DEN-2 NS2B-NS3pro. Trypsin wurde von SH65 vergleichbar stark gehemmt (96% [50 µM]; IC50 = 6.27 +/- 0.68 µM) wie die beiden getesteten Dengue-Virus-Proteasen, nicht jedoch alpha-Chymotrypsin (nur 21% Hemmung bei 50 µM), wodurch diesem Inhibitor zumindest eine relative Selektivität gegenüber Serin-Proteasen zugeschrieben werden kann. SH65 zeigte lediglich Protease-Hemmung in den Enzym-Assays, jedoch keine antivirale Aktivität bei der Testung an Dengue-Virus-infizierten Zellen, was aber wiederum bei der synthetisierten Vorstufe von SH65, welche anstelle der beiden Hydroxy-Gruppen über Methoxy-Gruppen verfügt, der Fall war. Diarylthioether mit mehrfach hydroxy-substituiertem Benzothiazol-Baustein stellen hiermit eine neue, vielversprechende Wirkstoffgruppe zur Hemmung sowohl der Dengue-Virus Typ 2- als auch der Dengue-Virus Typ 3 NS2B-NS3 Protease dar.
The protozoan parasite Plasmodium is transmitted by female Anopheles mosquitoes and undergoes obligatory development within a parasitophorous vacuole in hepatocytes before it is released into the bloodstream. The transition to the blood stage was previously shown to involve the packaging of exoerythrocytic merozoites into membrane-surrounded vesicles, called merosomes, which are delivered directly into liver sinusoids. However, it was unclear whether the membrane of these merosomes was derived from the parasite membrane, the parasitophorous vacuole membrane or the host cell membrane. This knowledge is required to determine how phagocytes will be directed against merosomes. Here, we fluorescently label the candidate membranes and use live cell imaging to show that the merosome membrane derives from the host cell membrane. We also demonstrate that proteins in the host cell membrane are lost during merozoite liberation from the parasitophorous vacuole. Immediately after the breakdown of the parasitophorous vacuole membrane, the host cell mitochondria begin to degenerate and protein biosynthesis arrests. The intact host cell plasma membrane surrounding merosomes allows Plasmodium to mask itself from the host immune system and bypass the numerous Kupffer cells on its way into the bloodstream. This represents an effective strategy for evading host defenses before establishing a blood stage infection.
Francisella tularensis, a small Gram-negative facultative intracellular bacterium, is the causative agent of tularaemia, a severe zoonotic disease transmitted to humans mostly by vectors such as ticks, flies and mosquitoes. The disease is endemic in many parts of the northern hemisphere. Among animals, the most affected species belong to rodents and lagomorphs, in particular hares. However, in the recent years, many cases of tularaemia among small monkeys in zoos were reported. We have developed a real-time PCR that allows to quantify F. tularensis in tissue samples. Using this method, we identified the spleen and the kidney as the most heavily infected organ containing up to 400 F. tularensis bacteria per simian host cell in two common squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) from a zoo that died of tularaemia. In other organs such as the brain, F. tularensis was detected at much lower titres. The strain that caused the infection was identified as F. tularensis subsp. holarctica biovar I, which is susceptible to erythromycin. The high number of F. tularensis present in soft organs such as spleen, liver and kidney represents a high risk for persons handling such carcasses and explains the transmission of the disease to a pathologist during post-mortem analysis. Herein, we show that real-time PCR allows a reliable and rapid diagnosis of F. tularensis directly from tissue samples of infected animals, which is crucial in order to attempt accurate prophylactic measures, especially in cases where humans or other animals have been exposed to this highly contagious pathogen.
Plasmodium parasites express a potent inhibitor of cysteine proteases (ICP) throughout their life cycle. To analyze the role of ICP in different life cycle stages, we generated a stage-specific knockout of the Plasmodium berghei ICP (PbICP). Excision of the pbicb gene occurred in infective sporozoites and resulted in impaired sporozoite invasion of hepatocytes, despite residual PbICP protein being detectable in sporozoites. The vast majority of these parasites invading a cultured hepatocyte cell line did not develop to mature liver stages, but the few that successfully developed hepatic merozoites were able to initiate a blood stage infection in mice. These blood stage parasites, now completely lacking PbICP, exhibited an attenuated phenotype but were able to infect mosquitoes and develop to the oocyst stage. However, PbICP-negative sporozoites liberated from oocysts exhibited defective motility and invaded mosquito salivary glands in low numbers. They were also unable to invade hepatocytes, confirming that control of cysteine protease activity is of critical importance for sporozoites. Importantly, transfection of PbICP-knockout parasites with a pbicp-gfp construct fully reversed these defects. Taken together, in P. berghei this inhibitor of the ICP family is essential for sporozoite motility but also appears to play a role during parasite development in hepatocytes and erythrocytes.
