651 resultados para isochronous resonances
El propósito de este artículo es el estudio del proceso de gravamen sobre el latifundio durante las décadas de 1940 y 1950 como parte de un conjunto de políticas agrarias en torno a la propiedad y tenencia de la tierra (arrendamientos y colonización) que contemplan los niveles de producción, de acumulación y la distribución del ingreso en función de controlar el orden social y asegurar la legitimidad del poder político; articulado con el análisis de las resonancias y respuestas de las corporaciones de grandes propietarios en los contextos específicos, lo que permite una aprehensión más integral de la naturaleza y desempeño de esta clase social rural.
Quantified organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst (dinocyst) assemblages are presented for two sedimentary successions deposited in neritic environments of the Tethys Ocean during the Barremian and Aptian in an attempt to reconcile established dinocyst biostratigraphic schemes for Tethyan and Austral regions. One section is at Angles, southeast France (the Barremian stratotype section); the other is at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 263, off northwest Australia. We also construct a carbon isotope record for Site 263 using bulk organic carbon. Both sections contain abundant, well-preserved dinocyst assemblages. These are diverse, with 89 taxa identified at Angles and 103 taxa identified at Site 263. Of these, more than 93% are cosmopolitan. When combined with other work at Angles and Site 263, we found that nine dinocysts have their first occurrence (FO) or last occurrence (LO) at both locations. These dinocyst events are, in alphabetical order: LO of Cassiculosphaeridia magna, FO of Criboperidinium? tenuiceras, LO of Kleithriasphaeridium fasciatum, LO of Muderongia staurota, FO of Odontochitina operculata, LO of Phoberocysta neocomica, FO of Prolixosphaeridium parvispinum, FO of Pseudoceratium retusum var. securigerum, and FO of Tehamadinium sousense. Although these events support a Barremian-Aptian age for both sections, their stratigraphic order is not the same in the sections. The d13Corg record at Site 263 displays a characteristic series of changes that have also been recorded in other carbon isotope curves spanning the Late Barremian-Early Aptian. Such independent dating (along with ammonite zones at Angles) suggests that three of the nine dinocyst events are approximately isochronous at Angles and Site 263: the LO of K. fasciatum in the mid Barremian, the FO of P. retusum var. securigerum and the FO of C.? tenuiceras in the earliest Aptian; the other six dinocyst events are diachronous. Dinocyst assemblages at Site 263 can be loosely placed within existing Australian zonation schemes, providing much-needed calibration. Our data suggest that the Muderongia testudinaria Zone ends in sediments of mid Barremian age, the succeeding Muderongia australis Zone extends into the Early Aptian, and the younger Odontochitina operculata Zone begins in Early Aptian deposits. The boundary between the M. australis and O. operculata zones, and the Ovoidinium cinctum (as Ascodinium) Subzone, positioned at the top of the M. australis Zone when present, could not be recognized incontrovertibly. Interestingly, however, this horizon broadly correlates with the onset and extent of the Selli Event, a time of major biogeochemical change.
A series of excellent upper Miocene through Quaternary diatomaceous sequences recovered at four sites during Leg 127 was examined for diatoms. The diagenetic transition from opal-A to opal-CT is a diachronic horizon from the uppermost part of the Denticulopsis katayamae Zone (8.5 Ma) at Hole 797B to the uppermost part of the Neodenticula kamtschatica Zone (5.73 Ma) at Hole 795A. The diatom zonation of Koizumi (1985) best divides the upper Miocene to Quaternary sequences above the opal-A/opal-CT boundary and also is useful to date carbonate concretions including diatoms below the boundary. Forty diatom datum levels were evaluated biostratigraphically based on the sediment accumulation rate curve, and several isochronous datum levels are newly proposed for the Japan Sea area. A warm-water current did not penetrated into the Japan Sea through the Tsushima strait during the late Miocene and Pliocene time, because subtropical warm-water diatoms are essentially not present in such sediment samples. The occurrences of diatom are cyclic throughout the Quaternary sediments and are affected by eustatic sea level changes.
The physical properties of sediments beneath an upwelling area in the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean (ODP Hole 704A) were investigated. Highly significant correlations characterize the relationship of carbonate content to bulk density (R = 0.85), carbonate content to porosity (R = 0.84), and carbonate content to impedance (R = 0.84). No relationship exists between carbonate content and compressional-wave velocity (R = 0.24), indicating that amplitude variations in impedance are primarily controlled by variations in bulk density, which, in turn, are controlled by climatically driven biogenic opal and carbonate deposition. In general, maxima in impedance correspond to maxima in carbonate content (minima in opal content). The impedance record exhibits its most drastic change at about 2.4 Ma, marking dramatic increases in the average content of biogenic opal and the beginning of large-amplitude fluctuations. Between 0.7 and 0.4 Ma carbonate content, bulk density, and grain density decrease while opal content drastically increases. Similar changes have been observed in sediments beneath an upwelling cell off northwest Africa, indicating an oceanwide enhancement in upwelling or in the calcite corrosiveness of bottom water that appears to be isochronous.
