729 resultados para contact tip
The deformation behavior of atomically clean, nanometer sized tungsten / gold contacts was studied at room temperature in ultra-high vacuum. An instrument that combines atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), and field ion microscopy (FIM) into a single experimental apparatus was designed, constructed, and calibrated. A cross-hair force sensor having a spring constant of - 442 N/m was developed and its motion was monitored during indentation experiments with a differential interferometer. Tungsten tips of controlled size (12.8 nm < tip radius < 2 1.6 nm) were first shaped and characterized using FIM and then indented into a Au (1 10) single crystal to depths ranging from 1.5 nrn to 18 nm using the force sensor. Continuum mechanics models were found to be valid in predicting elastic deformation during initial contact and plastic zone depths despite our small size regime. Multiple discrete yielding events lasting < 1.5 ms were observed during the plastic deformation regime; at the yield points a maximum value for the principal shear stress was measured to be 5 + 1 GPa. During tip withdrawal, "pop-out" events relating to material relaxation within the contact were observed. Adhesion between the tip and sample led to experimental signatures that suggest neck formation prior to the break of contact. STM images of indentation holes revealed various shapes that can be attributed to the (1 1 1 ) (1 10) crystallographic slip system in gold. FIM images of the tip after indentation showed no evidence of tip damage
Exposure to UVB radiation induces local and systemic immune suppression, evidenced by inhibition of the contact hypersensitivity response (CHS). Epidermal dendritic cells, the primary antigen presenting cells responsible for the induction of CHS, are profoundly altered in phenotype and function by UVB exposure and possess UV-specific DNA damage upon migrating to skin-draining lymph nodes. Expression of the proapoptotic protein FasL has been demonstrated in both skin and lymph node cells following UVB exposure. Additionally, functional FasL expression has recently been demonstrated to be required in the phenomenon of UV-induced immune suppression. To test the hypothesis that FasL expression by DNA-damaged Langerhans cells migrating to the skin-draining lymph nodes is a crucial event in the generation of this phenomenon, mice were given a single 5KJ/m2 UV-B exposure and sensitized to 0.5% FITC through the exposed area. Dendritic cells (DC) harvested from skin-draining lymph nodes (DLN) 18 hours following sensitization by magnetic CD11c-conjugated microbeads expressed high levels of Iab, CD80 and CD86, DEC-205 and bore the FITC hapten, suggesting epidermal origin. Radioimmunoassay of UV-specific DNA damage showed that DC contained the vast majority of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) found in the DLN after UVB and exhibited increased FasL mRNA expression, a result which correlated with greatly increased FasL-mediated cytotoxicity. The ability of DCs to transfer sensitization to naïve hosts was lost following UVB exposure, a phenomenon which required DC FasL expression, and was completely reversed by cutaneous DNA repair. Collectively, these results demonstrate the central importance of DNA damage-induced FasL expression on migrating dendritic cells in mediating UV-induced suppression of contact hypersensitivity. ^
Signatur des Originals: S 36/F04663
The objectives of this research were (1) to study the effect of contact pressure, compression time, and liquid (moisture content of the fabric) on the transfer by sliding contact of non-fixed surface contamination to protective clothing constructed from uncoated, woven fabrics, (2) to study the effect of contact pressure, compression time, and liquid content on the subsequent penetration through the fabric, and (3) to determine if varying the type of contaminant changes the effect of contact pressure, compression time, and liquid content on the transfer by sliding contact and penetration of non-fixed surface contamination. ^ It was found that the combined influence of the liquid (moisture content of the fabric), load (contact pressure), compression time, and their interactions significantly influenced the penetration of all three test agents, sucrose- 14C, triolein-3H, and starch-14C through 100% cotton fabric. The combined influence of the statistically significant main effects and their interactions increased the penetration of triolein- 3H by 32,548%, sucrose-14C by 7,006%, and starch- 14C by 1,900%. ^