Plasmodium parasites are transmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes to the mammalian host and actively infect hepatocytes after passive transport in the bloodstream to the liver. In their target host hepatocyte, parasites reside within a parasitophorous vacuole (PV). In the present study it was shown that the parasitophorous vacuole membrane (PVM) can be targeted by autophagy marker proteins LC3, ubiquitin, and SQSTM1/p62 as well as by lysosomes in a process resembling selective autophagy. The dynamics of autophagy marker proteins in individual Plasmodium berghei-infected hepatocytes were followed by live imaging throughout the entire development of the parasite in the liver. Although the host cell very efficiently recognized the invading parasite in its vacuole, the majority of parasites survived this initial attack. Successful parasite development correlated with the gradual loss of all analyzed autophagy marker proteins and associated lysosomes from the PVM. However, other autophagic events like nonselective canonical autophagy in the host cell continued. This was indicated as LC3, although not labeling the PVM anymore, still localized to autophagosomes in the infected host cell. It appears that growing parasites even benefit from this form of nonselective host cell autophagy as an additional source of nutrients, as in host cells deficient for autophagy, parasite growth was retarded and could partly be rescued by the supply of additional amino acid in the medium. Importantly, mouse infections with P. berghei sporozoites confirmed LC3 dynamics, the positive effect of autophagy activation on parasite growth, and negative effects upon autophagy inhibition.
BACKGROUND The evolution of insecticide resistance threatens current malaria control methods, which rely heavily on chemical insecticides. The magnitude of the threat will be determined by the phenotypic expression of resistance in those mosquitoes that can transmit malaria. These differ from the majority of the mosquito population in two main ways; they carry sporozoites (the infectious stage of the Plasmodium parasite) and they are relatively old, as they need to survive the development period of the malaria parasite. This study examines the effects of infection by Plasmodium berghei and of mosquito age on the sensitivity to DDT in a DDT-resistant strain of Anopheles gambiae. METHODS DDT-resistant Anopheles gambiae (ZANU) mosquitoes received a blood meal from either a mouse infected with Plasmodium berghei or an uninfected mouse. 10 and 19 days post blood meal the mosquitoes were exposed to 2%, 1% or 0% DDT using WHO test kits. 24 hrs after exposure, mortality and Plasmodium infection status of the mosquitoes were recorded. RESULTS Sensitivity to DDT increased with the mosquitoes' age and was higher in mosquitoes that had fed on Plasmodium-infected mice than in those that had not been exposed to the parasite. The latter effect was mainly due to the high sensitivity of mosquitoes that had fed on an infected mouse but were not themselves infected, while the sensitivity to DDT was only slightly higher in mosquitoes infected by Plasmodium than in those that had fed on an uninfected mouse. CONCLUSIONS The observed pattern indicates a cost of parasite-resistance. It suggests that, in addition to the detrimental effect of insecticide-resistance on control, the continued use of insecticides in a population of insecticide-resistant mosquitoes could select mosquitoes to be more susceptible to Plasmodium infection, thus further decreasing the efficacy of the control.
Zika virus infections have been known in Africa and Asia since the 1940s, but the virus's geographic range has expanded dramatically since 2007. Between January 1, 2007, and March 1, 2016, local transmission was reported in an additional 52 countries and territories, mainly in the Americas and the western Pacific, but also in Africa and southeast Asia. Zika virus infections acquired by travelers visiting those countries have been discovered at sites worldwide. Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are the principal vectors, though other mosquito species may contribute to transmission. The virus was found to be neurotropic in animals in experiments conducted in . . .
