918 resultados para management control system


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This dissertation presents the competitive control methodologies for small-scale power system (SSPS). A SSPS is a collection of sources and loads that shares a common network which can be isolated during terrestrial disturbances. Micro-grids, naval ship electric power systems (NSEPS), aircraft power systems and telecommunication system power systems are typical examples of SSPS. The analysis and development of control systems for small-scale power systems (SSPS) lacks a defined slack bus. In addition, a change of a load or source will influence the real time system parameters of the system. Therefore, the control system should provide the required flexibility, to ensure operation as a single aggregated system. In most of the cases of a SSPS the sources and loads must be equipped with power electronic interfaces which can be modeled as a dynamic controllable quantity. The mathematical formulation of the micro-grid is carried out with the help of game theory, optimal control and fundamental theory of electrical power systems. Then the micro-grid can be viewed as a dynamical multi-objective optimization problem with nonlinear objectives and variables. Basically detailed analysis was done with optimal solutions with regards to start up transient modeling, bus selection modeling and level of communication within the micro-grids. In each approach a detail mathematical model is formed to observe the system response. The differential game theoretic approach was also used for modeling and optimization of startup transients. The startup transient controller was implemented with open loop, PI and feedback control methodologies. Then the hardware implementation was carried out to validate the theoretical results. The proposed game theoretic controller shows higher performances over traditional the PI controller during startup. In addition, the optimal transient surface is necessary while implementing the feedback controller for startup transient. Further, the experimental results are in agreement with the theoretical simulation. The bus selection and team communication was modeled with discrete and continuous game theory models. Although players have multiple choices, this controller is capable of choosing the optimum bus. Next the team communication structures are able to optimize the players’ Nash equilibrium point. All mathematical models are based on the local information of the load or source. As a result, these models are the keys to developing accurate distributed controllers.


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As microgrid power systems gain prevalence and renewable energy comprises greater and greater portions of distributed generation, energy storage becomes important to offset the higher variance of renewable energy sources and maximize their usefulness. One of the emerging techniques is to utilize a combination of lead-acid batteries and ultracapacitors to provide both short and long-term stabilization to microgrid systems. The different energy and power characteristics of batteries and ultracapacitors imply that they ought to be utilized in different ways. Traditional linear controls can use these energy storage systems to stabilize a power grid, but cannot effect more complex interactions. This research explores a fuzzy logic approach to microgrid stabilization. The ability of a fuzzy logic controller to regulate a dc bus in the presence of source and load fluctuations, in a manner comparable to traditional linear control systems, is explored and demonstrated. Furthermore, the expanded capabilities (such as storage balancing, self-protection, and battery optimization) of a fuzzy logic system over a traditional linear control system are shown. System simulation results are presented and validated through hardware-based experiments. These experiments confirm the capabilities of the fuzzy logic control system to regulate bus voltage, balance storage elements, optimize battery usage, and effect self-protection.


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Space debris in geostationary orbits may be detected with optical telescopes when the objects are illuminated by the Sun. The advantage compared to Radar can be found in the illumination: radar illuminates the objects and thus the detection sensitivity depletest proportional to the fourth power of the d istance. The German Space Operation Center, GSOC, together with the Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern, AIUB, are setting up a telescope system called SMARTnet to demonstrate the capability of performing geostationary surveillance. Such a telescope system will consist of two telescopes on one mount: a smaller telescope with an aperture of 20cm will serve for fast survey while the larger one, a telescope with an aperture of 50cm, will be used for follow-up observations. The telescopes will be operated by GSOC from Oberpfaffenhofen by the internal monitoring and control system called SMARTnetMAC. The observation plan will be generated by MARTnetPlanning seven days in advance by applying an optimized planning scheduler, taking into account fault time like cloudy nights, priority of objects etc. From each picture taken, stars will be identified and everything not being a star is treated as a possible object. If the same object can be identified on multiple pictures within a short time span, the trace is called a tracklet. In the next step, several tracklets will be correlated to identify individual objects, ephemeris data for these objects are generated and catalogued . This will allow for services like collision avoidance to ensure safe operations for GSOC’s satellites. The complete data processing chain is handled by BACARDI, the backbone catalogue of relational debris information and is presented as a poster.


