765 resultados para high-strength steels
Purpose: To evaluate in vitro the influence of water flow rate on shear bond strength of a resin composite to enamel and dentin after Er:YAG cavity preparation. Methods: Ten bovine incisors were selected and roots removed. Crowns were sectioned in four pieces, resulting in 40 samples that were individually embedded in polyester resin (n=10), and ground to plane the enamel and expose the dentin. The bonding site was delimited and samples were randomly assigned according to cavity preparation: (1) Er:YAG/1.0 mL/minute; (2) Er:YAG/1.5 mL/minute; (3) Er:YAG/2.0 mL/minute and (4) High speed handpiece/bur (control group). Samples were fixed to a metallic device, where composite resin cylinders were prepared. Subsequently, they were stored for 24 hours and subjected to a shear bond strength test (500N at 0.5 mm/minute). Results: Means (MPa) were: enamel: 1: 12.8; 2: 16.8; 3: 17.5; 4: 36.0 and Dentin: 1: 13.6; 2: 18.7; 3: 12.1; 4: 21.3. Data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey`s test. Adhesion to enamel was more efficient than for dentin. The cavities prepared with conventional bur (control) presented higher statistically significant bond strength values (P<0.05) than for Er:YAG laser for both enamel and dentin. No significant differences were observed between water flow rates employed during enamel ablation. For dentin, the shear bond strength of 2.0 mL/minute water flow rate was lower than for 1.5 mL/minute and 1.0 mL/minute rates. The Er:YAG laser adversely affected shear bond strength of resin composite to both enamel and dentin, regardless of the water flow rate used.
The current trend toward minimal-invasive dentistry has introduced innovative techniques for cavity preparation. Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and laser-irradiation technology have been employed as an alternative to the common use of regular burs in high-speed turbines. Objectives. The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of alternative techniques for cavity preparation on the bonding effectiveness of different adhesives to dentin, and to evaluate the morphological characteristics of dentin prepared with those techniques. Methods. One etch&rinse adhesive (OptiBond FL, Kerr) and three self-etch systems (Adper Prompt L-Pop, 3M ESPE; Clearfil SE Bond, Kuraray; Clearfil S3 Bond, Kuraray) were applied on dentin prepared with a regular bur in a turbine, with a CVD bur in a turbine, with a CVD tip in ultrasound and with an ErCr:YSGG laser. The micro-tensile bond strength (mu TBS) was determined after storage in water for 24 h at 37 degrees C, and morphological evaluation was performed by means of field -emission -gun scanning electron microscopy (Feg-SEM). Results. Feg-SEM evaluation revealed different morphological features on the dentin surface after the usage of both the conventional and alternative techniques for cavity preparation, more specifically regarding smear-layer thickness and surface roughness. CVD bur-cut, CVD ultra-sonoabraded and laser-irradiated dentin resulted in lower mu TBSs than conventionally bur-cut dentin, irrespective of the adhesive employed. Significance. The techniques, such as CVD diamond-bur cutting, CVD diamond ultra-sonoabrasion and laser-irradiation, used for cavity preparation may affect the bonding effectiveness of adhesives to dentin, irrespective of their acidity or approach. (C) 2007 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Purpose: In light of the concept of minimally invasive dentistry, erbium lasers have been considered as an alternative technique to the use of diamond burs for cavity preparation. The purpose of this study was to assess the bonding effectiveness of adhesives to Er,Cr:YSGG laser-irradiated dentin using irradiation settings specific for cavity preparation. Materials and Methods: Fifty-four midcoronal dentin surfaces, obtained from sound human molars, were irradiated with an Er,Cr:YSGG laser or prepared with a diamond bur using a high-speed turbine. One etch-and-rinse (Optibond FL/Kerr) and three self-etching adhesives (Adper Prompt L-Pop/3M ESPE, Clearfil SE Bond/Kuraray, and Clearfil S-3 Bond/Kuraray) were used to bond the composite to dentin. The microtensile bond strength (mu TBS) was determined after 24 h of storage in water at 37 degrees C. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to determine pairwise statistical differences (p < 0.05). Prepared dentin surfaces, adhesive interfaces, and failure patterns were analyzed using a stereo microscope and Field-emission gun Scanning Electron Microscopy (Feg-SEM). Results: Significantly lower mu TBS was observed to laser-irradiated than to bur-cut dentin (p < 0.05), irrespective of the adhesive employed. Feg-SEM photomicrographs of lased dentin revealed an imbricate patterned substrate and the presence of microcracks at the dentin surface. Conclusion: Morphological alterations produced by Er,Cr:YSGG laser-irradiation adversely influence the bonding effectiveness of adhesives to dentin. Keywords: dentin, adhesion, adhesives, laser, ErCr:YSGG.
