585 resultados para mobilité articulaire
The objective of the PhD thesis was to research technologies and strategies to reduce fuel consumption and pollutants emission produced by internal combustion engines. In order to meet this objective my activity was focused on the research of advanced controls based on cylinder pressure feedback. These types of control strategies were studied because they present promising results in terms of engine efficiency enhancement. In the PhD dissertation two study cases are presented. The first case is relative to a control strategy to be used at the test bench for the optimisation of the spark advance calibration of motorcycle Engine. The second case is relative to a control strategy to be used directly on board of mining engines with the objective or reducing the engine consumption and correct ageing effects. In both cases the strategies proved to be effective but their implementation required the use of specific toolchains for the measure of the cylinder pressure feedback that for a matter of cost makes feasible the strategy use only for applications: • At test bench • In small-markets like large off-road engines The major bottleneck that prevents the implementation of these strategies on mass production is the cost of cylinder pressure sensor. In order to tackle this issue, during the PhD research, the development of a low-cost sensor for the estimation of cylinder pressure was studied. The prototype was a piezo-electric washer designed to replace the standard spark-plug washer or high-pressure fuel injectors gasket. From the data analysis emerged the possibility to use the piezo-electric prototype signal to evaluate with accuracy several combustion metrics compatible for the implementation of advanced control strategies in on-board applications. Overall, the research shows that advanced combustion controls are feasible and beneficial, not only at the test bench or on stationary engines, but also in mass-produced engines.
In this thesis, a thorough investigation on acoustic noise control systems for realistic automotive scenarios is presented. The thesis is organized in two parts dealing with the main topics treated: Active Noise Control (ANC) systems and Virtual Microphone Technique (VMT), respectively. The technology of ANC allows to increase the driver's/passenger's comfort and safety exploiting the principle of mitigating the disturbing acoustic noise by the superposition of a secondary sound wave of equal amplitude but opposite phase. Performance analyses of both FeedForwrd (FF) and FeedBack (FB) ANC systems, in experimental scenarios, are presented. Since, environmental vibration noises within a car cabin are time-varying, most of the ANC solutions are adaptive. However, in this work, an effective fixed FB ANC system is proposed. Various ANC schemes are considered and compared with each other. In order to find the best possible ANC configuration which optimizes the performance in terms of disturbing noise attenuation, a thorough research of \gls{KPI}, system parameters and experimental setups design, is carried out. In the second part of this thesis, VMT, based on the estimation of specific acoustic channels, is investigated with the aim of generating a quiet acoustic zone around a confined area, e.g., the driver's ears. Performance analysis and comparison of various estimation approaches is presented. Several measurement campaigns were performed in order to acquire a sufficient duration and number of microphone signals in a significant variety of driving scenarios and employed cars. To do this, different experimental setups were designed and their performance compared. Design guidelines are given to obtain good trade-off between accuracy performance and equipment costs. Finally, a preliminary analysis with an innovative approach based on Neural Networks (NNs) to improve the current state of the art in microphone virtualization is proposed.
Zero-carbon powertrains development has become one of the main challenges for automotive industries around the world. Following this guideline, several approaches such as powertrain electrification, advanced combustions, and hydrogen internal combustion engines have been aimed to achieve the goal. Low Temperature Combustions, characterized by a simultaneous reduction of fuel consumption and emissions, represent one of the most studied solutions moving towards a sustainable mobility. Previous research demonstrate that Gasoline partially premixed Compression Ignition combustion is one of the most promising LTC. Mainly characterized by the high-pressure direct-injection of gasoline and the spontaneous ignition of the premixed air-fuel mixture, GCI combustion has shown a good potential to achieve the high thermal efficiency and low pollutants in compression ignited engines required by future emission regulations. Despite its potential, GCI combustion might suffer from low combustion controllability and stability, because gasoline spontaneous ignition is significantly affected by slight variations of the local in-cylinder thermal conditions. Therefore, to properly control GCI combustion assuring the maximum performance, a deep knowledge of the combustion process, i.e., gasoline auto-ignition and the effect of the control parameters on the combustion and pollutants, is mandatory. This PhD dissertation focuses on the study of GCI combustion in a light-duty compression ignited engine. Starting from a standard 1.3L diesel engine, this work describes the activities made moving toward the full conversion of the engine. A preliminary study of the GCI combustion was conducted in a “Single-Cylinder” engine configuration highlighting combustion characteristics and dependencies on the control parameters. Then, the full engine conversion was performed, and a wide experimental campaign allowed to confirm the benefits of this advanced combustion methodologies in terms of pollutants and thermal efficiency. The analysis of the in-cylinder pressure signal allowed to study in depth the GCI combustion and develop control-oriented models aimed to improve the combustion stability.