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The purpose of the multiple case-study was to determine how hospital subsystems (such as physician monitoring and credentialing; quality assurance; risk management; and peer review) were supporting the monitoring of physicians? Three large metropolitan hospitals in Texas were studied and designated as hospitals #1, #2, and #3. Realizing that hospital subsystems are a unique entity and part of a larger system, conclusions were made on the premises of a quality control system, in relation to the tools of government (particularly the Health Care Quality Improvement Act (HCQIA)), and in relation to itself as a tool of a hospital.^ Three major analytical assessments were performed. First, the subsystems were analyzed as to their "completeness"; secondly, the subsystems were analyzed for "performance"; and thirdly, the subsystems were analyzed in reference to the interaction of completeness and performance.^ The physician credentialing and monitoring and the peer review subsystems as quality control systems were most complete, efficient, and effective in hospitals #1 and #3. The HCQIA did not seem to be an influencing factor in the completeness of the subsystem in hospital #1. The quality assurance and risk management subsystem in hospital #2 was not representative of completeness and performance and the HCQIA was not an influencing factor in the completeness of the Q.A. or R.M. systems in any hospital. The efficiency (computerization) of the physician credentialing, quality assurance and peer review subsystems in hospitals #1 and #3 seemed to contribute to their effectiveness (system-wide effect).^ The results indicated that the more complete, effective, and efficient subsystems were characterized by (1) all defined activities being met, (2) the HCQIA being an influencing factor, (3) a decentralized administrative structure, (4) computerization an important element, and (5) staff was sophisticated in subsystem operations. However, other variables were identified which deserve further research as to their effect on completeness and performance of subsystems. They include (1) medical staff affiliations, (2) system funding levels, (3) the system's administrative structure, and (4) the physician staff "cultural" characteristics. Perhaps by understanding other influencing factors, health care administrators may plan subsystems that will be compatible with legislative requirements and administrative objectives. ^


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El artículo que presentamos tiene por objeto analizar la necesaria presencia de un servicio de archivos en las empresas, en aras de la rentabilidad y la eficacia. Para ello, estructuramos el trabajo en dos apartados: por un lado, analizamos las propiedades que hoy caracterizan a la Archivística y proponemos una definición de nuestra disciplina; por otro, nos centramos en la necesaria acción de la gestión documental en las empresas. Tras describir en qué consiste dicha gestión documental, exponemos las fases para la planificación de un sistema archivístico en cualquier organización empresarial (fase de análisis, elaboración y diseño, implantación del sistema y control). Para esto último, realizamos una comparación sistemática de lo que dicen al respecto algunos autores


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En este artículo intentaremos responder a una serie de preguntas sobre los conflictos laborales del período 1976 - 1983: ¿Cómo afectaron a la disciplina industrial?; ¿instalaron un clima de desobediencia, debilitando el poder de concepción y control de la patronal, necesarios para introducir cambios en la organización del trabajo y aumentar la productividad?; ¿pudo expresarse la indisciplina en las relaciones laborales "paternalistas"? Para ello analizaremos comparativamente las relaciones laborales, el disciplinamiento y las acciones de oposición, tanto colectivas como individuales, en dos establecimientos de las ramas metalúrgicas y del cemento de la ciudad de Tandil.


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El artículo que presentamos tiene por objeto analizar la necesaria presencia de un servicio de archivos en las empresas, en aras de la rentabilidad y la eficacia. Para ello, estructuramos el trabajo en dos apartados: por un lado, analizamos las propiedades que hoy caracterizan a la Archivística y proponemos una definición de nuestra disciplina; por otro, nos centramos en la necesaria acción de la gestión documental en las empresas. Tras describir en qué consiste dicha gestión documental, exponemos las fases para la planificación de un sistema archivístico en cualquier organización empresarial (fase de análisis, elaboración y diseño, implantación del sistema y control). Para esto último, realizamos una comparación sistemática de lo que dicen al respecto algunos autores


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En este artículo intentaremos responder a una serie de preguntas sobre los conflictos laborales del período 1976 - 1983: ¿Cómo afectaron a la disciplina industrial?; ¿instalaron un clima de desobediencia, debilitando el poder de concepción y control de la patronal, necesarios para introducir cambios en la organización del trabajo y aumentar la productividad?; ¿pudo expresarse la indisciplina en las relaciones laborales "paternalistas"? Para ello analizaremos comparativamente las relaciones laborales, el disciplinamiento y las acciones de oposición, tanto colectivas como individuales, en dos establecimientos de las ramas metalúrgicas y del cemento de la ciudad de Tandil.


