982 resultados para localisation géographique


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BACKGROUND: Diabetics have a significantly higher percentage of sperm with nuclear DNA (nDNA) fragmentation and increased levels of advanced glycation end products (AGEs), in their testis, epididymis and sperm. As the receptor for AGEs (RAGE) is important to oxidative stress and cell dysfunction, we hypothesise, that it may be involved in sperm nDNA damage. METHODS: Immunohistochemistry was performed to determine the presence of RAGE in the human testis and epididymis. A comparison of the receptor's incidence and localisation on sperm from 10 diabetic and 11 non-diabetic men was conducted by blind semi-quantitative assessment of the immunostaining. ELISA analysis ascertained RAGE levels in seminal plasma and sperm from 21 diabetic and 31 non-diabetic subjects. Dual labelling immunolocalisation was employed to evaluate RAGE's precise location on the sperm head. RESULTS: RAGE was found throughout the testis, caput epididymis, particularly the principle cells apical region, and on sperm acrosomes. The number of sperm displaying RAGE and the overall protein amount found in sperm and seminal plasma were significantly higher in samples from diabetic men (p


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Two series of ruthenium(II) polypyridyl complexes [Ru(bipy)2(phpytr)]+ and [Ru(bipy)2(phpztr)]+ (where Hphpytr = 2-(5-phenyl-1H-[1,2,4]triazol-3-yl)-pyridine and Hphpztr = 2-(5-phenyl-1H-[1,2,4]triazol-3-yl)-pyrazine) are examined by electrochemistry, UV/Vis, emission, resonance Raman, transient resonance Raman and transient absorption spectroscopy, in order to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of their excited state electronic properties. The interpretation of the results obtained is facilitated by the availability of several isotopologues of each of the complexes examined. For the pyridine-1,2,4-triazolato based complex the lowest emissive excited state is exclusively bipy based, however, for the pyrazine based complexes excited state localisation on particular ligands shows considerable solvent and pH dependency.


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Purpose: To prepare a nanoparticulate formulation expressing variable peripheral carboxyl density using non-endcapped and endcapped poly(lactide-co-glycolide), conjugated to antibodies recognising the siglec-7 receptor, which is expressed on most acute myeloid leukaemias. The aim is to exploit this receptor as a therapeutic target by constructing an internalising drug-loaded nanoparticle able to
translocate into cytoplasm by siglec receptor-mediated internalisation.

Materials and Methods: Antibodies to the siglec-7 (CD33-like) receptor were conjugated to dye-loaded nanoparticles using carbodiimide chemistry, giving 32.6 mg protein per mg of nanoparticles using 100% of the non-endcapped PLGA. Binding studies using cognate antigen were used to verify preservation of antibody function following conjugation.

Results: Mouse embryonic fibroblasts expressing recombinant siglec-7 receptor and exposed to NileRed-loaded nanoparticles conjugated to antibody accumulated intracellular fluorescence, which was not observed if either antibody or siglec-7 receptor was absent. Confocal microscopy revealed internalised perinuclear cytoplasmic staining, with an Acridine Orange-based analysis showing red staining in localised foci, indicating localisation within acidic endocytic compartments.

Conclusions: Results show antibody-NP constructs are internalised via siglec-7 receptor-mediated internalisation. If loaded with a therapeutic agent, antibody-NP constructs can cross into cytoplasmic
space and delivery drugs intracellularly to cells expressing CD33-like receptors, such as natural killer cells and monocytes.


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Historically the central area of the city of Iquique has been established as residential space migrants choosing from different backgrounds , however since the late 2000s migration flows are diversified being mostly Latin American immigrants who live in precarious conditions , accessing tugurizados properties , deteriorated in an increasingly growing informal market. The results presented here are derived from quantitative residential location of migrants , as well as the implementation of 13 in-depth interviews . From these results emerge that Latin American migrants access to the same places where once lived internal migrants, however they inhabit a restrictive market , uneven and inadequate living conditions lease, but allows them to articulate residence and proximity to industrial networks , social and popular trade.