The extant nannofossil biostratigraphic and biochronologic framework for the early-middle Pleistocene time interval has been tested through the micropaleontological analysis of globally distributed high-quality low- to mid-latitude deep-sea successions. The quantitative temporal distribution patterns of relative abundances of selected taxa were reconstructed in critical intervals, and the following biohorizons were defined: first occurrence of medium-sized Gephyrocapsa spp. (bmG); last occurrence of Calcidiscus macintyrei (tCm); first occurrence of large Gephyrocapsa spp. (blG); last occurrence of large Gephyrocapsa spp. (tlG); first occurrence of Reticulofenestra asanoi (bRa); re-entrance of medium-sized Gephyrocapsa spp. (reemG) and last occurrence of Reticulofenestra asanoi (tRa). The detailed patterns of abundance change at these biohorizons were used to generate a detailed biostratigraphy, and the biostratigraphic data were transformed into a precise biochronology by means of correlation to isotope stratigraphies and astronomical timescales. The degree of isochrony or diachrony of the biohorizons was evaluated. Biohorizons tlG and tRa are isochronous occurring close to marine isotope stages (MIS)55 and MIS 22, respectively, and bmG and blG are slightly diachronous on the order of 30-40 kyr, whereas biohorizons tCm, reemG and bRa are confirmed as diachronous on the order of 100, 80 and 60 kyr, respectively. Some of the events are clearly controlled by environmental conditions, e.g. the last occurrence of R. asanoi, related to significant environmental changes associated with the first large-amplitude glaciation of the late Quaternary, MIS 22.
Five widespread upper Cenozoic tephra layers that are found within continental sediments of the western United States have been correlated with tephra layers in marine sediments in the Humboldt and Ventura basins of coastal California by similarities in major-and trace-element abundances; four of these layers have also been identified in deep-ocean sediments at DSDP sites 34, 36, 173, and 470 in the northeastern Pacific Ocean. These layers, erupted from vents in the Yellowstone National Park area of Wyoming and Idaho (Y), the Cascade Range of the Pacific Northwest (C), and the Long Valley area, California (L), are the Huckleberry Ridge ash bed (2.0 Ma, Y), Rio Dell ash bed (ca. 1.5 Ma, C), Bishop ash bed (0.74 Ma, L), Lava Creek B ash bed (0.62 Ma, Y), and Loleta ash bed (ca. 0.4 Ma, C). The isochronous nature of these beds allows direct comparison of chronologic and climatic data in a variety of depositional environments. For example, the widespread Bishop ash bed is correlated from proximal localities near Bishop in east-central California, where it is interbedded with volcanic and glacial deposits, to lacustrine beds near Tecopa, southeastern California, to deformed on-shore marine strata near Ventura, southwestern California, to deep-ocean sediments at site 470 in the eastern Pacific Ocean west of northern Mexico. The correlations allow us to compare isotopic ages determined for the tephra layers with ages of continental and marine biostratigraphic zones determined by magnetostratigraphy and other numerical age control and also provide iterative checks for available age control. Relative age variations of as much as 0.5 m.y. exist between marine biostratigraphic datums [for example, highest occurrence level of Discoaster brouweri and Calcidiscus tropicus (= C. macintyrei)], as determined from sedimentation rate curves derived from other age control available at each of several sites. These discrepancies may be due to several factors, among which are (1) diachronism of the lowest and highest occurrence levels of marine faunal and floral species with latitude because of ecologic thresholds, (2) upward reworking of older forms in hemipelagic sections adjacent to the tectonically active coast of the western United States and other similar analytical problems in identification of biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic datums, (3) dissolution of microfossils or selective diagenesis of some taxa, (4) lack of precision in isotopic age calibration of these datums, (5) errors in isotopic ages of tephra beds, and (6) large variations in sedimentation rates or hiatuses in stratigraphic sections that result in age errors of interpolated datums. Correlation of tephra layers between on-land marine and deep-ocean deposits indicates that some biostratigraphic datums (diatom and calcareous nannofossil) may be truly time transgressive because at some sites, they are found above and, at other sites, below the same tephra layers.
The calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of ODP Leg 177 Sites 1088 and 1090 (Subantarctic sector from the Atlantic Ocean) is discussed. Most nannofossil zonal boundaries of Martini (1971) and Okada and Bukry (1980) were recognized for the studied mid-high-latitude sediments. Conventional low-latitude marker species such as Amaurolithus spp., Discoaster spp., Triquetrorhabdulus spp., Ceratolithus spp. were recorded as rare and scattered, which impeded the development of a detailed nannofossil biostratigraphic zonation of some Miocene and Pliocene intervals. Because of the absence of some primary biostratigraphic marker species, additional second-order bioevents, such as the first occurrence of Calcidiscus macintyrei and the last occurrence of Coccolithus miopelagicus, have been used to approximate the base of zones NN7 and NN8, respectively. Several disconformities disturbing the Pliocene and Miocene intervals of Site 1090 could be determined based on nannofossil distribution although the occurrence of intervals with dissolved nannofloras and low species diversity prevented a reliable age assignment. An acme of small Gephyrocapsa was recognized near the lower/middle Pliocene boundary, close to the NN15-NN16 zonal boundary, presenting an event for further improvement of the calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of this interval time. The first occurrence of Pseudoemiliania lacunosa (>4 µm) occurs close to this interval, representing a fairly reliable event to approximate the base of NN15 zone when other biozonal events are absent. A paracme of R. pseudoumbilicus (>7 µm) was detected in the lower Pliocene NN12 and in the upper Miocene NN11. These temporary absences of the species seem to be isochronous between high-latitude and low-middle-latitude areas.
Late Neogene biostratigraphy of diatoms has been investigated from two sites occupied during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 186 off the coast of northeast Japan. A unique aspect of ODP Leg 186 was the installation of two permanent borehole geophysical observatories at the deep-sea terrace along the Japan Trench. The Neogene subsidence history of the forearc was documented from both Sites 1150 and 1151, and Quaternary to middle Miocene (16 Ma) sediments represent a nearly continuous stratigraphic sequence including numerous ash records, especially during the past 9 m.y. Diatoms are found in most samples in variable abundance and in a moderately well preserved state throughout the sequence. The assemblages are characterized consistently by age-diagnostic species of Denticulopsis and Neodenticula found in regions of high surface water productivity typical of middle to high latitudes. The Neogene North Pacific diatom zonation divides the Miocene to Quaternary sequences fundamentally well, except that the latest Miocene through early Pliocene Thalassiosira oestrupii Subzone is not applicable. Miocene and late Pliocene through Pleistocene diatom datum levels that have been proven to be of great stratigraphic utility in the North Pacific Ocean appear to be nearly isochronous within the level of resolution constrained by core catcher sample spacing. The taxonomy and stratigraphy of previously described species determined to be useful across the Miocene/Pliocene boundary have been investigated on the basis of the evolutionary changes within the Thalassiosira trifulta group. The biostratigraphically important forms belonging to the genus Thalassiosira have been illustrated with scanning electron micrographs.
The Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ), central North Island, New Zealand, is the most frequently active Quaternary rhyolitic system in the world. Silicic tephras recovered from Ocean Drilling Programme Site 1123 (41°47.16'S, 171°29.94'W; 3290 m water depth) in the southwest Pacific Ocean provide a well-dated record of explosive TVZ volcanism since ~1.65 Ma. We present major, minor and trace element data for 70 Quaternary tephra layers from Site 1123 determined by electron probe microanalysis (1314 analyses) and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (654 analyses). Trace element data allow for the discrimination of different tephras with similar major element chemistries and the establishment of isochronous tie-lines between three sediment cores (1123A, 1123B and 1123C) recovered from Site 1123. These tephra tie-lines are used to evaluate the stratigraphy and orbitally tuned stable isotope age model of the Site 1123 composite record. Trace element fingerprinting of tephras identifies ~4.5 m and ~7.9 m thick sections of repeated sediments in 1123A (49.0-53.5 mbsf [metres below seafloor]) and 1123C (48.1-56.0 mbsf), respectively. These previously unrecognised repeated sections have resulted in significant errors in the Site 1123 composite stratigraphy and age model for the interval 1.15-1.38 Ma and can explain the poor correspondence between d18O profiles for Site 1123 and Site 849 (equatorial Pacific) during this interval. The revised composite stratigraphy for Site 1123 shows that the 70 tephra layers, when correlated between cores, correspond to ~37-38 individual eruptive events (tephras), 7 of which can be correlated to onshore TVZ deposits. The frequency of large-volume TVZ-derived silicic eruptions, as recorded by the deposition of tephras at Site 1123, has not been uniform through time. Rather it has been typified by short periods (25-50 ka) of intense activity bracketed by longer periods (100-130 ka) of quiescence. The most active period (at least 1 event per 7 ka) occurred between ~1.53 and 1.66 Ma, corresponding to the first ~130 ka of TVZ rhyolitic magmatism. Since 1.2 Ma, ~80% of tephras preserved at Site 1123 and the more proximal Site 1124 were erupted and deposited during glacial periods. This feature may reflect either enhanced atmospheric transport of volcanic ash to these sites (up to 1000 km from source) during glacial conditions or, more speculatively, that these events are triggered by changes in crustal stress accumulation associated with large amplitude sea-level changes. Only 8 of the ~37-38 Site 1123 tephra units (~20%) can be found in all three cores, and 22 tephra units (~60%) are only present in one of the three cores. Whether a tephra is preserved in all three cores does not have any direct relationship to eruptive volume. Instead it is postulated that tephra preservation at Site 1123 is 'patchy' and influenced by the vigorous nature of their deposition to the deep ocean floor as vertical density currents. At this site, at least 5 cores would need to have been drilled within a proximity of 10's to 100's of metres of each other to yield a >99% chance of recovering all the silicic tephras deposited on the ocean surface above it in the past 1.65 Ma.
