915 resultados para diallel crossing
Commission 49 covers research on the solar wind, shocks and particle acceleration, both transient and steady-state, e.g., corotating, structures within the heliosphere, and the termination shock and boundary of the heliosphere. The present triennal report is particularly rich in important results and events. The crossing of the solar wind termination shock by Voyager 2 in 2007 is a highlight and a milestone that will certainly have important consequences for astrophysical processes in general (Section 7). The fiftieth anniversary of the International Geophysical Year (19571958), which is also the fiftieth anniversary of the birth of the Space Age, was marked not only by celebrations and a strong Education and Public Outreach Program, but also by efforts in coordinating present observations and in starting new scientific programs, particularly implying developing countries (Section 8). Studies of solar energetic particles (Section 3) and the related radio bursts (Section 4) benefited from new data from a number of spacecraft. The STEREO mission was launched in October 2006 and has obtained new results on 3-D aspects of the inner heliosphere. Meanwhile, solar cycle 24 is expected to become active soon, following what is already the deepest solar minimum of the space age...
Accelerated Microstructure Imaging via Convex Optimisation for regions with multiple fibres (AMICOx)
This paper reviews and extends our previous work to enable fast axonal diameter mapping from diffusion MRI data in the presence of multiple fibre populations within a voxel. Most of the existing mi-crostructure imaging techniques use non-linear algorithms to fit their data models and consequently, they are computationally expensive and usually slow. Moreover, most of them assume a single axon orientation while numerous regions of the brain actually present more complex configurations, e.g. fiber crossing. We present a flexible framework, based on convex optimisation, that enables fast and accurate reconstructions of the microstructure organisation, not limited to areas where the white matter is coherently oriented. We show through numerical simulations the ability of our method to correctly estimate the microstructure features (mean axon diameter and intra-cellular volume fraction) in crossing regions.
Migratory marine vertebrates move annually across remote oceanic water masses crossing international borders. Many anthropogenic threats such as overfishing, bycatch, pollution or global warming put millions of marine migrants at risk especially during their long-distance movements. Therefore, precise knowledge about these migratory movements to understand where and when these animals are more exposed to human impacts is vital for addressing marine conservation issues. Because electronic tracking devices suffer from several constraints, mainly logistical and financial, there is emerging interest in finding appropriate intrinsic markers, such as the chemical composition of inert tissues, to study long-distance migrations and identify wintering sites. Here, using tracked pelagic seabirds and some of their own feathers which were known to be grown at different places and times within the annual cycle, we proved the value of biogeochemical analyses of inert tissue as tracers of marine movements and habitat use. Analyses of feathers grown in summer showed that both stable isotope signatures and element concentrations can signal the origin of breeding birds feeding in distinct water masses. However, only stable isotopes signalled water masses used during winter because elements mainly accumulated during the long breeding period are incorporated into feathers grown in both summer and winter. Our findings shed new light on the simple and effective assignment of marine organisms to distinct oceanic areas, providing new opportunities to study unknown migration patterns of secretive species, including in relation to human-induced mortality on specific populations in the marine environment.
Focal epilepsy is increasingly recognized as the result of an altered brain network, both on the structural and functional levels and the characterization of these widespread brain alterations is crucial for our understanding of the clinical manifestation of seizure and cognitive deficits as well as for the management of candidates to epilepsy surgery. Tractography based on Diffusion Tensor Imaging allows non-invasive mapping of white matter tracts in vivo. Recently, diffusion spectrum imaging (DSI), based on an increased number of diffusion directions and intensities, has improved the sensitivity of tractography, notably with respect to the problem of fiber crossing and recent developments allow acquisition times compatible with clinical application. We used DSI and parcellation of the gray matter in regions of interest to build whole-brain connectivity matrices describing the mutual connections between cortical and subcortical regions in patients with focal epilepsy and healthy controls. In addition, the high angular and radial resolution of DSI allowed us to evaluate also some of the biophysical compartment models, to better understand the cause of the changes in diffusion anisotropy. Global connectivity, hub architecture and regional connectivity patterns were altered in TLE patients and showed different characteristics in RTLE vs LTLE with stronger abnormalities in RTLE. The microstructural analysis suggested that disturbed axonal density contributed more than fiber orientation to the connectivity changes affecting the temporal lobes whereas fiber orientation changes were more involved in extratemporal lobe changes. Our study provides further structural evidence that RTLE and LTLE are not symmetrical entities and DSI-based imaging could help investigate the microstructural correlate of these imaging abnormalities.
