967 resultados para litter standing crop
ABSTRACTThe weed communities of agricultural systems are dynamic and respond to changes in agronomic practices. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of post-emergence herbicide control programs made by farmers on weed communities and commercial lots of rice. The evaluations were carried out in 96 commercial lots located in the Centro, Meseta and Norte zones of the department of Tolima. In each lot, 1 ha was marked off, in which the evaluations were carried out by randomly throwing a 0.2 x 0.2 m sampling-square 5 times. Samples were taken before the first post-emergence application, after the first post-emergence application, after the second post-emergence application, and once the post-emergence applications were finished. The evaluated variables included density and cover of the weeds and the crops. The IVI of each species was calculated and the control program was analyzed in terms of decreases in the number of individuals for the 15 more encountered species. Before the applications, higher density values were found. The first and second post-emergence applications reduced the average density by 41% and 12%, respectively, throughout the department. Between the first and fourth evaluations, the density of the weeds and crops decreased throughout the department by 51.7% and 39%, respectively. The weed density variable proved to be the most influential in the populations after the herbicide programs were carried out.
ABSTRACT The increase in the area planted with Crotalaria spectabilishas occurred by several factors, highlighting the potential to reduce the nematodes, nitrogen fixation and the high production of biomass. By becoming a species sown as a crop, it is necessary to control the weeds that coexist with showy crotalaria. This change in the use of this crop creates the possibility of this specie becoming a weed. The aim of this study was to assess the potential use of herbicides applied in preemergence and postemergence of C.spectabilisfor different purposes (control of volunteer and selectivity plants). Three experiments were installed in a greenhouse (two with herbicides applied in preemergence - in soils with distinct textural categories; and one experiment with herbicides applied in postemergence). The results of the experiments with herbicides applied in preemergence showed that: amicarbazone, atrazine, diuron, metribuzin, prometryn, fomesafen and sulfentrazone showed effectiveness for control of C.spectabilis in clayey soil. Besides these, flumioxazin and isoxaflutole also showed potential to be used in the control of showy crotalaria in soils with loam texture. In relation to the postemergence herbicides, atrazine, diuron, prometryn, flumioxazin, fomesafen, lactofen, saflufenacil, amonio-glufosinate and glyphosate can be used aiming the chemical control of C.spectabilis. Herbicides chlorimuron-ethyl, diclosulan, imazethapyr, pyrithiobac-sodium, trifloxysulfuron-sodium, clomazone, pendimethalin, S-metolachlor and trifluralin applied in preemergence, and imazethapyr, pyrithiobac-sodium, flumiclorac, bentazon and clethodim applied in postemergence caused low levels of injury to C.spectabilis plants, making necessary the development of new searches to ensure the selectivity of these products.
ABSTRACT The aim of this work was to evaluate the weed management with herbicides applied in pre and postemergence on castor crop. The treatments were constituted by management systems using herbicides in pre (PRE) and postemergence (POS): 1) S-metolachlor at 576 g ha-1 (PRE 1) and chlorimuron-methyl at 15 g ha-1 (POS 1); 2) PRE 1 + clomazone at 650 g ha-1(PRE 2) and POS 1; 3) PRE 1, POS 1 and halosulfuron-methyl at 112.5 g ha-1(POS 2); 4) PRE 1, POS 1 and ethoxysulfuron at 60 g ha-1 (POS 3); 5) PRE 1, POS 1 and ethoxysulfuron at 120 g ha-1 (POS 4); 6) PRE 1 + PRE 2, POS 1 and POS 2; 7) PRE 1 + PRE 2, POS 1 and POS 3; 8) PRE 1 + PRE 2, POS 1 and POS 4; 9) hand-hoeing control and 10) non-weeded control. The experimental design was randomized blocks with four replications. The association of the herbicides in PRE combined to sequence applications of chlorimuron-ethyl and halosulfuron-methyl or ethoxysulfuron in POS resulted in the highest control levels of Richardia scabraand Cyperus ferax. Mild phytointoxication symptoms to the crop were more persistent with ethoxysulfuron at 120 g ha-1. The acceptable control of the weed species and similar yield to the hand-hoeing control permitted to conclude that S-metolachlor + clomazone PRE, followed by chlorimuron-ethyl and halosulfuron-methyl POS proved to be more adequate as a weed management strategy on castor crop.
