957 resultados para information as a property good


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To document possible motor disturbance in schizophrenia, we examined the ability to use advance information (or cues) to plan movements in a sequential button pressing task in 12 Clozapine medicated patients. Programming of movements under various cues revealed that patients with schizophrenia, relative to controls, initiated movements slower to the right than left, providing possible evidence for right hemineglect (left hemisphere dysfunction). Additionally, patients with schizophrenia had difficulty in the initiation of movements in the absence of a cue, suggesting internal cue generation difficulty for movement related to some form of fronto-striatal disturbance. Motor abnormalities were predominantly observed at the level of movement initiation, but not execution, contrary to basal ganglia disorders such as Parkinson's and Huntington's disease.


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This paper develops an interactive approach for exploratory spatial data analysis. Measures of attribute similarity and spatial proximity are combined in a clustering model to support the identification of patterns in spatial information. Relationships between the developed clustering approach, spatial data mining and choropleth display are discussed. Analysis of property crime rates in Brisbane, Australia is presented. A surprising finding in this research is that there are substantial inconsistencies in standard choropleth display options found in two widely used commercial geographical information systems, both in terms of definition and performance. The comparative results demonstrate the usefulness and appeal of the developed approach in a geographical information system environment for exploratory spatial data analysis.


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Objective rheological assessment of fluids given to dysphagic patients at mealtime and during videofluoroscopy was carried out using a multicenter format. Thin, quarter-thick, half-thick and full-thick fluids were examined for the degree of correlation between mealtime fluids and their allegedly matched videofluoroscopy counterparts. The study was carried out to determine whether perceived subjective differences between mealtime fluids and videofluoroscopy fluids could be quantified using the rheological parameters of viscosity, density, and yield stress. The results showed poor correlation between mealtime fluids and videofluoroscopy fluids over all parameters. In general, the videofluoroscopy fluids were more viscous, more dense, and showed higher yield stress values than their mealtime counterparts. Given these results, it is reasonable to assume that the fluids used during videofluoroscopy do not provide an accurate indication of swallowing ability at mealtime. Therefore, it is suggested that clinicians use objective methods to theologically match videofluoroscopy fluids to mealtime fluids.


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Magnetic resonance cholangiography (MRC) relies on the strong T-2 signal from stationary liquids, in this case bile, to generate images. No contrast agents are required, and the failure rate and risk of serious complications is lower than with endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). Data from MRC can be summated to produce an image much like the cholangiogram obtained by using ERCP. In addition, MRC and conventional MRI can provide information about the biliary and other anatomy above and below a biliary obstruction. This provides information for therapeutic intervention that is probably most useful for hilar and intrahepatic biliary obstruction. Magnetic resonance cholangiography appears to be similar to ERCP with respect to sensitivity and specificity in detecting lesions causing biliary obstruction, and in the diagnosis of choledocholithiasis. It is also suited to the assessment of biliary anatomy (including the assessment of surgical bile-duct injuries) and intrahepatic biliary pathology. However, ERCP can be therapeutic as well as diagnostic, and MRC should be limited to situations where intervention is unlikely, where intrahepatic or hilar pathology is suspected, to delineate the biliary anatomy prior to other interventions, or after failed or inadequate ERCP. Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) relies on the properties of flowing liquids to generate images. It is particularly suited to assessment of the hepatic vasculature and appears as good as conventional angiography. It has been shown to be useful in delineating vascular anatomy prior to liver transplantation or insertion of a transjugular intrahepatic portasystemic shunt. Magnetic resonance angiography may also be useful in predicting subsequent variceal haemorrhage in patients with oesophageal varices. (C) 2000 Blackwell Science Asia Pty Ltd.


