842 resultados para human papilloma virus
O Brasil é um dos poucos países que permanece endêmico para a infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV) e hanseníase, e estas doenças têm grande impacto em custos sociais e em qualidade de vida. Embora seja reconhecida a relevância desta coinfecção, vários aspectos ainda não são totalmente compreendidos. Este estudo tem como objetivo descrever aspectos clínicos, histopatológicos e imunopatológicos dos estados reacionais de pacientes coinfectados HIV/hanseníase, comparando-os aos pacientes com hanseníase, sem HIV. Foram acompanhados, dois grupos: (1) com 40 pacientes coinfectados HIV/hanseníase; (2) com 107 pacientes com hanseníase. Prevaleceram indivíduos do sexo masculino em ambos os grupos. No Grupo 1, a maioria eram paucibacilar (70%), na forma borderline tuberculóide (45%) e com menor risco de ter reação hansênica em relação aos não coinfectados. Todos os coinfectados que apresentaram reação hansênica (n= 15) estavam em uso de Terapia Anti-retroviral (TARV), e a maioria no estado de aids (n=14), sendo a Síndrome da Reconstituição Imune (SRI) uma condição clínica marcadamente importante em muitos destes pacientes (n=7). No grupo dos não coinfectados, o padrão de infecção da maioria foi multibacilar (80.4%), forma borderline-borderline (40.2%), e com Risco Relativo maior de apresentar reações hansênicas (p = 0,0026). A reação reversa foi a mais frequente em ambos os grupos. No grupo de coinfectados observaram-se lesões dermatológicas com aspecto de acordo com o esperado para cada forma clínica, em geral, eritemato infiltradas, com evolução semelhante aos sem coinfecção. O edema na derme foi o achado histopatológico mais comum em ambos os grupos. No Grupo 1, foram encontradas células gigantes, em todos os histopatológicos e em maior quantidade (2+) e de tamanho grande. A morfologia do eritema nodoso hansênico não apresentou diferenças significantes entre os grupos, assim como a expressão de IL-1β e IL-6. Este estudo corrobora com as hipóteses de que o quadro clínico e imunopatológico das reações nestes pacientes é um quadro inflamatório ativo, e não de anergia, semelhante ao encontrado nos não coinfectados.
No Brasil onde a hanseníase é endêmica e onde a infecção pelo HIV continua expandindo-se e interiorizando-se, espera-se encontrar um aumento da prevalência de indivíduos convivendo simultaneamente com hanseníase e HIV/aids, porém são poucos os relatos sobre o dano neurológico que essa sobreposição pode causar. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar o dano neural hansenico em pacientes hansenianos coinfectados com o vírus da imunodeficiência humana, comparando com hansenianos não coinfectados no inicio do tratamento e por ocasião da alta, através de duas coortes clínicas. A amostra constou de 99 pacientes dos quais 46 possuíam coinfecção MH/HIV e 53 apenas a hanseníase, esses pacientes foram atendidos no ambulatório do Núcleo de Medicina Tropical e avaliados pela Técnica Simplificada durante seis anos. Como resultado houve predominância do sexo masculino, faixa etária entre 15 e 45 anos e a procedência da Região Metropolitana de Belém. No grupo coinfecção MH/HIV houve predominância dos pacientes Paucibacilares e nestes a presença de neurite, alteração de sensibilidade, alteração motora, presença de incapacidade e de dano neural foi superior nesse que no grupo MH. Quando comparado com o grupo MH predominou pacientes Multibacilares e nestes a presença de neurite, alteração de sensibilidade, alteração motora, presença de incapacidade e de dano neural foi superior nesse que no grupo coinfectados MH/HIV. No acompanhamento dos pacientes coinfectados MH/HIV houve uma pequena redução da incapacidade e do dano neural, enquanto no acompanhamento do grupo MH a presença de incapacidade se manteve e o dano neural aumentou. A análise de sobrevivência de Kaplan-Meier identificou que nos pacientes MH houve a manutenção da chance de o paciente permanecer sem dano neural, já no grupo dos pacientes coinfectados, observou-se uma redução na chance de o paciente se manter sem dano neural ao término do tratamento. Dessa forma conclui-se que o dano neural comporta-se de maneira diferente nos dois grupos, predominando no grupo coinfectado nos pacientes paucibacilares e nos não coinfectados nos pacientes multibacilares, porém com a mesma gravidade, o que é preocupante uma vez que diagnosticar esse dano no inicio do aparecimento da hanseníase ainda é um problema para a saúde pública.
