998 resultados para flow reversal


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OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the renal function outcome in children with unilateral hydronephrosis and urinary flow impairment at the pelviureteral junction with respect to the therapeutic strategy. METHODS: We retrospectively selected 45 children with iodine-123-hippuran renography performed at diagnosis and after 3 or more years of follow-up. All children had bilateral nonobstructive pattern findings on diuretic renography at follow-up. Eleven children were treated conservatively, and 34 underwent unilateral pyeloplasty. Split and individual renal function, measured by an accumulation index, was computed from background-corrected renograms for the affected and contralateral kidneys at diagnosis and the follow-up examination. RESULTS: Of 11 children treated conservatively, 9 had normal bilateral function at diagnosis, all had reached normal function at follow-up. Of the 34 operated kidneys, 12 (38%) had initially normal function that remained normal at the follow-up examination, and 22 had impaired function that had normalized at the follow-up examination in 15 (68%). The function of the contralateral kidneys was increased in 5 of 8 children with persistently abnormal affected kidneys. Pyeloplasty was performed in 23 children (68%) and 11 children (32%) younger and older than 1 year, respectively. The function of the affected kidneys increased in both groups, but normalization occurred only in the younger children. CONCLUSIONS: Of the children selected for conservative treatment, 82% had normal bilateral renal function at diagnosis that was normal in all at the follow-up examination. Of the children treated surgically, 65% had initially impaired function of the affected kidney that improved in 87% after pyeloplasty. Normalization of function was observed only in children who were younger than 1 year old at surgery. Persistently low function of the affected kidney was compensated for by the contralateral one regardless of the age at surgery.


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The rate of carbon dioxide production is commonly used as a measure of microbial activity in the soil. The traditional method of CO2 determination involves trapping CO2 in an alkali solution and then determining CO2 concentration indirectly by titration of the remaining alkali in the solution. This method is still commonly employed in laboratories throughout the world due to its relative simplicity and the fact that it does not require expensive, specific equipment. However, there are several drawbacks: the method is time-consuming, requires large amounts of chemicals and the consistency of results depends on the operator's skills. With this in mind, an improved method was developed to analyze CO2 captured in alkali traps, which is cheap and relatively simple, with a substantially shorter sample handling time and reproducibility equivalent to the traditional titration method. A comparison of the concentration values determined by gas phase flow injection analysis (GPFIA) and titration showed no significant difference (p > 0.05), but GPFIA has the advantage that only a tenth of the sample volume of the titration method is required. The GPFIA system does not require the purchase of new, costly equipment but the device was constructed from items commonly found in laboratories, with suggestions for alternative configurations for other detection units. Furthermore, GPFIA for CO2 analysis can be equally applied to samples obtained from either the headspace of microcosms or from a sampling chamber that allows CO2 to be released from alkali trapping solutions. The optimised GPFIA method was applied to analyse CO2 released from degrading hydrocarbons from a site contaminated by diesel spillage.


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Substantial collective flow is observed in collisions between lead nuclei at Large Hadron Collider (LHC) as evidenced by the azimuthal correlations in the transverse momentum distributions of the produced particles. Our calculations indicate that the global v1-flow, which at RHIC peaked at negative rapidities (named third flow component or antiflow), now at LHC is going to turn toward forward rapidities (to the same side and direction as the projectile residue). Potentially this can provide a sensitive barometer to estimate the pressure and transport properties of the quark-gluon plasma. Our calculations also take into account the initial state center-of-mass rapidity fluctuations, and demonstrate that these are crucial for v1 simulations. In order to better study the transverse momentum flow dependence we suggest a new "symmetrized" v1S(pt) function, and we also propose a new method to disentangle global v1 flow from the contribution generated by the random fluctuations in the initial state. This will enhance the possibilities of studying the collective Global v1 flow both at the STAR Beam Energy Scan program and at LHC.


