950 resultados para hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin
Habitat destruction and fragmentation are known to strongly affect dispersal by altering the quality of the environment between populations. As a consequence, lower landscape connectivity is expected to enhance extinction risks through a decrease in gene flow and the resulting negative effects of genetic drift, accumulation of deleterious mutations and inbreeding depression. Such phenomena are particularly harmful for amphibian species, characterized by disjunct breeding habitats. The dispersal behaviour of amphibians being poorly understood, it is crucial to develop new tools, allowing us to determine the influence of landscape connectivity on the persistence of populations. In this study, we developed a new landscape genetics approach that aims at identifying land-uses affecting genetic differentiation, without a priori assumptions about associated ecological costs. We surveyed genetic variation at seven microsatellite loci for 19 Alpine newt (Mesotriton alpestris) populations in western Switzerland. Using strips of varying widths that define a dispersal corridor between pairs of populations, we were able to identify land-uses that act as dispersal barriers (i.e. urban areas) and corridors (i.e. forests). Our results suggest that habitat destruction and landscape fragmentation might in the near future affect common species such as M. alpestris. In addition, by identifying relevant landscape variables influencing population structure without unrealistic assumptions about dispersal, our method offers a simple and flexible tool of investigation as an alternative to least-cost models and other approaches.
Summary Division of labor between reproducers (queens) and helpers (workers) is the main characteristic of social insect societies and at the root of their ecological success. Kin selection models predict that phenotypic differences between queens and workers should result from environmental rather than from genetic differences. However, genetic effects on queen and worker differentiation were found in two populations-of Pogonomyrmex harvester ants. Each of the two populations is composed of two genetically distinct lineages. Queens (which can be of either lineage) generally mate with males of their own and of the alternate lineage and produce two types of female offspring, those fertilized by males of the queens' lineage which develop into queens and those fertilized by males of the alternate lineage which develop into workers. All four lineages were further suggested to be themselves of hybrid origin between-the species P: barbatus and P. rugosus, in which queens and workers do not differ genetically. In a first set of experiments, we tested if female caste determination (the differentiation into queens and workers) in the lineages was genetically hardwired and if it was associated with costs in terms of the ability to optimally allocate resources to the production of queens and workers. To this end we first mated queens of-two lineages to a single male. Queens mated to a male of the alternate lineage successfully raised worker offspring whereas queens mated to a male of their own lineage almost always failed to produce workers. This reveals that pure-lineage individuals have lost the ability to develop into workers. Second, we analyzed offspring produced by naturally mated queens. During the stage of colony founding when only workers are produced, naturally mated queens laid a high proportion of pure-lineage eggs but the large majority of these eggs failed to develop. As a consequence, the number of offspring produced by incipient colonies decreased linearly with the proportion of pure-lineage eggs laid by queens. Moreover, queens of the lineage most commonly represented in a given population produced more pure-lineage eggs, in line with the view that they mate randomly with the two types of males and indiscriminately use their sperm. Altogether these results predict frequency-dependent founding success for pairs of lineages because queens of the more common lineage will produce more pure-lineage eggs and their colonies be less successful during the stage of colony founding. To describe the distribution