845 resultados para metabolic reprogramming


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The aim of this study was to determine whether any differences in the GH-IGF-I axis in juvenile calves were predictive of fertility problems as adult cows. Endogenous metabolic hormone profiles before and after feeding and the response to a GH-releasing factor (GRF) challenge were measured in prepubertal (6 month) dairy calves. These metabolic parameters were subsequently related to physical characteristics at puberty and to ovarian function during the first lactation. Milk progesterone analysis was used to categorize the animals into those with normal progesterone profiles following calving (n = 17) and those that developed delayed ovulation (DOV1, n = 9) or persistent corpus luteum (PCL1, n = 6) profiles. There were associations between prepubertal GH parameters, glucose and non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) concentrations and the body condition score at which the animals attained puberty. The calves which subsequently developed DOV1 profiles as cows tended to have a higher GH pulse amplitude during fasting than normal profile animals, they did not show the anticipated decrease in circulating glucose concentrations following a post-prandial rise in insulin and they also had the lowest IGF-I concentrations. The calves that later developed PCL1 had a significantly larger GH pulse amplitude and pulse area than normal profile animals in the fed period and had the highest IGF-I concentrations. There were no differences in prepubertal insulin or NEFA concentrations or in the GH response to a GRF challenge between the different progesterone profile categories. Plasma IGF-I concentrations in prepubertal animals were positively correlated with their post-calving concentrations, whereas glucose concentrations had a negative correlation between these time-periods. These results suggested that the different juvenile endocrine profiles of the DOV1 cows may predispose them to a higher rate of tissue mobilization during lactation and a consequent reduction in fertility, while altered GH and IGF-I levels in PCL1 cows may later contribute to the maintenance of the persistent corpus luteum. Therefore metabolic differences in prepubertal calves were later reflected by altered reproductive function during the first lactation.


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We have developed a general method for multiplexed quantitative proteomics using differential metabolic stable isotope labeling and mass spectrometry. The method was successfully used to study the dynamics of heat-shock response in Arabidopsis thaliana. A number of known heat-shock proteins were confirmed, and some proteins not previously associated with heat shock were discovered. The method is applicable in stable isotope labeling and allows for high degrees of multiplexing.


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Bacteria have evolved a wide variety of metabolic strategies to cope with varied environments. Some are specialists and only able to survive in restricted environments; others are generalists and able to cope with diverse environmental conditions. Rhizolbia (e.g. Rhizobium, Sinorhizobium, Bradyrhizobium, Mesorhizobium and Azorhizobium species) can survive and compete for nutrients in soil and the plant rhizosphere but can also form a beneficial symbiosis with legumes in a highly specialized plant cell environment. Inside the legume-root nodule, the bacteria (bacteroids) reduce dinitrogen to ammonium, which is secreted to the plant in exchange for a carbon and energy source. A new and challenging aspect of nodule physiology is that nitrogen fixation requires the cycling of amino acids between the bacteroid and plant. This review aims to summarize the metabolic plasticity of rhizobia and the importance of amino acid cycling.


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Obesity is sweeping the westernized world at a rate which far outstrips human genomic evolution, highlighting the importance of the obesogenic environment. Diet is an important component of this obesogenic environment, with certain diets (high fat, high refined carbohydrates and sugar) predisposing to overweight. On the other hand, there are also foods shown to protect against obesity and the diseases of obesity, including whole plant foods, dairy products, dietary fibre and functional foods like probiotics, prebiotics and phytochemicals. Interestingly, many of these foods mediate their health-promoting activities through the gut microbiota. The human gut microbiota itself has recently been identified as a contributory factor in this obesogenic environment, with differences observed between lean and obese. Evidence from human studies indicates that important groups of fermentative bacteria differ in abundance between lean and obese. Recently it has been suggested that anomalous microbiota composition in infancy can predispose to overweight in later life, highlighting the important role of optimal microbiota successional development, and that – as observed in laboratory animals – the gut microbiota may contribute to the aetiology of obesity. In this review we will introduce the gut microbiota, describe its interactions with major dietary components and the host, and then go on to discuss evidence indicating that the gut microbiota may contribute to the obesogenic environment. Finally, we will explore possible strategies for modulating the composition and activity of the human gut microbiota which may impact on obesity or the metabolic diseases associated with obesity. (Nutritional Therapy & Metabolism 2009; 27: 113-33)


