921 resultados para metallic nanoparticle
A round robin program zoos conducted to assess the ability of three different X-radiographic systems for imaging internal fatigue cracks in riveted lap joints of composite glass reinforced fiber/metal laminate. From an engineering perspective, conventional film radiography and direct radiography have produced the best results, identifying and characterizing in detail internal damage on metallic faying surfaces of fastened glass reinforced fiber/metal laminate joints. On the other hand, computed radiographic images presented large projected geometric distortions and feature shifts due to the angular incident radiation beam, disclosing only partial internal cracking patterns.
A thermodynamic approach to predict bulk glass-forming compositions in binary metallic systems was recently proposed. In this approach. the parameter gamma* = Delta H-amor/(Delta H-inter - Delta H-amor) indicates the glass-forming ability (GFA) from the standpoint of the driving force to form different competing phases, and Delta H-amor and Delta H-inter are the enthalpies for-lass and intermetallic formation, respectively. Good glass-forming compositions should have a large negative enthalpy for glass formation and a very small difference for intermetallic formation, thus making the glassy phase easily reachable even under low cooling rates. The gamma* parameter showed a good correlation with GFA experimental data in the Ni-Nb binary system. In this work, a simple extension of the gamma* parameter is applied in the ternary Al-Ni-Y system. The calculated gamma* isocontours in the ternary diagram are compared with experimental results of glass formation in that system. Despite sonic misfitting, the best glass formers are found quite close to the highest gamma* values, leading to the conclusion that this thermodynamic approach can lie extended to ternary systems, serving as a useful tool for the development of new glass-forming compositions. Finally the thermodynamic approach is compared with the topological instability criteria used to predict the thermal behavior of glassy Al alloys. (C) 2007 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
In this work, a criterion considering the topological instability (lambda) and the differences in the electronegativity of the constituent elements (Delta e) was applied to the Al-La and Al-Ni-La systems in order to predict the best glass-forming compositions. The results were compared with literature data and with our own experimental data for the Al-La-Ni system. The alloy described in the literature as the best glass former in the Al-La system is located near the point with local maximum for the lambda.Delta e criterion. A good agreement was found between the predictions of the lambda.Delta e criterion and literature data in the Al-La-Ni system, with the region of the best glass-forming ability (GFA) and largest supercooled liquid region (Delta T(x)) coinciding with the best compositional region for amorphization indicated by the lambda.Delta e criterion. Four new glassy compositions were found in the Al-La-Ni system, with the best predicted composition presenting the best glass-forming ability observed so far for this system. Although the lambda.Delta e criterion needs further refinements for completely describe the glass-forming ability in the Al-La and Al-La-Ni systems, the results demonstrated that this criterion is a good tool to predict new glass-forming compositions. (C) 2010 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
This work examines the extraction of mechanical properties from instrumented indentation P-h(s) curves via extensive three-dimensional finite element analyses for pyramidal tips in a wide range of solids under frictional and frictionless contact conditions. Since the topography of the imprint changes with the level of pile-up or sink-in, a relationship is identified between correction factor beta in the elastic equation for the unloading indentation stage and the amount of surface deformation effects. It is shown that the presumption of a constant beta significantly affects mechanical property extractions. Consequently, a new best-fit function is found for the correlation between penetration depth ratios h(e)/h(max), h(r)/h(max) and n, circumventing the need for the assumption of a constant value for beta, made in our prior investigation [Acta Mater. 53 (2005) pp. 3545-3561]. Simulations under frictional contact conditions provide sensible boundaries for the influence of friction on both h(e)/h(max) and h(r)/h(max). Friction is essentially found to induce an overestimation in the inferred n. Instrumented indentation experiments are also performed in three archetypal metallic materials exhibiting distinctly different contact responses. Mechanical property extractions are finally demonstrated in each of these materials.
In this paper, a review of the thermodynamic approaches of sliding wear is presented. These approaches are divided into the friction energy dissipation, the energy balance and the entropy production. A concise and critic account of the approaches is discussed, remarking their relative strength and weakness in explaining the phenomena occurring in the sliding wear.