Oxygen 1s excitation and ionization processes in the CO2 molecule have been studied with dispersed and non-dispersed fluorescence spectroscopy as well as with the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photon?photoion coincidence technique. The intensity of the neutral O emission line at 845 nm shows particular sensitivity to core-to-Rydberg excitations and core?valence double excitations, while shape resonances are suppressed. In contrast, the partial fluorescence yield in the wavelength window 300?650 nm and the excitation functions of selected O+ and C+ emission lines in the wavelength range 400?500 nm display all of the absorption features. The relative intensity of ionic emission in the visible range increases towards higher photon energies, which is attributed to O 1s shake-off photoionization. VUV photon?photoion coincidence spectra reveal major contributions from the C+ and O+ ions and a minor contribution from C2+. No conclusive changes in the intensity ratios among the different ions are observed above the O 1s threshold. The line shape of the VUV?O+ coincidence peak in the mass spectrum carries some information on the initial core excitation
The intensities of the X and A valence photoelectron lines of N2 have been found to display Fano line shapes as a function of photon energy around the N 1s→ Rydberg excitations. The vibrational intensity distributions of these photoelectron lines change at the N 1s→3sσ and 3pπ resonances. These effects indicate interference between direct and resonant photoionization channels. Our numerical simulations reproduce quite well the experimental results.
From a vibrationally corrected 3D potential energy surface determined with highly correlated ab initio calculations (CCSD(T)), the lowest vibrational energies of two dimethyl-ether isotopologues, 12CH3–16O–12CD3 (DME-d3) and 12CD3–16O–12CD3 (DME-d6), are computed variationally. The levels that can be populated at very low temperatures correspond to the COC-bending and the two methyl torsional modes. Molecular symmetry groups are used for the classification of levels and torsional splittings. DME-d6 belongs to the G36 group, as the most abundant isotopologue 12CH3–16O–12CH3 (DME-h6), while DME-d3 is a G18 species. Previous assignments of experimental Raman and far-infrared spectra are discussed from an effective Hamiltonian obtained after refining the ab initio parameters. Because a good agreement between calculated and experimental transition frequencies is reached, new assignments are proposed for various combination bands corresponding to the two deuterated isotopologues and for the 020 → 030 transition of DME-d6. Vibrationally corrected potential energy barriers, structural parameters, and anharmonic spectroscopic parameters are provided. For the 3N – 9 neglected vibrational modes, harmonic and anharmonic fundamental frequencies are obtained using second-order perturbation theory by means of CCSD and MP2 force fields. Fermi resonances between the COC-bending and the torsional modes modify DME-d3 intensities and the band positions of the torsional overtones.
We present a combined magnetooptic and ferromagnetic resonance study of a series of arrays of single-crystalline Fe stripes fabricated by electron beam lithography on epitaxial Au(001)/Fe(001)/MgO(001) films grown by pulsed laser deposition. The analysis of the films revealed a clear fourfold magnetocrystalline anisotropy, with no significant presence of other anisotropy sources. The use of a large series of arrays, with stripe widths between 140 and 1000 nm and separation between them of either 200 nm or 500 nm, allowed studying their magnetization processes and resonance modes as well as the effects of the dipolar interactions on both. The magnetization processes of the stripes were interpreted in terms of a macrospin approximation, with a good agreement between experiments and calculations and negligible influence of the dipolar interactions. The ferromagnetic resonance spectra evidenced two types of resonances linked to bulk oscillation modes, essentially insensitive to the dipolar interactions, and a third one associated with edge-localized oscillations, whose resonance field is strongly dependent on the dipolar interactions. The ability to produce a high quality, controlled series of stripes provided a good opportunity to achieve an agreement between the experiments and calculations, carried out by taking into account just the Fe intrinsic properties and the morphology of the arrays, thus evidencing the relatively small role of other extrinsic factors.