of populations characterized with genetic caste determination relative to the populations with environmental caste determination we genotyped queens and workers collected during a large survey of -additional populations. Genetic caste determination associated with pairs of interbreeding lineages was frequent and widespread in the studied range and we identified four additional lineages displaying genetic caste determination. Overall, there were thus eight highly differentiated lineages with genetic caste determination. These lineages always co-occurred in the same complementary lineage pairs. Three of the four lineage pairs appeared to have a common origin, while their relationship with the forth could not be resolved. The genetic survey also revealed that, in addition to being genetically isolated from one another, all eight lineages were genetically distinct from P. rugosus and P. barbatus, even when colonies of interbreeding lineages co-occurred with colonies of either putative parent at the same site. This raised the question of the mechanisms involved in the reproductive isolation between the lineages and the parental species and between the two lineages of a lineage pair. At a site where one lineage pair co-occurred with P. rugosus, we identified two pre-zygotic mechanisms (differences in timing for mating flights between P. rugosus and the lineage pair and assortative mating) and one post-zygotic mechanism (high levels of hybrid unviablility) which in combination may largely account for the reproductive isolation between the lineages and their parental species. The mechanisms accounting for the reproductive isolation between the two lineages of a lineage pair varied across lineage pairs. In one lineage pair, inter-lineage individuals exclusively occurred in the sterile worker caste, raising the possibility that inter-lineage eggs have completely lost the ability to develop into queens in this lineage pair and that there is thus no opportunity for gene flow. In each of the three remaining lineage pairs, inter-lineage queens were produced by a minority of colonies. In these lineage pairs, colonies headed by inter-lineage queens failed to grow sufficiently to produce reproductive individuals which may account for the reproductive isolation between co-occurring lineages in three lineage pairs. In conclusion, the results of this thesis show that genetic caste determination is costly but widespread in Pogonomyrmex harvester ants. Reproductive isolation among the lineages and between the lineages and the parental species as well as frequency-dependent founding success for co-occurring lineages may contribute to the persistence of this extraordinary system. Résumé La division du travail entre individus reproducteurs (les reines) et individus non-reproducteurs (ouvrières) représente la caractéristique principale des sociétés d'insectes et est à la base de leur succès écologique. Des modèles de sélection de parentèle prédisent que les différences phénotypiques entre reines et ouvrières devraient provenir d'effets environnementaux plutôt que de différences génétiques. Malgré ce fait, des effets génétiques sur la différentiation entre reines et ouvrières ont été montrés dans deux populations de fourmis moissonneuses du genre Pogonomyrmex. Chacune des deux populations est composée de deux lignées génétiquement distinctes. Les reines de chaque lignée s'accouplent en général avec des mâles de leur propre lignée ainsi qu'avec des mâles de l'autre lignée et produisent deux types d'oeufs, ceux qui sont fécondés par les mâles de leur propre lignée qui se développent en nouvelles reines et ceux qui sont fécondés par les mâles de l'autre lignée qui se développent en ouvrières. Il a été suggéré que les lignées sont elles-mêmes des hybrides entre les deux espèces P. barbatus et P. rugosus. Dans ces deux espèces, les reines et ouvrières ne sont pas génétiquement distinctes. Dans une première série d'expériences, nous avons testé si la détermination de la caste femelle (le développement en reine ou en ouvrière) est génétiquement rigide et si elle est associée à des coûts en terme de capacité à allouer de façon optimale les ressources pour la production de reines et d'ouvrières. Pour cela nous