We report a detailed rock magnetic and Thellier paleointensity study from similar to 130.5 Ma Ponta Grossa Dike Swarms in Southern Brazil. Twenty-nine samples from seven cooling units were pre-selected for paleointensity experiments based on their low viscosity index, stable remanent magnetization and close to reversible continuous thermomagnetic curves. 19 samples characterized by negative pTRM tests, Arai concave- up curves or positive pTRM tests with NRM loss uncorrelated with TRM acquisition were rejected. High quality reliable paleointensity determinations are determined from detailed evaluation criteria, with 10 samples belonging to three dikes passing the tests. The site-mean paleointensity values obtained in this study range from 25.6 +/- 4.3 to 11.3 +/- 2.1 mu T and the corresponding VDM`s range from 5.7 +/- 0.9 to 2.5 +/- 0.5 (10(22) Am(2)). These data yield a VDM mean value of 4.1 +/- 1.6 x 10(22) Am(2). Significant variability of Earth`s magnetic field strength is observed for Ponta Grossa Dikes with the mean value being significantly lower as compared to the mean VDM obtained from the nearby Parana Magmatic Province. The paleointensities for the Ponta Grossa Dikes are in agreement with absolute paleointensities retrieved from the submarine basaltic glasses from 130 to 120 Ma. It seems that a relatively low field prevailed just before the Cretaceous Normal Superchron.
The purpose of this study was to comparatively evaluate the response of human pulps after cavity preparation with different devices. Deep class I cavities were prepared in sound mandibular premolars using either a high-speed air-turbine handpiece (Group 1) or an Er: YAG laser (Group 2). Following total acid etching and the application of an adhesive system, all cavities were restored with composite resin. Fifteen days after the clinical procedure, the teeth were extracted and processed for analysis under optical microscopy. In Group 1 in which the average for the remaining dentin thickness (RDT) between the cavity floor and the coronal pulp was 909.5 mu m, a discrete inflammatory response occurred in only one specimen with an RDT of 214 mu m. However, tissue disorganization occurred in most specimens. In Group 2 (average RDT = 935.2 mu m), the discrete inflammatory pulp response was observed in only one specimen (average RDT = 413 mu m). It may be concluded that the high-speed air-turbine handpiece caused greater structural alterations in the pulp, although without inducing inflammatory processes.
