830 resultados para natural environment
Molecular adaptation of Ammonia Monooxygenase during independent pH specialization in Thaumarchaeota
Acknowledgements. This work was funded by Natural Environment Research Council Fellowship NE/J019151/1 and by institutional funding from within the University of Aberdeen.
Acknowledgements. The authors would like to thank Mr Kevin Mackenzie and Mrs Gillian Milne (University of Aberdeen) for technical support with scanning electron microscopy, and Dr Robin Walker for access to the Woodlands Field experimental plots at the SRUC,Craibstone Estate, Aberdeen. This work was financially supported by Natural Environmental Research Council (standard grants NE/I027835/1 and NE/L006286/1 and fellowship NE/J019151/1), EC Marie Curie ITN NORA, Grant Agreement No. 316472, the AXA Research Fund and the Centre for Genome Enabled Biology and Medicine, University of Aberdeen.
Funded by BBSRC. Grant Number: LK0863 Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Carbo-BioCrop project. Grant Number: NE/H01067X/1 MAGLUE project
Acknowledgments This work was funded by NERC grant NE/C510467/1 (T. G. Benton and S. B. Piertney) and a University of Leeds Faculty Postdoctoral Fellowship (T. C. Cameron). Data Accessibility The original time series and body size data from these experiments are available to download from DRYAD entry number http://dx.doi.org/10.5061/dryad.bq135.
Funded by Natural Environment Research Council PRECIP and PATAGON
Acknowledgements and Funding The authors are extremely grateful for the receipt of NERC award NE/ D005043/1, which funded the initial Boltysh impact crater study. R. Spicer and J. Leake are thanked for interesting discussions. C. Wellman, W. Gosling and M. Donovan are thanked for constructively critical reviews of the paper. Scientific editing by Quentin Crowley
Acknowledgments This research was funded by NERC Grants NE/J01396X/1; NE/E006434/1 to XL. Y. M. was funded by a Marie Curie FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IEF 300288. We profusely thank the Scottish Mink Initiative, staff, funders and multiple mink volunteers for the continued effort, samples and enthusiasm. The Scottish Water Vole Conservation Project was funded by The Tubney Charitable trust, Scottish Natural Heritage, the Cairngorms National Park Authority and the People’s Trust for Endangered Species. We also thank the Associate Editor and two anonymous referees for their thoughtful reviews.
Tobacco etch virus (TEV) protease recognizes a 7-aa consensus sequence, Glu-Xaa-Xaa-Tyr-Xaa-Gln-Ser, where Xaa can be almost any amino acyl residue. Cleavage occurs between the conserved Gln and Ser residues. Because of its distinct specificity, TEV protease can be expressed in the cytoplasm without interfering with viability. Polypeptides that are not natural substrates of TEV protease are proteolyzed if they carry the appropriate cleavage site. Thus, this protease can be used to study target proteins in their natural environment in vivo, as well as in vitro. We describe two Tn5-based mini-transposons that insert TEV protease cleavage sites at random into target proteins. TnTIN introduces TEV cleavage sites into cytoplasmic proteins. TnTAP facilitates the same operation for proteins localized to the bacterial cell envelope. By using two different target proteins, SecA and TolC, we show that such modified proteins can be cleaved in vivo and in vitro by TEV protease. Possible applications of the site-specific proteolysis approach are topological studies of soluble as well as of inner and outer membrane proteins, protein inactivation, insertion mutagenesis experiments, and protein tagging.
The molecular and functional characterization of a 125-kDa Ca2+-extractable protein of the Triton X-100–insoluble fraction of Dictyostelium cells identified a new type of a gelsolin-related molecule. In addition to its five gelsolin segments, this gelsolin-related protein of 125 kDa (GRP125) reveals a number of unique domains, two of which are predicted to form coiled-coil regions. Another distinct attribute of GRP125 concerns the lack of sequence elements known to be essential for characteristic activities of gelsolin-like proteins, i.e. the severing, capping, or nucleation of actin filaments. The subcellular distribution of GRP125 to vesicular compartments suggests an activity of GRP125 different from actin-binding, gelsolin-related proteins. GRP125 expression is tightly regulated and peaks at the transition to the multicellular pseudoplasmodial stage of Dictyostelium development. GRP125 was found indispensable for slug phototaxis, because slugs fail to correctly readjust their orientation in the absence of GRP125. Analysis of the GRP125-deficient mutant showed that GRP125 is required for coupling photodetection to the locomotory machinery of slugs. We propose that GRP125 is essential in the natural environment for the propagation of Dictyostelium spores. We also present evidence for further representatives of the GRP125 type in Dictyostelium, as well as in heterologous cells from lower to higher eukaryotes.
