855 resultados para dividend taxation
El presente trabajo analiza desde un punto de vista cuantitativo, mediante un modelo de equilibrio general de generaciones sucesivas, los efectos sobre la economía española de eliminar el actual sistema de Seguridad Social e implantar uno de capitalización. El análisis considera el proceso de transición y mide en términos de bienestar, quiénes son los agentes que se opondrían a este tipo de reforma. La consideración de la interacción entre el sistema de seguridad social y el sistema fiscal implica mayores beneficios asociados a una reforma de la seguridad social. Sin embargo, este tipo de reforma sigue generando pérdidas de bienestar para la mayoría de agentes vivos en el momentodel inicio de la reforma, existiendo un sesgo en favor del status quo.
This research provides a description of the process followed in order to assemble a "Social Accounting Matrix" for Spain corresponding to the year 2000 (SAMSP00). As argued in the paper, this process attempts to reconcile ESA95 conventions with requirements of applied general equilibrium modelling. Particularly, problems related to the level of aggregation of net taxation data, and to the valuation system used for expressing the monetary value of input-output transactions have deserved special attention. Since the adoption of ESA95 conventions, input-output transactions have been preferably valued at basic prices, which impose additional difficulties on modellers interested in computing applied general equilibrium models. This paper addresses these difficulties by developing a procedure that allows SAM-builders to change the valuation system of input-output transactions conveniently. In addition, this procedure produces new data related to net taxation information.
[eng] This paper provides, from a theoretical and quantitative point of view, an explanation of why taxes on capital returns are high (around 35%) by analyzing the optimal fiscal policy in an economy with intergenerational redistribution. For this purpose, the government is modeled explicitly and can choose (and commit to) an optimal tax policy in order to maximize society's welfare. In an infinitely lived economy with heterogeneous agents, the long run optimal capital tax is zero. If heterogeneity is due to the existence of overlapping generations, this result in general is no longer true. I provide sufficient conditions for zero capital and labor taxes, and show that a general class of preferences, commonly used on the macro and public finance literature, violate these conditions. For a version of the model, calibrated to the US economy, the main results are: first, if the government is restricted to a set of instruments, the observed fiscal policy cannot be disregarded as sub optimal and capital taxes are positive and quantitatively relevant. Second, if the government can use age specific taxes for each generation, then the age profile capital tax pattern implies subsidizing asset returns of the younger generations and taxing at higher rates the asset returns of the older ones.
[eng] In this paper we analyze how the composition of labor taxation affects unemployment in a unionized economy with capital accumulation and an unemployment benefit system. We show that if the unemployment benefit system is gross Bismarckian then the unemployment rate is reduced if wage taxes are decreased (and thus payroll taxes are increased). However, if the unemployment benefit system is net Bismarckian then the unemployment rate does not depend on how the system is financed. Besides, in a Beveridgean system the labor tax composition does not affect the unemployment rate if and only if the unemployed do not pay taxes and the employed pay a constant marginal tax rate. We also analyze when an unemployment benefit budget-balanced rule makes the economy to have a hysteresis process.
[cat] Aquest article analitza la relació entre els ingressos dels pares i l’educació dels seus fills. En un context d’altruïsme perfecte, el model descriu les decisions dels pares sobre quant consumir i quant invertir en l’educació dels seus fills. El model prediu que els rendiments de l’educació en termes de sous haurien de ser lineals. Usant aquest model en una economia competitiva, es mostra com el resultat depèn dels subsidis o impostos del govern sobre l’educació. El compromís habitual igualtat-eficiència apareix en aquest context. Finalment, el model dóna intuïcions sobre la relació entre educació i productivitat.
La conexión entre energía e industrialización es un hecho universal y bien documentado desde hace más de dos siglos, cuando la máquina de vapor que permitió convertir la energía calorífica del carbón en energía mecánica supuso un gran avance histórico. En este sentido, el rasgo dominante de todo el siglo xx ha sido un intenso crecimiento de la demanda de energía, especialmente acusado en las décadas posteriores a la segunda guerra mundial, asociado al proceso de intenso crecimiento económico.
The purpose of this paper is to study both theoretically and empirically tax competition in the enlarged EU and to provide some insights on ongoing reforms concerning business taxation. We support the idea that even if one can observe cuts in "new" members statutory business tax rates, this should not result in fiercer tax competition between the "core" and "the "periphery" since infrastructure endowments and the existence of agglomeration rents in the core of the EU may prevent (at least partially) activities to relocate to the "new" members.