avons accouplé des reines de deux lignées avec un seul mâle. Les reines accouplées avec un mâle de l'autre lignée ont élevé de nouvelles ouvrières avec succès alors que les reines accouplées avec un mâle de leur propre lignée ont presque toujours échoué à produire des ouvrières. Ceci montre que les individus de lignée pure ont perdu la capacité de se développer en ouvrière. Deuxièmement, nous avons analysé la descendance de reines qui se sont accouplées naturellement. Durant le stade de fondation de la colonie, où seules des ouvrières sont élevées, les reines accouplées naturellement ont pondu une grande proportion d'oeufs de lignée pure mais la majorité de ces derniers ne se sont pas développés. En conséquence, le nombre de descendants produits par des colonies fondatrices diminuait linéairement avec la proportion des oeufs de lignée pure pondus par la reine en accord avec l'hypothèse que les reines s'accouplent au hasard avec les deux types de mâles et utilisent leur sperme aléatoirement. Dans l'ensemble; ces résultats prédisent un succès de fondation fréquence-dépendant pour les deux lignées, car les reines de la lignée la plus fréquente produiront .plus d'oeufs de lignée pure et leurs colonies auront moins de succès lors de la fondation de colonies par rapport aux colonies de la lignée la moins fréquente. Pour décrire la distribution des-populations caractérisées par une détermination génétique des castes par rapport aux populations caractérisées par une détermination environnementale des castes, nous avons génotypé des reines et des ouvrières qui ont été collectées lors d'une analyse de populations supplémentaires. La détermination génétique des castes associée à des croisements entre lignées est fréquente et largement répartie dans l'aire étudiée. Nous avons identifié quatre lignées supplémentaires, ayant une détermination génétique des castes, pour un total de huit lignées. Ces huit lignées forment quatre paires de lignées et on ne trouve jamais deux lignées de paires différentes, dans une population. Trois des quatre paires de lignées s'avèrent avoir une origine commune alors que leur relation avec la quatrième paire de lignées n'a pas pu être résolue. L'analyse génétique de populations supplémentaires a également révélé qu'en plus d'être génétiquement isolées les unes des autres, les huit lignées sont génétiquement distinctes de P. rugosus et P. barbatus même si les colonies d'une paire de lignées se trouvent en sympatrie avec l'une ou l'autre des espèces parentales. Ceci relève la question des mécanismes impliqués dans l'isolation reproductive entre les lignées et les espèces parentales ainsi qu'entre les deux lignées d'une paire. En étudiant un site où une paire de lignées se trouve en sympatrie avec P. rugosus, nous avons identifié deux mécanismes pré-zygotiques (des différences dans le timing du vol nuptial entre P. rugosus et les lignées et des accouplements assortis) ainsi qu'un mécanisme post-zygotique (un niveau élevé de non-viabilité des hybrides). En combinaison, ces mécanismes peuvent largement expliquer l'isolement reproductif entre les lignées et leurs espèces parentales. Les mécanismes contribuant à l'isolement reproductif entre les deux lignées d'une paire variaient entre paires de lignées. Dans une paire, les individus de génotype inter-lignée se trouvent uniquement dans la caste stérile des ouvrières, suggérant qu'il n'y a pas d'opportunité pour avoir du flux de gènes entre les deux lignées ce cette paire. Dans chacune des trois autres paires de lignées des nouvelles reines de génotype inter-lignée sont produites par une minorité de colonies. Par contre, les colonies avec une reine mère de génotype inter-lignée ne se développent pas suffisamment pour produire des individus reproducteurs. Ceci peut donc expliquer pourquoi il n'y a pas de flux de gènes entre les deux lignées de trois paires. En conclusion, les résultats de cette thèse montrent que la détermination génétique de la caste est coûteuse mais très répandue chez les fourmis. moissonneuses du genre Pogonomyrmex. L'isolement reproductif des lignées entre elles et avec les espèces parentales, ainsi qu'un succès de fondation fréquence-dépendant contribuent à la persistance de ce système extraordinaire.