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This paper presents the predicted flow dynamics from the application of a Reynolds-averaged NavierStokes model to a series of bifurcation geometries with morphologies measured during previous flume experiments. The topography of the bifurcations consists of either plane or bedform-dominated beds which may or may not possess discordance between the two bifurcation distributaries. Numerical predictions are compared with experimental results to assess the ability of the numerical model to reproduce the division of flow into the bifurcation distributaries. The hydrodynamic model predicts: (1) diverting fluxes in the upstream channel which direct water into the distributaries; (2) super-elevation of the free surface induced at the bifurcation edge by pressure differences; and (3) counter-rotating secondary circulation cells which develop upstream of the apex of the bifurcation and move into the downstream channels, with water converging at the surface and diverging at the bed. When bedforms are not present, weak transversal fluxes characterize the upstream channel for almost its entire length, associated with clearly distinguishable secondary circulation cells, although these may be under-estimated by the turbulence model used in the solution. In the bedform dominated case, the same hydrodynamic conditions were not observed, with the bifurcation influence restricted and depth scale secondary circulation cells not forming. The results also demonstrate the dominant effect bed discordance has upon flow division between the two distributaries. Finally, results indicate that in bedform dominated rivers. Consequently, we suggest that sand-bed river bifurcations are more likely to have an influence that extends much further upstream and have a greater impact upon water distribution. This may contribute to observed morphological differences between sand-bedded and gravel-bedded braided river networks. Copyright (C) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A controlled perturbation is introduced into the Saffman-Taylor flow problem by adding a gradient to the gap of a Hele-Shaw cell. The stability of the single-finger steady state was found to be strongly affected by such a perturbation. Compared with patterns in a standard Hele-Shaw cell, the single Saffman-Taylor finger was stabilized or destabilized according to the sign of the gap gradient. While a linear stability analysis shows that this perturbation should have a negligible effect on the early-stage pattern formation, the experimental data indicate that the characteristic length for the initial breakup of a flat interface has been changed by the perturbation.


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Wave-induced fluid flow at microscopic and mesoscopic scales arguably constitutes the major cause of intrinsic seismic attenuation throughout the exploration seismic and sonic frequency ranges. The quantitative analysis of these phenomena is, however, complicated by the fact that the governing physical processes may be dependent. The reason for this is that the presence of microscopic heterogeneities, such as micro-cracks or broken grain contacts, causes the stiffness of the so-called modified dry frame to be complex-valued and frequency-dependent, which in turn may affect the viscoelastic behaviour in response to fluid flow at mesoscopic scales. In this work, we propose a simple but effective procedure to estimate the seismic attenuation and velocity dispersion behaviour associated with wave-induced fluid flow due to both microscopic and mesoscopic heterogeneities and discuss the results obtained for a range of pertinent scenarios.


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Partial crystallization of the metallic glass Co66Si16B12Fe4Mo2 was performed by annealing at temperatures between 500 and 540°C for 10-20 min, resulting in crystallite volume fractions of (0.7-5)×10¿3 and sizes of 50-100 nm. This two-phase alloy presents a remarkable feature: a hysteresis loop shift that can be tailored by simply premagnetizing the sample in the adequate magnetic field. Shifts as large as five times the coercive field have been obtained which make them interesting for application as magnetic cores in dc pulse transformers. The asymetrical magnetic reversal is explained in terms of the magnetic dipolar field interaction and the observed hysteresis loops have been satisfactorily simulated by a modification of Stoner-Wohlfarth¿s model of coherent rotations.