Introduction The incidence of opportunistic fungal infections has increased in recent years and is considered an important public health problem. Among systemic and opportunistic mycoses, cryptococcosis is distinguished by its clinical importance due to the increased risk of infection in individuals infected by human immunodeficiency virus. Methods To determine the occurrence of pathogenic Cryptococcus in pigeon excrement in the City of Araraquara, samples were collected from nine environments, including state and municipal schools, abandoned buildings, parks, and a hospital. The isolates were identified using classical tests, and susceptibility testing for the antifungal drugs (fluconazole, itraconazole, voriconazole, and amphotericin B) independently was also performed. After collection, the excrement samples were plated on Niger agar and incubated at room temperature. Results A total of 87 bird dropping samples were collected, and 66.6% were positive for the genus Cryptococcus. The following species were identified: Cryptococcus neoformans (17.2%), Cryptococcus gattii (5.2%), Cryptococcus ater (3.5%), Cryptococcus laurentti (1.7%), and Cryptococcus luteolus (1.7%). A total of 70.7% of the isolates were not identified to the species level and are referred to as Cryptococcus spp. throughout the manuscript. Conclusions Although none of the isolates demonstrated resistance to antifungal drugs, the identification of infested areas, the proper control of birds, and the disinfection of these environments are essential for the epidemiological control of cryptococcosis.
INTRODUCTION: The study of placentas from pregnant human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive women has become the subject of numerous studies in the literature. Morphological, viral, immune and inflammatory placental aspects have been analyzed in order to grasp the vertical transmission of the virus. OBJECTIVE: To identify the most frequent findings in the placentas by associating them with a viral antigen and correlating them with the infection of newborns. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty-five placentas from HIV- positive pregnant women were pathologically and immunohistochemically analyzed with the use of p24 antibody in the period from 1992 to1997 in accordance with the routine laboratory testing from the Anatomopathological Department - Hospital Universitário Antônio Pedro - Universidade Federal Fluminense (APD/HUAP/UFF). RESULTS: The microscopic alterations detected in all cases, including those with vertical transmission, were arteriopathy in the fetal blood circulation, chorioamnionitis, perivillous fibrin deposition, syncytial knotting, villous edema and villous immaturity. No specific macroscopic or histopathological changes were found in these placentas. The neonatal infection was observed in five cases. Vertical transmission was identified in two out of five placentas that had low weight for the respective stage of pregnancy. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed 14 positive cases, two of which showed vertical transmission. The viral protein was not identified in 10 out of 14 placentas from patients who had been medicated with zidovudine (AZT). CONCLUSION: Our study has contributed to the anatomopathological investigation into placentas from HIV-positive patients, although p24 expression per se did not allow a definite and early diagnosis of the vertical transmission.
O objetivo desta comunicação foi descrever a detecção de coexistência de variantes HIV-1 com inserções de dois aminoácidos entre os códons 69 e 70 da transcriptase reversa. Tais variantes foram isoladas de paciente do sexo masculino, 16 anos de idade, em tratamento no interior do estado de São Paulo. Após confirmação de falha terapêutica, foi realizado teste de resistência a antirretrovirais, a partir do qual foram detectadas duas variantes contendo inserções dos aminoácidos Ser-Gly/Ser-Ala no códon 69 da transcriptase reversa, além da mutação T69S. Tais inserções possuem baixa prevalência, não foram relatadas em caráter de coexistência no Brasil e estão relacionadas com a resistência a múltiplas drogas, tornando o achado relevante do ponto de vista epidemiológico.
OBJETIVO:traçar o perfil de mulheres vivendo com o vírus da imunodeficiência humana/Aids em municípios do interior do Estado de São Paulo, buscando-se identificar características relacionadas à vulnerabilidade individual, social e programática e analisar as condições em que tiveram conhecimento de seu status sorológico.MÉTODO:entre outubro de 2008 e dezembro de 2010, foi realizado estudo transversal, envolvendo 184 mulheres atendidas em serviço especializado. Os dados foram obtidos por entrevista e exame ginecológico, com coleta de amostras para diagnóstico etiológico de doenças sexualmente transmissíveis.RESULTADOS:predominaram mulheres brancas, entre 30 e 49 anos de idade, com companheiro, baixo nível escolar, múltiplos parceiros sexuais durante a vida e prática de sexo inseguro. A prevalência de doenças sexualmente transmissíveis foi de 87,0%.CONCLUSÃO:o estudo sugere a necessidade de ofertar assistência ginecológica em serviços especializados e realização de ações multiprofissionais que reforcem a autonomia feminina na tomada de decisões protetoras.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) is a growing global threat. Approximately 450,000 people developed multidrugresistant TB worldwide in 2012 and an estimated 170,000 people died from the disease. This paper describes the sociodemographic, clinical-epidemiological and bacteriological aspects of TB and correlates these features with the distribution of anti-TB drug resistance. Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MT) cultures and drug susceptibility testing were performed according to the BACTEC MGIT 960 method. The results demonstrated that MT strains from individuals who received treatment for TB and people who were infected with human immunodeficiency virus were more resistant to TB drugs compared to other individuals (p < 0.05). Approximately half of the individuals received supervised treatment, but most drug-resistant cases were positive for pulmonary TB and exhibited positive acid-fast bacilli smears, which are complicating factors for TB control programs. Primary healthcare is the ideal level for early disease detection, but tertiary healthcare is the most common entry point for patients into the system. These factors require special attention from healthcare managers and professionals to effectively control and monitor the spread of TB drug-resistant cases.