Summary: Amphibians are among the most vulnerable animals of the world. One third of all species are currently threatened with extinction. Habitat loss is the major menace to pond- and stream-breeding species in the old world. In highly urbanized landscape like the Swiss Plateau, most species suffer from habitat reduction and fragmentation. Among all indigenous species, the European tree frog (Hyla arborea L., 1758) is one of the most endangered. It experienced an alarming decline during the last century and its regional long-term persistence is not guaranteed. We developed a monitoring framework based on calling male counts which included multiple visits to each wetland during the reproduction period in order to precisely determine its distribution on the Lemanic coast. Our results indicate that visiting populations 3 limes under suitable climatic conditions (temperature >20°C) provides reliable presence/absence data. Based on our monitoring data, we analyzed the species requirements regarding its breeding habitat. It appeared that anthropogenic activities had paradoxical effects on the species. On one hand, urbanization, traffic and intensive agriculture had a strong detrimental effect on tree frog distribution. On the other hand, large tree frog populations were frequently associated with gravel pits and military training grounds. Our results allowed us to create a habitat suitability map taking into account detrimental landscape elements around ponds (>1100m away from urban areas and >500m away from first class roads). In parallel, we developed a metapopulation model of the European tree frog in order to identify the critical threats to the long term persistence of the species. Our results indicated that suitable pond density is at the low end of the species requirements. Pond creation must therefore be considered an essential complementary approach to pond conservation and restoration. Our model also provided a mapping solution permitting the location of the must suitable area for pond creation from a metapopulation perspective. As many other amphibians, the European tree frog is not only exposed to an aquatic habitat (breeding and larval period), but also to a terrestrial stage (summer and overwintering habitats). Unfortunately, animals in their terrestrial phase are less conspicuous and, as a consequence, their terrestrial needs are relatively unknown. Using a recent tracking method (the Harmonic Direction Finder), we followed post-breeding frogs and identified favored terrestrial habitats, thus providing another practical conservation tool. We conclude that only the combination of multiple spatially explicit approaches (landscape-scale habitat suitability, metapopulation dynamics and terrestrial needs) is likely to provide wildlife managers with effective tools for the conservation of highly endangered amphibians. Résumé: Les amphibiens font partie des animaux les plus vulnérables du monde. Un tiers des espèces est actuellement menacé d'extinction. Dans l'ancien monde, la disparition des habitats constitue la principale menace pour les grenouilles, crapauds, tritons et salamandres. Dans les paysages fortement urbanisés comme le Plateau Suisse, la plupart des espèces souffrent d'une réduction et d'une fragmentation de leurs habitats. Parmi toutes les espèces indigènes, la rainette verte (Hyla arborea L., 1758) est l'une des plus menacée. Sa distribution a régressé de manière alarmante durant le siècle passé et sa survie régionale à long terme n'est pas assurée. Nous avons développé une méthode de suivi des populations se basant sur le comptage des mâles chanteurs durant la période de reproduction. Cette méthode requiert plusieurs visites à chaque plan d'eau de manière à déterminer précisément la distribution de l'espèce. Nos résultats démontrent que 3 visites par population dans des conditions climatiques favorable (température >20°C) permettent d'obtenir des données de présence/ absence valables. Sur la base de nos comptages sur la Côte lémanique, nous avons analysé les exigences de l'espèce concernant ses sites de reproduction. Il est apparu que les activités humaines avaient un effet paradoxal sur l'espèce. D'une part, l'urbanisation, le trafic routier et l'intensification de l'agriculture ont un effet fortement préjudiciable, tandis que d'autre part les plus grandes populations sont souvent associées à des gravières et autres places d'armes. Nos résultats ont permis de créer une carte de qualité d'habitat prenant en compte les éléments paysagers préjudiciables à la rainette (situé à plus de 1100m de zones urbaines et à plus de 500m de routes de première classe). En parallèle, nous avons développé un modèle métapopulationnel (incluant l'ensemble des populations) de manière à identifier les menaces prépondérantes sur la survie à long terme de l'espèce. Nos résultats ont permis de déterminer que la densité actuelle de plans d'eau adéquats est à la limite inférieure des exigences de l'espèce. La création d'étangs doit donc être considérée comme une approche indispensable et complémentaire à la protection et à la restauration des sites existants. Notre modèle a également fourni des résultats cartographiables permettant l'identification des sites les plus appropriés dans une perspective métapopulationnelle. Comme de nombreux autres amphibiens, la rainette verte est exposée à un habitat aquatique (reproduction et développement larvaire) ainsi qu'à un habitat terrestre (été et hiver). Les animaux étant particulièrement cryptiques dans cette seconde phase, leurs besoins terrestres sont relativement mal connus. Nous avons donc développé une nouvelle méthode de télémétrie basée sur le goniomètre harmonique. Cette méthode nous a permis de suivre des rainettes dans leurs migrations jusqu'à leurs habitats d'été et d'établir ainsi des recommandations pratiques pour la conservation de la rainette. Nous concluons que la combinaison de multiples approches spatialement explicites (qualité d'habitat, dynamique de métapopulation et habitats terrestres) est seule à même de produire des outils efficaces pour la conservation des espèces menacées d'amphibiens.
