982 resultados para faces
El present projecte tracta sobre el desenvolupament d'un marc de treball o framework per la capa de presentació d'aplicacions J2EE.En un primer bloc, s'analitzen els frameworks més utilitzats al món empresarial a dia d'avui: Struts 2, Spring MVC i JavaServer Faces. S'estudia com funcionen i les característiques principals de cada un, comparant-les per veure quines són comuns a tots i es consideren imprescindibles per un framework d'aquest tipus. A més, es fa un anàlisi exhaustiu dels patrons J2EE i les bones pràctiques que poden aportar al projecte.El segon bloc del projecte és el desenvolupament de Jewel Framework, el marc de treball que s'ha creat. Primer, s'analitza quines són les funcionalitats que ha de complir el framework i es fa un disseny de l'arquitectura i estructura que segueix. Després, s'implementa seguint el disseny i tenint cura que es compleixin tots els requisits, tant funcionals com de qualitat del producte. Finalment, es dissenya i desenvolupa una aplicació d'exemple que demostra la usabilitat i bon funcionament de Jewel.
Projecte per desenvolupar una botiga virtual de comerç electrònic, orientada a la venda de discos i DVD, amb tecnologies Java EE.
A person who faces the diagnosis of cancer is subjected to changes within his body, but also with regard to his view of himself and his social relationships. Cancer-related psychological distress occurs frequently and has been reported to have different prevalence according to cancer type and stage of disease. Psychological disorders are known to be underdiagnosed and thus undertreated in the oncology setting, since clinicians might miss the symptoms of psychological distress, misinterpret them, or lack the time and resources to respond adequately. The main psychiatric disturbances observed in patients with cancer are adjustment disorders and affective disorders (anxiety and depression), which in the majority of patients are due to stressors related to the disease and pre-existing psychological vulnerabilities; however, they might also be a direct consequence of biological causes either resulting from treatment side effects or from modifications induced by the cancer. This chapter aims to provide theoretical and practical information concerning psycho-oncological approaches, complemented by some reflexions on their clinical and scientific evidence, focussing essentially on verbal psychological interventions and especially on psychotherapy in patients with cancer.
As we face a difficult economic climate, in which inequalities may worsen, the PHA faces many challenges in its efforts to improve the health of the population. One such challenge is the issue of obesity. Recently, in the Draft Programme for Government and, again today, in anticipation of the publication of the Consultation on the Review of Health and Social Care Services in Northern Ireland, the specific issue of obesity has been highlighted in the media.The PHA is committed to playing a lead role in tackling this major health issue and has been systematically examining the evidence of best practice and effectiveness to ensure that investment and working in partnership will bring clear benefits. A welcome consequence of any success would be a reduction in the impact of the physical, and emotional costs of obesity related ill-health to individuals - and the financial costs to an overstretched healthcare system.A multi-facetted approach to tackling obesity is required for Northern Ireland. This will mean working across government departments, looking at relevant legislation, taxation, food standards and labelling, as well as supporting a raft of programmes within education, workplace, and at the local community level."The prevalence of overweight and obesity has risen dramatically in recent years in Northern Ireland and is now the norm to be overweight, rather than the exception. The Northern Ireland Health and Social Wellbeing Survey (2010-11) indicated that 36% of adults are overweight and a further 23% are obese; this means that approximately 3 in 5 adults in Northern Ireland carry excess weight. A similar proportion of males and females were obese (23%) however males were more likely to be overweight (44%) than females (30%).Data from the Northern Ireland Health and Wellbeing Survey (2010-11) reported that 27% of children aged 2-15 years are obese or overweight. The findings presented here are based on the guidelines put forward by the International Obesity Task Force. Using this approach, 8% of children were assessed as obese, with similar results for boys (8%) and girls (9%). Obesity has serious implications for health and wellbeing and is associated with an increased risk of heart disease and stroke, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, respiratory problems and joint pain.Evidence indicates that being obese can reduce life expectancy by up to 9 years; and it can impact on emotional and psychological well-being and self-esteem, especially among young people.Obesity also impacts on wider