Regardless of genetic sex, amniotes develop two sets of genital ducts, the Wolffian and Müllerian ducts. Normal sexual development requires the differentiation of one duct and the regression of the other. I show that cells in the rostral most region of the coelomic epithelium (CE) are specified to a Müllerian duct fate beginning at Tail Somite Stage 19 (TS19). The Müllerian duct (MD) invaginates from the CE where it extends caudally to and reaches the Wolffian duct (WD) by TS22. Upon contact, the MD elongates to the urogenital sinus separating the WD from the CE and its formation is complete by TS34. During its elongation, the MD is associated with and dependent upon the WD and I have identified the mechanism for MD elongation. Using the Rosa26 reporter to fate map the WD, I show that the WD does not contribute cells to the MD. Using an in vitro recombinant explant culture assay I show that the entire length of the MD is derived from the CE. Furthermore, I analyzed cell proliferation and developed an in vitro assay to show that a small population of cells at the caudal tip proliferates, laying the foundation for the formation of the MD. I also show that during its formation, the MD has a distinctive mesoepithelial character. The MD in males regresses under the influence of Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH). Through tissue-specific gene inactivation I have identified that Acvr1 and Bmpr1a and Smad1, Smad5 and Smad8 function redundantly in transducing the AMH signal. In females the MD differentiates into an epithelial tube and eventually the female reproductive tract. However, the exact tissue into which the MD differentiates has not been determined. I therefore generated a MD specific Cre allele that will allow for the fate mapping of the MD in both females males. The MD utilizes a unique form of tubulogenesis during development and to my knowledge is the only tubule that relies upon a signal from and the presence of another distinct epithelial tube for its formation.^
The purpose of this study was to compare the relative effectiveness of alternative methods of tracing named contacts of syphilis patients. A total of 236 contacts, identified by patients in two City of Houston Department of Health and Human Services clinics during the period April 1 through July 31, 1987, were studied. After contacts were grouped by sex and age, the proportion brought to examination by each of three methods, and by a combination of methods, was determined for each subgroup.^ The study found that 78.4% of all the 236 named sex contacts reported were located and brought to examination by the various methods of contact tracing and that 21.6% were missed. Of the 185 contacts examined, a combination of methods identified 47.7% of the cases, telephone contact, 28.6%, field contact, 16.9%, and patient referral, 11.8%.^ Of the 236 contacts reported, males made up 56.8% and females 43.2%. Contact tracing was more successful among females, with 81.4% of the 102 named female contacts, as compared to 76.1% of the 134 named male contacts being brought to examination. It is not known whether equal efforts were exerted in the follow-up of both male and female contacts. In both female and male subgroups, a combination of methods brought over 40% of sex contacts to examination. Telephone contact among females yielded 27.7% of the cases and field contact 18.1%, whereas in males, telephone contact identified 29.4% of the cases and field contact 15.7%. Patient referral was the least productive method in both sex groups, locating 12.8% in males as compared to 10.8% in females.^ On an age specific basis, a combination of methods was the most effective method in the 15-39 age group, whereas telephone contact was most effective in the 40-44 age group, and field contact in the 50-54 age group. Of all the methods of contact tracing, patient referral was the least productive in most age groups.^ Future studies of contact tracing should incorporate several important variables which were not examined in this study. ^
A rock salt-lamprophyre dyke contact zone (sub-vertical, NE-SW strike) was investigated for its petrographic, mechanic and physical properties by means of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and rock magnetic properties, coupled with quantitative microstructural analysis and thermal mathematical modelling. The quantitative microstructural analysis of halite texture and solid inclusions revealed good spatial correlation with AMS and halite fabrics. The fabrics of both lamprophyre and rock salt record the magmatic intrusion, "plastic" flow and regional deformation (characterized by a NW-SE trending steep foliation). AMS and microstructural analysis revealed two deformation fabrics in the rock salt: (1) the deformation fabrics in rock salt on the NW side of the dyke are associated with high temperature and high fluid activity attributed to the dyke emplacement; (2) On the opposite side of the dyke, the emplacement-related fabric is reworked by localized tectonic deformation. The paleomagnetic results suggest significant rotation of the whole dyke, probably during the diapir ascent and/or the regional Tertiary to Quaternary deformation.