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El artículo que presentamos tiene por objeto analizar la necesaria presencia de un servicio de archivos en las empresas, en aras de la rentabilidad y la eficacia. Para ello, estructuramos el trabajo en dos apartados: por un lado, analizamos las propiedades que hoy caracterizan a la Archivística y proponemos una definición de nuestra disciplina; por otro, nos centramos en la necesaria acción de la gestión documental en las empresas. Tras describir en qué consiste dicha gestión documental, exponemos las fases para la planificación de un sistema archivístico en cualquier organización empresarial (fase de análisis, elaboración y diseño, implantación del sistema y control). Para esto último, realizamos una comparación sistemática de lo que dicen al respecto algunos autores


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En este artículo intentaremos responder a una serie de preguntas sobre los conflictos laborales del período 1976 - 1983: ¿Cómo afectaron a la disciplina industrial?; ¿instalaron un clima de desobediencia, debilitando el poder de concepción y control de la patronal, necesarios para introducir cambios en la organización del trabajo y aumentar la productividad?; ¿pudo expresarse la indisciplina en las relaciones laborales "paternalistas"? Para ello analizaremos comparativamente las relaciones laborales, el disciplinamiento y las acciones de oposición, tanto colectivas como individuales, en dos establecimientos de las ramas metalúrgicas y del cemento de la ciudad de Tandil.


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Pulse-width modulation is widely used to control electronic converters. One of the most topologies used for high DC voltage/low DC voltage conversion is the Buck converter. It is obtained as a second order system with a LC filter between the switching subsystem and the load. The use of a coil with an amorphous magnetic material core instead of air core lets design converters with smaller size. If high switching frequencies are used for obtaining high quality voltage output, the value of the auto inductance L is reduced throughout the time. Then, robust controllers are needed if the accuracy of the converter response must not be affected by auto inductance and load variations. This paper presents a robust controller for a Buck converter based on a state space feedback control system combined with an additional virtual space variable which minimizes the effects of the inductance and load variations when a not-toohigh switching frequency is applied. The system exhibits a null steady-state average error response for the entire range of parameter variations. Simulation results are presented.


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El objetivo de este proyecto es diseñar un sistema capaz de controlar la velocidad de rotación de un motor DC en función del valor de temperatura obtenido de un sensor. Para ello se generará con un microcontrolador una señal PWM, cuyo ciclo de trabajo estará en función de la temperatura medida. En lo que respecta a la fase de diseño, hay dos partes claramente diferenciadas, relativas al hardware y al software. En cuanto al diseño del hardware puede hacerse a su vez una división en dos partes. En primer lugar, hubo que diseñar la circuitería necesaria para adaptar los niveles de tensión entregados por el sensor de temperatura a los niveles requeridos por ADC, requerido para digitalizar la información para su posterior procesamiento por parte del microcontrolador. Por tanto hubo que diseñar capaz de corregir el offset y la pendiente de la función tensión-temperatura del sensor, a fin de adaptarlo al rango de tensión requerido por el ADC. Por otro lado, hubo que diseñar el circuito encargado de controlar la velocidad de rotación del motor. Este circuito estará basado en un transistor MOSFET en conmutación, controlado mediante una señal PWM como se mencionó anteriormente. De esta manera, al variar el ciclo de trabajo de la señal PWM, variará de manera proporcional la tensión que cae en el motor, y por tanto su velocidad de rotación. En cuanto al diseño del software, se programó el microcontrolador para que generase una señal PWM en uno de sus pines en función del valor entregado por el ADC, a cuya entrada está conectada la tensión obtenida del circuito creado para adaptar la tensión generada por el sensor. Así mismo, se utiliza el microcontrolador para representar el valor de temperatura obtenido en una pantalla LCD. Para este proyecto se eligió una placa de desarrollo mbed, que incluye el microcontrolador integrado, debido a que facilita la tarea del prototipado. Posteriormente se procedió a la integración de ambas partes, y testeado del sistema para comprobar su correcto funcionamiento. Puesto que el resultado depende de la temperatura medida, fue necesario simular variaciones en ésta, para así comprobar los resultados obtenidos a distintas temperaturas. Para este propósito se empleó una bomba de aire caliente. Una vez comprobado el funcionamiento, como último paso se diseñó la placa de circuito impreso. Como conclusión, se consiguió desarrollar un sistema con un nivel de exactitud y precisión aceptable, en base a las limitaciones del sistema. SUMMARY: It is obvious that day by day people’s daily life depends more on technology and science. Tasks tend to be done automatically, making them simpler and as a result, user life is more comfortable. Every single task that can be controlled has an electronic system behind. In this project, a control system based on a microcontroller was designed for a fan, allowing it to go faster when temperature rises or slowing down as the environment gets colder. For this purpose, a microcontroller was programmed to generate a signal, to control the rotation speed of the fan depending on the data acquired from a temperature sensor. After testing the whole design developed in the laboratory, the next step taken was to build a prototype, which allows future improvements in the system that are discussed in the corresponding section of the thesis.