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Dietary derived phytochemicals have been proposed to act as beneficial agents in a multitude of disease states, including cancer, cardiovascular disease and neurodegenerative disorders. However, the biological effect of such compounds will ultimately depend on the cellular effects of their circulating metabolites. The focus of this review is to examine the current knowledge regarding the biotransformation of different classes of phytochemicals in humans. Notably, the data compiled here represents only that obtained from human studies following consumption of phytochemicals in meals or in a dose comparable with normal dietary intake. In addition, we have considered only those studies where more powerful analytical techniques have been used in the characterisation of metabolic forms. We provide clear information regarding the types of metabolites that are likely to be present in humans following oral ingestion. Ultimately this will help identify metabolic forms that should represent the focus of future cellular mechanistic investigations.


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Background: Prolonged and exaggerated postprandial plasma triacylglycerol (TAG) concentrations are considered as an independent risk factor for coronary artery disease. Western populations eat many meals at regular intervals, and can be in a postprandial state for at least 17h of a 24h period. After consuming 2 meals an early plasma TAG peak has been observed after the second meal, the origin of which is unclear. Aim of the study: To test the hypothesis that the early TAG peak observed following sequential meals was of intestinal origin and represented fat derived from the previous meal. Methods: Postprandial plasma lipaemic responses of 17 healthy postmenopausal women were studied by giving a test breakfast followed by a lunch. Watermiscible retinyl palmitate (RP) was added to the breakfast, but not the lunch test meal. Plasma TAG, retinyl esters (RE) and apo B-48 were determined for a 10h period following breakfast. Results: In response to the test meals, RE, apo B-48 and TAG showed multiple peaks. Despite omission of RP from the lunch, RE showed an early peak response after ingestion of lunch in 15 of 17 subjects. The peak response after lunch of all three markers appeared significantly earlier compared with their respective peak responses after the breakfast (P < 0.0001). The area of RE response after lunch was significantly correlated with the RE lipaemic response to the breakfast (r = 0.67; P < 0.004) and to the fasting TAG concentration (r = 0.48; P < 0.05). Conclusions: Since the lunch did not contain RP, the distinctive second influx of RE after lunch was believed to have originated from the breakfast. This, together with the fact that all three markers showed an earlier response to the lunch than the breakfast, supports the view that ingestion of a second meal provokes entry of fat from the previous meal, from an as yet unidentified site (gut, enterocytes, lymph). The results indicate that the degree of TAG "storage" from previous meals might be a function of TAG tolerance and provide a possible site of regulation of the entry of fat into the systemic circulation.


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Obesity and overweight are linked with a cluster of metabolic and vascular disorders that have been termed the metabolic syndrome. Although there is not yet a universally-accepted set of diagnostic criteria, most expert groups agree that the syndrome is characterised by impaired insulin sensitivity and hyperglycaemia, dyslipidaemia (elevated blood triacyglycerols with depressed HDL-cholesterol), abdominal obesity and hypertension. Based on existing published criteria estimates suggest that the syndrome affects a substantial percentage of the middle-aged and elderly populations of most European countries (10-20%) and confers increased risk of type 2 diabetes (2-8(.)8-fold) and CVD (1(.)5-6-fold), as well as having a marked effect on morbidity. Although the pathophysiology is incompletely understood, insulin resistance and abdominal obesity are central to subsequent abnormalities in circulating glucose and lipoproteins, and vascular function that lead to type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis and CVD. The link between metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and CVD, as well as inability to reverse the present rising rates of obesity, will lead to economically-unsustainable costs of health care in the next 10-20 years. Preventative strategies for metabolic syndrome are required to slow rates of progression and to reduce dependence on costly medical management. A notable development is recent evidence that shows that diet and exercise are more effective than drug treatment in preventing the development of type-2 diabetes in high-risk individuals. The LIPGENE project will investigate dietary fat quality as a strategy for the prevention of metabolic syndrome and identify food chain approaches that can support consumer attempts to alter their dietary patterns.


