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Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
BCM (business continuity Management) is a holistic management process aiming at ensuring business continuity and building organizational resilience. Maturity models offer organizations a tool for evaluating their current maturity in a certain process. In the recent years BCM has been subject to international ISO standardization, while the interest of organizations to bechmark their state of BCM agains standards and the use of maturity models for these asessments has increased. However, although new standards have been introduced, very little attention has been paid to reviewing the existing BCM maturity models in research - especially in the light of the new ISO 22301 standard for BCM. In this thesis the existing BCM maturily models are carefully evaluated to determine whetherthey could be improved. In order to accomplish this, the compliance of the existing models to the ISO 22301 standard is measured and a framework for assessing a maturitymodel´s quality is defined. After carefully evaluating the existing frameworks for maturity model development and evaluation, an approach suggested by Becker et al. (2009) was chosen as the basis for the research. An additionto the procedural model a set of seven research guidelines proposed by the same authors was applied, drawing on the design-science research guidelines as suggested by Hevner et al. (2004). Furthermore, the existing models´ form and function was evaluated to address their usability. Based on the evaluation of the existing BCM maturity models, the existing models were found to have shortcomings in each dimension of the evaluation. Utilizing the best of the existing models, a draft version for an enhanced model was developed. This draft model was then iteratively developed by conducting six semi-structured interviews with BCM professionals in finland with the aim of validating and improving it. As a Result, a final version of the enhanced BCM maturity model was developed, conforming to the seven key clauses in the ISO 22301 standard and the maturity model development guidelines suggested by Becker et al. (2009).
The objective of this study was to identify restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers linked to QTLs that control aluminum (Al) tolerance in maize. The strategy used was bulked segregant analysis (BSA) and the genetic material utilized was an F2 population derived from a cross between the Al-susceptible inbred line L53 and Al-tolerant inbred line L1327. Both lines were developed at the National Maize and Sorghum Research Center - CNPMS/EMBRAPA. The F2 population of 1554 individuals was evaluated in a nutrient solution containing a toxic concentration of Al and relative seminal root length (RSRL) was used as a phenotypic measure of tolerance. The RSRL frequency distribution was continuous, but skewed towards Al-susceptible individuals. Seedlings of the F2 population which scored the highest and the lowest RSRL values were transplanted to the field and subsequently selfed to obtain F3 families. Thirty F3 families (15 Al-susceptible and 15 Al-tolerant) were evaluated in nutrient solution, using an incomplete block design, to identify those with the smallest variances for aluminum tolerance and susceptibility. Six Al-susceptible and five Al-tolerant F3 families were chosen to construct one pool of Al-susceptible individuals, and another of Al-tolerant, herein referred as "bulks", based on average values of RSRL and genetic variance. One hundred and thirteen probes were selected, with an average interval of 30 cM, covering the 10 maize chromosomes. These were tested for their ability to discriminate the parental lines. Fifty-four of these probes were polymorphic, with 46 showing codominance. These probes were hybridized with DNA from the two contrasting bulks. Three RFLPs on chromosome 8 distinguished the bulks on the basis of band intensity. DNA of individuals from the bulks was hybridized with these probes and showed the presence of heterozygous individuals in each bulk. These results suggest that in maize there is a region related to aluminum tolerance on chromosome 8
Calves born persistently infected with non-cytopathic bovine viral diarrhea virus (ncpBVDV) frequently develop a fatal gastroenteric illness called mucosal disease. Both the original virus (ncpBVDV) and an antigenically identical but cytopathic virus (cpBVDV) can be isolated from animals affected by mucosal disease. Cytopathic BVDVs originate from their ncp counterparts by diverse genetic mechanisms, all leading to the expression of the non-structural polypeptide NS3 as a discrete protein. In contrast, ncpBVDVs express only the large precursor polypeptide, NS2-3, which contains the NS3 sequence within its carboxy-terminal half. We report here the investigation of the mechanism leading to NS3 expression in 41 cpBVDV isolates. An RT-PCR strategy was employed to detect RNA insertions within the NS2-3 gene and/or duplication of the NS3 gene, two common mechanisms of NS3 expression. RT-PCR amplification revealed insertions in the NS2-3 gene of three cp isolates, with the inserts being similar in size to that present in the cpBVDV NADL strain. Sequencing of one such insert revealed a 296-nucleotide sequence with a central core of 270 nucleotides coding for an amino acid sequence highly homologous (98%) to the NADL insert, a sequence corresponding to part of the cellular J-Domain gene. One cpBVDV isolate contained a duplication of the NS3 gene downstream from the original locus. In contrast, no detectable NS2-3 insertions or NS3 gene duplications were observed in the genome of 37 cp isolates. These results demonstrate that processing of NS2-3 without bulk mRNA insertions or NS3 gene duplications seems to be a frequent mechanism leading to NS3 expression and BVDV cytopathology.