The study examines international cooperation in product development in software development organisations. The software industry is known for its global nature and knowledge-intensity, which makes it an interesting setting to examine international cooperation in. Software development processes are increasingly distributed worldwide, but for small or even medium-sized enterprises, typical for the software industry, such distribution of operations is often possible only in association with crossing the company’s boundaries. The strategic decision-making of companies is likely to be affected by the characteristics of the industry, and this includes decisions about cooperation or sourcing. The objective of this thesis is to provide a holistic view on factors affecting decisions about offshore sourcing in software development. Offshore sourcing refers to a cooperative mode of offshoring, where a firm does not establish its own presence in a foreign country, but utilises a local supplier. The study examines product development activities that are distributed across organisational and geographical boundaries. The objective can be divided into two subtopics: general reasons for international cooperation in product development and particular reasons for cooperation between Finnish and Russian companies. The focus is on the strategic rationale at the company level, in particular in small and medium-sized enterprises. The theoretical discourse of the study builds upon the literature on international cooperation and networking, with particular focus on cooperation with foreign suppliers and within product development activities. The resource-based view is also discussed, as heterogeneity and interdependency of the resources possessed by different firms are seen as factors motivating international cooperation. Strategically, sourcing can be used to access resources possessed by an industrial network, to enhance the product development of a firm, or to optimise its cost structure. In order to investigate the issues raised by the theoretical review, two empirical studies on international cooperation in software product development have been conducted. The emphasis of the empirical part of the study is on cooperation between Finnish and Russian companies. The data has been gathered through four case studies on Finnish software development organisations and four case studies on Russian offshore suppliers. Based on the material from the case studies, a framework clarifying and grouping the factors that influence offshore sourcing decisions has been built. The findings indicate that decisions regarding offshore sourcing in software development are far more complex than generally assumed. The framework provides a holistic view on factors affecting decisions about offshore sourcing in software development, capturing the multidimensionality of motives for entering offshore cooperation. Four groups of factors emerged from the data: A) strategy-related aspects, B) aspects related to resources and capabilities, C) organisation-related aspects, and D) aspects related to the entrepreneur or management. By developing a holistic framework of decision factors, the research offers in-depth theoreticalunderstanding of offshore sourcing rationale in product development. From the managerial point of view, the proposed framework sums up the issues that a firm should pay attention to when contemplating product development cooperation with foreign suppliers. Understanding different components of sourcing decisions can lead to improved preconditions for strategising and engaging in offshore cooperation. A thorough decisionmaking process should consider all the possible benefits and risks of product development cooperation carefully.
El artículo que presentamos a continuación recoge el proyecto Trans formare. Lecturas de la Transformación del Museo Frederic Marès, relatando la experiencia de ocho artistas vinculados al Equipo Confluencias [The Crossing Lab] de la Facultat de Belles Arts de la Universidad de Barcelona (convenios ref. UB 007095 y UB 008992), que a lo largo del período de renovación del Museu Frederic Marès de Barcelona (2009-2011) han revisitado las salas de este espacio museográfico en tránsito. Durante estas circunstancias especiales, las obras, protagonistas del Museo, carentes de su aura habitual y de la rigidez del contexto expositivo, han permitido una proximidad y una cercanía poco corrientes; siendo esta particularidad el punto de partida de Trans formare: una investigación en torno al objeto artístico y su imagen, a través de las experiencias de transformación y memoria. Asimismo, el proyecto ha buscado releer el trabajo de Aby Warburg, sus propuestas de catalogación iconográfica y, muy especialmente, sus Mnemosyne, permitiendo con ello aportar nuevas lecturas y perspectivas interpretativas al recorrido museográfico. En este artículo se pretende, pues, analizar y describir el proyecto, sus bases ideológicas y sus resultados, que han dado lugar a una exposición temporal con la que el Museo Marès ha reabierto sus puertas, y que puede visitarse hasta enero de 2012.
Humanity system of life is highly supported by maritime transport when circa 8 thousand million people require about 8.800 million tons of merchandises by sea, going in some 105.000 merchant ships of over 100 GT, sailing every thinkable dangerous waters 365 days year 24 hours day. All that Enormous activity plus others different factors produce accidents, as is shown in an ascendant 1.7 rate related to ships lost with big number in life, cargoes losses, and pollution. That is why this study pretend to detect causes factors of maritime accidents, to try to reduce them, and with that targetin mind it was tested the new theory of Induced Maritime Accidents, crossing itsproposals with relevant sinister of different times and circumstances, as Andrea Doria, Torrey Canyon, Costa Concordia, among others. Those cases were re evaluated to establish the key points of such theory, as they are the Production Pressure, the Risk Homeostasis, technological advances and the rupture of safety margin. Cases studies gave as result the existence of referred key points, in a manner combined that the chain of events derived to the fatality, and more than that highlights the possibility that been suppressed to acceptable limits the production pressure or the risk homeostasis, a permissible safety margin were been maintained, avoiding catastrophe.