During brain development, spontaneous neuronal activity has been shown to play a crucial role in the maturation of neuronal circuitries. Activity-related signals may cause selective neuronal cell death and/or rearrangement of neuronal connectivity. To study the effects of sustained inhibitory activity on developing inhibitory (GABAergic) neurons, three-dimensional primary cell cultures of fetal rat telencephalon were used. In relatively immature cultures, muscimol (10 microns), a GABAA receptor agonist, induced a transient increase in apoptotic cell death, as evidenced by a cycloheximide-sensitive increase of free nucleosomes and an increased frequency of DNA double strand breaks (TUNEL labeling). Furthermore, muscimol caused an irreversible reduction of glutamic acid decarboxylase activity, indicating a loss of GABAergic neurons. The muscimol-induced death of GABAergic neurons was attenuated by the GABAA receptor blockers bicuculline (100 microns) and picrotoxin (100 microns), by depolarizing potassium concentrations (30 mM KCl) and by the L-type calcium channel activator BAY K8644 (2 microns). As compared to the cholinergic marker (choline acetyltransferase activity), glutamic acid decarboxylase activity was significantly more affected by various agents known to inhibit neuronal activity, including tetrodotoxin (1 micron), flunarizine (5 microns), MK 801 (50 microns) and propofol (40 microns). The present results suggest that the survival of a subpopulation of immature GABAergic neurons is dependent on sustained neuronal activity and that these neurons may undergo apoptotic cell death in response to GABAA autoreceptor activation.
Chagas disease is a complex public health problem that has been underestimated in Ecuador. Here we review the relevant published information, and present unpublished and new data that help to understand the current Chagas disease epidemiological situation and its evolution in the country. Three main characteristics have been identified: (i) persistence of Trypanosoma cruzi transmission in already known foci; (ii) a marked endemicity in some urban areas of Guayaquil; and (iii) the transformation of new Amazon foci into truly endemic areas. The situation in other suspect areas remains uncertain. Five Triatominae species have been implicated in the transmission of T. cruzi to people in Ecuador (Triatoma dimidiata, Rhodnius ecuadoriensis, R. pictipes, R. robustus and Panstrongylus geniculatus), but some others may also play a role in some areas (P. rufotuberculatus, P. howardi, T. carrioni and P. chinai). Other Triatominae reported seem to have little or no epidemiological relevance (T. venosa, T. dispar, Eratyrus mucronatus, E. cuspidatus, P. lignarius and Cavernicola pilosa). High frequency of acute cases and severe chronic disease has been observed. Although cardiomyopathy is more frequent, serious digestive disease is also present. It is estimated that around 120,000-200,000 people may be infected. 2.2 to 3.8 million people are estimated to live under transmission risk conditions.
NanoImpactNet (NIN) is a multidisciplinary European Commission funded network on the environmental, health and safety (EHS) impact of nanomaterials. The 24 founding scientific institutes are leading European research groups active in the fields of nanosafety, nanorisk assessment and nanotoxicology. This 4−year project is the new focal point for information exchange within the research community. Contact with other stakeholders is vital and their needs are being surveyed. NIN is communicating with 100s of stakeholders: businesses; internet platforms; industry associations; regulators; policy makers; national ministries; international agencies; standard−setting bodies and NGOs concerned by labour rights, EHS or animal welfare. To improve this communication, internet research, a questionnaire distributed via partners and targeted phone calls were used to identify stakeholders' interests and needs. Knowledge gaps and the necessity for further data mentioned by representatives of all stakeholder groups in the targeted phone calls concerned: potential toxic and safety hazards of nanomaterials throughout their lifecycles; fate and persistence of nanoparticles in humans, animals and the environment; risks associated to nanoparticle exposure; participation in the preparation of nomenclature, standards, methodologies, protocols and benchmarks; development of best practice guidelines; voluntary schemes on responsibility; databases of materials, research topics and themes. Findings show that stakeholders and NIN researchers share very similar knowledge needs, and that open communication and free movement of knowledge will benefit both researchers and industry. Consequently NIN will encourage stakeholders to be active members. These survey findings will be used to improve NIN's communication tools to further build on interdisciplinary relationships towards a healthy future with nanotechnology.