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Background: Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are important co-factors in HIV transmission. We studied the impact of health worker training and STD syndrome packets (containing recommended drugs, condoms, partner notification cards and information leaflets) on the quality of STD case management in primary care clinics in rural South Africa. Methods: A randomized controlled trial of five matched pairs of clinics compared the intervention with routine syndromic management. Outcomes were measured by simulated patients using standardized scripts, and included the proportion given recommended drugs; correctly case managed (given recommended drugs plus condoms and partner cards); adequately counselled; reporting good staff attitude; and consulted in privacy. Results: At baseline, the quality of STD case management was similarly poor in both groups. Only 36 and 46% of simulated patients visiting intervention and control clinics, respectively, were given recommended drugs. After the intervention, intervention clinics provided better case management than controls: 88 versus 50% (P < 0.01) received recommended drugs; 83 versus 12% (P < 0.005) were correctly case managed; 68 versus 46% (P = 0.06) were adequately counselled; 84 versus 58% experienced good staff attitude (P = 0.07); and 92 versus 86% (P = 0.4) were consulted privately. A syndrome packet cost US$1.50; the incremental cost was US$6.80. The total intervention cost equalled 0.3% of annual district health expenditure. Interpretation: A simple and affordable health service intervention achieved substantial improvements in STD case management. Although this is a critical component of STD control and can reduce HIV transmission, community-level interventions to influence health-seeking behaviour are also needed. (C) 2000 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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Intelligence (IQ) can be seen as the efficiency of mental processes or cognition, as can basic information processing (IP) tasks like those used in our ongoing Memory, Attention and Problem Solving (MAPS) study. Measures of IQ and IP are correlated and both have a genetic component, so we are studying how the genetic variance in IQ is related to the genetic variance in IP. We measured intelligence with five subscales of the Multidimensional Aptitude Battery (MAB). The IP tasks included four variants of choice reaction time (CRT) and a visual inspection time (IT). The influence of genetic factors on the variances in each of the IQ, IP, and IT tasks was investigated in 250 identical and nonidentical twin pairs aged 16 years. For a subset of 50 pairs we have test–retest data that allow us to estimate the stability of the measures. MX was used for a multivariate genetic analysis that addresses whether the variance in IQ and IP measures is possibly mediated by common genetic factors. Analyses that show the modeled genetic and environmental influences on these measures of cognitive efficiency will be presented and their relevance to ideas on intelligence will be discussed.


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Background: The trend in breast cancer surgery is toward more conservative operative procedures. The new staging technique of sentinel node biopsy facilitates the identification of pathological node-negative patients in whom axillary dissection may be avoided. However, patients with a positive sentinel node biopsy would require a thorough examination of their nodal status. An axillary dissection provides good local control, and accurate staging and prognostic information to inform decisions about adjuvant therapy. In addition, the survival benefit of axillary treatment is still debated. The objectives of the present study were to examine the pattern of lymph node metastases in the axilla, and evaluate the merits of a level III axillary dissection. Methods : Between June 1997 and May 2000, 308 patients underwent a total of 320 level III dissections as part of their treatment for operable invasive breast cancer. The three axillary levels were marked intraoperatively, and the contents in each level were submitted and examined separately. The patterns of axillary lymph node (ALN) metastases were examined, and factors associated with 4 positive nodes, and level III ALN metastases were evaluated by univariate and multivariate analyses. Results: An average of 25 lymph nodes were examined per case (range: 8-54), and using strict anatomical criteria, the mean numbers of ALN found in levels I, II and III were 18 (range: 2-43), 4 (range: 0 19), and 3 ( range: 0-11), respectively. Axillary lymph node involvement was found in 45% of the cases (143/320). Of the 143 cases, 78% (n = 111) had involvement of level I nodes only, and 21% (n = 30) had positive ALN in levels II and, or, III, in addition to level I. Involvement of lymph nodes in level II or III without a level I metastasis was found in two cases only (0.6%). By including level II, in addition to level I, in the dissection, four cases (1%) were converted from one to three positive nodes to 4 positive nodes (P = 0.64). By the inclusion of level III to a level I and II dissection, three cases (1%) were converted from one to three positive nodes to 4 positive nodes (P = 0.74). Involvement of lymph nodes in level III was found in 22 cases (7%), and 51 cases (16%) had 4 positive nodes. Palpability of ALN, pathological tumour size, and lymphovascular invasion (LVI), were significantly associated with level III involvement and 4 positive nodes by univariate and multivariate analyses. The frequencies of level III involvement and 4 positive nodes in patients with palpable ALN were 22% and 42%, respectively. The corresponding frequencies in patients with a clinically negative axilla, and a primary tumour which was >20 mm and LVI positive, were over 14% and 31%, respectively. Conclusion: Level III axillary dissection is appropriate for patients with palpable ALN, and in those with a tumour which is >20 mm and LVI positive, principally to reduce the risk of axillary recurrence. Staging accuracy is achieved with a level II dissection, or even a level I dissection alone based on strict anatomical criteria. Sentinel node biopsy is a promising technique in identifying pathological node-positive patients in whom an axillary clearance provides optimal local control and staging information.