The thesis examines the phenomenon most commonly known as “ayahuasca tourism” – i.e. the practice of westerners traveling to South America and partaking in ceremonies in which a powerful entheogenic brew, ayahuasca, is consumed. While this popular phenomenon has been steadily increasing during the last decades, it has, however, been insufficiently studied by scholars. An important question which has not been properly addressed in earlier studies is how ayahuasca tourism relates to the wider occurrence of travel and how it should be perceived with reference to the theoretical frameworks on the subject of travel. Drawing on theories regarding pilgrimage and tourism, the main purpose of this thesis is to examine the relationship between ayahuasca tourism and the broader spectrum of travel. In particular, the study tests the designations “pilgrimage”, “religious tourism” and “spiritual tourism” with reference to ayahuasca tourism. Utilizing earlier literature as well as ayahuasca tourists‟ reports obtained from an Internet forum as a basis for analysis, I search for a suitable terminology to be used for the phenomenon. The study lays special emphasis on the protagonists‟ motivations, experiences and outcomes in order to take note of various aspects of the wide-ranging occurrence of ayahuasca tourism. Key findings indicate that ayahuasca tourism is best understood as a combination of pilgrimage and tourism. On the basis of the analysis I argue that ayahuasca tourism should be labeled as “pilgrimage” and/or “spiritual tourism”, and the tourists respectively as “pilgrims” and/or “spiritual tourists”. The category of “religious tourism/tourist”, on the other hand, turns out to be an inappropriate designation when describing the phenomenon. In general, through my study I show that the results are consistent with the present trend in the study of travel to perceive pilgrimage and tourism as theoretically similar phenomena. The study of ayahuasca tourism serves thus as living proof of contemporary travel, in which the categories of pilgrimage and tourism are often indistinguishable. I suggest that ayahuasca tourism is by no means exceptional on this point, but can rather be used as an illustration of modern travel forms on a general level. Thus, the present study does not only add to the research of ayahuasca tourism, but also provides additional insights into the study of travel.
Proliferatiivinen verrukoottinen leukoplakia (PVL) esiintyy yhtenä laajana tai useampana verrukoottisena, valkoisena muutoksena suun limakalvoilla. PVL on aggressiivinen limakalvomuutos, joka ei usein vastaa hoitoihin, uusii herkästi ja sillä on muita leukoplakioita suurempi pahanlaatuistumistaipumus. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on lisätä tietoa PVL:sta ja sen ilmentymisestä ja kehittymisestä sekä arvioida kriittisesti PVL:n diagnostiikkaa. Systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus suoritettiin etsimällä Pubmed-tietokannan kirjallisuushaulla kaikki englannin kielellä raportoidut ja vertaisarvioidut PVL- potilastapaukset 2000 – 2013. PVL voi histologisesti esiintyä myös verrukoottisena hyperplasiana (VH), joten myös nämä tapaukset sisällytettiin aineistoon. Kaikkiaan 54 artikkelia täytti sisäänottokriteerit. Näissä oli yhteensä 388 PVL- ja 848 VH-tapausta. Lisäksi kerättiin kaikki Turun yliopiston hammaslääketieteen laitoksen suupatologian osastolla histologisesti diagnosoidut vastaavat suun VH-muutokset 2000 – 2013. Kirjallisuudesta havaittiin, että PVL esiintyi useammin naisilla (2,2 : 1), kun taas VH esiintyi useammin miehillä (1 : 3,8). Tupakointi ei näyttänyt liittyvän PVL:aan (30 %), kun taas VH:aan se näytti selkeämmin liittyvän (83 %). PVL:n yleisin sijainti oli ikenellä (59 %) ja suurin osa VH-muutoksista esiintyi posken limakalvolla (51 %). PVL-potilaista 47 %:lla ja VH-potilaista 5 %:lla todettiin seurannassa pahanlaatuinen kasvain. Turun yliopiston suupatologian osastolla diagnosoituja VH-tapauksia oli 13 vuoden aikana 29. Naisten osuus sairastuneista oli suurempi kuin miesten (1,4 : 1). Muutokset esiintyivät yleisimmin kielen limakalvolla (48 %) ja poskessa (34 %). Yhdessä tapauksessa kehittyi pahanlaatuinen kasvain (3 %). Tutkimuksessa todettiin, että PVL- ja VH-muutokset poikkeavat toisistaan sukupuolijakauman, tupakoinnin ja pahanlaatuistumisen osalta. Ongelmana katsauksessa olivat tietojen puutteellisuus ja raportoinnin heterogeenisyys kirjallisuudessa. PVL- ja VH-tutkimuksessa tulisikin panostaa yhteneviin diagnostisiin kriteereihin, jotta materiaalit olisivat vertailukelpoisia. Potilaan kannalta PVL:n ja VH:n varhainen diagnosointi ja huolellinen seuranta ovat olennaisen tärkeitä asioita.