Litterfall and transfer of nutrients was estimated in two tropical coastal forests of Brazil - the Atlantic and the Restinga Forests at Cardoso Island, São Paulo. Samples were collected monthly, from June 1990 to May 1991, using thirty 0.25 m2 traps. There were significant differences in litter production between the Atlantic Forest (6.3 t.ha-1.year-1) and the Restinga Forest (3.9 t.ha-1.year-1). Litterfall was continuous throughout the year with maximum in the beginning of the rainy season in both sites. The annual return of mineral elements through litter in the Atlantic Forest was (kg.ha-1): 101.8 N, 3.8 P, 20.3 K, 60.0 Ca, 18.0 Mg, and 14.6 S and in the Restinga Forest was: 27.5 N, 1.0 P, 6.5 K, 30.0 Ca, 10.9 Mg, and 6.6 S. The return, although small, is relevant due to the low fertility of the soils in those ecosystems, especially in Restinga. The Restinga Forest seems to be an ecosystem well adapted to oligotrophic conditions, lying among those presenting higher nutrient use efficiency.
Litter directly and indirectly affects germination and development of seedlings through physical and chemical effects, being an important factor in the determination of plant community. The monthly accumulation of litter was studied from November 1996 to September 1998 and its relation to climatic factors (such as rainfall, photoperiod and temperature). Also the litter effect on the recruitment of seedlings was observed in the Mata de Santa Genebra (22°49'45" S - 47°06'33" W). The correlation between litter accumulation and climatic factors was very weak. Under the canopy, the removal of the litter layer increased seedling emergence. Seedling mortality was very high, even in the rainy season. This can be due possibly by the low light intensity under the canopy.
Above-ground litter production is one of the most accessible ways to estimate ecosystem productivity, nutrient fluxes and carbon transfers. Phenological patterns and climatic conditions are still not fully explained well for tropical and subtropical forests under less pronounced dry season and non-seasonal climates, as well as the interaction of these patterns with successional dynamics. Monthly litterfall was estimated for two years in a 9 to 10 year old secondary alluvial Atlantic Rain forest. Total litterfall was higher in the site with more developed vegetation (6.4 ± 1.2 ton ha-1 year-1; 95% confidence interval) as compared to the site with less developed vegetation (3.0 ± 1.0 ton ha-1 year-1). The monthly production of 11 litter fractions (eight fractions comprising the leaf litter of the seven main species of the community and other species; reproductive parts, twigs £ 2 cm diameter, and miscellaneous material) were correlated with meteorological variables making possible to identify three patterns of deposition. The main pattern, dominated by leaf-exchanging species, consisted of a cycle with the highest litterfall at the beginning of the rainy season, preceding by basically three months the peaks of the annual cycles of rainfall and temperatures. Other two patterns, dominated by brevi-deciduous species, peaked at the end of the rainy season and at the end of the non-rainy season. Tropical and subtropical dry forests that present the highest leaf fall gradually earlier than rain forests (as the studied sites) are possibly related to the start of senescence process. It seems that such process is triggered earlier by a more severe hydric stress, besides other factors linked to a minor physiological activity of plants that result in abscission.
Neonatal handling induces several behavioral and neurochemical alterations in pups, including decreased responses to stress and reduced fear in new environments. However, there are few reports in the literature concerning the behavioral effects of this neonatal intervention on the dams during the postpartum period. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to determine if brief postpartum separation from pups has a persistent impact on the dam's stress response and behavior. Litters were divided into two neonatal groups: 1) non-handled and 2) handled [10 min/day, from postnatal day (PND) 1 to 10]. Weaning occurred at PND 21 when behavioral tasks started to be applied to the dams, including sweet food ingestion (PND 21), forced swimming test (PND 28), and locomotor response to a psychostimulant (PND 28). On postpartum day 40, plasma was collected at baseline for leptin assays and after 1 h of restraint for corticosterone assay. Regarding sweet food consumption, behavior during the forced swimming test or plasma leptin levels did not differ between dams briefly separated and non-separated from their pups during the postpartum period. On the other hand, both increased locomotion in response to diethylpropion and increased corticosterone secretion in response to acute stress were detected in dams briefly separated from their pups during the first 10 postnatal days. Taken together, these findings suggest that brief, repeated separations from the pups during the neonatal period persistently impact the behavior and induce signs of dopaminergic sensitization in the dam.