Condyloma acuminata caused by human papilloma viruses, (HPV) is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) appearing most frequently as soft, pink cauliflower like growths in moist areas, such as the genitalia, mouth and other places. The disease is highly contagious, can appear singly or in groups, small or large. In children, the isolation of a sexually transmitted organism may be the first indication that an abuse has occurred. Although the presence of a sexually transmissible agent from a child beyond the neonatal period is suggestive of sexual abuse, exceptions do exist. The authors report the clinical case of a five-year-old Caucasian male with lesions located in the dorsal surfaces of the posterior tongue and palate. Both lesions had a firm consistency, reddish appearance and presence of whitish areas and regions of ulceration. During the interview, the mother reported that the boy had been sexually abused. Sexually transmitted disease may occur during sexual abuse. Dentists as well as pediatricians have a role to play in identifying and treating these children. The diagnosis is essentially clinical (anamnesis and physical examination), but also the use of cytology eventually resorts to biopsy of the suspicious lesions for histological examination. The therapeutic option was the excision of the lesions.
Introduction: The discrimination experienced by people with HIV / AIDS, not only by society but also by health professionals is one of the major problems observed relative the epidemic. Objective: To verify and to analyze the occurrence of discriminatory attitudes in the assistance to the health of people living with HIV/AIDS. Methods: It was a quantitative research was carried out with the participation of sixty-eight HIV-positive individuals from four Brazilian cities. The participants answered auto-administrate questionnaires that contained open and closed questions including the considered subject. Results: 41.2% of the total participants, HIV + people, said they had been discriminated against by health professionals. Among the discriminatory situations experienced by HIV patients, 34.2% nursing professionals were involved, in 34.2% dentists and in 31.6% doctors were involved. Those who have suffered discrimination, 78.6% said they had been discriminated against in public health service. Conclusion: The occurrence of discrimination in the assistance to the health of HIV-positive patients was high. The majority of discrimination situations occurred in the public health service. It is necessary the institution of strategies aiming at human attendance to these patients.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Tuberculosis is a term that encompasses various diseases caused by bacteria of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, including M tuberculosis, M bovis, M africanum, and other mycobacterial species. Whereas M tuberculosis infection is largely spread from human to human, M bovis infection has been identified as a zoonotic disease with most cases of human infection attributable to animal sources. The mycobacteria other than tuberculosis complex (MOTT), which includes M avium subsp avium and M avium subsp intracellulare isolated from animals, has been isolated from immune-compromised humans (ie, those with human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] infection), but seldom from immunocompetent humans. Recently, there has been increased interest among public health officials in drug-resistant strains of M tuberculosis, M bovis, and M avium because several have been isolated from HIV-infected and nonimmuno-compromised humans.
OBJECTIVES: Evaluate the accuracy of HIV-related oral lesions to predict immune and virologic failure on HIV-infected children in use of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). STUDY DESIGN: Data for this cross-sectional analysis come from a longitudinal study being conducted through the HIV-AIDS Outpatient Unit, ENT Division, Hospital das Clinicas, Sao Paulo University Medical School. The study began in January 1990 and is still ongoing. The cut-off point for analyses purposes was December 2004. Subjects were 471 HIV-infected consecutive children attending the outpatient unit during this period, who enrolled regardless of medical or immunological status. The children have undertaken oral cavity examination, serum CD4(+) T-lymphocyte count, and, 271 of them, viral load measurement. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and relative risk were calculated. RESULTS: Oral lesions had moderate sensitivity, high specificity and positive predictive value to predict immune failure. It had low sensitivity and positive predictive value, and high specificity to predict virologic failure. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: Oral manifestations of HIV can be important markers for immune suppression and for virologic failure, in Brazilian children undergoing HAART.