society through economic costs, loss of productivity and increased demands on our health and social care system. It is estimated that obesity in Northern Ireland is resulting in 260,000 working days lost each year with a cost to the local economy of £500 million.The good news is that the intentional loss of significant weight (approx 10kg) in overweight and obese adults has been shown to confer significant health benefits, decreased morbidity and may also reduce obesity-related mortality.Key programmes and interventions are undertaken by the PHA in order to prevent and reduce overweight and obesity. The programmes/interventions are supported by significant ongoing work at local level. Examples include:the promotion of breastfeeding; local programmes to increase awareness of good nutrition and develop cooking skills, for example 'Cook It!'; promotion of more active lifestyles, for example, Walking for Health' and 'Teenage Kicks'; development of community allotment schemes; programmes for primary school children, for example Skip2bfit and Eat, Taste and Grow; and sports and other recreation, for example 'Active Belfast'. The PHA's multi media campaign 'It all adds up!' to encourage children to become more active and understand the importance of keeping fit, in a fun and exciting way, ran until October 2011. It encouraged parents and carers to go to the website www.getalifegetactive.com and download the PHA logbook It all adds up! to plan activities as a family. The logbook helped children and parents plan and keep track of their participation in physical activity at school, home and in the community. PHA is currently developing a public information campaign and other supportive work to increase public awareness of obesity as well as to provide advice and support for those who want to make real changes. The campaign development is well underway and is anticipated for launch in late Spring 2012. Like many common health problems, people living in disadvantaged circumstances suffer most and the PHA is committed to tackling this aspect of health inequality. The good news is that even a modest weight loss, of 1-1 Â_ stones, can help to reduce the risk of many of the health problems resulting from being overweight or obese. Information on losing weight through healthier eating and being more active can be found on the PHA websites - www.enjoyhealthyeating.info and www.getalifegetactive.com . These websites provide help and advice for anyone who wants to improve their eating habits and fitness levels, by making small, sustainable, healthy changes to their lifestyle. The PHA leaflet, Small changes, big benefits is also available to download from the PHA website, 'Publications' section.
Estudi detallat del framework JavaServer Faces (d'ara endavant, JSF's) per al desenvolupament de aplicacions web, i mostra com integrar amb altres marcs de treball, específicament, Spring i JPA. Per a això, crearem l'aplicació Web onLineStore, un sistema de catàleg de productes en línia.
Ireland’s further education and training system faces major challenges at a time of severe economic crisis. The unprecedented level of unemployment -14.8% of our labour force is unemployed - has resulted in significantly increased demand for education and training. More and more people are seeking to upskill or reskill in order to enter or re-enter the labour market and the need to upskill those who have lost their jobs has become obvious to us all. The Government is re-inventing Ireland’s economy so that it is competitive, sustainable and provides opportunities for all to secure employment. The State has a fundamental role in this challenge and there is a particular need to respond with activation measures that provide clear and purposeful pathways to employment, either directly or via further and higher education and training
Treball de fi de carrera de Enginyeria Tècnica de Sistemes d'en Jordi Tejero. Consisteix en el desenvolupament d'una eina, força simplificada, per a gestionar les actuacions a domicili d'una empresa de serveis tècnics, com pot ser una lampisteria.El producte és una aplicació web desenvolupada integrament amb els recursos que proporciona el servidor d'aplicacions GlassFish v3, de Sun. En particular, empra EJB 3, Java Server Faces 2 i JavaDb (Derby) com a SGBD.A més de l'executable, el producte inclou el codi font Java, el projecte Eclipse amb que s'ha desenvolupat, la documentació JavaDoc, una breu guia pels usuaris i el resultat de les proves realitzades.A banda, s'hi publica la memòria del treball i una presentació virtual en Power Point.
Como Trabajo de Fin de Carrera (TFC) se ha realizado el análisis, diseño e implementación de una aplicación utilizando tecnología Java y una arquitectura J2EE. El proyecto Biblioteca Virtual consiste en una aplicación accesible a través de Internet, en la que los usuarios pueden consultar el catálogo de libros disponibles, solicitarlos, realizar búsquedas específicas, etc. Además, presenta opciones para administrar el stock de libros y los préstamos.