As an important emerging arboviral disease in Texas and throughout the world, dengue fever has the potential to make a re-emergence in the Harris County/Houston metropolitan area. Harris County has seen dengue epidemics in the past. The area has a competent vector, Aedes aegypti, capable of transmission of the virus should it be introduced. It is important to examine areas of highest risk for dengue emergence and transmission in Harris County so that surveillance and educational programs can be properly implemented. This study uses mapping software to visually represent risk factor information with areas of known Ae. aegypti populations. This study focused on known demographic risk factors such as race/ethnicity, place of birth, gender as well as socioeconomic status represented by educational attainment and income. This study found that there are several areas, particularly in central Harris County that are at particular risk for dengue transmission. The findings support the hypothesis that in areas of lower socioeconomic status there were increased populations of foreign born populations, Hispanic populations, and identified locations of a competent vector present. These findings suggest that more specific surveillance of Ae. aegypti, testing of the mosquitoes for dengue virus, and active surveillance for human cases should be implemented in these areas. ^
Harris County, which includes Houston, Texas, is an endemic and epidemic area for two viruses transmitted by arthropods (arboviruses). These viruses are maintained in cycles involving mosquitoes and wild birds, and transmission to humans is accidental. The majority of human infections is asymptomatic or may result in a flu-like syndrome. However, some infections can result in meningitis or encephalitis. These neuroinvasive infections may cause death, and those who survive may experience serious neurological complications requiring costly and lengthy medical care. The most important arboviruses in terms of morbidity are St. Louis encephalitis (SLEV) and West Nile (WNV) viruses. In fact, Harris County reports more SLEV encephalitis cases than any other county in the U.S. Most arboviral human cases occur from July through September, when mosquitoes are most active. Those at risk for encephalitis and death are the elderly and those with a history of hypertension or immunosuppresion. There is no specific treatment and no human vaccines are commercially available in the U.S. The approach for control of arboviruses in Harris County during epidemics is multidisciplinary and executed by several agencies. It includes surveillance, vector control, and educational messages for the population. Prevention of outbreaks consists of elimination of the vector and its breeding grounds, and practicing personal protective measures to prevent exposure to mosquitoes. ^ Current findings indicate that mosquito-borne viruses other than SLEV and WNV could pose an additional threat for the population. Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) activity has been detected in dogs and sentinel chickens in Houston and surrounding areas. Several serotypes of dengue virus have caused recent outbreaks in south Texas, and some locally-acquired cases have been detected in Houston. Since the clinical presentation of all arboviruses that cause encephalitis is very similar, and current surveillance is focused on detecting SLEV and WNV, there is a possibility that other arboviruses could be present in the area but are not being detected. Additionally, Harris County's ample annual rainfall and flooding problems, warm weather, multiple mosquito species, local and migrating birds that are susceptible to arboviral infection, and a constant flow of goods and travelers from many parts of the world could favor the emergence or re-emergence of other arboviruses. ^ The aims of this project were to determine if other arboviruses were circulating in the county, to assess the knowledge and attitudes about mosquito-borne viruses in a sample of the population, and to conduct an analysis of the initial WNV epidemic in Harris County. Through the retrospective analysis of clinical specimens collected during the 2002-2005 epidemic seasons, serologic evidence of dengue infection was detected suggesting the possibility that this virus may be co-circulating with SLEV and WNV. A cross-sectional survey revealed high awareness about arboviruses but not a consistent use of protective measures to avoid mosquitoes. The third component for this project included a retrospective review and geographical analysis of the 2002 WNV epidemic. ^ Overall, this study documented valuable information about the dengue virus, a potentially emerging arbovirus in Texas, revealed the need for more educational preventative programs, reinforced the value of mosquito and avian surveillance, and indicated the importance of continuing to investigate the factors that contribute to the development of outbreaks. ^