A very simple spectrophotometric method is described for resolving binary mixture of the food colorants Sunset Yellow (INS 110) and Tartrazine Yellow (INS 102) by using the first derivative spectra with measurements at zero-crossing wavelengths. Before the spectrophotometric measurements, the dyes were sorbed onto polyurethane foam and recovered in N,N-dimethilformamide. Commercial food products (gelatine and juice powder) were analysed by using the proposed method and the HPLC technique. The results are in very good agreement and the differences between the methods is not statistically important. Therefore, the first-order derivative spectrophotometric method is accurate, precise, reliable and could be applied to the routine analysis of food samples.
The effect of the introduction of nitrogen atoms upon the triplet excited state reactivity of 1,4-diaza-9-fluorenone (1) and 1,4-diaza-9-benz[b]fluorenone (2), in acetonitrile, was investigated employing the nanosecond laser flash photolysis technique. The intersystem crossing quantum yield (Φces) for 1 and 2 was determined using 9-fluorenone as a secondary standard (Φces= 0.48, in acetonitrile) and for both diazafluorenones a value of Φces= 0.28 was found. Quenching rate constants ranged from 8.17x10(4) L mol-1 s-1 (2-propanol) to 1.02x10(10) L mol-1 s-1 (DABCO) for 1,4-diaza-9-fluorenone and from 6.95x10(5) L mol-1 s-1 (2-propanol) to 5.94x10(9) L mol-1 s-1 (DABCO) for 1,4-diaza-9-benz[b]fluorenone, depending if the quenching process involves energy, hydrogen or electron transfer. A comparison between quenching rate constants for both diazaflurenones and the parent compound, i.e. 9-fluorenone, a ketone with lowest triple state of ππ* configuration, lead to the conclusion that the reactive triplet excited state for 1,4-diaza-9-fluorenone and 1,4-diaza-9-benz[b]fluorenone has ππ* configuration.
The main objective of this work was to evaluate the diversification of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) populations as a way to manage resistance to the sorghum anthracnose fungus Colletotrichum graminicola. A total of 18 three-way hybrids were obtained by crossing six single cross male-sterile F1 hybrids, derived by crossing A (non restorer sterile cytoplasm) and B (non restorer normal cytoplasm) lines, with three fertile R (restorer) lines, previously evaluated for their differential reaction to the pathogen. Variation in the level of resistance was observed, as indicated by the values of the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) obtained for each hybrid. Lines contributed differently to the level of resistance of each hybrid. All hybrids in which CMSXS169R was the male progenitor were classified as highly resistant. Some hybrids had a level of resistance superior to the maximum levels of each line component individually.
Speaker diarization is the process of sorting speeches according to the speaker. Diarization helps to search and retrieve what a certain speaker uttered in a meeting. Applications of diarization systemsextend to other domains than meetings, for example, lectures, telephone, television, and radio. Besides, diarization enhances the performance of several speech technologies such as speaker recognition, automatic transcription, and speaker tracking. Methodologies previously used in developing diarization systems are discussed. Prior results and techniques are studied and compared. Methods such as Hidden Markov Models and Gaussian Mixture Models that are used in speaker recognition and other speech technologies are also used in speaker diarization. The objective of this thesis is to develop a speaker diarization system in meeting domain. Experimental part of this work indicates that zero-crossing rate can be used effectively in breaking down the audio stream into segments, and adaptive Gaussian Models fit adequately short audio segments. Results show that 35 Gaussian Models and one second as average length of each segment are optimum values to build a diarization system for the tested data. Uniting the segments which are uttered by same speaker is done in a bottom-up clustering by a newapproach of categorizing the mixture weights.
