979 resultados para design methodology


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Um aumento crescente dos problemas estruturais associados à vibração excessiva de pisos de edificações de estruturas mistas (aço-concreto) e de concreto armado devido a atividades humanas rítmicas constitui a principal motivação para o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de projeto respaldada na obtenção da resposta dinâmica de pisos mistos (aço-concreto) e de concreto armado, quando submetidos a cargas dinâmicas humanas rítmicas. Para tal, os modelos estruturais estudados baseiam-se em pisos de edificações mistas (aço-concreto) e de concreto armado submetidos a aulas de ginástica aeróbica. São empregadas técnicas usuais de discretização, via método dos elementos finitos (MEF), por meio do programa ANSYS. Um estudo paramétrico foi realizado sobre os modelos estruturais investigados e foram obtidos valores elevados para as acelerações de pico violando os critérios de projeto e indicando níveis de vibrações excessivas. Considerando-se os aspectos mencionados anteriormente foi desenvolvida uma estratégia com base em alternativas viáveis para o controle estrutural, objetivando a atenuação das vibrações excessivas a partir da instalação de atenuadores dinâmicos sincronizados (ADS) nos pisos analisados.


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Perante diversas situações da engenharia são utilizadas formulações empíricas de dimensionamento baseadas em dados de campo e experiência profissional que definem muito o caráter subjetivo da metodologia padrão de projeto. O presente trabalho de pesquisa aborda os diversos métodos de obtenção dos esforços gerados em dutos enterrados submetidos a cargas dinâmicas e estáticas e sua posterior reavaliação através de modelagem numérica com o programa Plaxis 3D. Os métodos analíticos não convencionais foram comparados com o método padrão de cálculo sendo que o mesmo demonstrou ter uma boa precisão mesmo sem considerar outros fatores importantes como a parcela de resistência devida à coesão do solo e sua deformabilidade. A modelagem numérica demonstrou o conservadorismo do método de Marston e o subdmensionamento do espraiamento em prisma devido aos efeitos locais ocasionados pela adoção do recobrimento mínimo e sobrecarga dinâmica elevada. Também se observou, através da modelagem 3D, que a utilização dos dois métodos clássicos favorecem a obtenção de resultados dentro da razoabilidade.Verificou-se também, como resultado desta pesquisa, que a proposta de um método clássico modificado permite uma melhor aproximação da carga que atinge o duto.


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A co-pirólise é uma rota promissora, uma vez que minimiza o impacto ambiental causado pela disposição do plástico de maneira inadequada, evita seu acúmulo em lixões e permite um melhor aproveitamento de um recurso natural não-renovável, o petróleo, matéria prima importante para a geração de energia e obtenção de produtos químicos. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a definição das condições experimentais mais propícias à obtenção de líquidos pirolíticos com alta fração de óleo diesel, resultantes da co-pirólise de polietileno de alta densidade (PEAD) pós-consumo com gasóleo pesado tilizando-se catalisador de FCC (Fluid Catalytic Cracking). Como instrumento de otimização das condições experimentais, optou-se pela Metodologia Planejamento Fatorial. Foi também estudado o efeito das condições experimentais, como: a temperatura de reação, a relação gasóleo/polietileno e a quantidade de catalisador no meio reacional. As amostras de polietileno, gasóleo e catalisador foram submetidas à co-pirólise em sistema de leito fixo, sob fluxo constante de nitrogênio, variando-se a temperatura entre 450 C a 550 C, a quantidade de PEAD no meio reacional foi de 0,2 a 0,6 g, e a quantidade de catalisador foi de zero a 0,06 g, mantendo-se fixa a quantidade de gasóleo em 2 g. Foram efetuadas as caracterizações física e química do gasóleo, polietileno pós-uso e do catalisador. Como resultado, obteve-se a produção de 87% de fração de óleo diesel em duas condições diferentes: (a) 550 0C de temperatura sem catalisador; (b) 500 0C de temperatura e 25% de catalisador FCC. Em ambos os casos, a quantidade de gasóleo pesado e PEAD foram constantes (2 g Gasóleo; 0,2 g PEAD), assim com o tempo de reação de 15 minutos. A fração de óleo diesel obtida neste estudo alcançou o poder calorífico de 44,0 MJ/Kg que é similar ao óleo diesel comercial. É importante ressaltar que em ambos os casos nenhum resíduo foi produzido, sendo uma rota ambientalmente importante para reciclagem de embalagens plásticas contaminadas com óleo lubrificante originárias de postos de serviço, visando à recuperação de ambos conteúdo energético e orgânico dos resíduos de embalagens plásticas pós-uso


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Modern high performance motorcycles often employ a steering damper producing a moment that opposes the angular velocity of the steering assembly relative to the main frame. When modeling the motorcycle in a conventional manner, the steering damper is included as an integral part of the machine. The reduction in the wobble-mode frequency is caused by the effective increase in the steering system's moment of inertia. The compensators show the potential to significantly improve the damping of both wobble and weave modes simultaneously. The dynamic characteristics of high-performance motorcycles can be improved by replacing the conventional steering damper with a passive mechanical steering compensator. The design methodology adopted uses Nyquist frequency response ideas, root-locus analysis and loop-shaping design to obtain a preliminary choice of parameters.