Multi-phase electrical drives are potential candidates for the employment in innovative electric vehicle powertrains, in response to the request for high efficiency and reliability of this type of application. In addition to the multi-phase technology, in the last decades also, multilevel technology has been developed. These two technologies are somewhat complementary since both allow increasing the power rating of the system without increasing the current and voltage ratings of the single power switches of the inverter. In this thesis, some different topics concerning the inverter, the motor and the fault diagnosis of an electric vehicle powertrain are addressed. In particular, the attention is focused on multi-phase and multilevel technologies and their potential advantages with respect to traditional technologies. First of all, the mathematical models of two multi-phase machines, a five-phase induction machine and an asymmetrical six-phase permanent magnet synchronous machines are developed using the Vector Space Decomposition approach. Then, a new modulation technique for multi-phase multilevel T-type inverters, which solves the voltage balancing problem of the DC-link capacitors, ensuring flexible management of the capacitor voltages, is developed. The technique is based on the proper selection of the zero-sequence component of the modulating signals. Subsequently, a diagnostic technique for detecting the state of health of the rotor magnets in a six-phase permanent magnet synchronous machine is established. The technique is based on analysing the electromotive force induced in the stator windings by the rotor magnets. Furthermore, an innovative algorithm able to extend the linear modulation region for five-phase inverters, taking advantage of the multiple degrees of freedom available in multi-phase systems is presented. Finally, the mathematical model of an eighteen-phase squirrel cage induction motor is defined. This activity aims to develop a motor drive able to change the number of poles of the machine during the machine operation.
Il termine go-tv fa riferimento a i sistemi di videocomunicazione collocati a bordo di mezzi di trasporto e in ambienti collegati, ad alto transito di passeggeri. Limitando l’analisi al territorio italiano, la ricerca intende ricostruire le coordinate storiche del suo sviluppo, inquadrandolo entro il più ampio contesto dei media contemporanei. Da un punto di vista teorico, sono considerati sia il legame del mezzo con l’ambiente urbano, sia le interconnessioni tra comunicazione, mobilità e trasporti, riflesse nel particolare statuto sociale e topologico chiamato in causa dai suoi luoghi di consumo. Dall’approvvigionamento alla messa in onda dei contenuti, cardine speculativo del lavoro è la disamina, su base esplorativa, delle consuetudini commerciali e professionali sottese a questo speciale canale di distribuzione audiovisiva, nel quadro di apposite pratiche d’azienda, campionate nel solco degli studi sulla produzione mediale. Tre sono gli snodi principali del progetto: la proposta di una definizione univoca del fenomeno, condivisibile dai diversi attori coinvolti nella filiera, una prima modellizzazione del suo profilo mediale e una mappatura dei principali casi di go-tv rinvenibili a livello nazionale, arricchita da una serie di studi di caso.