In this article, Médicos Sin Fronteras (MSF) Spain faces the challenge of selecting, piecing together, and conveying in the clearest possible way, the main lessons learnt over the course of the last seven years in the world of medical care for Chagas disease. More than two thousand children under the age of 14 have been treated; the majority of whom come from rural Latin American areas with difficult access. It is based on these lessons learnt, through mistakes and successes, that MSF advocates that medical care for patients with Chagas disease be a reality, in a manner which is inclusive (not exclusive), integrated (with medical, psychological, social, and educational components), and in which the patient is actively followed. This must be a multi-disease approach with permanent quality controls in place based on primary health care (PHC). Rapid diagnostic tests and new medications should be available, as well as therapeutic plans and patient management (including side effects) with standardised flows for medical care for patients within PHC in relation to secondary and tertiary level, inclusive of epidemiological surveillance systems.
Diseño e implementación de un marco de trabajo de presentación para aplicaciones J2EE. Análisis de los frameworks de mercado Struts 2, JavaServer Faces y Spring MVC. Patrones de diseño MVC, Core J2EE Patterns y patrones de diseño para programación orientada a objetos (Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software). Aplicación de autoservicio de socios para una asociación de padres y madres de alumnos para demostración de uso del framework MTP y de la definición de una arquitectura en tres capas: presentación, negocio y persistencia basada en Hibernate.
El presente proyecto tiene como finalidad facilitar al desarrollador y usuario en general el diseño de formularios en forma visual, haciendo uso de los componentes frecuentemente utilizados como cajas de texto, etiquetas, áreas de texto, calendarios, casillas de selección, listas desplegables, entre otros para generar código xhtml con JavaServerFaces.Para este fin me he basado en el diseñador de formularios de Joget Workflow, el cual posee una licencia GPLv2, permitiendo modificar su código, está desarrollado bajo Java, dicho diseñador de formulario tiene un entorno web, los cuales son utilizados e interpretados únicamente por su suite, utiliza en la vista páginas JSP y dentro de ellas JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), para el negocio utiliza el framework Spring y para la persistencia Hibernate. Joget persiste en la Base de Datos MySQL y se sugiere alojarse en un servidor Apache Tomcat, pero podría alojarse en cualquiera servidor de aplicaciones web para Java como Jboss Server Applicaction, Glassfish, entre otros.El diseñador de formularios permite la gestión de los formularios como crear, editar y/o eliminar formularios, y generar archivos código XHTML para JSF (Java Server Faces)ayudándolo en gran medida a un desarrollador especialmente de JAVA a visualizar comoquedará su formulario, menor tiempo en la construcción y personalizar su formulario a través de la modificación del código generado.
RESUME L'objectif de ce travail est de rappeler l'historique des hépatectomies majeures, les bases anatomiques et les techniques opératoires de la chirurgie du foie. Puis, à partir de 212 cas d'exérèses majeures recencées entre 1992 et 2001 dans le service de Chirurgie Viscérale du CHUV, les facteurs de risques, la mortalité et la morbidité des hépatectomies majeures seront étudiés et comparés avec les données récentes de la littérature. L'anatomie hépatique peut être considérée de plusieurs façons morphologiquement (poids, faces, lobe droit, gauche et caudé...), fonctionnellement (segmentation en fonction de la distribution des pédicules portes et de la localisation des veines hépatiques) et chirurgicalement. La terminologie est rappelée (hépatectomies «typique », «atypique », «réglée », «majeure »...). A partir de ces données, les exérèses du foie sont ensuite classées. Les techniques d'hépatectomies sont expliquées, en rappelant les principes généraux, et les voies d'abord. Puis, les techniques de contrôle de l'hémostase, la reconstruction des voies biliaires, les méthodes utilisées par rapport à la tranche de section hépatique et à la loge d'hépatectomie sont discutées, Les acquisitions récentes sont abordées. Sur les 494 hépatecomies réalisées entre janvier 1992 et août 2001, 212 sont majeures. Elles sont reparties en 7 groupes selon l'exérèse (lobectomie G ou D, hépatecomie G ou D etc...). `Sur ces 212 résections, 177 cas concernaient des lésions malignes et 35 cas des lésions bénignes. Les indications ont été classées en 4 groupes : cancer primitif du foie, métastases