978 resultados para natural control


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Forest disturbances are major sources of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, and therefore impact global climate. Biogeophysical attributes, such as surface albedo (reflectivity), further control the climate-regulating properties of forests. Using both tower-based and remotely sensed data sets, we show that natural disturbances from wildfire, beetle outbreaks, and hurricane wind throw can significantly alter surface albedo, and the associated radiative forcing either offsets or enhances the CO2 forcing caused by reducing ecosystem carbon sequestration over multiple years. In the examined cases, the radiative forcing from albedo change is on the same order of magnitude as the CO2 forcing. The net radiative forcing resulting from these two factors leads to a local heating effect in a hurricane-damaged mangrove forest in the subtropics, and a cooling effect following wildfire and mountain pine beetle attack in boreal forests with winter snow. Although natural forest disturbances currently represent less than half of gross forest cover loss, that area will probably increase in the future under climate change, making it imperative to represent these processes accurately in global climate models.


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This investigation reports the magnetic field effect on natural convection heat transfer in a curved-shape enclosure. The numerical investigation is carried out using the control volume-based-finite element method (CVFEM). The numerical investigations are performed for various values of Hartmann number and Rayleigh number. The obtained results are depicted in terms of streamlines and isotherms which show the significant effects of Hartmann number on the fluid flow and temperature distribution inside the enclosure. Also, it was found that the Nusselt number decreases with an increase in the Hartmann number.


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Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness inAmerica. The fact that AMD wreaks most of the damage in the center of the retina raises the question of whether light, integrated over long periods, is more concentrated in the macula. A method, based on eye-tracking, was developed to measure the distribution of light in the retina under natural viewing conditions. The hypothesis was that integrated over time, retinal illumination peaked in the macula. Additionally a possible relationship between age and retinal illumination was investigated. The eye tracker superimposed the subject's gaze position on a video recorded by a scene camera. Five informed subjects were employed in feasibility tests, and 58 naïve subjects participated in 5 phases. In phase 1 the subjects viewed a gray-scale image. In phase 2, they observed a sequence of photographic images. In phase 3 they viewed a video. In phase 4, they worked on a computer; in phase 5, the subjects walked around freely. The informed subjects were instructed to gaze at bright objects in the field of view and then at dark objects. Naïve subjects were allowed to gaze freely for all phases. Using the subject's gaze coordinates, and the video provided by the scene camera, the cumulative light distribution on the retina was calculated for ∼15° around the fovea. As expected for control subjects, cumulative retinal light distributions peaked and dipped in the fovea when they gazed at bright or dark objects respectively. The light distribution maps obtained from the naïve subjects presented a tendency to peak in the macula for phases 1, 2, and 3, a consistent tendency in phase 4 and a variable tendency in phase 5. The feasibility of using an eye-tracker system to measure the distribution of light in the retina was demonstrated, thus helping to understand the role played by light exposure in the etiology of AMD. Results showed that a tendency for light to peak in the macula is a characteristic of some individuals and of certain tasks. In these situations, risk of AMD could be increased. No significant difference was observed based on age.


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This data sets contains LPJ-LMfire dynamic global vegetation model output covering Europe and the Mediterranean for the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM; 21 ka) and for a preindustrial control simulation (20th century detrended climate). The netCDF data files are time averages of the final 30 years of the model simulation. Each netCDF file contains four or five variables: fractional cover of 9 plant functional types (PFTs; cover), total fractional coverage of trees (treecover), population density of hunter-gatherers (foragerPD; only for the "people" simulations), fraction of the gridcell burned on 30-year average (burnedf), and vegetation net primary productivity (NPP). The model spatial resolution is 0.5-degrees For the LGM simulations, LPJ-LMfire was driven by the PMIP3 suite of eight GCMs for which LGM climate simulations were available. Also provided in this archive is the result of an LPJ-LMfire run that was forced by the average climate of all GCMs (the "GCM-mean" files), and the average of each of the individual LPJ-LMfire runs over the eight LGM scenarios individually (the "LPJ-mean" files). The model simulations are provided that include the influence of human presence on the landscape (the "people" files), and in a "world without humans" scenario (the "natural" files). Finally this archive contains the preindustrial reference simulation with and without human influence ("PI_reference_people" and "PI_reference_nat", respectively). There are therefore 22 netCDF files in this archive: 8 each of LGM simulations with and without people (total 16) and the "GCM mean" simulation (2 files) and the "LPJ mean" aggregate (2 files), and finally the two preindustrial "control" simulations ("PI"), with and without humans (2 files). In addition to the LPJ-LMfire model output (netCDF files), this archive also contains a table of arboreal pollen percent calculated from pollen samples dated to the LGM at sites throughout (lgmAP.txt), and a table containing the location of archaeological sites dated to the LGM (LGM_archaeological_site_locations.txt).