Dielectric properties of BaTiO(3) ferroelectric ceramics were studied over wide frequency and temperature ranges. The materials showed complex dielectric behaviors, which included an anomalous increase of permittivity towards higher temperatures. Important, this property tended however to saturate to values that varied with grain-boundary density. Application of impedance spectroscopy and consideration of the series-layer model allowed a coherent discussion of these and other interesting observations from this work. In particular, analysis of the relationship existing in this model between macroscopic and microscopic dielectric properties rendered possible to account for grain vs. grain-boundary dielectric behaviors, in harmony with microstructure features, and to know the dielectric anomaly strength to be in fact expected from grain boundaries in such polycrystalline materials. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The possibility to compress analyte bands at the beginning of CE runs has many advantages. Analytes at low concentration can be analyzed with high signal-to-noise ratios by using the so-called sample stacking methods. Moreover, sample injections with very narrow initial band widths (small initial standard deviations) are sometimes useful, especially if high resolutions among the bands are required in the shortest run time. In the present work, a method of sample stacking is proposed and demonstrated. It is based on BGEs with high thermal sensitive pHs (high dpH/dT) and analytes with low dpK(a)/dT. High thermal sensitivity means that the working pK(a) of the BGE has a high dpK(a)/dT in modulus. For instance, Tris and Ethanolamine have dpH/dT = -0.028/degrees C and -0.029/degrees C, respectively, whereas carboxylic acids have low dpK(a)/dT values, i.e. in the -0.002/degrees C to+0.002/degrees C range. The action of cooling and heating sections along the capillary during the runs affects also the local viscosity, conductivity, and electric field strength. The effect of these variables on electrophoretic velocity and band compression is theoretically calculated using a simple model. Finally, this stacking method was demonstrated for amino acids derivatized with naphthalene-2,3-dicarboxaldehyde and fluorescamine using a temperature difference of 70 degrees C between two neighbor sections and Tris as separation buffer. In this case, the BGE has a high pH thermal coefficient whereas the carboxylic groups of the analytes have low pK(a) thermal coefficients. The application of these dynamic thermal gradients increased peak height by a factor of two (and decreased the standard deviations of peaks by a factor of two) of aspartic acid and glutamic acid derivatized with naphthalene-2,3-dicarboxaldehyde and serine derivatized with fluorescamine. The effect of thermal compression of bands was not observed when runs were accomplished using phosphate buffer at pH 7 (negative control). Phosphate has a low dpH/dT in this pH range, similar to the dK(a)/dT of analytes. It is shown that vertical bar dK(a)/dT-dpH/dT vertical bar >> 0 is one determinant factor to have significant stacking produced by dynamic thermal junctions.
In a previous work [M. Mandaji, et al., this issue] a sample stacking method was theoretically modeled and experimentally demonstrated for analytes with low dpK(a)/dT (analytes carrying carboxylic groups) and BGEs with high dpH/dT (high pH-temperature-coefficients). In that work, buffer pH was modulated with temperature, inducing electrophoretic mobility changes in the analytes. In the present work, the opposite conditions are studied and tested, i.e. analytes with high dpK(a)/dT and BGEs that exhibit low dpH/dT. It is well known that organic bases such as amines, imidazoles, and benzimidazoles exhibit high dpK(a)/dT. Temperature variations induce instantaneous changes on the basicity of these and other basic groups. Therefore, the electrophoretic velocity of some analytes changes abruptly when temperature variations are applied along the capillary. This is true only if BGE pH remains constant or if it changes in the opposite direction of pK(a) of the analyte. The presence of hot and cold sections along the capillary also affects local viscosity, conductivity, and electric field strength. The effect of these variables on electrophoretic velocity and band stacking efficacy was also taken into account in the theoretical model presented. Finally, this stacking method is demonstrated for lysine partially derivatized with naphthalene-2,3-dicarboxaldehyde. In this case, the amino group of the lateral chain was left underivatized and only the alpha amino group was derivatized. Therefore, the basicity of the lateral amino group, and consequently the electrophoretic mobility, was modulated with temperature while the pH of the buffer used remained unchanged.
Stainless steels are well known to be prone to cold welding and material transfer in sliding contacts and therefore difficult to cold form unless certain precautions as discussed in this paper are taken. In the present study different combinations of tool steels/stainless steels/lubricants has been evaluated with respect to their galling resistance using pin-on-disc testing. The results show that a high galling resistance is favored by a high stainless steel sheet hardness and a blasted stainless steel sheet surface topography. The effect of type of lubricant was found to be more complex. For example, the chlorinated lubricants failed to prevent metal-to-metal contact on a brushed sheet surface but succeeded on a blasted sheet surface of the same stainless steel material. This is believed to be due to a protective tribofilm which is able to form on the blasted surface, but not on the brushed surface.