Protein–protein interaction plays a major role in all biological processes. The currently available genetic methods such as the two-hybrid system and the protein recruitment system are relatively limited in their ability to identify interactions with integral membrane proteins. Here we describe the development of a reverse Ras recruitment system (reverse RRS), in which the bait used encodes a membrane protein. The bait is expressed in its natural environment, the membrane, whereas the protein partner (the prey) is fused to a cytoplasmic Ras mutant. Protein–protein interaction between the proteins encoded by the prey and the bait results in Ras membrane translocation and activation of a viability pathway in yeast. We devised the expression of the bait and prey proteins under the control of dual distinct inducible promoters, thus enabling a rapid selection of transformants in which growth is attributed solely to specific protein–protein interaction. The reverse RRS approach greatly extends the usefulness of the protein recruitment systems and the use of integral membrane proteins as baits. The system serves as an attractive approach to explore novel protein–protein interactions with high specificity and selectivity, where other methods fail.
Cultural inheritance can be considered as a mechanism of adaptation made possible by communication, which has reached its greatest development in humans and can allow long-term conservation or rapid change of culturally transmissible traits depending on circumstances and needs. Conservativeness/flexibility is largely modulated by mechanisms of sociocultural transmission. An analysis was carried out by testing the fit of three models to 47 cultural traits (classified in six groups) in 277 African societies. Model A (demic diffusion) is conservation over generations, as shown by correlations of cultural traits with language, used as a measure of historical connection. Model B (environmental adaptation) is measured by correlation to the natural environment. Model C (cultural diffusion) is the spread to neighbors by social contact in an epidemic-like fashion and was tested by measuring the tightness of geographic clustering of the traits. Most traits examined, in particular those affecting family structure and kinship, showed great conservation over generations, as shown by the fit of model A. They are most probably transmitted by family members. This is in agreement with the theoretical demonstration that cultural transmission in the family (vertical) is the most conservative one. Some traits show environmental effects, indicating the importance of adaptation to physical environment. Only a few of the 47 traits showed tight geographic clustering indicating that their spread to nearest neighbors follows model C, as is usually the case for transmission among unrelated people (called horizontal transmission).
Acknowledgements. This work is dedicated to the memory of Andrés Pérez-Estaún, brilliant scientist, colleague, and friend. The authors sincerely thank Ian Ferguson and an anonymous reviewer for their useful comments on the manuscript. Xènia Ogaya is currently supported in the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies by a Science Foundation Ireland grant IRECCSEM (SFI grant 12/IP/1313). Juan Alcalde is funded by NERC grant NE/M007251/1, on interpretational uncertainty. Juanjo Ledo, Pilar Queralt and Alex Marcuello thank Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and EU Feder Funds through grant CGL2014- 54118-C2-1-R. Funding for this Project has been partially provided by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade, through the CIUDEN-CSIC-Inst. Jaume Almera agreement (ALM-09-027: Characterization, Development and Validation of Seismic Techniques applied to CO2 Geological Storage Sites), the CIUDEN-Fundació Bosch i Gimpera agreement (ALM-09-009 Development and Adaptation of Electromagnetic techniques: Characterisation of Storage Sites) and the project PIERCO2 (Progress In Electromagnetic Research for CO2 geological reservoirs CGL2009-07604). The CIUDEN project is co-financed by the European Union through the Technological Development Plant of Compostilla OXYCFB300 Project (European Energy Programme for Recovery).