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Exopolysaccharides (EPS) isolated from two Bifidobacterium strains, one of human intestinal origin (Bifidobacterium longum subsp. longum IPLA E44) and the other from dairy origin (Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis IPLA R1), were subjected to in vitro chemically simulated gastrointestinal digestion. which showed the absence of degradation of both polymers in these conditions. Polymers were then used as carbon sources in pH-controlled faecal batch cultures and compared with the non-prebiotic carbohydrate glucose and the prebiotic inulin to determine changes in the composition of faecal bacteria. A set of eight fluorescent in situ hybridisation oligonucleotide probes targeting 16S rRNA sequences was used to quantify specific groups of microorganisms. Growth of the opportunistic pathogen Clostridium histolyticum occurred with all carbohydrates tested similarly to that found in negative control cultures without added carbohydrate and was mainly attributed to the culture conditions used rather than enhancement of growth by these substrates. Polymers E44 and RI stimulated growth of Lactobacillus/Enterococcus, Bifidobacterium, and Bacteroides/Prevotella in a similar way to that seen with inulin. The EPS RI also promoted growth of the Atopobium cluster during the first 24 h of fermentation. An increase in acetic and lactic acids was found during early stages of fermentation (first 10-24 h) correlating with increases of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, and Atopobium. Propionic acid concentrations increased in old cultures, which was coincident with the enrichment of Clostridium cluster IX in cultures with EPS RI and with the increases in Bacteroides in cultures with both microbial EPS (RI and E44) and inulin. The lowest acetic to propionic acid ratio was obtained for EPS E44. None of the carbohydrates tested supported the growth of microorganisms from Clostridium clusters XIVa+b and IV, results that correlate with the poor butyrate production in the presence of EPS. Thus, EPS synthesized by bifidobacteria from dairy and intestinal origins can modulate the intestinal microbiota in vitro, promoting changes in some numerically and metabolically relevant microbial populations and shifts in the production of short chain fatty acids. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The breakdown of glucosinolates, a group of thioglucoside compounds found in cruciferous plants, is catalysed by dietary or microbial myrosinase. This hydrolysis releases a range of breakdown products among which are the isothiocyanates, which have been implicated in the cancer-protective effects of cruciferous vegetables. The respective involvement of plant myrosinase and gut bacterial myrosinase in the conversion, in vivo, of glucosinolates into isothiocyanates was investigated in sixteen Fischer 344 rats. Glucosinolate hydrolysis in gnotobiotic rats harbouring a whole human faecal flora (Flora+) was compared with that in germ-free rats (Flora-). Rats were offered a diet where plant myrosinase was either active (Myro+) or inactive (Myro-). The conversion of prop-2-enyl glucosinolate and benzyl glucosinolate to their related isothiocyanates, allyl isothiocyanate and benzyl isothiocyanate, was estimated using urinary mercapturic acids, which are endproducts of isothiocyanate metabolism. The highest excretion of urinary mercapturic acids was found when only plant myrosinase was active (Flora-, Myro+ treatment). Lower excretion was observed when both plant and microbial myrosinases were active (Flora+, Myro+ treatment). Excretion of urinary mercapturic acids when only microbial myrosinase was active (Flora+, Myro- treatment) was low and comparable with the levels in the absence of myrosinase (Flora-, Myro- treatment). No intact glucosinolates were detected in the faeces of rats from the Flora+ treatments confirming the strong capacity of the microflora to break down glucosinolates. The results confirm that plant myrosinase can catalyse substantial release of isothiocyanates in vivo. The results also suggest that the human microflora may, in some circumstances, reduce the proportion of isothiocyanates available for intestinal absorption.