A dislocation model, accurately describing the uniaxial plastic stress-strain behavior of dual phase (DP) steels, is proposed and the impact of martensite content and ferrite grain size in four commercially produced DP steels is analyzed. It is assumed that the plastic deformation process is localized to the ferrite. This is taken into account by introducing a non-homogeneity parameter, f(e), that specifies the volume fraction of ferrite taking active part in the plastic deformation process. It is found that the larger the martensite content the smaller the initial volume fraction of active ferrite which yields a higher initial deformation hardening rate. This explains the high energy absorbing capacity of DP steels with high volume fractions of martensite. Further, the effect of ferrite grain size strengthening in DP steels is important. The flow stress grain size sensitivity for DP steels is observed to be 7 times larger than that for single phase ferrite.
High amylose cross-linked to different degrees with sodium trimetaphosphate by varying base strength (2% or 4%) and contact time (0.5-4 h) was evaluated as non-compacted systems for sodium diclophenac controlled release. The physical properties and the performance of these products for sodium diclophenac controlled release from non-compacted systems were related to the structures generated at each cross-linking degree. For samples at 2% until 2 h the swelling ability, G' and eta* values increased with the cross-linking degree, because the longer polymer chains became progressively more entangled and linked. This increases water uptake and holding, favoring the swelling and resulting in systems with higher viscosities. Additionally, the increase of cross-linking degree should contribute for a more elastic structure. The shorter chains with more inter-linkages formed at higher cross-linking degrees (2%4h and 4%) make water caption and holding difficult, decreasing the swelling, viscosity and elasticity. For 2% samples, the longer drug release time exhibited for 2%4h sample indicates that the increase of swelling and viscosity contribute for a more sustained drug release, but the mesh size of the polymeric network seems to be determinant for the attachment of drug molecules. For the 4% samples, smaller meshes size should determine less sustained release of drug. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The purpose of this work is to explain the concept of cutting fluids reasonable usage through the fluid minimum quantity in grinding processes. on that purpose, the development of a new nozzle and an own and adequate methodology should be required in order to obtain good results and compare them to the conventional methods. The analysis of the grinding wheel/cutting fluid performance was accomplished from the following input parameters: flow rate variation by nozzle diameter changes (three diameters values: 3mm, 4mm and 5mm), besides the conventional round nozzle already within the machine. Integral oil and a synthetic emulsion were used as cutting fluids and a conventional grinding wheel was employed. The workpieces were made of steel VC 131, tempered and quenched with 60HRc. Thus, as the flow rate and the nozzle diameter changes, keeping steady fluid jet velocity (equal to cutting velocity), attempted to find the best machining conditions, with the purpose to obtain a decrease on the cutting fluid volume, taking into consideration the analysis of the process output variables such as cutting strength, cutting specific energy, grinding wheel wear and surface roughness. It was verified that the 3mm diameter optimized nozzle and the integral oil, in general, was the best combination among all proposed.
The world tendency is the increase of the productivity and the production of pieces more and more sophisticated, with high degree of geometric and dimensional tolerances, with good surface finish and low cost. Rectification is responsible for the final finish in the machining process of a material. However, damages generated in this production phase affect all the resources used in the previous processes. Great part of the problems happennig in the rectification process is due to the enormous temperature generated in this activity because of the machining conditions. The dive speed, which is directly related to the productivity, is considered responsible for the damages that occur during rectification, limiting its values to those that do not cause such damages. In this work, through the variation of the dive speed in the process of cylindrical grinding of type ABNT D6 steel, rationalizing the application of two cutting fluids and using a CBN (cubic boron nitrate) abrasive wheel with vitrified blond, the influence of the dive speed on the surface damages of hardened steels was evaluated. The results allowed to say that the dive speed, associated to an efficient cooling and lubrication, didn't provoke thermal damages (including heated zones, cracks and tension stresses) to the material. Residual stresses and the roughness of rectified materials presented a correlation with the machining conditions. The work concluded that it is possible to increase the productivity without provoking damages in the rectified components.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)