Med avstamp i ett satsbegrepp som inspirerats av Ludwig Wittgenstein, där sats och kontext betraktas som internt förbundna och där den verkliga användningen av en sats är central för dess mening, visar avhandlingen hur filosofers olika uppfattning om den filosofiska terminologins roll och möjligheter har följder för deras sätt att uppfatta och behandla filosofiska frågeställningar. Moores paradox fungerar som testfall. Denna kända filosofiska frågeställning har diskuterats sedan 1940-talet och kretsar kring hävdandet av satsen ”Jag tror att det regnar och det regnar inte”. Problemet är att det vore märkligt för en talare att hävda satsen om sig själv: det verkar finnas ett logiskt hinder för att hävda en sats även om den är välformad, kunde vara sann och inte på ett entydigt sätt innehåller en kontradiktion. Moores paradox behandlas genom att granska några lösningsförslag (framförda av bl.a. G.E. Moore, J. L. Austin, J. Searle) och de uppfattningar om språket som de förutsätter. Genom att kontrastera dessa med ett användarperspektiv där språkets användning i meningsfulla sammanhang förväntas spela en central roll i behandlingen av paradoxen visar författaren hur också den intellektuella kontext inom vilken en filosof betraktar paradoxen spelar en avgörande roll för vilka mått som krävs för att upplösa den. Istället för att föreslå en egen lösning presenteras en behandling av paradoxen genom en diskussion och utredning av de grundvillkor som leder till att den uppstår. Här intar satsbegreppet en central plats. Avhandlingen är författad inom traditionen efter den senare Wittgenstein (närmare bestämt den gren som ansluter sig till en s.k. terapeutisk filosofisyn) men går i dialog med filosofiskt arbete som ligger utanför traditionen. Författaren strävar både till att medla mellan, sammanföra och särskilja olika temata som behandlats på ett sätt inom traditionen och på andra sätt utanför den och använder sig här av metaforen att filosofera inifrån i kontrast till utanför språket. Avhandlingens huvudsakliga bidrag är till metafilosofin genom dess fokus på filosofins metod. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mooren paradoksi on tunnettu filosofinen ongelma, josta on keskusteltu 1940-luvulta alkaen. Paradoksin keskeisenä osana esiintyy väitelause ”Uskon, että ulkona sataa, mutta ulkona ei sada”. Ongelman lähtökohta on, että olisi merkillistä jos puhuja esittäisi lauseen itseään koskevana väitteenä: väite näyttää olevan loogisesti mahdoton esittää, vaikka se on hyvinmuodostettu, mahdollisesti tosi, eikä yksiselitteisellä tavalla sisällä kontradiktiota. Tässä väitöskirjassa Mooren paradoksi esiintyy esimerkkinä filosofisesta ongelmasta, jossa mm. lausekäsitteellä on keskeinen rooli ja jonka avulla voidaan muodostella ns. kielensisäinen filosofinen näkökulma. Mooren paradoksia käsitellään tarkastelemalla muutamia ratkaisuehdotuksia (mm. G.E. Mooren, J.L. Austinin, J. Searlen esittämät) ja niitä kielikäsityksiä joita nämä ratkaisuehdotukset edellyttävät. Asettamalla vastakkain ratkaisuehdotukset ja käyttäjänäkymä, jossa kielenkäyttö mielekkäissä konteksteissa asetetaan keskeiseen asemaan paradoksin käsittelyssä, kirjoittaja osoittaa miten myös paradoksin filosofisen tarkastelun intellektuaalinen konteksti on hyväksyttävien toimenpiteiden löytämisen kannalta ratkaisevaa. Uuden ratkaisun sijaan kirjoittaja ehdottaa paradoksin terapeuttista käsittelyä: keskustelua ja selontekoa niistä perusehdoista, jotka johtavat sen syntyyn. Tässä käsittelyssä lausekäsite on keskipisteenä – erityisesti Ludwig Wittgensteinin inspiroima lausekäsitys, jossa lauseen mielekkyyden kannalta sen todellinen käyttö mielekkäässä kontekstissa on ratkaiseva tekijä. Väitöskirja liittyy myöhäisiwittgensteinilaiseen perinteeseen, johon kuuluu ns. terapeuttinen filosofiankäsitys, mutta teos keskustelee myös tradition ulkopuolisten ajattelijoiden kanssa yrittäen yhdistää, sovitella ja myös eritellä teemoja, joita käsitellään yhdellä tavalla tradition sisällä ja toisella tavalla sen ulkopuolella. Väitöskirjan pääasiallinen panos sijoittuu metafilosofiaan, koska sen mielenkiinnon kohteena ovat erityisesti filosofian menetelmät.
