890 resultados para laboratory angle


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From an analysis of a learning model based on the theory of information processing four hypothesis were developed for improving the design of laboratory courses. Three of these hypotheses concerned specific procedures to minimise the load on students' working memories (or working spaces) and the fourth hypothesis was concerned with the value of mini-projects in enhancing meaningful learning of the knowledge and skills underpinning the set experiments. A three-year study of a first year undergraduate chemistry laboratory course at a Scottish university has been carried out to test these four hypotheses. This paper reports the results of the study relevant to the three hypotheses about the burden on students' working spaces. It was predicted from the learning model that the load on students working space should be reduced by appropriate changes to the written instructions and the laboratory organisation and by the introduction of prelab-work and prelab-training in laboratory techniques. It was concluded from research conducted over the three years period that all these hypothesised changes were effective both in reducing the load on students' working spaces and in improving their attitudes to the laboratory course.


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The layout design process of the packaging laboratory at Lappeenranta University of Technology is documented in this thesis. Layout planning methods are discussed in general. The systematic layout planning procedure is presented in more detail as it is utilised in the case of layout planning of the packaging laboratory. General demands for research laboratory are discussed both from the machine and product perspectives. The possibilities for commercial food processing in the laboratory are discussed from the point of view of foodstuff processing regulations and hygiene demands. The layout planning process is documented and different layout possibilities are presented. Different layout drafts are evaluated and one layout draft is developed to be the final layout of the packaging laboratory. Guideline for technical planning and implementation based on the final layout is given


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When laboratory intercomparison exercises are conducted, there is no a priori dependence of the concentration of a certain compound determined in one laboratory to that determined by another(s). The same applies when comparing different methodologies. A existing data set of total mercury readings in fish muscle samples involved in a Brazilian intercomparison exercise was used to show that correlation analysis is the most effective statistical tool in this kind of experiments. Problems associated with alternative analytical tools such as mean or paired 't'-test comparison and regression analysis are discussed.


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Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää pintaenergian vaikutus painovärin tarpeeseen IGT-laboratoriopainokoneella. Lisäksi selvitettiin onko karheudella vaikutusta kontaktikulmamittaukseen. Työ koostui kirjallisuusosasta ja kokeellisesta osasta. Kirjallisuusosassa tarkasteltiin aihepiiriä koskevia teorioita ja aiempia tutkimuksia. Kokeellisessa osassa valmistettiin laboratoriomittakaavassa pintaenergialtaan ja karheudeltaan erilaisia papereita. Pintaenergiaa muuteltiin kolmen erilaisen massaliiman ja kahden erilaisen pintaliiman avulla. Paperin karheutta säädettiin kalanteroinnilla. Papereista mitattiin pintaominaisuuksia, nesteen ja paperin välinen kontaktikulma, sekä suoritettiin painatuskokeita. Pintaenergia laskettiin kirjallisuudesta löytyneiden teorioiden perusteella ja näiden pintaenergian laskemismenetelmien käyttökelpoisuutta pintaenergian määrittämiseen selvitettiin. Lisäksi tutkittiin pintaenergian vaikutusta painovärin tarpeeseen. Tämä työ selvästi osoittaa, että yhden, kahden ja kolmen komponentin menetelmällä ja nesteitä vaihtelemalla saadaan erilaisia pintaenergian tuloksia. Pintaenergian määrittämiseen vaikuttaa myös kontaktikulmamittausten hankaluus ja kontaktikulman suuri vaihtelu, joka vaikuttaa koko mittaussarjan luotettavuustarkasteluun. Lisäksi paperin karheudella ja huokoisuudella oli merkitystä kontaktikulmamittaukseen.


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Ultrasuodatus on tehokas entsyymiliuosten konsentrointi- ja puhdistusmenetelmä. Prosessin ongelmana on kuitenkin kalvojen likaantumisesta johtuva suodatuksen aikainen vuon pienentyminen ja kalvojen hankala puhdistaminen. Oikeilla kalvovalinnoilla ja optimaalisilla pesustrategioilla voidaan suodatus- ja pesuaikoja lyhentää ja nain parantaa suodatusprosessin tehokkuutta ja tuotteen laatua. Työn kirjallisessa osassa on käsitelty entsyymiliuosten ja polymeerikalvojen suodatusprosessiin vaikuttavia ominaisuuksia. Työssä on esitelty myös pesuaineiden ja pesukemikaalien ominaisuuksia sekä pesuprosessiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Työn kokeellinen osa koostui kahdesta osasta. Työn ensimmäisessä osassa etsittiin entsyymiliuosten ultrasuodatusprosessiin sopivaa kalvoa vertailemalla kalvojen permeabiliteetteja, hydrofiilisyytta, varausta ja peseytyvyyttä. Suodatuksissa käytettiin kahta Roal Oy:n tuottamaa entsyymiliuosta ja suodatukset tehtiin DSS Labstak M20-laitteistolla. Työn toisen osan tarkoituksena oli etsiä entsyymiliuosten suodatuksessa käytettävien kalvojen likaantumisen syyt sekä tehokas puhdistusaine kalvojen pesuun. Tehokasta pesuainetta etsittiin liotuskokeilla ja laboratoriomittakaavan poikkivirtauslaitteistolla. Analysointeja tehtiin muun muassa FTIR- spektroskoopilla, vuomittauksilla, pyyhkäisyelektronimikroskoopilla ja kontaktikulmamittauksilla. Entsyymiliuosten suodatuksiin sopivan kalvon etsinnässä testattujen kalvojen välillä oli suuria eroja niin permeabiliteeteissa kuin likaantumisessa ja puhdistumisessa, mutta mikään kalvoista ei erottunut ylivoimaisesti parhaaksi. Pesuaineista kaupalliset membraanien puhdistukseen tarkoitetut emäksiset pesuaineet osoittautuivat tehokkaimmiksi lian poistajiksi.