In the unlubricated sliding wear of steels the mild-severe and severe-mild wear transitions have long been investigated. The effect of system inputs such as normal load, sliding speed, environment humidity and temperature, material properties, among others, on those transitions have also been studied. Although transitions seem to be caused by microstructural changes, surfaces oxidation and work-hardening, some questions remain regarding the way each aspect is involved. Since the early studies in sliding wear, it has usually been assumed that only the material properties of the softer body influence the wear behavior of contacting surfaces. For example, the Archard equation involves only the hardness of the softer body, without considering the hardness of the harder body. This work aims to discuss the importance of the harder body hardness in determining the wear regime operation. For this, pin-on-disk wear tests were carried out, in which the disk material was always harder than the pin material. Variations of the friction force and vertical displacement of the pin were registered during the tests. A material characterization before and after tests was conducted using stereoscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) methods, in addition to mass loss, surface roughness and microhardness measurements. The wear results confirmed the occurrence of a mild-severe wear transition when the disk hardness was decreased. The disk hardness to pin hardness ratio (H(d)/H(p)) was used as a criterion to establish the nature of surface contact deformation and to determine the wear regime transition. A predominantly elastic or plastic contact, characterized by H(d)/H(p) values higher or lower than one, results in a mild or severe wear regime operation, respectively. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper reports an innovative development: concentrating gibbsite via reverse froth flotation in order to obtain a metallurgical-grade bauxite concentrate. Tailings from an industrial plant have undergone attrition scrubbing and desliming; the quartz silica contained in the tailings has undergone flotation. Starch was used as a depressant, and ether-amine as the cationic collector. Optimum pH is around 10.0. In pilot plant scale, a metallurgical-grade concentrate was obtained by assaying 42.3% available alumina with an alumina/insoluble silica mass ratio of 11.1. It contained the gibbsite and the iron and titanium bearing minerals. The concentrate was further upgraded by magnetic separation, leading to 54.0% available alumina, with an alumina/insoluble silica mass ratio of 12.6 at an overall available alumina recovery of 69.3% in the final concentrate (non-magnetic product). (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Sensors and actuators based on piezoelectric plates have shown increasing demand in the field of smart structures, including the development of actuators for cooling and fluid-pumping applications and transducers for novel energy-harvesting devices. This project involves the development of a topology optimization formulation for dynamic design of piezoelectric laminated plates aiming at piezoelectric sensors, actuators and energy-harvesting applications. It distributes piezoelectric material over a metallic plate in order to achieve a desired dynamic behavior with specified resonance frequencies, modes, and enhanced electromechanical coupling factor (EMCC). The finite element employs a piezoelectric plate based on the MITC formulation, which is reliable, efficient and avoids the shear locking problem. The topology optimization formulation is based on the PEMAP-P model combined with the RAMP model, where the design variables are the pseudo-densities that describe the amount of piezoelectric material at each finite element and its polarization sign. The design problem formulated aims at designing simultaneously an eigenshape, i.e., maximizing and minimizing vibration amplitudes at certain points of the structure in a given eigenmode, while tuning the eigenvalue to a desired value and also maximizing its EMCC, so that the energy conversion is maximized for that mode. The optimization problem is solved by using sequential linear programming. Through this formulation, a design with enhancing energy conversion in the low-frequency spectrum is obtained, by minimizing a set of first eigenvalues, enhancing their corresponding eigenshapes while maximizing their EMCCs, which can be considered an approach to the design of energy-harvesting devices. The implementation of the topology optimization algorithm and some results are presented to illustrate the method.
Aluminum white dross is a valuable material principally due to its high metallic aluminum content. The aim of this work is to develop a method for quantitative analysis of aluminum white dross with high accuracy. Initially, the material was separated into four granulometric fractions by means of screening. Two samples of each fraction were obtained, which were analyzed by means of X-ray fluorescence and energy dispersive spectroscopy in order to determine the elements present in the samples. The crystalline phases aluminum, corundum, spinel, defect spinel, diaoyudaoite, aluminum nitride, silicon and quartz low were identified by X-ray diffraction. The quantitative phase analysis was performed by fitting the X-ray diffraction profile with the Rietveld method using the GSAS software. The following quantitative results were found: 77.8% aluminum, 7.3% corundum, 2.6% spinel, 7.6% defect spinel, 1.8% diaoyudaoite, 2.9% aluminum nitride, and values not significant of quartz and silicon.
The premature failure of a large agglomeration machine used for the annual production of 360,000 m(3) of eucalypt fiber panels was investigated to identify the nucleation and growth mechanisms of cracking in PH stainless steel belts (126 m x 2.9 m x 3.0 mm). These belts are used to compress a cushion composed of eucalyptus fibers and glue, being the pressure transmitted from the pistons by the action of numerous case-hardening steel rolls. Examination of the belt working interfaces (belt/rolls and belt/eucalypt fibers) indicated that the main cracking was nucleated on the belt/roll interface and that there is a clear relationship between the crack nucleation and the presence of superficial irregularities, which were observed on the belt/roll working surface. Used rolls showed the presence of perimetric wear marks and 2 mu m silicon-rich encrusted particles (identified as silicon carbide). Lubricant residues contained the presence of helicoidal wires, which were originated by the release of the stainless steel cleaning brush bristles, and 15 mu m diameter metallic particles, which were generated by material detachment of the belt. The presence of foreign particles on the tribological interface contributed to an increase of the shear stresses at the surfaces and, consequently, the number of the contact fatigue crack nucleation sites in the belt/roll tribo-interface. The cracking was originated on the belt/roll interface of the stainless steel belt by a mixed rolling/slip contact fatigue mechanism, which promoted spalling and further nucleation and growth of conventional fatigue cracks. Finally, the system lubrication efficiency and the cleaning procedure should be optimised in order to increase the life expectancy of the belt. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effect of different microstructures on the polarization resistance (Rp) and the hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC) of a micro-alloyed steel austenitized and submitted to different cooling rates was studied. Samples 19.1 x 6 x 2 mm, containing the whole thickness of the plate were extracted from a 20 mm plate and heat treated on a quenching dilatometer, were submitted to Rp and HIC corrosion tests. Both Rp and HIC tests followed as close as possible ASTM G59 and NACE standard TM0284-2003, in this case, modified only with regard to the size of the samples. Steel samples transformed from austenite by a slow cooling (cooling rate of 0.5 degrees C.s(-1)) showed higher susceptibility to hydrogen-induced cracking, with large cracks in the middle of the sample propagating along segregation bands, corresponding to the centerline of the plate thickness. For cooling rates of 10 degrees C.s(-1), only small cracks were found in the matrix and micro cracks nucleated at non-metallic inclusions. For higher cooling rates (40 degrees C.s(-1)) very few small cracks were detected, linked to non-metallic inclusions. This result suggests that structures formed by polygonal structures and segregation bands (were cutectoid microconstituents predominate) have higher susceptibility to HIC. Structures predominantly formed by acicular ferrite make it difficult to propagate the cracks among non-oriented and interlaced acicular ferrite crystals. Smaller segregation bands containing eutectoid products also help inhibit cracking and crack propagation; segregation bands can function as pipelines for hydrogen diffusion and offer a path of stress concentration for the propagation of cracks, frequently associated to non-metallic inclusions. Polarization resistance essays performed on the steel in theas received condition, prior to any heat treatment, showed larger differences between the regions of the plate, with a considerably lower Rp in the centerline. The austenitization heat treatments followed by cooling rates of 0.5 e 10 degrees C.s(-1) made more uniform the corrosion resistance along the thickness of the plate. The effects of heat treatments on the corrosion resistance are probably related to the microconstituent formed, allied to the chemical homogenization of the impurities concentrated on the centerline of the plate.
This paper presents the results obtained with the production of briquettes from the steel grit found in the residue of ornamental rocks. The grit recovered by magnetic separation was characterized by titrimetric analysis, EDS (Electron Dispersive Spectroscopy) and X-ray diffraction for the analysis of iron concentration in the residue. The size and distribution of particles were obtained by the granulometric analysis method and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The process resulted in a concentrate containing 93% metallic iron. The maximum load before fracture of the green briquettes was 1.02kN and of the dry briquettes was 3.59kN.
In this work, we experimentally showed that the spontaneous segregation of MgO as surface excess in MgO doped SnO(2) nanoparticles plays an important role in the system`s energetics and stability. Using Xray fluorescence in specially treated samples, we quantitatively determined the fraction of MgO forming surface excess when doping SnO(2) with several different concentrations and established a relationship between this amount and the surface energy of the nanoparticles using the Gibbs approach. We concluded that the amount of Mg ions on the surface was directly related to the nanoparticles total free energy, in a sense that the dopant will always spontaneously distribute itself to minimize it if enough diffusion is provided. Because we were dealing with nanosized particles, the effect of MgO on the surface was particularly important and has a direct effect on the equilibrium particle size (nanoparticle stability), such that the lower the surface energy is, the smaller the particle sizes are, evidencing and quantifying the thermodynamic basis of using additives to control SnO(2) nanoparticles stability. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The technology of self-reducing pellets for ferro-alloys production is becoming an emerging process due to the lower electric energy consumption and the improvement of metal recovery in comparison with the traditional process. This paper presents the effects of reduction temperature, addition of ferro-silicon and addition of slag forming agents for the production of high carbon ferro-chromium by utilization of self-reducing pellets. These pellets were composed of Brazilian chromium ore (chromite) concentrate, petroleum coke, Portland cement, ferro-silicon and slag forming components (silica and hydrated lime). The pellets were processed at 1 773 K, 1 823 K and 1 873 K using an induction furnace. The products obtained, containing slag and metallic phases, were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and chemical analyses (XEDS). A large effect on the reduction time was observed by increasing the temperature from 1 773 K to 1 823 K for pellets without Fe-Si addition: around 4 times faster at 1 823 K than at 1 773 K for reaction fraction close to one. However, when the temperature was further increased from 1 823 K to 1 873 K the kinetics improved by double. At 1 773 K, the addition of 2% of ferro-silicon in the pellet resulted in an increasing reaction rate of around 6 times, in comparison with agglomerate without it. The addition of fluxing agents (silica and lime), which form initial slag before the reduction is completed, impaired the full reduction. These pellets became less porous after the reduction process.
Nanomaterials have triggered excitement in both fundamental science and technological applications in several fields However, the same characteristic high interface area that is responsible for their unique properties causes unconventional instability, often leading to local collapsing during application Thermodynamically, this can be attributed to an increased contribution of the interface to the free energy, activating phenomena such as sintering and grain growth The lack of reliable interface energy data has restricted the development of conceptual models to allow the control of nanoparticle stability on a thermodynamic basis. Here we introduce a novel and accessible methodology to measure interface energy of nanoparticles exploiting the heat released during sintering to establish a quantitative relation between the solid solid and solid vapor interface energies. We exploited this method in MgO and ZnO nanoparticles and determined that the ratio between the solid solid and solid vapor interface energy is 11 for MgO and 0.7 for ZnO. We then discuss that this ratio is responsible for a thermodynamic metastable state that may prevent collapsing of nanoparticles and, therefore, may be used as a tool to design long-term stable nanoparticles.