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It is evident that quantitative information on different microbial groups and their contribution in terms of activity in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract of humans and animals is required in order to formulate functional diets targeting improved gut function and host health. In this work, quantitative information on levels and spatial distributions of Bacteroides spp, Eubacterium spp, Clostridium spp, Escherichia coli, Bifidobacterium spp and Lactobacillus/Enterococcus spp. along the porcine large intestine was investigated using 16S rRNA targeted probes and fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH). Caecum, ascending colon (AC) and rectum luminal digesta from three groups of individually housed growing pigs fed either a corn-soybean basal diet (CON diet) or a prebiotic diet containing 10 g/kg oligofructose (FOS diet) or trans-galactooligosaccharides (TOS diet) at the expense of cornstarch were analysed. DAPI staining was used to enumerate total number of cells in the samples. Populations of total cells, Bacteroides, Eubacterium, Clostridium and Bifidobacterium, declined significantly (P < 0.05) from caecum to rectum, and were not affected by dietary treatments. Populations of Lactobacillus/ Enterococcus and E coli did not differ throughout the large intestine. The relative percent (%) contribution of each bacterial group to the total cell count did not differ between caecum and rectum, with the exception of Eubacterium that was higher in the AC digesta. FISH analysis showed that the sum of all bacterial groups made up a small percentage of the total cells, which was 12.4%, 21.8% and 10.3% in caecum, AC and rectum, respectively. This supports the view that in swine, the diversity of GI microflora might be higher compared to other species. In terms of microflora metabolic activity, the substantially higher numerical trends seen in FOS and TOS treatments regarding total volatile fatty acid, acetate concentrations and glycolytic activities, it could be postulated that FOS and TOS promoted saccharolytic activities in the porcine colon. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: Total enteral nutrition (TEN) within 48 h of admission has recently been shown to be safe and efficacious as part of the management of severe acute pancreatitis. Our aim was to ascertain the safety of immediate TEN in these patients and the effect of TEN on systemic inflammation, psychological state, oxidative stress, plasma glutamine levels and endotoxaemia. Methods: Patients admitted with predicted severe acute pancreatitis (APACHE II score 15) were randomised to total enteral (TEN; n = 8) or total parenteral nutrition (TPN; n = 9). Measurements of systemic inflammation (C-reactive protein), fatigue ( visual analogue scale), oxidative stress ( plasma thiobarbituric acid- reactive substances), plasma glutamine and anti-endotoxin IgG and IgM antibody concentrations were made on admission and repeated on days 3 and 7 thereafter. Clinical progress was monitored using APACHE II score. Organ failure and complications were recorded. Results: All patients tolerated the feeding regime well with few nutrition-related complications. Fatigue improved in both groups but more rapidly in the TEN group. Oxidative stress was high on admission and rose by similar amounts in both groups. Plasma glutamine concentrations did not change significantly in either group. In the TPN group, 3 patients developed respiratory failure and 3 developed non-respiratory single organ failure. There were no such complications in the TEN group. Hospital stay was shorter in the TEN group [ 7 (4-14) vs. 10 (7-26) days; p = 0.05] as was time to passing flatus and time to opening bowels [1 (0-2) vs. 2 (1-5) days; p = 0.01]. The cost of TEN was considerably less than of TPN. Conclusion: Immediate institution of nutritional support in the form of TEN is safe in predicted severe acute pancreatitis. It is as safe and as efficacious as TPN and may be beneficial in the clinical course of this disease. Copyright (C) 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel and IAP.


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Background: Progression of the metabolic syndrome (MetS) is determined by genetic and environmental factors. Gene-environment interactions may be important in modulating the susceptibility to the development of MetS traits. Objective: Gene-nutrient interactions were examined in MetS subjects to determine interactions between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the adiponectin gene (ADIPOQ) and its receptors (ADIPOR1 and ADIPOR2) and plasma fatty acid composition and their effects on MetS characteristics. Design: Plasma fatty acid composition, insulin sensitivity, plasma adiponectin and lipid concentrations, and ADIPOQ, ADIPOR1, and ADIPOR2 SNP genotypes were determined in a cross-sectional analysis of 451 subjects with the MetS who participated in the LIPGENE (Diet, Genomics, and the Metabolic Syndrome: an Integrated Nutrition, Agro-food, Social, and Economic Analysis) dietary intervention study and were repeated in 1754 subjects from the LIPGENE-SU.VI.MAX (SUpplementation en VItamines et Mineraux AntioXydants) case-control study (http://www.ucd.ie/lipgene). Results: Single SNP effects were detected in the cohort. Triacylglycerols, nonesterified fatty acids, and waist circumference were significantly different between genotypes for 2 SNPs (rs266729 in ADIPOQ and rs10920533 in ADIPOR1). Minor allele homozygotes for both of these SNPs were identified as having degrees of insulin resistance, as measured by the homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance, that were highly responsive to differences in plasma saturated fatty acids (SFAs). The SFA-dependent association between ADIPOR1 rs10920533 and insulin resistance was replicated in cases with MetS from a separate independent study, which was an association not present in controls. Conclusions: A reduction in plasma SFAs could be expected to lower insulin resistance in MetS subjects who are minor allele carriers of rs266729 in ADIPOQ and rs10920533 in ADIPOR1. Personalized dietary advice to decrease SFA consumption in these individuals may be recommended as a possible therapeutic measure to improve insulin sensitivity. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.