The design optimization of industrial products has always been an essential activity to improve product quality while reducing time-to-market and production costs. Although cost management is very complex and comprises all phases of the product life cycle, the control of geometrical and dimensional variations, known as Dimensional Management (DM), allows compliance with product and process requirements. Hence, the tolerance-cost optimization becomes the main practice to provide an effective application of Design for Tolerancing (DfT) and Design to Cost (DtC) approaches by enabling a connection between product tolerances and associated manufacturing costs. However, despite the growing interest in this topic, a profitable application in the industry of these techniques is hampered by their complexity: the definition of a systematic framework is the key element to improving design optimization, enhancing the concurrent use of Computer-Aided tools and Model-Based Definition (MBD) practices. The present doctorate research aims to define and develop an integrated methodology for product/process design optimization, to better exploit the new capabilities of advanced simulations and tools. By implementing predictive models and multi-disciplinary optimization, a Computer-Aided Integrated framework for tolerance-cost optimization has been proposed to allow the integration of DfT and DtC approaches and their direct application for the design of automotive components. Several case studies have been considered, with the final application of the integrated framework on a high-performance V12 engine assembly, to achieve both functional targets and cost reduction. From a scientific point of view, the proposed methodology provides an improvement for the tolerance-cost optimization of industrial components. The integration of theoretical approaches and Computer-Aided tools allows to analyse the influence of tolerances on both product performance and manufacturing costs. The case studies proved the suitability of the methodology for its application in the industrial field, providing the identification of further areas for improvement and refinement.
This PhD work arises from the necessity to give a contribution to the energy saving field, regarding automotive applications. The aim was to produce a multidisciplinary work to show how much important is to consider different aspects of an electric car realization: from innovative materials to cutting-edge battery thermal management systems (BTMSs), also dealing with the life cycle assessment (LCA) of the battery packs (BPs). Regarding the materials, it has been chosen to focus on carbon fiber composites as their use allows realizing light products with great mechanical properties. Processes and methods to produce carbon fiber goods have been analysed with a special attention on the university solar car Emilia 4. The work proceeds dealing with the common BTMSs on the market (air-cooled, cooling plates, heat pipes) and then it deepens some of the most innovative systems such as the PCM-based BTMSs after a previous experimental campaign to characterize the PCMs. After that, a complex experimental campaign regarding the PCM-based BTMSs has been carried on, considering both uninsulated and insulated systems. About the first category the tested systems have been pure PCM-based and copper-foam-loaded-PCM-based BTMSs; the insulated tested systems have been pure PCM-based and copper-foam-loaded-PCM-based BTMSs and both of these systems equipped with a liquid cooling circuit. The choice of lighter building materials and the optimization of the BTMS are strategies which helps in reducing the energy consumption, considering both the energy required by the car to move and the BP state of health (SOH). Focusing on this last factor, a clear explanation regarding the importance of taking care about the SOH is given by the analysis of a BP production energy consumption. This is why a final dissertation about the life cycle assessment (LCA) of a BP unit has been presented in this thesis.
L’obiettivo di questa analisi è di coniugare la ricostruzione dei processi di assoggettamento che producono i copioni entro cui prende forma la soggettività dei profughi siriani, con la ricostruzione delle problematizzazioni alla base dei sistemi di controllo e gestione della circolazione regolare. Secondo l’UNHCR, tra il 2012 e il 2016 quasi un milione e mezzo di profughi siriani si è stabilita in Libano nel tentativo di sottrarsi all’intensificarsi del conflitto tra il regime di Assad e il fronte variegato di milizie ribelli. Questa popolazione in esilio si è confrontata con le politiche di amministrazione e controllo della loro presenza dispiegate dall’assemblaggio tra istituzioni locali e internazionali: in particolare, i governi libanesi che si sono avvicendati dal 2013 hanno progressivamente implementato interventi di inclusione differenziale della popolazione di profughi, relegandone la maggioranza in uno stato di marginalità e precarietà esistenziale. Di conseguenza, per molti di loro provare ad accedere a forme di mobilità regolare si impone come uno dei pochi percorsi possibili per ottenere il riconoscimento di un livello minimo di esistenza legittima. L’analisi sviluppata in questo elaborato si basa su una ricerca etnografica condotta in Libano nella regione dell’Akkar tra il 2019 e il 2020, a cui è stata associato uno studio dell’infrastruttura tecnico-politica dei Corridoi Umanitari, un programma per la mobilità dei profughi avviato nel biennio 2016-2017, grazie alla collaborazione tra autorità italiane e una serie di associazioni religiose attive in Italia.