Triatoma guasayana is a silvatic triatomine species distributed in Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay. The study was performed in a secondary forest of Santiago del Estero, Argentina. The abundance of T. guasayana was evaluated by census in the following wild biotopes: quimiles (Opuntia quimilo), chaguares (dry bromeliads), logs and underground burrows. Ten biotopes of each type were dismantled in winter (August) and another 40 in summer (January); all fauna was recorded. The biotopes most infested by T. guasayana were quimiles (65%), followed by chaguares (55%), and logs (25%). Quimiles and chaguares were infested in both seasons, whereas logs were positive only in summer and burrows were never infested. Infestation and abundance were higher in summer than in winter. The biotope structure is a key factor for T. guasayana colonization. The larger number of refuges, the constant presence of blood sources and suitable inner microclimatic conditions offered by quimiles may favour the persistence of T. guasayana colonies. The richness of invertebrate fauna per type of biotope was ranked in the same order as that of T. guasayana, suggesting similar microhabitat requirements for all studied arthropods.
The effect of sunlight on the efficacy and persistence of an experimental tablet formulation based on Bacillus thuringiensis sorovar. israelensis (C4P1) was evaluated against Aedes aegypti larvae under simulated field conditions. The initial mortality ranged from 93 to 100%, and the residual activity ( > or = 70% mortality) recorded in containers exposed to sunlight or shade were, respectively, 13-35 days and 40-54 days. The results suggest that C4P1 can provide long-term larvicidal effect and operational advantages.
This study examines trends and geographical differences in total and live birth prevalence of trisomies 21, 18 and 13 with regard to increasing maternal age and prenatal diagnosis in Europe. Twenty-one population-based EUROCAT registries covering 6.1 million births between 1990 and 2009 participated. Trisomy cases included live births, fetal deaths from 20 weeks gestational age and terminations of pregnancy for fetal anomaly. We present correction to 20 weeks gestational age (ie, correcting early terminations for the probability of fetal survival to 20 weeks) to allow for artefactual screening-related differences in total prevalence. Poisson regression was used. The proportion of births in the population to mothers aged 35+ years in the participating registries increased from 13% in 1990 to 19% in 2009. Total prevalence per 10 000 births was 22.0 (95% CI 21.7-22.4) for trisomy 21, 5.0 (95% CI 4.8-5.1) for trisomy 18 and 2.0 (95% CI 1.9-2.2) for trisomy 13; live birth prevalence was 11.2 (95% CI 10.9-11.5) for trisomy 21, 1.04 (95% CI 0.96-1.12) for trisomy 18 and 0.48 (95% CI 0.43-0.54) for trisomy 13. There was an increase in total and total corrected prevalence of all three trisomies over time, mainly explained by increasing maternal age. Live birth prevalence remained stable over time. For trisomy 21, there was a three-fold variation in live birth prevalence between countries. The rise in maternal age has led to an increase in the number of trisomy-affected pregnancies in Europe. Live birth prevalence has remained stable overall. Differences in prenatal screening and termination between countries lead to wide variation in live birth prevalence.