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El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en estudiar la evolución de los destinos turísticos litorales consolidados a partir del análisis comparado entre Balneario Camboriú y Benidorm. Se trata de dos destinos localizados en contextos territoriales y turísticos diferentes, en los que se contrastan de manera empírica los indicadores de evolución de los destinos y se vinculan las dinámicas evolutivas con el modelo territorial-turístico resultante en cada destino. El análisis realizado permite contrastar los postulados de los modelos evolutivos clásicos (Butler, 1980) e incorporar los nuevos planteamientos de la geografía económica evolutiva. La investigación delimita cronológicamente los periodos de desarrollo de ambos destinos para identificar los factores con mayor incidencia en la evolución de los mismos. Una evolución marcada, fundamentalmente, por la ubicación geográfica, la planificación y gestión urbanoturística a diferentes escalas, la dependencia de determinados mercados emisores y la influencia de factores macroeconómicos. Un conjunto de factores interrelacionados que dibujan trayectorias dispares para los destinos analizados.


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Background: Erythropoiesis stimulating agents (ESAs) are widely used to treat anaemia but concerns exist about their potential to promote pathological angiogenesis in some clinical scenarios. In the current study we have assessed the angiogenic potential of three ESAs; epoetin delta, darbepoetin alfa and epoetin beta using in vitro and in vivo models.

Methodology/Principal Findings: The epoetins induced angiogenesis in human microvascular endothelial cells at high doses, although darbepoetin alfa was pro-angiogenic at low-doses (1-20 IU/ml). ESA-induced angiogenesis was VEGF-mediated. In a mouse model of ischaemia-induced retinopathy, all ESAs induced generation of reticulocytes but only epoetin beta exacerbated pathological (pre-retinal) neovascularisation in comparison to controls (p<0.05). Only epoetin delta induced a significant revascularisation response which enhanced normality of the vasculature (p<0.05). This was associated with mobilisation of haematopoietic stem cells and their localisation to the retinal vasculature. Darbepoetin alfa also increased the number of active microglia in the ischaemic retina relative to other ESAs (p<0.05). Darbepoetin alfa induced retinal TNF alpha and VEGF mRNA expression which were up to 4 fold higher than with epoetin delta (p<0.001).

Conclusions: This study has implications for treatment of patients as there are clear differences in the angiogenic potential of the different ESAs.


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Aims/hypothesis: Up-regulation of the receptor for AGEs (RAGE) and its ligands in diabetes has been observed in various tissues. Here, we sought to determine levels of RAGE and one of its most important ligands, S100B, in diabetic retina, and to investigate the regulatory role of S100B and RAGE in Müller glia.

Methods: Streptozotocin-diabetes was induced in Sprague-Dawley rats. RAGE, S100B and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) were detected in retinal cryosections. In parallel, the human retinal Müller cell line, MIO-M1, was maintained in normal glucose (5.5 mmol/l) or high glucose (25 mmol/l). RAGE knockdown was achieved using small interfering RNA (siRNA), while soluble RAGE was used as a competitive inhibitor of RAGE ligand binding. RAGE, S100B and cytokines were detected using quantitative RT-PCR, western blotting, cytokine protein arrays or ELISA. Activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) by RAGE was determined by western blotting.

Results: Compared with non-diabetic controls, RAGE and S100B were significantly elevated in the diabetic retina with apparent localisation in the Müller glia, occurring concomitantly with upregulation of GFAP. Exposure of MIO-M1 cells to high glucose induced increased production of RAGE and S100B. RAGE signalling via MAPK pathway was linked to cytokine production. Blockade of RAGE prevented cytokine responses induced by high glucose and S100B in Müller glia.