hépatiques, maladies bénignes (par exemple l'échinococcose alvéolaire), et 8 cas classés dans le groupe «autres ». Une intervention en urgence a été réalisée dans 7 cas. Le bilan préopératoire comprend un bilan biologique et morphologique. Une embolisation de l'artère hépatique a été réalisées dans 6 cas, alors qu'une embolisation dans la veine porte a été faite dans 17 cas. Les modalités chirurgicales (voies d'abord, contrôle vasculaire, drainage biliaire post- opératoire, transfusions per- opératoires, et interventions extra- hépatiques) sont expliqués. En fin, les méthodes statistiques utilisées sont rappelées. Il n'y a pas eu de décès per- opératoire. La mortalité post- opératoire dans les 30 jours a été de 3,3 % (7 cas) et la mortalité globale hospitalière de 5,2 %. Dans cette série, 132 patients n'ont eu aucune complication. La morbidité est de 17% si on considère les complications majeures, ayant concerné 36 patients, mais de 37,75 si l'on considère toutes les complications. Les complications chirurgicales sont le faite d'hémorragie, de fuite biliaire et d'infection du foyer opératoire. Dans notre étude, 33 facteurs de risque ont été analysés. L'analyse statistique uni- variée met den évidence les facteurs de risque suivants : Le nombre de culots de sang transfusés, la présence d'une hépatite, celle d'une cirrhose, le tabagisme, la lobectomie droite, et la présence d'une hypertension artérielle. L'analyse multi variée réalisée a permis de faire ressortir une combinaison de facteur de risque avec une valeur statistique significative et de réaliser une échelle et un score de gravité en fonction des facteurs de risques obtenus dans l'analyse uni variée. Le taux de mortalité globale hospitalière obtenu dans notre série (5,2%) est comparable aux résultats reportés dans d'autres séries.
The Andalusian Public Health System Virtual Library (Biblioteca Virtual del Sistema Sanitario Público de Andalucía, BV-SSPA) set up in June 2006 was determined by the II Quality Plan 2005-2008. It consists of a regional government action with the aim of democratizing the health professional access to quality scientific information, regardless of the professional workplace. Andalusia is a region with more than 8 million inhabitants, with 92,000 health professionals for 41 hospitals, 1,500 primary healthcare centres, and 10 centres for non-medical attention purposes. • To obtain documentary resources for health professionals. • To help citizens to find health information. • To coordinate the Andalusian Health Documentary centres. • To establish strategic agreements with organizations. • To contribute to the Knowledge Management Development • The BV-SSPA acquires in a centralised way, all of the information resources for the whole system. • It offers services for all professionals: o Document Supply Service o Online Learning o User service • Remote access to these resources and services. • Communication and marketing plan to promote the knowledge and use of the BV-SSPA. Presently the BV-SSPA has reached: • The subscription of 2,431 electronic reviews, 8 data bases and other scientific information resources. • The establishment of the Document Supply Service, which focuses all the article orders from and for the Andalusian Public Health System. • The starting up for the online learning platform. • The introduction of the user service and virtual reference service in beta mode. • The use of appropriate tools, as the meta-researcher and the link resolver, which allow the presentation of resources and services in a tidy, easily findable way, through a Web 2.0 page where the user can take part with his contributions and where his offers and suggestion are gathered. • Access to the resources, for the Andalusian Health Professionals worldwide requiring only an internet connection. Andalusian Health Professionals have access to the greatest Health Science Electronic Resources Collection in Spain. The BV-SSPA has become the undisputed medium for the Health Research and Clinical Healthcare in our region, being consolidated as the Knowledge Manager into the Andalusian Public Health System. In 2010, it faces new projects such as the institutional repository creation, HypatiaSalud; the analysis of our research activity; and the drafting of a normalised licence model for the contracting of electronic resources.
Aplicación J2EE que consiste en una red social desarrollada en arquitectura por capas. Se ha utilizado JSF para la capa de presentación, EJB para la capa de lógica de negocio, JAX-WS para la capa de integración y JPA para la capa de persistencia.
Red social para el intercambio de idiomas con arquitectura J2EE. Se han empleado los frameworks Java Server Faces (JSF), Spring, Hibernate y la librería PrimeFaces.