La teràpia suplementària de ferro millora la capacitat d’exercici i la qualitat de vida en malalts amb una cardiopatia congènita cianòtica i/ o síndrome d’Eisenmenger El dèficit de ferro és una troballa comú en la cardiopatia congènita cianòtica, i pot ser la causa d’una reducció en la capacitat d’exercici. Actualment, està indicada la reposició dels dipòsits de ferro en aquest grup de malalts, éssent les evidències científiques escasses. En el present treball investiguem la seguretat i eficàcia del tractament amb ferro en malalts amb una cardiopatia congènita cianòtica. Per tal motiu, vint-i-cinc malalts amb una cardiopatia congenita cianòtica i dèficit de ferro van ser inclosos de forma prospectiva entre Agost del 2008 i Gener del 2009. El tractament utilitzat fou fumarat ferròs oral, fins a una dosi màxima de 200 mg tres vegades al dia. En l’anàlisi basal i als tres mesos de seguiment es va utilitzar el test de qualitat de vida “CAMPHOR”, el test de la marxa dels 6 minuts i la prova d’esforç amb consum d’oxigen. L’edat mitja fou 39.9+/-10.9 anys, 80% dones. Catorze malalts tenien la síndrome d’Eisenmenger, sis una malaltia cianòtica complexa i cinc circulació de Fontan. Cap d’ells va haver d'interrompre el tractament degut a efectes adversos. Després de tres mesos de tractament, l’hemoglobina (19.0+/-2.9g/dL a 20.4+/-2.7g/dL, p&0.001), ferritina (13.3+/-4.7mug/L a 54.1+/-24.2mug/L, p&0.001) i saturació de transferrina (17.8+/-9.6% a 34.8+/-23.4%, p&0.001) van augmentar significativament. També hi va haver una millora significativa en la puntuació del test de qualitat de vida (20.7+/-10.9 a 16.2+/-10.4, p=0.001) i el test de la marxa (371.7+/-84.7m a 402.8.0+/-74.9m, p=0.001). No es van evidenciar canvis significatius en els valors de consum d’oxigen (40.7+/-9.2% a 43.8+/-12.4%, p=0.15). En definitiva, la teràpia suplementària amb ferro en els malats amb una cardiopatia congènita cianòtica i dèficit de ferro és segura i millora la qualitat de vida i la capacitat funcional. En aquest grup de malalts, per tant, és aconsellable identificar el dèficit de ferro i restaurar-ne els seus dipòsits.
A 19-month mark-release-recapture study of Neotoma micropus with sequential screening for Leishmania mexicana was conducted in Bexar County, Texas, USA. The overall prevalence rate was 14.7% and the seasonal prevalence rates ranged from 3.8 to 26.7%. Nine incident cases were detected, giving an incidence rate of 15.5/100 rats/year. Follow-up of 101 individuals captured two or more times ranged from 14 to 462 days. Persistence of L. mexicana infections averaged 190 days and ranged from 104 to 379 days. Data on dispersal, density, dispersion, and weight are presented, and the role of N. micropus as a reservoir host for L. mexicana is discussed.
Integrating and expressing stably a transgene into the cellular genome remain major challenges for gene-based therapies and for bioproduction purposes. While transposon vectors mediate efficient transgene integration, expression may be limited by epigenetic silencing, and persistent transposase expression may mediate multiple transposition cycles. Here, we evaluated the delivery of the piggyBac transposase messenger RNA combined with genetically insulated transposons to isolate the transgene from neighboring regulatory elements and stabilize expression. A comparison of piggyBac transposase expression from messenger RNA and DNA vectors was carried out in terms of expression levels, transposition efficiency, transgene expression and genotoxic effects, in order to calibrate and secure the transposition-based delivery system. Messenger RNA reduced the persistence of the transposase to a narrow window, thus decreasing side effects such as superfluous genomic DNA cleavage. Both the CTF/NF1 and the D4Z4 insulators were found to mediate more efficient expression from a few transposition events. We conclude that the use of engineered piggyBac transposase mRNA and insulated transposons offer promising ways of improving the quality of the integration process and sustaining the expression of transposon vectors.