The research project aims to improve the Design for Additive Manufacturing of metal components. Firstly, the scenario of Additive Manufacturing is depicted, describing its role in Industry 4.0 and in particular focusing on Metal Additive Manufacturing technologies and the Automotive sector applications. Secondly, the state of the art in Design for Additive Manufacturing is described, contextualizing the methodologies, and classifying guidelines, rules, and approaches. The key phases of product design and process design to achieve lightweight functional designs and reliable processes are deepened together with the Computer-Aided Technologies to support the approaches implementation. Therefore, a general Design for Additive Manufacturing workflow based on product and process optimization has been systematically defined. From the analysis of the state of the art, the use of a holistic approach has been considered fundamental and thus the use of integrated product-process design platforms has been evaluated as a key element for its development. Indeed, a computer-based methodology exploiting integrated tools and numerical simulations to drive the product and process optimization has been proposed. A validation of CAD platform-based approaches has been performed, as well as potentials offered by integrated tools have been evaluated. Concerning product optimization, systematic approaches to integrate topology optimization in the design have been proposed and validated through product optimization of an automotive case study. Concerning process optimization, the use of process simulation techniques to prevent manufacturing flaws related to the high thermal gradients of metal processes is developed, providing case studies to validate results compared to experimental data, and application to process optimization of an automotive case study. Finally, an example of the product and process design through the proposed simulation-driven integrated approach is provided to prove the method's suitability for effective redesigns of Additive Manufacturing based high-performance metal products. The results are then outlined, and further developments are discussed.
This research proposes a solution for integrating RFID - Radio Frequency Identification technology within a structure based on CFRPs - Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers. Therefore, the main objective is to use technology to monitor and track composite components during manufacturing and service life. The study can be divided into two macro-areas. The first portion of the research evaluates the impact of the composite materials used on transmitting the electromagnetic signal to and from the tag. RFID technology communicates through radio frequencies to to track and trace items associated with the tags. In the first instance, a feasibility study was carried out to assess using commercially available tags. Then, after evaluating different solutions, it was decided to incorporate the tags into coupons during production. The second portion of the research is focused on evaluating the impact on the composite material's resistance to tag embedding. It starts with designing tensile test specimens through the FEM model with different housing configurations. Subsequently, the best configuration was tested in the facilities of the In the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at TU Delft, particularly in the Structure & Materials Laboratory, two tests were conducted: the first one based on ASTM D3039/D3039 - 14 - Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials, the second one dividing the path to failure into failure intervals in a load-unload-reload. Both tests were accompanied by instruments such as DIC, AE, C-Scan and Optical Microscopes. The expected result of the inclusion of RFID tags in composite components is that it brings added value to the parts with which it is associated without affecting too much its mechanical properties. This comes first from the automatic identification of RFID during the production cycle and its useful life. As a result, improvements were made in the design of production facilities.
Image-to-image (i2i) translation networks can generate fake images beneficial for many applications in augmented reality, computer graphics, and robotics. However, they require large scale datasets and high contextual understanding to be trained correctly. In this thesis, we propose strategies for solving these problems, improving performances of i2i translation networks by using domain- or physics-related priors. The thesis is divided into two parts. In Part I, we exploit human abstraction capabilities to identify existing relationships in images, thus defining domains that can be leveraged to improve data usage efficiency. We use additional domain-related information to train networks on web-crawled data, hallucinate scenarios unseen during training, and perform few-shot learning. In Part II, we instead rely on physics priors. First, we combine realistic physics-based rendering with generative networks to boost outputs realism and controllability. Then, we exploit naive physical guidance to drive a manifold reorganization, which allowed generating continuous conditions such as timelapses.
The microstructure of 6XXX aluminum alloys deeply affects mechanical, crash, corrosion and aesthetic properties of extruded profiles. Unfortunately, grain structure evolution during manufacturing processes is a complex phenomenon because several process and material parameters such as alloy chemical composition, temperature, extrusion speed, tools geometries, quenching and thermal treatment parameters affect the grain evolution during the manufacturing process. The aim of the present PhD thesis was the analysis of the recrystallization kinetics during the hot extrusion of 6XXX aluminum alloys and the development of reliable recrystallization models to be used in FEM codes for the microstructure prediction at a die design stage. Experimental activities have been carried out in order to acquire data for the recrystallization models development, validation and also to investigate the effect of process parameters and die design on the microstructure of the final component. The experimental campaign reported in this thesis involved the extrusion of AA6063, AA6060 and AA6082 profiles with different process parameters in order to provide a reliable amount of data for the models validation. A particular focus was made to investigate the PCG defect evolution during the extrusion of medium-strength alloys such as AA6082. Several die designs and process conditions were analysed in order to understand the influence of each of them on the recrystallization behaviour of the investigated alloy. From the numerical point of view, innovative models for the microstructure prediction were developed and validated over the extrusion of industrial-scale profiles with complex geometries, showing a good matching in terms of the grain size and surface recrystallization prediction. The achieved results suggest the reliability of the developed models and their application in the industrial field for process and material properties optimization at a die-design stage.