A government would like to subsidize an indivisible good. Consumers' valuations of the good vary according to their wealth and benefits from the good. A subsidy scheme may be based on consumers' wealth or benefit information. We translate a wealth-based policy to a benefit-based policy, and vice versa, and give a necessary and sufficient condition for the pair of policies to implement the same assignment: consumers choose to purchase the good under the wealth-based policy if and only if they choose to do so under the translated benefit-based policy. General taxation allows equivalent policies to require the same budget.
Introduction This dissertation consists of three essays in equilibrium asset pricing. The first chapter studies the asset pricing implications of a general equilibrium model in which real investment is reversible at a cost. Firms face higher costs in contracting than in expanding their capital stock and decide to invest when their productive capital is scarce relative to the overall capital of the economy. Positive shocks to the capital of the firm increase the size of the firm and reduce the value of growth options. As a result, the firm is burdened with more unproductive capital and its value lowers with respect to the accumulated capital. The optimal consumption policy alters the optimal allocation of resources and affects firm's value, generating mean-reverting dynamics for the M/B ratios. The model (1) captures convergence of price-to-book ratios -negative for growth stocks and positive for value stocks - (firm migration), (2) generates deviations from the classic CAPM in line with the cross-sectional variation in expected stock returns and (3) generates a non-monotone relationship between Tobin's q and conditional volatility consistent with the empirical evidence. The second chapter proposes a standard portfolio-choice problem with transaction costs and mean reversion in expected returns. In the presence of transactions costs, no matter how small, arbitrage activity does not necessarily render equal all riskless rates of return. When two such rates follow stochastic processes, it is not optimal immediately to arbitrage out any discrepancy that arises between them. The reason is that immediate arbitrage would induce a definite expenditure of transactions costs whereas, without arbitrage intervention, there exists some, perhaps sufficient, probability that these two interest rates will come back together without any costs having been incurred. Hence, one can surmise that at equilibrium the financial market will permit the coexistence of two riskless rates that are not equal to each other. For analogous reasons, randomly fluctuating expected rates of return on risky assets will be allowed to differ even after correction for risk, leading to important violations of the Capital Asset Pricing Model. The combination of randomness in expected rates of return and proportional transactions costs is a serious blow to existing frictionless pricing models. Finally, in the last chapter I propose a two-countries two-goods general equilibrium economy with uncertainty about the fundamentals' growth rates to study the joint behavior of equity volatilities and correlation at the business cycle frequency. I assume that dividend growth rates jump from one state to other, while countries' switches are possibly correlated. The model is solved in closed-form and the analytical expressions for stock prices are reported. When calibrated to the empirical data of United States and United Kingdom, the results show that, given the existing degree of synchronization across these business cycles, the model captures quite well the historical patterns of stock return volatilities. Moreover, I can explain the time behavior of the correlation, but exclusively under the assumption of a global business cycle.
Risk theory has been a very active research area over the last decades. The main objectives of the theory are to find adequate stochastic processes which can model the surplus of a (non-life) insurance company and to analyze the risk related quantities such as ruin time, ruin probability, expected discounted penalty function and expected discounted dividend/tax payments. The study of these ruin related quantities provides crucial information for actuaries and decision makers. This thesis consists of the study of four different insurance risk models which are essentially related. The ruin and related quantities are investigated by using different techniques, resulting in explicit or asymptotic expressions for the ruin time, the ruin probability, the expected discounted penalty function and the expected discounted tax payments. - La recherche en théorie du risque a été très dynamique au cours des dernières décennies. D'un point de vue théorique, les principaux objectifs sont de trouver des processus stochastiques adéquats permettant de modéliser le surplus d'une compagnie d'assurance non vie et d'analyser les mesures de risque, notamment le temps de ruine, la probabilité de ruine, l'espérance de la valeur actuelle de la fonction de pénalité et l'espérance de la valeur actuelle des dividendes et taxes. L'étude de ces mesures associées à la ruine fournit des informations cruciales pour les actuaires et les décideurs. Cette thèse consiste en l'étude des quatre différents modèles de risque d'assurance qui sont essentiellement liés. La ruine et les mesures qui y sont associées sont examinées à l'aide de différentes techniques, ce qui permet d'induire des expressions explicites ou asymptotiques du temps de ruine, de la probabilité de ruine, de l'espérance de la valeur actuelle de la fonction de pénalité et l'espérance de la valeur actuelle des dividendes et taxes.