In consequence of several studies and speculations concerning the issue of RR transgenic soybean after the application of glyphosate, additional scientific investigations became necessary to clarify the actual viability of the product use when applied in different developmental stages of the soybean crop. Therefore, this study was aimed to evaluate the physiological quality as well as seed health quality of RR soybean subjected to application of the herbicide glyphosate in different phonological stages of the transgenic soybean, cultivar CD 219RR. For this, an experiment with a complete block experimental design with treatments randomly distributed within the block, with four replications, was carried out. The assessed treatments were foliar sprayings of glyphosate in three increasing dosages [0 (control); 1,440 g ha-1; and 2,880 g ha-1] of acid equivalent, applied in two crop developmental stages: vegetative (V6) and reproductive (R2). The variables assessed were: germination; first count of germination; fresh and dry mass of seedlings, lengths of seedling and root; vigor and viability by the tetrazolium test; and seed health quality. Glyphosate application may adversely affect physiological quality of RR soybean seeds, when applied in dosages varying from 1,440 to 2,880 g acid equivalent per hectare at the stages V6 and R2.
Several irrigation treatments were evaluated on Sovereign Coronation table grapes at two sites over a 3-year period in the cool humid Niagara Peninsula of Ontario. Trials were conducted in the Hippie (Beamsville, ON) and the Lambert Vineyards (Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON) in 2003 to 2005 with the objective of assessing the usefulness of the modified Penman-Monteith equation to accurately schedule vine irrigation needs. Data (relative humidity, windspeed, solar radiation, and temperature) required to precisely calculate evapotranspiration (ETq) were downloaded from the Ontario Weather Network. One of two ETq values (either 100 or 150%) were used in combination with one of two crop coefficients (Kc; either fixed at 0.75 or 0.2 to 0.8 based upon increasing canopy volume) to calculate the amount of irrigation water required. Five irrigation treatments were: un irrigated control; (lOOET) X Kc =0.75; 150ET X Kc =0.75; lOOET X Kc =0.2-0.8; 150ET X Kc =0.2-0.8. Transpiration, water potential (v|/), and soil moisture data were collected each growing seasons. Yield component data was collected and berries from each treatment were analyzed for soluble solids (Brix), pH, titratable acidity (TA), anthocyanins, methyl anthranilate (MA), and total volatile esters (TVE). Irrigation showed a substantial positive effect on transpiration rate and soil moisture; the control treatment showed consistently lower transpiration and soil moisture over the 3 seasons. Transpiration appeared accurately reflect Sovereign Coronation grapevines water status. Soil moisture also accurately reflected level of irrigation. Moreover, irrigation showed impact of leaf \|/, which was more negative throughout the 3 seasons for vines that were not irrigated. Irrigation had a substantial positive effect on yield (kg/vine) and its various components (clusters/vine, cluster weight, and berries/cluster) in 2003 and 2005. Berry weights were higher under the irrigated treatments at both sites. Berry weight consistently appeared to be the main factor leading to these increased yields, as inconsistent responses were noted for some yield variables. Soluble solids was highest under the ET150 and ET100 treatments both with Kc at 0.75. Both pH and TA were highest under control treatments in 2003 and 2004, but highest under irrigated treatments in 2005. Anthocyanins and phenols were highest under the control treatments in 2003 and 2004, but highest under irrigated treatments in 2005. MA and TVE were highest under the ET150 treatments. Vine and soil water status measurements (soil moisture, leaf \|/, and transpiration) confirmed that irrigation was required for the summers of 2003 and 2005 due to dry weather in those years. They also partially supported the hypothesis that the Penman-Monteith equation is useful for calculating vineyard water needs. Both ET treatments gave clear evidence that irrigation could be effective in reducing water stress and for improving vine performance, yield and fruit composition. Use of properly scheduled irrigation was beneficial for Sovereign Coronation table grapes in the Niagara region. Findings herein should give growers some strong guidehnes on when, how and how much to irrigate their vineyards.