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This paper presents an agent-based approach to modelling individual driver behaviour under the influence of real-time traffic information. The driver behaviour models developed in this study are based on a behavioural survey of drivers which was conducted on a congested commuting corridor in Brisbane, Australia. Commuters' responses to travel information were analysed and a number of discrete choice models were developed to determine the factors influencing drivers' behaviour and their propensity to change route and adjust travel patterns. Based on the results obtained from the behavioural survey, the agent behaviour parameters which define driver characteristics, knowledge and preferences were identified and their values determined. A case study implementing a simple agent-based route choice decision model within a microscopic traffic simulation tool is also presented. Driver-vehicle units (DVUs) were modelled as autonomous software components that can each be assigned a set of goals to achieve and a database of knowledge comprising certain beliefs, intentions and preferences concerning the driving task. Each DVU provided route choice decision-making capabilities, based on perception of its environment, that were similar to the described intentions of the driver it represented. The case study clearly demonstrated the feasibility of the approach and the potential to develop more complex driver behavioural dynamics based on the belief-desire-intention agent architecture. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper provides a detailed analysis of patterns of income generation among 202 active heroin users in South West Sydney. We explore both sources of income and the relative contribution of different types of income generating activities, including drug sales and related activities, property crime, prostitution, legitimate income and avoided expenditures. Despite claims that heroin use leads inevitably to property crime, drug market activities accounted for a greater proportion of drug user income in this sample. Results indicate that law enforcement crackdowns that reduce opportunities for generating income from the drug market may increase property crime by heroin users.


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Fifth-grade children were given a series of word reading tasks. First, two sets of 16 disyllabic words with medial VCV spellings, and with a long initial vowel were selected, varying in frequency but with similar word-initial segments. Nonwords were derived from these sets of words by exchanging initial onsets. Children read these nonwords in a first testing session. In a second test session, children were given the Woodcock Word Identification Test and the set of analogue words from which the nonwords were derived. Initial analyses examined only nonwords derived from words that were correctly read. Both sets of nonwords were more likely to be read with a long initial vowel than a short initial vowel, although this tendency was stronger in nonwords derived from high frequency words. Furthennore, Word Identification ability showed a strong relationship with the preference for long initial vowels in this type of disyllabic nonword, both for nonwords derived from known analogues and for nonwords derived from words that children could not read correctly. This preference was also correlated with the preference for context-sensitive grapheme-phoneme correspondences in the reading of ambiguous monosyllabic nonwords.These results have strong implications for current theories of word reading.


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Common sense tells us that the future is an essential element in any strategy. In addition, there is a good deal of literature on scenario planning, which is an important tool in considering the future in terms of strategy. However, in many organizations there is serious resistance to the development of scenarios, and they are not broadly implemented by companies. But even organizations that do not rely heavily on the development of scenarios do, in fact, construct visions to guide their strategies. But it might be asked, what happens when this vision is not consistent with the future? To address this problem, the present article proposes a method for checking the content and consistency of an organization`s vision of the future, no matter how it was conceived. The proposed method is grounded on theoretical concepts from the field of future studies, which are described in this article. This study was motivated by the search for developing new ways of improving and using scenario techniques as a method for making strategic decisions. The method was then tested on a company in the field of information technology in order to check its operational feasibility. The test showed that the proposed method is, in fact, operationally feasible and was capable of analyzing the vision of the company being studied, indicating both its shortcomings and points of inconsistency. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Stability of matchings was proved to be a new cooperative equilibrium concept in Sotomayor (Dynamics and equilibrium: essays in honor to D. Gale, 1992). That paper introduces the innovation of treating as multi-dimensional the payoff of a player with a quota greater than one. This is done for the many-to-many matching model with additively separable utilities, for which the stability concept is defined. It is then proved, via linear programming, that the set of stable outcomes is nonempty and it may be strictly bigger than the set of dual solutions and strictly smaller than the core. The present paper defines a general concept of stability and shows that this concept is a natural solution concept, stronger than the core concept, for a much more general coalitional game than a matching game. Instead of mutual agreements inside partnerships, the players are allowed to make collective agreements inside coalitions of any size and to distribute his labor among them. A collective agreement determines the level of labor at which the coalition operates and the division, among its members, of the income generated by the coalition. An allocation specifies a set of collective agreements for each player.