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To predict the capacity of the structure or the point which is followed by instability, calculation of the critical crack size is important. Structures usually contain several cracks but not necessarily all of these cracks lead to failure or reach the critical size. So, defining the harmful cracks or the crack size which is the most leading one to failure provides criteria for structure’s capacity at elevated temperature. The scope of this thesis was to calculate fracture parameters like stress intensity factor, the J integral and plastic and ultimate capacity of the structure to estimate critical crack size for this specific structure. Several three dimensional (3D) simulations using finite element method by Ansys program and boundary element method by Frank 3D program were carried out to calculate fracture parameters and results with the aid of laboratory tests (loaddisplacement curve, the J resistance curve and yield or ultimate stress) leaded to extract critical size of the crack. Two types of the fracture which is usually affected by temperature, Elastic and Elasti-Plastic fractures were simulated by performing several linear elastic and nonlinear elastic analyses. Geometry details of the weldment; flank angle and toe radius were also studied independently to estimate the location of crack initiation and simulate stress field in early stages of crack extension in structure. In this work also overview of the structure’s capacity in room temperature (20 ºC) was studied. Comparison of the results in different temperature (20 ºC and -40 ºC) provides a threshold of the structure’s behavior within the defined range.


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A thorough critical analysis of the theoretical relationships between the bond-angle dispersion in a-Si, Δθ, and the width of the transverse optical Raman peak, Γ, is presented. It is shown that the discrepancies between them are drastically reduced when unified definitions for Δθ and Γ are used. This reduced dispersion in the predicted values of Δθ together with the broad agreement with the scarce direct determinations of Δθ is then used to analyze the strain energy in partially relaxed pure a-Si. It is concluded that defect annihilation does not contribute appreciably to the reduction of the a-Si energy during structural relaxation. In contrast, it can account for half of the crystallization energy, which can be as low as 7 kJ/mol in defect-free a-Si


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In the paper machine, it is not a desired feature for the boundary layer flows in the fabric and the roll surfaces to travel into the closing nips, creating overpressure. In this thesis, the aerodynamic behavior of the grooved roll and smooth rolls is compared in order to understand the nip flow phenomena, which is the main reason why vacuum and grooved roll constructions are designed. A common method to remove the boundary layer flow from the closing nip is to use the vacuum roll construction. The downside of the use of vacuum rolls is high operational costs due to pressure losses in the vacuum roll shell. The deep grooved roll has the same goal, to create a pressure difference over the paper web and keep the paper attached to the roll or fabric surface in the drying pocket of the paper machine. A literature review revealed that the aerodynamic functionality of the grooved roll is not very well known. In this thesis, the aerodynamic functionality of the grooved roll in interaction with a permeable or impermeable wall is studied by varying the groove properties. Computational fluid dynamics simulations are utilized as the research tool. The simulations have been performed with commercial fluid dynamics software, ANSYS Fluent. Simulation results made with 3- and 2-dimensional fluid dynamics models are compared to laboratory scale measurements. The measurements have been made with a grooved roll simulator designed for the research. The variables in the comparison are the paper or fabric wrap angle, surface velocities, groove geometry and wall permeability. Present-day computational and modeling resources limit grooved roll fluid dynamics simulations in the paper machine scale. Based on the analysis of the aerodynamic functionality of the grooved roll, a grooved roll simulation tool is proposed. The smooth roll simulations show that the closing nip pressure does not depend on the length of boundary layer development. The surface velocity increase affects the pressure distribution in the closing and opening nips. The 3D grooved roll model reveals the aerodynamic functionality of the grooved roll. With the optimal groove size it is possible to avoid closing nip overpressure and keep the web attached to the fabric surface in the area of the wrap angle. The groove flow friction and minor losses play a different role when the wrap angle is changed. The proposed 2D grooved roll simulation tool is able to replicate the grooved aerodynamic behavior with reasonable accuracy. A small wrap angle predicts the pressure distribution correctly with the chosen approach for calculating the groove friction losses. With a large wrap angle, the groove friction loss shows too large pressure gradients, and the way of calculating the air flow friction losses in the groove has to be reconsidered. The aerodynamic functionality of the grooved roll is based on minor and viscous losses in the closing and opening nips as well as in the grooves. The proposed 2D grooved roll model is a simplification in order to reduce computational and modeling efforts. The simulation tool makes it possible to simulate complex paper machine constructions in the paper machine scale. In order to use the grooved roll as a replacement for the vacuum roll, the grooved roll properties have to be considered on the basis of the web handling application.