Gli investimenti alle infrastrutture di trasporto sono stati per lungo tempo considerati misure di politica generale di competenza esclusiva degli Stati membri, nonostante il generale divieto di misure di sostegno pubblico a favore delle imprese ai sensi dell’art. 107 TFUE. Le sentenze rese dalle corti eurounitarie in relazione agli aeroporti di Parigi e di Lipsia Halle hanno dato avvio ad un vero e proprio revirement giurisprudenziale, in considerazione delle trasformazioni economiche internazionali, rimettendo in discussione il concetto di impresa, nonché la ferma interpretazione secondo cui il finanziamento alle infrastrutture – in quanto beni pubblici intesi a soddisfare i bisogni di mobilità dei cittadini – sfuggirebbe all’applicazione della disciplina degli aiuti di Stato. Nonostante le esigenze di costante ammodernamento e sviluppo delle infrastrutture, il nuovo quadro regolatorio adottato dall’Unione europea a seguire ha condotto inevitabilmente gli Stati membri a dover sottoporre al vaglio preventivo della Commissione ogni nuovo investimento infrastrutturale. La presente trattazione, muovendo dall’analisi della disciplina degli aiuti di Stato di cui agli artt. 107 e ss. TFUE, analizza i principi di creazione giurisprudenziale e dottrinale che derivano dall’interpretazione delle fonti primarie, mettendo in evidenza le principali problematiche giuridiche sottese, anche in considerazione delle peculiarità delle infrastrutture in questione, dei modelli proprietari e di governance, delle competenze e dei poteri decisionali in merito a nuovi progetti di investimento. Infine, la trattazione si concentra sui grandi progetti infrastrutturali a livello europeo e internazionale che interessano le reti di trasporto, analizzando le nuove sfide, pur considerando la necessità di assicurare, anche rispetto ad essi, la salvaguardia del cd. level playing field e l’osservanza sostanziale delle norme sugli aiuti di Stato.
In the last years the increasing demand of higher torque and power densities has led to the adoption of hairpin windings (HWs) in electrical machines, mainly in those intended for automotive applications. However, this winding topology is quite sensitive to AC losses, hence one of their main challenges is represented by their reduction. This work deals with different design aspects related to the enhancements of some performance figures of rotating electrical machines for traction applications, above all power density and reliability, mainly through the adoption of HWs.
This Doctoral Thesis aims to study and develop advanced and high-efficient battery chargers for full electric and plug-in electric cars. The document is strictly industry-oriented and relies on automotive standards and regulations. In the first part a general overview about wireless power transfer battery chargers (WPTBCs) and a deep investigation about international standards are carried out. Then, due to the highly increasing attention given to WPTBCs by the automotive industry and considering the need of minimizing weight, size and number of components this work focuses on those architectures that realize a single stage for on-board power conversion avoiding the implementation of the DC/DC converter upstream the battery. Based on the results of the state-of-the-art, the following sections focus on two stages of the architecture: the resonant tank and the primary DC/AC inverter. To reach the maximum transfer efficiency while minimizing weight and size of the vehicle assembly a coordinated system level design procedure for resonant tank along with an innovative control algorithm for the DC/AC primary inverter is proposed. The presented solutions are generalized and adapted for the best trade-off topologies of compensation networks: Series-Series and Series-Parallel. To assess the effectiveness of the above-mentioned objectives, validation and testing are performed through a simulation environment, while experimental test benches are carried out by the collaboration of Delft University of Technology (TU Delft).