Conclusions/interpretation: Hyperglycaemia in vivo and in vitro exposure to high glucose induce upregulation of RAGE and its ligands, leading to RAGE signalling, which links to pro-inflammatory responses by retinal Müller glia. These data shed light on the potential clinical application of RAGE blockade to inhibit the progression of diabetic retinopathy.


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This study has examined the localisation and receptor-binding of the endothelins in retina and choroid of human and rat origin. Immunoreactivity to anti-ET1 and anti-ET3 was investigated in trypsin digests, frozen sections and ultrathin sections using immunocytochemistry and immunogold labelling techniques. In addition, receptor binding of 125I-ET1 and 125I-ET3 was visualised and quantified using autoradiography and image analysis. Intense immunoreactivity to anti-ET1 and anti-ET3 was observed in the photoreceptor inner segments and in the outer plexiform layer (OPL) of human and rat retina. Ultrastructural localisation using immunogold labelling confirmed the presence of ET1 and ET3 in the photoreceptor cells. In retinal vascular digests, ET1 was visualised in the arteries, arterioles and at the pre-arteriolar sphincters, however, immunoreactivity to anti-ET3 was absent in the retinal vasculature. Both ETA and ETB-type receptor binding sites to 125I-ET1 and 125I-ET3 were detected in the vascular smooth muscle of choroidal and retinal vessels with the former being predominant. Extravascular binding sites of the ETB-type were found in the ganglion cell layer.


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We describe the activation of Wnt signalling in mesangial cells by CCN2. CCN2 stimulates phosphorylation of LRP6 and GSK-3 beta resulting in accumulation and nuclear localisation of beta-catenin, TCF/LEF activity and expression of Wnt targets. This is coincident with decreased phosphorylation of beta-catenin on Ser 33/37 and increased phosphorylation on Tyr142. DKK-1 and LRP6 siRNA reversed CCN2's effects. Microarray analyses of diabetic patients identified differentially expressed Wnt components. beta-Catenin is increased in type 1 diabetic and UUO mice and in in vitro models of hyperglycaemia and hypertension. These findings suggest that Wnt/CCN2 signalling plays a role in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy. (C) 2011 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Aims/hypothesis: The impact of AGEs and advanced lipoxidation end-products (ALEs) on neuronal and Müller glial dysfunction in the diabetic retina is not well understood. We therefore sought to identify dysfunction of the retinal Müller glia during diabetes and to determine whether inhibition of AGEs/ALEs can prevent it.

Methods: Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into three groups: (1) non-diabetic; (2) untreated streptozotocin-induced diabetic; and (3) diabetic treated with the AGE/ALE inhibitor pyridoxamine for the duration of diabetes. Rats were killed and their retinas were evaluated for neuroglial pathology. Results: AGEs and ALEs accumulated at higher levels in diabetic retinas than in controls (p<0.001). AGE/ALE immunoreactivity was significantly diminished by pyridoxamine treatment of diabetic rats. Diabetes was also associated with the up-regulation of the oxidative stress marker haemoxygenase-1 and the induction of glial fibrillary acidic protein production in Müller glia (p<0.001). Pyridoxamine treatment of diabetic rats had a significant beneficial effect on both variables (p<0.001). Diabetes also significantly altered the normal localisation of the potassium inwardly rectifying channel Kir4.1 and the water channel aquaporin 4 to the Müller glia end-feet interacting with retinal capillaries. These abnormalities were prevented by pyridoxamine treatment.

Conclusions/interpretation: While it is established that AGE/ALE formation in the retina during diabetes is linked to microvascular dysfunction, this study suggests that these pathogenic adducts also play a role in Müller glial dysfunction.


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Deformation localisation is the main reason for material failure in cold forging of titanium alloys and is thus closely related to the production yield of cold forging. In the study of the influence of process parameters on dynamic compression, considering material constitutive behaviour, physical parameters and process parameters, a numerical dynamic compression model for titanium alloys has been constructed. By adjusting the process parameters, the severity of strain localisation and stress state in the localised zone can be controlled thus enhancing the compression performance of titanium alloys.