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The application of one-dimensional proton high-resolution magic angle spinning (¹H HR-MAS) NMR combined with a typical advantages of solid and liquid-state NMR techniques was used as input variables for the multivariate statistical analysis. In this paper, different cultivars of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) developed and in development by Embrapa - Arroz e Feijão were analyzed by ¹H HR-MAS, which have been demonstrated to be a valuable tool in its differentiation according chemical composition and avoid the manipulation of the samples as used in other techniques.


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This paper reports how laboratory projects (LP) coupled to inquiry-based learning (IBL) were implemented in a practical inorganic chemistry course. Several coordination compounds have been successfully synthesised by students according to the proposed topics by the LP-IBL junction, and the chemistry of a number of metals has been studied. Qualitative data were collected from written reports, oral presentations, lab-notebook reviews and personal discussions with the students through an experimental course with undergraduate second-year students at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia during the last 5 years. Positive skills production was observed by combining LP and IBL. Conceptual, practical, interpretational, constructional (questions, explanations, hypotheses), communicational, environmental and application abilities were revealed by the students throughout the experimental course.


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An undergraduate experiment that illustrates the phenomenon of perichromism-the sensitivity of a dye to its microenvironment, as assessed by color changes of its solutions-is described. An easily prepared perichromic imine is synthesized and characterized, and its solvatochromism, thermochromism, halochromism, and preferential solvation in binary solvent mixtures are demonstrated by visual inspection of its solutions. The results are rationalized by invoking solute - solvent interactions in the various media.


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A two-step experiment is proposed for a third year class in experimental organic chemistry. Over a period of five weeks, the students synthesized calix[4]pyrrole, a receptor that is highly selective for fluoride, and a pyridinium N-phenolate dye. Subsequently, the students used the synthesized compounds to investigate a displacement assay on the basis of the competition in acetonitrile between fluoride and the dye for calix[4]pyrrole. The experiment increased the students' skills in organic synthesis and in the characterization of organic compounds, provided a very attractive and accessible illustration of important supramolecular phenomena, and allowed the study of a chromogenic chemosensor.


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The use of biocatalysts in synthetic chemistry is a conventional methodology for preparing enantiomerically enriched compounds. Despite this fact, the number of experiments in chemical teaching laboratories that demonstrate the potential of enzymes in synthetic organic chemistry is limited. We describe a laboratory experiment in which students synthesized a chiral secondary alcohol that can be used in the preparation of antidepressant drugs. This experiment was conducted by individual students as part of a Drug Synthesis course held at the Pharmacy Faculty, Lisbon University. This laboratory experiment requires six laboratory periods, each lasting four hours. During the first four laboratory periods, students synthesized and characterized a racemic ester using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and gas chromatography. During the last two laboratory periods, they performed enzymatic hydrolysis resolution of the racemic ester using Candida antarctica lipase B to yield enantiomerically enriched secondary alcohol. Students successfully prepared the racemic ester with a 70%-81% overall yield in three steps. The enzymatic hydrolysis afforded (R)- secondary alcohol with good enantioselectivity (90%-95%) and reasonable yields (10%-19%). In these experiments, students were exposed to theoretical and practical concepts of aromatic acylation, ketone reduction, esterification, and enzymatic hydrolysis.


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Photoacoustic spectroscopy provides information about both amplitude and phase of the response of a system to an optical excitation process. This paper presents the studies of the phase in the electron transfer process between octaethylporphyn (OEP) and quinone molecules dispersed in a polymeric matrix. It was observed a tendency in the phase behavior to small values only in the spectral region near to 620 nm, while for shorter wavelength did not show any tendency. These measurements suggested that the electron transfer to acceptor occurred with the participation of octaethylporphyn singlet excited state.


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Laboratories consume great amounts of hazardous chemicals substances and consequently generate wastewater containing them, for example formaldehyde. This substance is widely utilized to preserve biological samples generating many liters of this residue every year. The present work proposes the use of the photo-Fenton process to treat formaldehyde wastewater using sunlight irradiation. Some aspects were investigated such as the iron source, sample and hydrogen peroxide concentration and also the use of stirred systems. The use of ferrioxalate (0.5 mmol L-1) improved the efficiency of the process in relation to the use of iron nitrate, while at least 1.0 mol L-1 H2O2 is necessary to treat the sample of the 500 mg C L-1. Under these conditions, every formaldehyde detectable was degradeted and 89% of the dissolved organic carbon was removed in two hours of exposure to sunlight. These results are satisfaction considerate for São Paulo State Environmental Agency.