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The number of overweight people has increased in the last few years. Factors such as attention to diet and changes in lifestyle are crucial in the prevention and control of obesity and diseases related to it. Experts believe that such actions are most effective when initiated during childhood, and that children raised in an environment that encourages physical activity ultimately become healthier adults. However, to arouse and maintain interest in such activities represent a major challenge, which are initially perceived as repetitive and boring, and, thus, soon abandoned. Computer games, traditionally seen as stimulants to a sedentary lifestyle are changing this perception using non-conventional controls that require constant movement of the player. Applications that combine the playfulness of such games to physical activity through devices, like Microsoft Kinect, might become interesting tools in this scenario, by using the familiarity of Natural User Interfaces along with the challenge and the fun of video games, in order to make attractive exercise routines for schoolchildren. The project carried out consists of an exergame composed of several activities designed and implemented with the participation of a Physical Educator, aimed at children between eight and ten years old, whose performance and progress can be remotely monitored by a professional via web interface. The application arising from this work was accompanied by tests with a group of graduating Physical Education students from the University of Rio Verde GO, and subsequently validated through questionnaires whose results are shown on this work.


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Genéticamente, los chimpancés y los bonobos son los parientes vivos más cercanos a los seres humanos, que comparten un ancestro común que vivió hace unos seis millones de años. Los chimpancés se consideran en peligro de extinción por la IUCN y numerosos programas de conservación en África trabajan hacia la protección de la especie y su hábitat. Amenazado por la caza furtiva y la destrucción del hábitat, las cifras de población de chimpancés salvajes siguen disminuyendo. Como consecuencia, un importante flujo de chimpancés en vivo que son víctimas de la caza furtiva son enviados a centros de rehabilitación en África donde viven en semilibertad y en ocasiones son reintroducidos en el medio natural. Un objetivo primordial en estos centros de rescate y rehabilitación es proporcionar a los primates en cautividad con altos estándares de bienestar. La realización de tratamientos médicos adecuados y una gestión cuidadosa contribuye a su buen estado de salud, que a su vez permite a estos centros para garantizar el bienestar óptimo chimpancé. A un nivel veterinaria, la implementación de un tratamiento rápido y efectivo para una enfermedad requiere las herramientas de diagnóstico adecuadas, así como los valores de referencia correctos correspondientes a la especie. El objetivo de la presente tesis es establecer rangos de referencia de los diferentes parámetros clínicos para el chimpancé común (Pan troglodytes), que viven en semi-libertad en su hábitat natural. A fin de establecer valores de referencia, hemos utilizado los datos obtenidos durante los controles de rutina del brezo en chimpancés realizados durante diez años, en Tchimpounga Centro de Rehabilitación de chimpancé. Todos los chimpancés en el Centro de Rehabilitación Tchimpounga someten a controles de salud a su llegada al centro y en adelante cada tres años. Los análisis se llevan a cabo para asegurar la buena salud de la comunidad, y mejorar el control de la transmisión de enfermedades infecciosas, como la tuberculosis. Los análisis incluyen la recogida de sangre de la muestra, electrocardiogramas, radiografías de tórax, ecografía abdominal y pruebas serológicas y bacteriológicas. Estos análisis requieren la inmovilización química del individuo. A su vez, otros controles de salud que no requieren inmovilización química se realizan a diario en el centro por personal cualificado. Estos incluyen el análisis de las heces y la orina, y la exploración física general. La exploración global incluye tomar la temperatura corporal diaria de los chimpancés menores de 10 años en virtud de condicionamiento positivo...