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of configuration on supply network capability. It was believed that a configuration perspective might provide new insights on the capability and performance of supply networks, a gap in the literature, and provide a basis for the development of tools to aid their analysis and design. Design/methodology/ approach - The methodology involved the development of a configuration definition and mapping approach extending established strategic and firm level constructs to the network operational level. The resulting tools were tested and refined in a series of case studies across a range of sectors and value chain models. Supply network capability assessments, from the perspective of the focal firm, were then compared with their configuration profiles. Findings - The configuration mapping tools were found to give new insights into the structure of supply networks and allow comparisons to be made across sectors and business models through the use of consistent and quantitative methods and common presentation. They provide the foundations for linking configuration to capability and performance, and contribute to supply network design and development by highlighting the intrinsic capabilities associated with different configurations. Research limitations/implications - Although multiple case networks have been investigated, the configuration exemplars remain suggestive models. The research suggests that a re-evaluation of operational process excellence models is needed, where the link between process maturity and performance may require a configuration context. Practical implications - Advantages of particular configurations have been identified with implications for supply network development and industrial policy. Originality/value - The paper seeks to develop established strategic management configuration concepts to the analysis and design of supply networks by providing a robust operational definition of supply network configuration and novel tools for their mapping and assessment. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present an exception to the common belief "If you can't measure it, you can't manage it". It aims to show how in certain situations particular practices, attitudes and cultures can remove the need for individual performance measurement. Design/methodology/approach: First, the paper identifies the usual roles of performance measurement in managing individual employees as described by control and motivation theorists. Second, it identifies a market-leading organisation where managers deliberately refuse to use their top-level performance measurement system to manage the performance of individual employees. A case study is carried out to test what non-measurement mechanisms fulfil the roles of individual performance measurement in this organisation. Findings: Building on situations observed at this company, a set of possible characteristics of companies that do not require formalised individual performance measurement systems in order to achieve high performance standards is put forward. Practical implications: Managers should not always assume that individual performance measurement is the only way to achieve excellent performance. This study shows that, by granting responsibilities and providing appropriate support, managers can channel workers' enhanced motivation towards meeting wider organisational goals. Originality/value: This work broadens the understanding of how excellent performance can be achieved. It shows that excellence can be achieved through practices based on shared values linked to motivation, trust, and a common sense of mission, without the need to install individual performance measurement systems based on cybernetic principles. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Purpose: Advocates and critics of target-setting in the workplace seem unable to reach beyond their own well-entrenched battle lines. While the advocates of goal-directed behaviour point to what they see as demonstrable advantages, the critics of target-setting highlight equally demonstrable disadvantages. Indeed, the academic literature on this topic is currently mired in controversy, with neither side seemingly capable of envisaging a better way forward. This paper seeks to break the current deadlock and move thinking forward in this important aspect of performance measurement and management by outlining a new, more fruitful approach, based on both theory and practical experience. Design/methodology/approach: The topic was approached in three phases: assembling and reading key academic and other literature on the subject of target-setting and goal-directed behaviour, with a view to understanding, in depth, the arguments advanced by the advocates and critics of target-setting; comparing these published arguments with one's own experiential findings, in order to bring the essence of disagreement into much sharper focus; and then bringing to bear the academic and practical experience to identify the essential elements of a new, more fruitful approach offering all the benefits of goal-directed behaviour with none of the typical disadvantages of target-setting. Findings: The research led to three key findings: the advocates of goal-directed behaviour and critics of target-setting each make valid points, as seen from their own current perspectives; the likelihood of these two communities, left to themselves, ever reaching a new synthesis, seems vanishingly small (with leading thinkers in the goal-directed behaviour community already acknowledging this); and, between the three authors, it was discovered that their unusual combination of academic study and practical experience enabled them to see things differently. Hence, they would like to share their new thinking more widely. Research limitations/implications: The authors fully accept that their paper is informed by extensive practical experience and, as yet, there have been no opportunities to test their findings, conclusions and recommendations through rigorous academic research. However, they hope that the paper will move thinking forward in this arena, thereby informing future academic research. Practical implications: The authors hope that the practical implications of the paper will be significant, as it outlines a novel way for organisations to capture the benefits of goal-directed behaviour with none of the disadvantages typically associated with target-setting. Social implications: Given that increased efficiency and effectiveness in the management of organisations would be good for society, the authors think the paper has interesting social implications. Originality/value: Leading thinkers in the field of goal-directed behaviour, such as Locke and Latham, and leading critics of target-setting, such as Ordóñez et al. continue to argue with one another - much like, at the turn of the nineteenth century, proponents of the "wave theory of light" and proponents of the "particle theory of light" were similarly at loggerheads. Just as this furious scientific debate was ultimately resolved by Taylor's experiment, showing that light could behave both as a particle and wave at the same time, the authors believe that the paper demonstrates that goal-directed behaviour and target-setting can successfully co-exist. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Purpose: This paper seeks to measure in a quantitative way the degree of alignment among a set of performance measures between two organizations. Design/methodology/approach: This paper extends Venkatraman's test of coalignment to assess the alignment of a set of performance measures governing a contractual inter-organizational relationship. The authors applied the test and present coefficients of misalignment across three sets of measures: those used by a service provider involved in the research, those used by customers contracting the services, and those documented in 11 contracts studied. Findings: Results confirmed a high degree of alignment between target and actual operational performance in the contracts. The alignment of customers' financial objectives and contracts' operational metrics was low. Calculations show poor alignment between the objectives of the provider and the contribution received from the contracts. Research limitations/implications: Some limitations of the conclusions include the small sample of contracts used in the calculations. Further research should include not only actual contracts, but also failed ones. Practical implications: It is possible that misaligned goals, represented in misaligned performance measures, lead to tensions in intra-firm relationships. If these tensions are not addressed properly the relationship could be unstable or terminated prematurely. This method of measuring alignment could detect early potential dangers in intra-firm relationships. Originality/value: This paper extends Venkatraman's test of coalignment to assess the alignment of a set of performance measures governing a contractual inter-organizational relationship. Management researchers and business professionals may use this methodology when exploring degrees of alignment of performance measures in intra-functional and inter-firm relationships. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to explore the concept of performance plumbing, arguing that too often performance management systems in organisations are not correctly installed. Without the appropriate plumbing, performance management systems do not drive organisational change and improvement. Design/methodology/approach - The paper draws on the consultancy experiences of two of the authors, as well as the research of the third. Specific case examples are provided throughout the paper to illustrate the points being made. Findings - The paper argues that the key elements of a plumbed-in performance management system are: performance architecture; performance insights; performance focus; and performance action. Taken together, these four elements provide the necessary plumbing to enable performance management systems to deliver real value. Research limitations/implications - The paper draws on the experience of the authors, rather than a formally designed piece of research. The ideas presented in the paper would therefore benefit from further investigation and testing. Originality/value - The paper will be valuable to scholars and practitioners interested in ensuring that performance management systems deliver lasting value. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore the key influential factors and their implications on food supply chain (FSC) location decisions from a Thailand-based manufacturer's view. Design/methodology/approach: In total, 21 case studies were conducted with eight Thailand-based food manufacturers. In each case, key influential factors were observed along with their implications on upstream and downstream FSC location decisions. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and documentations. Data reduction and data display in tables were used to help data analysis of the case studies. Findings: This exploratory research found that, in the food industry, FSC geographical dispersion pattern could be determined by four factors: perishability, value density, economic-political forces, and technological forces. Technological forces were found as an enabler for FSC geographical dispersion whereas the other three factors could be both barriers and enablers. The implications of these four influential factors drive FSC towards four key patterns of FSC geographical dispersion: local supply chain (SC), supply-proximity SC, market-proximity SC, and international SC. Additionally, the strategy of the firm was found to also be an influential factor in determining FSC geographical dispersion. Research limitations/implications: Despite conducting 21 cases, the findings in this research are based on a relatively small sample, given the large size of the industry. More case evidence from a broader range of food product market and supply items, particularly ones that have significantly different patterns of FSC geographical dispersions would have been insightful. The consideration of additional influential factors such as labour movement between developing countries, currency fluctuations and labour costs, would also enrich the framework as well as improve the quality and validity of the research findings. The different strategies employed by the case companies and their implications on FSC location decisions should also be further investigated along with cases outside Thailand, to provide a more comprehensive view of FSC geographical location decisions. Practical implications: This paper provides insights how FSC is geographically located in both supply-side and demand-side from a manufacturing firm's view. The findings can also provide SC managers and researchers a better understanding of their FSCs. Originality/value: This research bridges the existing gap in the literature, explaining the geographical dispersion of SC particularly in the food industry where the characteristics are very specific, by exploring the internationalization ability of Thailand-based FSC and generalizing the key influential factors - perishability (lead time), value density, economic-political forces, market opportunities, and technological advancements. Four key patterns of FSC internationalization emerged from the case studies. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Purpose - In recent years there has been increasing interest in Product Service Systems (PSSs) as a business model for selling integrated product and service offerings. To date, there has been extensive research into the benefits of PSS to manufacturers and their customers, but there has been limited research into the effect of PSS on the upstream supply chain. This paper seeks to address this gap in the research. Design/methodology/approach - The research uses case-based research which is appropriate for exploratory research of this type. In-depth interviews were conducted with key personnel in a focal firm and two members of its supply chain, and the results were analysed to identify emergent themes.b Findings - The research has identified differences in supplier behaviour dependent on their role in PSS delivery and their relationship with the PSS provider. In particular, it suggests that for a successful partnership it is important to align the objectives between PSS provider and suppliers. Originality/value - This research provides a detailed investigation into a PSS supply chain and highlights the complexity of roles and relationships among the organizations within it. It will be of value to other PSS researchers and organizations transitioning to the delivery of PSS. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to describe two related fields - knowledge management (KM) and capability maturity model integrated (CMMISM) and highlight their imilarities. Design/methodology/approach - The KM framework used for this comparison is the one established and used at Israel Aircraft Industries, while the CMMISM source of information is none but the original document produced by the CMMISM product team at the Carnegie Mellon University, as well as papers published on the subject. Findings - Knowledge management is a rather young discipline promising to maximize innovation and competitive advantage to organizations that practice knowledge capture, documentation, retrieval and reuse, creation, transfer and share to its knowledge assets in a measurable way, integrated in its operational and business processes. The capability maturity model integrated deals with the ways an organization has to follow, in order to maintain well mapped processes, having well defined stages, because of the assumption that in mature organizations, it is possible to measure and relate between the quality of the process and the quality of the product. Though KM and CMMISM take different approaches to the achievement of competitive advantage, they seem to be supporting as well as dependent of each other. Originality/value - Practitioners as well as researchers in the field of knowledge management and in the implementation of the CMMISM standard will find comfort in realizing how mutually supportive are these two fields. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to develop a framework of total acquisition cost of overseas outsourcing/sourcing in manufacturing industry. This framework contains categorized cost items that may occur during the overseas outsourcing/sourcing process. The framework was tested by a case study to establish both its feasibility and usability. Design/methodology/approach - First, interviews were carried out with practitioners who have the experience of overseas outsourcing/sourcing in order to obtain inputs from industry. The framework was then built up based on combined inputs from literature and from practitioners. Finally, the framework was tested by a case study in a multinational high-tech manufacturer to establish both its feasibility and usability. Findings - A practical barrier for implementing this framework is shortage of information. The predictability of the cost items in the framework varies. How to deal with the trade off between accuracy and applicability is a problem needed to be solved in the future research. Originality/value - There are always limitations to the generalizations that can be made from just one case. However, despite these limitations, this case study is believed to have shown the general requirement of modeling the uncertainty and dealing with the dilemma between accuracy and applicability in practice. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Purpose: This paper aims to improve understanding of how to manage global network operations from an engineering perspective. Design/methodology/approach: This research adopted a theory building approach based on case studies. Grounded in the existing literature, the theoretical framework was refined and enriched through nine in-depth case studies in the industry sectors of aerospace, automotives, defence and electrics and electronics. Findings: This paper demonstrates the main value creation mechanisms of global network operations along the engineering value chain. Typical organisational features to support the value creation mechanisms are captured, and the key issues in engineering network design and operations are presented with an overall framework. Practical implications: Evidenced by a series of pilot applications, outputs of this research can help companies to improve the performance of their current engineering networks and design new engineering networks to better support their global businesses and customers in a systematic way. Originality/value: Issues about the design and operations of global engineering networks (GEN) are poorly understood in the existing literature in contrast to their apparent importance in value creation and realisation. To address this knowledge gap, this paper introduces the concept of engineering value chain to highlight the potential of a value chain approach to the exploration of engineering activities in a complex business context. At the same time, it develops an overall framework for managing GEN along the engineering value chain. This improves our understanding of engineering in industrial value chains and extends the theoretical understanding of GEN through integrating the engineering network theories and the value chain concepts. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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We describe the design steps and final implementation of a MIMO OFDM prototype platform developed to enhance the performance of wireless LAN standards such as HiperLAN/2 and 802.11, using multiple transmit and multiple receive antennas. We first describe the channel measurement campaign used to characterize the indoor operational propagation environment, and analyze the influence of the channel on code design through a ray-tracing channel simulator. We also comment on some antenna and RF issues which are of importance for the final realization of the testbed. Multiple coding, decoding, and channel estimation strategies are discussed and their respective performance-complexity trade-offs are evaluated over the realistic channel obtained from the propagation studies. Finally,we present the design methodology, including cross-validation of the Matlab, C++, and VHDL components, and the final demonstrator architecture. We highlight the increased measured performance of the MIMO testbed over the single-antenna system. £.