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The relationship between microstructure and deformation and damage behaviour during dynamic compression in Ti-3Al-5Mo-5V alloy has been studied using several experimental techniques, including optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and microhardness measurements. It was found that the deformation behaviour during dynamic compression was closely related to deformation parameters. After dynamic deformation, the deformation shear band that formed in the titanium alloy had microhardness similar to that of the matrix. However, the microhardness of the white shear band was much higher than the matrix microhardness. The effects of deformation parameters, including deformation rate and deformation degree, on deformation localisation were investigated. Based on the results from the present work, the microstructure and deformation processing parameters can be optimised. In addition, treatment methods after dynamic compression were explored to restore alloy properties. Using post-deformation heat treatment, the microstructure and property inhomogeneity caused by shear bands could be largely removed.


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Time-resolved resonance Raman spectroscopy of the lowest energy excited state of the 4,4'-bipyridyl ligand-bridged complex, [(CO)(5)W(L)W(CO5] (1), and Raman spectroscopy of electrochemically reduced 1, both give bands characteristic of the the L(.-) species. This confirms that the ligand L is negatively charged in the lowest energy exicited state which is therefore metal-ligand charge transfer (MLCT) in character. Raman spectra of the radical anion of 1 excited in the far red (800 nm) exhibited a band near 2050 cm(-1) due to a vco symmetric CO stretching mode, compared to the corresponding band at 2070 cm(-1) in the spectrum of the parent, uncharged complex. The lower vco in the reduced complex supports the recent finding by time-resolved IR spectroscopy of a similar frequency decrease for nu(CO) in the longest lived (MLCT) excited state of 1 which was attributed to electron/hole localisation in this state on the IR time scale.


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Here we report the identification of a new family of helminth neuropeptides with members in both nematodes and flatworms, and include preliminary cell biological and functional characterisation of one of the peptides from the trematode parasite of humans, Schistosoma mansoni. Bioinformatics and Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends (RACE)-PCR were used to identify the completes. mansoni neuropeptide precursor gene Sm-npp-1, which encodes three pentapeptides bearing the motif (A/G)FVR(I/L).NH2. Similar peptides were identified in three other flatworm species and in 15 nematode species. Quantitative PCR (qPCR) and immunocytochemical (ICC) analyses showed that Sm-npp-1 is constitutively expressed in larval and adult worms. ICC and confocal microscopy were employed to localise one of the schistosome NPP-1 peptides (GFVRIamide) in adult worms and schistosomules; antibodies labelled a pair of neurones in the cerebral ganglia that extend posteriorly along the main nerve cords. GFVRIamide displayed no detectable co-localisation with FMRFamide-like peptides (FLPs), nor was it detectable in muscle innervation. Exogenously applied peptide had a significant inhibitory effect on the mobility of whole adult worm pairs at 10(-5) M (n = 9). Finally, we explored Sm-npp-1 function in schistosomules using RNA interference (RNAi); we successfully achieved specific knockdown of the Sm-npp-1 transcript (54.46 +/- 10.41% knockdown, n = 3), but did not detect any clear, aberrant mobility or morphological phenotypes. NPP-1-like peptides are a new family of helminth peptides with a cell-specific expression pattern distinct from FLPs and a modulatory effect on schistosome muscular activity. (C) 2011 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The fruit bat Rousettus aegyptiacus has highly mobile pinnae. Little is known about the role that such movements play in sound localisation however and whether they interact with the process of echolocation in this species. Here we report the correspondence of echolocation signals in free flight with the downward wingbeat and forward movement of the pinnae, and demonstrate that the ears have a greater sensitivity to click stimuli in front of the animal when directed forwards than when back and to the side. The potential significance of the production of echolocation signals whilst the ears are moving from their least sensitive to their most sensitive position is discussed.