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The authors thank Professor Iber^e Luiz Caldas for the suggestions and encouragement. The authors F.F.G.d.S., R.M.R., J.C.S., and H.A.A. acknowledge the Brazilian agency CNPq and state agencies FAPEMIG, FAPESP, and FAPESC, and M.S.B. also acknowledges the EPSRC Grant Ref. No. EP/I032606/1.


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W.-X.W. was supported by NSFC under Grant No. 11105011, CNNSF under Grant No. 61074116 and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities. Y.-C.L. was supported by ARO under Grant W911NF-14-1-0504


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The authors thank M. C. Romano, I. Stansfield, L. Ciandrini, A. Kort, and M. Rehberg for helpful discussions. This work was funded by BBSRC grants BB/F00513/X1 and BB/G010722, and the Scottish Universities Life Science Alliance (SULSA).


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The authors thank M. C. Romano, I. Stansfield, L. Ciandrini, A. Kort, and M. Rehberg for helpful discussions. This work was funded by BBSRC grants BB/F00513/X1 and BB/G010722, and the Scottish Universities Life Science Alliance (SULSA).


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C.-W.W. is supported by a studentship funded by the College of Physical Sciences, University of Aberdeen. M.S.B. acknowledges EPSRC grant NO. EP/I032606/1.


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This work was supported by the grants from British Council China (Sino-UK higher Education for PhD studies) to Y.D. and C.D.M., and also from the following funding resources: Tenovus Scotland (G12/05, B.L.), The Carnegie Trust (RG13060-10, B.L.) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (91232724, Y.D.; 31100788, L.Z.; 81200933, N.N.S.; 31528011, B.L. and Y.D.).


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Natural IgM (nIgM) is constitutively present in the serum, where it aids in the early control of viral and bacterial expansions. nIgM also plays a significant role in the prevention of autoimmune disease by promoting the clearance of cellular debris. However, the cells that maintain high titers of nIgM in the circulation had not yet been identified. Several studies have linked serum nIgM with the presence of fetal-lineage B cells, and others have detected IgM secretion directly by B1a cells in various tissues. Nevertheless, a substantial contribution of undifferentiated B1 cells to nIgM titers is doubtful, as the ability to produce large quantities of antibody (Ab) is a function of the phenotype and morphology of differentiated plasma cells (PCs). No direct evidence exists to support the claim that a B1-cell population directly produces the bulk of circulating nIgM. The source of nIgM thus remained uncertain and unstudied.

In the first part of this study, I identified the primary source of nIgM. Using enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot (ELISPOT) assay, I determined that the majority of IgM Ab-secreting cells (ASCs) in naïve mice reside in the bone marrow (BM). Flow cytometric analysis of BM cells stained for intracellular IgM revealed that nIgM ASCs express IgM and the PC marker CD138 on their surface, but not the B1a cell marker CD5. By spinning these cells onto slides and staining them, following isolation by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS), I found that they exhibit the typical morphological characteristics of terminally differentiated PCs. Transfer experiments demonstrated that BM nIgM PCs arise from a progenitor in the peritoneal cavity (PerC), but not isolated PerC B1a, B1b, or B2 cells. Immunoglobulin (Ig) gene sequence analysis and examination of B1-8i mice, which carry an Ig knockin that prohibits fetal B-cell development, indicated that nIgM PCs differentiate from fetal-lineage B cells. BrdU uptake experiments showed that the nIgM ASC compartment contains a substantial fraction of long-lived plasma cells (LLPCs). Finally, I demonstrated that nIgM PCs occupy a survival niche distinct from that used by IgG PCs.