No Estado do Maranhão, na região da Baixada Maranhense, presenta na fauna silvestre o réptil Kinosternon scorpioides, um quelônio de água doce popularmente conhecido como jurará e que possui valor social, econômico e ambiental para os ribeirinhos da cidade de São Bento. Este estudo contempla suas características biológicas reprodutivas baseadas em seu ambiente natural, com o intuito de permitir a preservação e o estabelecimento de planos de manejo reprodutivo e de uso sustentável da espécie. Recentemente poucos estudos em todo o mundo tratam sobre os aspectos do ciclo reprodutivo de tartarugas em face das características endócrinas, na América do Sul estudos desse tipo são recentes e escassos, sendo assim este é o primeiro estudo, que se tem conhecimento, que elucida um padrão sazonal reprodutivo da espécie K. scorpioides, associando hormônios gonadais com aspectos comportamentais. Trinta e oito animais adultos tiveram seus órgãos reprodutivos caracterizados para as enzimas esteroidogênicas P450 aromatase, P450c17 e PNADPH redutase através de imunomarcação e blotting, além de índice gonadossomático, morfometria e concentração de testosterona, corticosterona e estradiol pela técnica de radioimunoensaio. As mudanças biométricas, morfometria celular e a esteroidogênese testicular entre os períodos chuvoso e seco sugerem que o estrógeno produzido pelas células de leydig podem afetar a produção e a apoptose de células germinais durante o processo de espermatogênese, e a presença das enzimas P450aromatase e P450c17 em células de leydig acompanhados com a recrudescência testicular também reforça a ideia, de que elas podem desempenhar um papel na quiescência testicular. Esse trabalho evidenciou que as enzimas citocromo P450, citocromo P450c17 e NADPH-citocromo P450-redutase estão presentes no testículo e epidídimo nos diferentes períodos climáticos e podem estar relacionados à síntese de testosterona em tartarugas concordando com os diferentes achados para biometria e espermiogênese nos períodos chuvoso e seco, o que, nos leva a sugerir um estado de quiescência durante o período seco e atividade espermatogênica no período chuvoso, semelhante ao que ocorre com as espécies que apresentam comportamento reprodutivo sazonal
El futuro desarrollo urbano previsto para el frente marítimo ubicado junto al antiguo puerto pesquero y actual puerto deportivo de El Campello (Alicante) se plantea con un uso terciario y comercial abusivo implicando la pérdida del paisaje existente, de la imagen de la fachada marítima y de los valores socioculturales de la zona. Para evitar este desenlace, se plantea la recuperación de las antiguas cuevas existentes en dicho frente para uso y disfrute de sus habitantes; intervención enmarcada dentro de una propuesta de regeneración paisajística y social mediante un proyecto museístico sobre la historia arqueológica y cultural del municipio. Con el fin de confirmar la idoneidad y viabilidad de la propuesta planteada, se hace imprescindible la caracterización geológica y constructiva de las cuevas preexistentes para así acreditar la posibilidad de recuperación de un entorno que puede llegar a reconvertirse en punto de encuentro y disfrute paisajístico comunitario.
L’obiettivo di questo studio è la valultazione della funzionalità ecologica del fiume Segura nella provincia di Alicante (Spagna) mediante l’applicazione dell’IFF (Indice di Funzionalità Fluviale). La motivazione di questa scelta è stata la volontà di partecipare all’introduzione di questo indice in Spagna, paese in cui non è abitualmente utilizzato. Sono stati valutati 24006 m di corso d’acqua suddivisi in 24 tratti di varie lunghezze, partendo dall’uscita del centro urbano di Orihuela fi no al centro abitato di Guardamar del Segura. Il giudizio della funzionalità del fiume complessivamente rientra nell’intervallo dei livelli da V a III-IV, con una percentuale maggiore dell’80% di livello IV sia per la sponda destra che per la sinistra. L’applicazione dell’Indice ha permesso non solo di valutare la funzionalità dei 24 tratti, ma anche di individuare i parametri più degradati del corso d’acqua e i parametri più «forti», dall’osservazione dei quali è possibile far partire un lavoro di ripristino ambientale e rinaturalizzazione del fiume.