This study used canine sentinel surveillance and collected a sample of adult mosquitoes to investigate the potential impact of West Nile virus (WNV) in human populations in the Rio Grande Valley along the Texas-Mexico border. Samples for this study were collected from juvenile dogs two months to one year of age in animal shelters located in the Rio Grande Valley. The sample was comprised of stray dogs in order to include animals with maximum nighttime exposures to Culex mosquitoes. Serum samples were collected following the 2007 WNV transmission season and were tested for IgG antibodies against WNV. Evidence of antibodies to WNV was found in 35.1% of the sample population consisting of 74 dogs. During this same time period, mosquitoes in Brownsville were trapped and morphologically identified to develop greater understanding of the mosquito populations in the region and to further understand other potential mosquito vectors for disease transmission. The vast majority of mosquitoes living in this area were Aedes albopictus (47.6%), Culex quinquefasciatus (23.7%), and Aedes aegypti (20.1%). This study shows that WNV and the vector responsible for WNV transmission are active in the Rio Grande Valley and pose a threat to the human and animal populations. ^
Recent outbreaks of dengue fever (DF) along the United States/Mexico border, coupled with the high number of reported cases in Mexico suggest that there is the possibility for DF emergence in Houston, Texas1,2. To determine the presence of DF, populations of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus were identified and tested for dengue virus. Maps were created to identify "hot spots" (Figure 1) based on historical data on Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus, demographic information, and locations of human cases of dengue fever. BG Sentinel Traps®, in conjunction with BG Lure® attractant, octanol and dry ice, were used to collect mosquitoes, which were then tested for presence of dengue virus using ELISA techniques. All samples tested were negative for dengue virus (DV). Survival of DV ultimately comes down to whether or not it will be vectored by a mosquito to a susceptible human host. The presence of infected humans and contact with the mosquito vectors are two critical factors necessary in the establishment of DF. Historical records indicate the presence of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus in Harris County, which would support localized dengue transmission if infected individuals are present.^ (1) Brunkard JM, Robles-Lopez JL, Ramirez J, Cifuentes E, Rothenberg SJ, Hunsperger EA, Moore CG, Brussolo RM, Villarreal NA, Haddad BM, 2007. Dengue fever seroprevalence and risk factors, Texas-Mexico border, 2004. Emerg Infect Dis 13: 1477-1483. (2) Ramos MM, Mohammed H, Zielinski-Gutierrez E, Hayden MH, Lopez JL, Fournier M, Trujillo AR, Burton R, Brunkard JM, Anaya-Lopez L, Banicki AA, Morales PK, Smith B, Munoz JL, Waterman SH, 2008. Epidemic dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever at the Texas-Mexico Border: results of a household-based seroepidemiologic survey, December 2005. Am J Trop Med Hyg 78: 364-369.^
Detection of malarial sporozoites by a double antibody sandwich enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is described. This investigation utilized the Anopheles stephensi-Plasmodium berghei malaria model for the generation of sporozoites. Anti-sporozoite antibody was obtained from the sera of rats which had been bitten by An. stephensi with salivary gland sporozoites. Mosquitoes were irradiated prior to feeding on the rats to render the sporozoites non-viable.^ The assay employed microtiter plates coated with their rat anti-sporozoite antiserum or rat anti-sporozoite IgG. Intact and sonicated sporozoites were used as antigens. Initially, sporozoites were detected by an ELISA using staphylococcal protein A conjugated with alkaline phosphatase. Sporozoites were also detected using alkaline phosphatase or horseradish peroxidase conjugated to anti-sporozoite IgG. Best results were obtained using the alkaline phosphatase conjugate.^ This investigation included the titration of antigen, coating antibody and labelled antibody as well as studies of various incubation times. A radioimmunoassay (RIA) was also developed and compared with the ELISA for detecting sporozoites. Finally, the detection of a single infected mosquito in pools of 5 to 10 whole, uninfested ones was studied using both ELISA and RIA.^ Sonicated sporozoites were more readily detected than intact sporozoites. The lower limit of detection was approximately 500 sporozoites per ml. Results using ELISA or RIA were similar. The ability of the ELISA to detect a single infected mosquito in a pool of uninfected ones indicates that this technique has potential use in entomological field studies which aim at determining the vector status of anopheline mosquitoes. The potential of the ELISA for identifying sporozoites of different species of malaria is discussed. ^
The potential of a sylvatic vector to act as reservoir of yellow fever virus was assessed in Haemagogus equinus (Theobald). Mosquitoes from the Maje'75 laboratory colony and a Panamanian human isolated strain of yellow fever virus were used. Female mosquitoes infected with yellow fever virus had a minimum transovarial transmission rate of 1:5745. This is the first time transovarial transmission of yellow fever virus has been demonstrated in a New World sylvatic vector. Transovarial transmission of yellow fever virus in this sylvatic mosquito species may be an alternative mechanism for biological survival of the virus during adverse periods or in the absence of susceptible vertebrate hosts. ^