In the second part of this dissertation, I characterized the unique survival niche of nIgM LLPCs, which maintain constitutive high titers of nIgM in the serum. By using genetically deficient or Ab-depleted mice, I found that neither T cells, type 2 innate lymphoid cells, nor mast cells, the three major hematopoietic producers of IL-5, were required for nIgM PC survival in the BM. However, IgM PCs associate strongly with IL-5-expressing BM stromal cells, which support their survival in vitro when stimulated. In vivo neutralization of IL-5 revealed that, like individual survival factors for IgG PCs, IL-5 is not the sole supporter of IgM PCs, but is likely one of several redundant molecules that together ensure uninterrupted signaling. Thus, the long-lived nIgM PC niche is not composed of hematopoietic sources of IL-5, but a stromal cell microenvironment that provides multiple redundant survival signals.

In the final part of my study, I identified and characterized the precursor of nIgM PCs, which I found in the first project to be resident in the PerC, but not a B1a, B1b, or B2 cell. By transferring PerC cells sorted based on expression of CD19, CD5, and CD11b, I found that only the CD19+CD5+CD11b- population contained cells capable of differentiating into nIgM PCs. Transfer of decreasing numbers of unfractionated PerC cells into Rag1 knockouts revealed an order-of-magnitude drop in the rate of serum IgM reconstitution between stochastically sampled pools of 106 and 3x105 PerC cells, suggesting that the CD19+CD5+CD11b- compartment comprises two cell types, and that interaction between the two necessary for nIgM-PC differentiation. By transferring neonatal liver, I determined that the early hematopoietic environment is required for nIgM PC precursors to develop. Using mice carrying a mutation that disturbs cKit expression, I also found that cKit appears to be required at a critical point near birth for the proper development of nIgM PC precursors.

The collective results of these studies demonstrate that nIgM is the product of BM-resident PCs, which differentiate from a PerC B cell precursor distinct from B1a cells, and survive long-term in a unique survival niche created by stromal cells. My work creates a new paradigm by which to understand nIgM, B1 cell, and PC biology.


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Tuned liquid column dampers have been proved to be successful in mitigating the dynamic responses of civil infrastructure. There have been some recent applications of this concept on wind turbines and this passive control system can help to mitigate responses of offshore floating platforms and wave devices. The control of dynamic responses of these devices is important for reducing loads on structural elements and facilitating operations and maintenance (O&M) activities. This paper outlines the use of a tuned single liquid column damper for the control of a tension leg platform supported wind turbine. Theoretical studies were carried out and a scaled model was tested in a wave basin to assess the performance of the damper. The tests on the model presented in this paper correspond to a platform with a very low natural frequency for surge, sway and yaw motions. For practical purposes, it was not possible to tune the liquid damper exactly to this frequency. The consequent approach taken and the efficiency of such approach are presented in this paper. Responses to waves of a single frequency are investigated along with responses obtained from wave spectra characterising typical sea states. The extent of control is quantified using peak and root mean squared dynamic responses respectively. The tests present some guidelines and challenges for testing scaled devices in relation to including response control mechanisms. Additionally, the results provide a basis for dictating future research on tuned liquid column damper based control on floating platforms.


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Although there are several studies looking at the effect of natural disasters on economic growth, less attention has been dedicated to their impact on educational outcomes, especially in more developed countries. We use the synthetic control method to examine how the L’Aquila earthquake affected subsequent enrolment at the local university. This issue has wide economic implications as the University of L’Aquila made a large contribution to the local economy before the earthquake. Our results indicate that the earthquake had no statistically significant effect on first-year enrolment at the University of L’Aquila in the three academic years after the disaster. This natural disaster, however, caused a compositional change in the first-year student population, with a substantial increase in the number of students aged 21 or above. This is likely to have been driven by post-disaster measures adopted in order to mitigate the expected negative effects on enrolment triggered by the earthquake.