The aim of this study is to analyse the content of the interdisciplinary conversations in Göttingen between 1949 and 1961. The task is to compare models for describing reality presented by quantum physicists and theologians. Descriptions of reality indifferent disciplines are conditioned by the development of the concept of reality in philosophy, physics and theology. Our basic problem is stated in the question: How is it possible for the intramental image to match the external object?Cartesian knowledge presupposes clear and distinct ideas in the mind prior to observation resulting in a true correspondence between the observed object and the cogitative observing subject. The Kantian synthesis between rationalism and empiricism emphasises an extended character of representation. The human mind is not a passive receiver of external information, but is actively construing intramental representations of external reality in the epistemological process. Heidegger's aim was to reach a more primordial mode of understanding reality than what is possible in the Cartesian Subject-Object distinction. In Heidegger's philosophy, ontology as being-in-the-world is prior to knowledge concerning being. Ontology can be grasped only in the totality of being (Dasein), not only as an object of reflection and perception. According to Bohr, quantum mechanics introduces an irreducible loss in representation, which classically understood is a deficiency in knowledge. The conflicting aspects (particle and wave pictures) in our comprehension of physical reality, cannot be completely accommodated into an entire and coherent model of reality. What Bohr rejects is not realism, but the classical Einsteinian version of it. By the use of complementary descriptions, Bohr tries to save a fundamentally realistic position. The fundamental question in Barthian theology is the problem of God as an object of theological discourse. Dialectics is Barth¿s way to express knowledge of God avoiding a speculative theology and a human-centred religious self-consciousness. In Barthian theology, the human capacity for knowledge, independently of revelation, is insufficient to comprehend the being of God. Our knowledge of God is real knowledge in revelation and our words are made to correspond with the divine reality in an analogy of faith. The point of the Bultmannian demythologising programme was to claim the real existence of God beyond our faculties. We cannot simply define God as a human ideal of existence or a focus of values. The theological programme of Bultmann emphasised the notion that we can talk meaningfully of God only insofar as we have existential experience of his intervention. Common to all these twentieth century philosophical, physical and theological positions, is a form of anti-Cartesianism. Consequently, in regard to their epistemology, they can be labelled antirealist. This common insight also made it possible to find a common meeting point between the different disciplines. In this study, the different standpoints from all three areas and the conversations in Göttingen are analysed in the frameworkof realism/antirealism. One of the first tasks in the Göttingen conversations was to analyse the nature of the likeness between the complementary structures inquantum physics introduced by Niels Bohr and the dialectical forms in the Barthian doctrine of God. The reaction against epistemological Cartesianism, metaphysics of substance and deterministic description of reality was the common point of departure for theologians and physicists in the Göttingen discussions. In his complementarity, Bohr anticipated the crossing of traditional epistemic boundaries and the generalisation of epistemological strategies by introducing interpretative procedures across various disciplines.
Djur och djurskyddet hör till ett rättsligt regleringsområde som inte varit föremål för omfattande rättsvetenskaplig forskning i vårt land även om intresset för djurs välbefinnande ökat både i samhället och inom EU. Avhandlingen har avfattats som en artikelavhandling och är en offentligrättslig studie om djurskyddslagstiftningen och förvaltningen av djurskyddsärenden i Finland. Tematiken har behandlats både ur djurens och djurens ägares eller innehavares synvinkel med utgångspunkt i djurskyddslagstiftningen och förvaltningen av djurskyddsärenden i Finland. Forskningen är fokuserad huvudsakligen på skyddet av och välbefinnandet hos produktions- och slaktdjur även om bland annat de begrepp som granskas också berör andra djurkategorier. De övergripande frågeställningarna i avhandlingen är två. För det första, vad är det som avses med djurs välbefinnande och skydd i regleringen av djurskyddet och för det andra, hur realiseras dessa i djurskyddsmyndigheternas förvaltningsverksamhet? I forskningen presenteras och diskuteras bland annat en ny begreppskonstruktion: djurs rättsliga välbefinnande. Den empiriska delen i avhandlingen omfattar förvaltningsverksamheten inom området av djurskydd under åren 1996–2006. Sammanlagt 10468 dokument som upprättats av djurskyddsmyndigheten i samband med verkställandet av djurskyddsövervakning ingår i undersökningen. Forskningen utmynnar i en åtgärdsförteckning med förslag till utvecklingen av området för djurskydd.
The use conflicts are determined by the inadequate occupations of the soil, as it is the case of soil occupation inside of permanent preservation areas. This study aimed to determine the classes of the soil use and if there are conflicts inside of permanent preservation areas along the drainage network of the Água Fria Stream watershed, located in Bofete city - São Paulo, Brazil. It locates geographically between the coordinates: 48°09'30" to 48°18'30" longitude WGr., 22°58'30" to 23°04'30" latitude S, with an area of 15242.84 ha. The map of soil use was elaborated through the interpretation directly in the computer screen of satellite digital image. In the orbital data, the study area is inserted in the quadrant A, of image TM/Landsat - 5, orbit 220, point 76, passage 9/8th/2007. The Geographical Information System used was CartaLinx. The conflict areas of the watershed were obtained from the crossing between the maps of soil use and of PPAs. The results allowed the conclusion that more than half of the area (51.09%) is occupied by pastures, reflex of sandy soils and low fertility. It was also verified that although almost half of the watershed is covered with some type of vegetation (48.78% of natural forest /reforestation), it has approximately a third of permanent preservation areas used inappropriately by pastures (88.15%), reforestation (10.42%) and exposed soil (1.43%), totaling 343.07ha of conflicting areas, in a total of 993.26 ha of PPAs.