Individual circadian clocks entrain differently to environmental cycles (zeitgebers, e.g., light and darkness), earlier or later within the day, leading to different chronotypes. In human populations, the distribution of chronotypes forms a bell-shaped curve, with the extreme early and late types _ larks and owls, respectively _ at its ends. Human chronotype, which can be assessed by the timing of an individual's sleep-wake cycle, is partly influenced by genetic factors - known from animal experimentation. Here, we review population genetic studies which have used a questionnaire probing individual daily timing preference for associations with polymorphisms in clock genes. We discuss their inherent limitations and suggest an alternative approach combining a short questionnaire (Munich ChronoType Questionnaire, MCTQ), which assesses chronotype in a quantitative manner, with a genome-wide analysis (GWA). The advantages of these methods in comparison to assessing time-of-day preferences and single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping are discussed. In the future, global studies of chronotype using the MCTQ and GWA may also contribute to understanding the influence of seasons, latitude (e.g., different photoperiods), and climate on allele frequencies and chronotype distribution in different populations.
The SEARCH-RIO study prospectively investigated electrocardiogram (ECG)-derived variables in chronic Chagas disease (CCD) as predictors of cardiac death and new onset ventricular tachycardia (VT). Cardiac arrhythmia is a major cause of death in CCD, and electrical markers may play a significant role in risk stratification. One hundred clinically stable outpatients with CCD were enrolled in this study. They initially underwent a 12-lead resting ECG, signal-averaged ECG, and 24-h ambulatory ECG. Abnormal Q-waves, filtered QRS duration, intraventricular electrical transients (IVET), 24-h standard deviation of normal RR intervals (SDNN), and VT were assessed. Echocardiograms assessed left ventricular ejection fraction. Predictors of cardiac death and new onset VT were identified in a Cox proportional hazard model. During a mean follow-up of 95.3 months, 36 patients had adverse events: 22 new onset VT (mean±SD, 18.4±4‰/year) and 20 deaths (26.4±1.8‰/year). In multivariate analysis, only Q-wave (hazard ratio, HR=6.7; P<0.001), VT (HR=5.3; P<0.001), SDNN<100 ms (HR=4.0; P=0.006), and IVET+ (HR=3.0; P=0.04) were independent predictors of the composite endpoint of cardiac death and new onset VT. A prognostic score was developed by weighting points proportional to beta coefficients and summing-up: Q-wave=2; VT=2; SDNN<100 ms=1; IVET+=1. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis optimized the cutoff value at >1. In 10,000 bootstraps, the C-statistic of this novel score was non-inferior to a previously validated (Rassi) score (0.89±0.03 and 0.80±0.05, respectively; test for non-inferiority: P<0.001). In CCD, surface ECG-derived variables are predictors of cardiac death and new onset VT.
The genetic and environmental risk factors of vascular cognitive impairment are still largely unknown. This thesis aimed to assess the genetic background of two clinically similar familial small vessel diseases (SVD), CADASIL (Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy) and Swedish hMID (hereditary multi-infarct dementia of Swedish type). In the first study, selected genetic modifiers of CADASIL were studied in a homogenous Finnish CADASIL population of 134 patients, all carrying the p.Arg133Cys mutation in NOTCH3. Apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotypes, angiotensinogen (AGT) p.Met268Thr polymorphism and eight NOTCH3 polymorphisms were studied, but no associations between any particular genetic variant and first-ever stroke or migraine were seen. In the second study, smoking, statin medication and physical activity were suggested to be the most profound environmental differences among the monozygotic twins with CADASIL. Swedish hMID was for long misdiagnosed as CADASIL. In the third study, the CADASIL diagnosis in the Swedish hMID family was ruled out on the basis of genetic, radiological and pathological findings, and Swedish hMID was suggested to represent a novel SVD. In the fourth study, the gene defect of Swedish hMID was then sought using whole exome sequencing paired with a linkage analysis. The strongest candidate for the pathogenic mutation was a 3’UTR variant in the COL4A1 gene, but further studies are needed to confirm its functionality. This study provided new information about the genetic background of two inherited SVDs. Profound knowledge about the pathogenic mutations causing familial SVD is also important for correct diagnosis and treatment options.