Vaginal delivery can cause lesions of the various pelvic structures responsible for the mechanisms of continence. These lesions may perhaps be prevented in the future by measuring pressure generated during childbirth. Tear of the anal sphincter during childbirth is a marker of a global impairment of the urinary, ano-rectal and sexual pelvic functions in the short and medium term. Persistence of a defect of the anal sphincter is frequent in spite of immediate suture. The correlation between these defects and ano-rectal incontinence are not established in our experience. The quality of the contraction of the sphincter complex and pubo-rectal sling seems to play a more important role in ano-rectal continence after a traumatic childbirth.
The incidence of neurodegenerative disease like Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease (AD) increases dramatically with age; only a small percentage is directly related to familial forms. The etiology of the most abundant, sporadic forms is complex and multifactorial, involving both genetic and environmental factors. Several environmental pollutants have been associated with neurodegenerative disorders. The present article focuses on results obtained in experimental neurotoxicology studies that indicate a potential pathogenic role of lead and mercury in the development of neurodegenerative diseases. Both heavy metals have been shown to interfere with a multitude of intracellular targets, thereby contributing to several pathogenic processes typical of neurodegenerative disorders, including mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, deregulation of protein turnover, and brain inflammation. Exposure to heavy metals early in development can precondition the brain for developing a neurodegenerative disease later in life. Alternatively, heavy metals can exert their adverse effects through acute neurotoxicity or through slow accumulation during prolonged periods of life. The pro-oxidant effects of heavy metals can exacerbate the age-related increase in oxidative stress that is related to the decline of the antioxidant defense systems. Brain inflammatory reactions also generate oxidative stress. Chronic inflammation can contribute to the formation of the senile plaques that are typical for AD. In accord with this view, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antioxidants suppress early pathogenic processes leading to Alzheimer's disease, thus decreasing the risk of developing the disease. The effects of lead and mercury were also tested in aggregating brain-cell cultures of fetal rat telencephalon, a three-dimensional brain-cell culture system. The continuous application for 10 to 50 days of non-cytotoxic concentrations of heavy metals resulted in their accumulation in brain cells and the occurrence of delayed toxic effects. When applied at non-toxic concentrations, methylmercury, the most common environmental form of mercury, becomes neurotoxic under pro-oxidant conditions. Furthermore, lead and mercury induce glial cell reactivity, a hallmark of brain inflammation. Both mercury and lead increase the expression of the amyloid precursor protein; mercury also stimulates the formation of insoluble beta-amyloid, which plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of AD and causes oxidative stress and neurotoxicity in vitro. Taken together, a considerable body of evidence suggests that the heavy metals lead and mercury contribute to the etiology of neurodegenerative diseases and emphasizes the importance of taking preventive measures in this regard.
The persistence of the biocontrol agent Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 in the surface horizon of 12 large outdoor lysimeters planted with winter wheat, Phacelia tanacetifolia followed by spring wheat, or maize was monitored for 1 year. Soil was inoculated with a spontaneous rifampin-resistant mutant (CHA0-Rif) of CHA0, and the strain was studied by using colony counts, Kogure's direct viable counts, and total counts (immunofluorescence). The number of culturable cells of the inoculant decreased progressively from 8 to 2 log CFU/g of soil or lower. However, culturable cells of CHA0-Rif accounted for less than 1% of the total cells of the inoculant 8 months after release in autumn. Since viable but nonculturable cells represented less than a quarter of the latter, most cells of CHA0-Rif in soil were thus inactive-dormant or dead at that time. Nonculturable cells of the inoculant were predominant also in the surface horizon of the lysimeters inoculated in the spring, and a significant fraction of them were viable. Results suggest that the occurrence of nonculturable cells of CHA0-Rif was influenced by climatic factors (water availability and soil temperature) and the abundance of roots in soil. The fact that the inoculant persisted as mixed populations of cells of different physiological states, in which nonculturable cells were predominant, needs to be taken into account when assessing the autecology of wild-type or genetically modified pseudomonads released into the soil ecosystem.