I t was hypothesized that the freeze/thaw cycles endured by icewine grapes would change their chemical composition, resulting in unique chemical fingerprint and sensory properties, and would be affected by harvest date (HD) and crop level (CL). The objectives were: 1) to identify odour-active compounds using gas chromatographic and sensory analysis; 2) to determine the effect of CL and HD on these compounds; 3) to determine the icewine sensory profiles; 4) to correlate analytical and sensory results for an overall icewine profile. CharmAnalysis™ determined the Top 15 odour-potent compounds in Vidal and Riesling icewine and table wines; 24 and 23 compounds, respectively. The majority of the compounds had the highest concentrations in the icewines compared to table wines. These compounds were used as the foundation for assessing differences in icewine chemical profiles from different HD and CL. Vidal and Riesling icewine were made from grapes picked at different HD; HI : 19 December; H2: 29 December; H3: 18 January; H4: 11 February (Vidal only). HI wines differed from H3 and H4 wines in both Vidal and Riesling for aroma compounds and sensory profiles. - Three·CL [control (fully cropped), cluster thin at fruit set to one basal cluster/shoot (TFS), and cluster thin at veraison to one basal cluster/shoot (TV)] were evaluated for Riesling and Vidal cultivars over two seasons. Vidal icewines had the highest concentration of aroma compounds in the control and TV icewines in 2003 and in TFS icewines in 2004. In Riesling, most aroma compounds had the highest concentration in the TV icewines and the lowest concentration in the TFS wine for both years. The thinned treatments were associated with almost all of the sensory attributes in both cultivars, both years. HD and CL affected the chemical variables, aroma compounds and sensory properties of Vidal and Riesling icewines and freeze/thaw events changed their sensory profile. The most odour-potent compounds were p-damascenone, cis-rose oxide, 1- octen-3-ol, 4-vinylguaiacol, ethyl octanoate, and ethyl hexanoate. The role of Pdamascenone as a marker compound for icewine requires further investigation. This research provides a strong foundation for the understanding the odour-active volatiles and sensory profiles important to icewine.
An unidentified African American man poses beside a wooden fence in the studio of an unknown photographer in this small black and white tintype photograph. A painted landscape serves as the backdrop. This tintype was in the possession of Iris Sloman Bell, of St. Catharines, Ontario. The Sloman - Bell families are descended from former American slaves who settled in Canada."Tintypes were the invention of Prof. Hamilton Smith of Ohio. They begin as thin sheets of iron, covered with a layer of black paint. This serves as the base for the same iodized collodion coating and silver nitrate bath used in the ambrotype process. First made in 1856, millions were produced well into the twentieth century. When tintypes were finished in the same sorts of mats and cases used for ambrotypes, it can be almost impossible to distinguish which process was used without removing the image to examine the substrate." Source: American Museum of Photography http://www.photographymuseum.com/primer.html
A woman standing with a book beside a table covered with a decorative cloth is featured in this small black and white tintype photograph. The tintype has been mounted in a paper slip frame with gold edging. There is a small area of red, hand-colored highlighting on the tablecloth. The backdrop appears to be a painted landscape scene. The tintype is undated and there is no indication of the identity of the woman in the photo or the photographer. This tintype was in the possession of Iris Sloman Bell, of St. Catharines, Ontario. The Sloman - Bell families have relatives who are former slaves from the United States who later settled in southern Ontario."Tintypes were the invention of Prof. Hamilton Smith of Ohio. They begin as thin sheets of iron, covered with a layer of black paint. This serves as the base for the same iodized collodion coating and silver nitrate bath used in the ambrotype process. First made in 1856, millions were produced well into the twentieth century. When tintypes were finished in the same sorts of mats and cases used for ambrotypes, it can be almost impossible to distinguish which process was used without removing the image to examine the substrate." Source: American Museum of Photography http://www.photographymuseum.com/primer.html
An unidentified young African American woman stands beside a chair in this small black and white tintype, undated. The name of the photographer is unknown. This tintype was in the possession of the Iris Sloman Bell, of St. Catharines. The Sloman - Bell families have relatives who are descended from former American slaves who settled in Canada."Tintypes were the invention of Prof. Hamilton Smith of Ohio. They begin as thin sheets of iron, covered with a layer of black paint. This serves as the base for the same iodized collodion coating and silver nitrate bath used in the ambrotype process. First made in 1856, millions were produced well into the twentieth century. When tintypes were finished in the same sorts of mats and cases used for ambrotypes, it can be almost impossible to distinguish which process was used without removing the image to examine the substrate." Source: American Museum of Photography http://www.photographymuseum.com/primer.html
A photograph of an unidentified male dated 1864. The rear of photograph reads "From Cray's Gallery, no. 11 East Bridge Street, Oswego, New York. A two cent stamp is also on rear of photograph.