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The multiscale finite-volume (MSFV) method is designed to reduce the computational cost of elliptic and parabolic problems with highly heterogeneous anisotropic coefficients. The reduction is achieved by splitting the original global problem into a set of local problems (with approximate local boundary conditions) coupled by a coarse global problem. It has been shown recently that the numerical errors in MSFV results can be reduced systematically with an iterative procedure that provides a conservative velocity field after any iteration step. The iterative MSFV (i-MSFV) method can be obtained with an improved (smoothed) multiscale solution to enhance the localization conditions, with a Krylov subspace method [e.g., the generalized-minimal-residual (GMRES) algorithm] preconditioned by the MSFV system, or with a combination of both. In a multiphase-flow system, a balance between accuracy and computational efficiency should be achieved by finding a minimum number of i-MSFV iterations (on pressure), which is necessary to achieve the desired accuracy in the saturation solution. In this work, we extend the i-MSFV method to sequential implicit simulation of time-dependent problems. To control the error of the coupled saturation/pressure system, we analyze the transport error caused by an approximate velocity field. We then propose an error-control strategy on the basis of the residual of the pressure equation. At the beginning of simulation, the pressure solution is iterated until a specified accuracy is achieved. To minimize the number of iterations in a multiphase-flow problem, the solution at the previous timestep is used to improve the localization assumption at the current timestep. Additional iterations are used only when the residual becomes larger than a specified threshold value. Numerical results show that only a few iterations on average are necessary to improve the MSFV results significantly, even for very challenging problems. Therefore, the proposed adaptive strategy yields efficient and accurate simulation of multiphase flow in heterogeneous porous media.


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The oleaginous yeast Yarrowia lipolytica possesses six acyl-CoA oxidase (Aox) isoenzymes encoded by genes POX1-POX6. The respective roles of these multiple Aox isoenzymes were studied in recombinant Y. lipolytica strains that express heterologous polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) synthase (phaC) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in varying POX genetic backgrounds, thus allowing assessment of the impact of specific Aox enzymes on the routing of carbon flow to β-oxidation or to PHA biosynthesis. Analysis of PHA production yields during growth on fatty acids with different chain lengths has revealed that the POX genotype significantly affects the PHA levels, but not the monomer composition of PHA. Aox3p function was found to be responsible for 90% and 75% of the total PHA produced from either C9:0 or C13:0 fatty acid, respectively, whereas Aox5p encodes the main Aox involved in the biosynthesis of 70% of PHA from C9:0 fatty acid. Other Aoxs, such as Aox1p, Aox2p, Aox4p and Aox6p, were not found to play a significant role in PHA biosynthesis, independent of the chain length of the fatty acid used. Finally, three known models of β-oxidation are discussed and it is shown that a 'leaky-hose pipe model' of the cycle can be applied to Y. lipolytica.


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In the Alps, debris flow deposits generally contain < 5% clay-size particles, and the role of the surface-charged < 2 mu m particles is often neglected, although these particles may have a significant impact on the rheological properties of the interstitial fluid. The objective of this study was to compare debris flow deposits and parent materials from two neighbouring catchments of the Swiss Alps, with special emphasis on the colloidal constituents. The catchments are small in area (4 km(2)), 2.5 km long, similar in morphology, but different in geology. The average slopes are 35-40%. The catchments were monitored for debris flow events and mapped for surface aspect and erosion activity. Debris flow deposits and parent materials were sampled, the clay and silt fractions extracted and the bulk density, < 2 mm fraction bulk density, particle size distribution, chemical composition, cation exchange capacity (CEC) and mineralogy analysed. The results show that the deposits are similar to the parent screes in terms of chemical composition, but differ in terms of: (i) particle size distribution; and (ii) mineralogy, reactivity and density of the < 2 mm fraction. In this fraction, compared with the parent materials the deposits show dense materials enriched in coarse monocrystalline particles, of which the smallest and more reactive particles were leached. The results suggest that deposit samples should not be considered as representative of source or flow materials, particularly with respect to their physical properties.


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We report experimental studies of crystals of Mn12 molecular magnetic clusters in pulsed magnetic fields with sweep rates up to 410^3 T/s . The steps in the magnetization curve are observed at fields that are shifted with respect to the resonant field values. The shift systematically increases as the rate of the field sweep goes up. These data are consistent with the theory of the collective dipolar relaxation in molecular magnets.