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Solar drying is one of the important processes used for extending the shelf life of agricultural products. Regarding consumer requirements, solar drying should be more suitable in terms of curtailing total drying time and preserving product quality. Therefore, the objective of this study was to develop a fuzzy logic-based control system, which performs a ?human-operator-like? control approach through using the previously developed low-cost model-based sensors. Fuzzy logic toolbox of MatLab and Borland C++ Builder tool were utilized to develop a required control system. An experimental solar dryer, constructed by CONA SOLAR (Austria) was used during the development of the control system. Sensirion sensors were used to characterize the drying air at different positions in the dryer, and also the smart sensor SMART-1 was applied to be able to include the rate of wood water extraction into the control system (the difference of absolute humidity of the air between the outlet and the inlet of solar dryer is considered by SMART-1 to be the extracted water). A comprehensive test over a 3 week period for different fuzzy control models has been performed, and data, obtained from these experiments, were analyzed. Findings from this study would suggest that the developed fuzzy logic-based control system is able to tackle difficulties, related to the control of solar dryer process.


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This paper presents the design and implementation of an intelligent control system based on local neurofuzzy models of the milling process relayed through an Ehternet-based application. Its purpose is to control the spindle torque of a milling process by using an internal model control paradigm to modify the feed rate in real time. The stabilization of cutting cutting torque is especially necessary in milling processes such as high-spedd roughing of steel moulds and dies tha present minor geometric uncertainties. Thus, maintenance of the curring torque increaes the material removal rate and reduces the risk of damage due to excessive spindle vibration, a very sensitive and expensive component in all high-speed milling machines. Torque control is therefore an interesting challenge from an industrial point of view.


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El principal objetivo de este proyecto consiste en estudiar las posibilidades de desarrollo de un sistema para el control de la temperatura basado en la plataforma Arduino. Con el fin de alcanzar dicho objetivo, se ha implementado un sistema que permite la consulta y control de la temperatura ambiente a través de la red de comunicaciones móviles. Tras un análisis previo de las distintas placas Arduino, se evalúan una serie de módulos de expansión (shields) compatibles con dicha plataforma que nos permiten ampliar sus funcionalidades, dotando al dispositivo de un sistema de comunicación basado en la tecnología GPRS/GSM. Se estudian los diferentes sensores de temperatura compatibles con Arduino, además de una serie de actuadores que contribuyen al accionamiento y control de un posible termostato, así como al desarrollo de un pequeño sistema de alarma capaz de detectar temperaturas extremas. El proyecto concluye con el diseño de una aplicación basada en el entorno de desarrollo Arduino que nos permita evaluar las distintas capacidades de nuestro sistema, así como comunicarnos con la plataforma a través de SMS para el control remoto de la temperatura. ABSTRACT. The goal of the project consists of studying the developmental possibilities of a temperature control system based on the Arduino platform. In order to this, there has been implemented a system to consult and manage the environmental temperature through mobile communication networks. After a previous assessment of the different Arduino boards, there are analysed a set of expansion modules (shields) compatibles with the platform that enables us to upgrade the device functionalities with the GPRS/GSM communication protocol. Different temperature sensors compatible with Arduino have been studied. In addition, there are evaluated a set of actuators for the operation and control of a thermostat and also the development of a small alarm system that alerts of extremes temperatures. The project concludes with the design of an application based on the Arduino development environment which allows us to evaluate the different capabilities of our system as well as the communication with the platform by SMS for the remote temperature control.