Alikehittynyt infrastruktuuri, tiukat säädökset ja säädösten tulkitseminen, sekä monimutkaiset verotuskäytännöt ovat aiheuttaneet ongelmia suomalaisille Alikehittynyt infrastruktuuri, tiukat säädökset ja säädösten tulkitseminen, sekä monimutkaiset verotuskäytännöt ovat aiheuttaneet ongelmia suomalaisille yrityksille Kiinassa. Tutkimuksen perusteella yritykset eivät pysty vaikuttamaan infrastruktuurin kehittymiseen tai säädösten implementointiin, mutta ylläpitämällä suhteita ja valitsemalla oikeat partnerit yritykset pystyvät hallitsemaan ongelma-alueitaan. Etenkin ulkomaalaisille yrityksille oikean logistiikkaoperaattorin valinta on tärkeätä ja huomioon ottaen palvelutason, kulttuuritaustan sekä kansainväliset operaatiot on ulkomaalaisten yritysten tehokkaampaa käyttää kansainvälisiä operaattoreita kuin paikallisia toimijoita, jotkaovat usein halvempia, mutta eivät pysty toimimaan kansainvälisellä tasolla. Vientiin keskittyneiden yritysten tulisi sijoittua vapaakauppa-alueille tai vientiin painottuneille teollisuusalueille. Kyseisillä alueilla liiketoiminta mannermaahan on rajoitettu, eivätkä alueet täten sovellu yrityksille, jotka ovat keskittyneet Kiinan markkinoille. Paikallisesti operoivien yritysten tulisi sijoittua normaaleihin teollisuuspuistoihin ja käyttää tullin valvomia varastoja tukemaan kansainvälisiä toimintojaan.Tulisi myös muistaa etteivät kiinalaiset teollisuuspuistot täytä kansainvälisiä kriteerejä, joten säädöksiin on tärkeätä tutustua huolella jamielipiteitä kerätä toisilta yrityksiltä. Kiinassa merkittävimmät logistiikkaongelmat ilmenevät tuonnin ja viennin yhteydessä, jolloin säädökset ja toimintamallit ovat kontrolloidumpia. Etenkin tullaus- ja arvonlisävero ongelmat liittyvät kiinteästi tuonti- ja vientiprosessiin. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että tullausprosessi tehostuu yhteistyön ja koulutuksen kautta, mutta arvonlisäverosta aiheutuvien kustannusten minimointi vaatii logistiikkapuistojen käyttöä. Mikäli asiakas haluaa tehdä tullauksen kotiprovinssissaan tai yritys tekee kauppaa ALV -vapautettujen yritysten kanssa, tulisi logistiikkapuistojen käyttöä lisätä. Käytettäessä logistiikkapuistoja yritykset välttävät tuotteiden kuljetukset Hongkongiin jatakaisin säästäen huomattavasti kustannuksissa ja toimitusajoissa. Logistiikkapuistoja on myös mahdollista käyttää ratkaisuna kasvaviin ja viivästyviin ALV palautuksiin. Tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan toimintaympäristö ja vientipainotteinen valmistus ohjaavat 3PL yritysten valintaa ja vaihtoehtoisten logistiikkapalvelujen implementointia. Etabloiduttaessavapaakauppa-alueille vientiin ja tuontiin liittyvät ongelmatekijät vahvistuvat sekä rajoitukset kiinan liiketoimintaan kasvavat, mikä tekee yhteistyönkansainvälisten logistiikkaoperaattoreiden kanssa välttämättömäksi ja kannustaa hyödyntämään logistiikkapuistoja.
La tendencia financiera europea está a favor de un renacimiento del mito tributario de cargarle en cuenta al forastero una parte de los servicios públicos subcentrales. Siendo amplio el ciclo productivo del turista -transporte, alojamiento, manutención y entretenimiento- es posible incidir en distintas fases del mismo y lo más fácil es aprovechar el alojamiento para la imposición de una tasa.
El artículo trata de un impuesto concebido por James Tobin al que se ha llamado la tasa Tobin. La idea de esta tasa es brillante y bastaría una decidida voluntad política de llevarla a cabo para que fuese efectiva.
Interjurisdictional competition over mobile tax bases is an easily understood mechanism, but actual tax-base elasticities are difficult to estimate. Political pressure for reducing tax rates could therefore be based on erroneous estimates of the mobility of tax bases. We show that tax competition provided the overwhelmingly dominant argument in the policy debates leading to a succession of reforms of bequest taxation by Swiss cantons. Yet, we find only very weak statistical evidence of a relationship between tax burdens on bequests and the concerned tax base of wealthy elderly individuals. Moreover, inheritance tax revenues are found to increase in inheritance tax rates even in the long run, and actual tax rates lie well below the revenue-maximising levels throughout. The alleged pressures of tax competition did not seem in reality to exist.