830 resultados para confidence in policing


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA – Instituto Universitário para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicologia especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.


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En el presente artículo se desarrolla una investigación teórica que permite establecer un modelo matemático para cuantificar la influencia de la confianza de los gerentes en el proceso de presupuesto de capital, en particular sobre la Tasa Interna de Retorno. El Modelo permite concluir que el exceso de confianza es un factor que tiende a elevar esta tasa que esperan recibir los inversionistas tras invertir en determinados proyectos, generando así, en ciertas ocasiones, una toma de decisiones al interior de las empresas basada en cifras sesgadas, comprometiendo así los recursos de la misma.


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Objetivo: Establecer la relación entre la percepción de seguridad con los factores ocupacionales y socio demográficos de los trabajadores pertenecientes a 11 clínicas odontológicos particulares en Bogotá. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de corte transversal en población de trabajadores pertenecientes a clínicas odontológicas particulares de Bogotá (Colombia). La muestra incluyó 105 odontólogos y 107 auxiliares pertenecientes a 11 clínicas odontológicas privadas en Bogotá que cumplieron con los criterios de selección. Se incluyeron variables ocupacionales y socio demográficas y las relacionadas con el sistema de seguridad y salud en el trabajo. Se aplicó el “Cuestionario Nórdico Sobre Seguridad en el Trabajo. Para los factores socio-demográficos de la población estudiada, se utilizó estadística descriptiva, medidas de frecuencia absoluta y porcentual, las variables cuantitativas se describieron con medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión; para la asociación de las variables cualitativas con el tipo de percepción se usó la prueba Ji Cuadrado de Pearson o el test exacto de Fisher para valores esperados menores de 5. Resultados: Las dimensiones con mejor percepción fueron las relacionadas con la confianza en la eficacia de los sistemas de seguridad (D7 3.35±0.43) y la Administración de justicia de seguridad (D3 3.1±0.55). Las dimensiones que evalúan la Gestión de empoderamiento de seguridad (D2 2.74±0.99) y la prioridad de los trabajadores con la seguridad (D5 2.64±0.54) tuvieron la menor percepción. La percepción de seguridad fue buena en general teniendo en cuenta que el promedio de todas las dimensiones fue superior a 2.5; percepción mayor significativamente en los hombres (3.78±0.38), odontólogos (3.89±0.38) y personal que tienen o han tenido pareja (3.83±0.4). Las personas con más trabajos adicionales (4.07±0.17), mayor nivel educativo (3.89±0.31), mayor antigüedad laboral (3.92±0.51) y trabajadores mayores de 30 años (3.89±0.35), mostraron mejor percepción de seguridad. En el análisis multivariado los factores cargo y antigüedad laboral encontraron asociación en las dimensiones 2, 4 y 6 (p<0.001), mientras que para las variables numéricas, las dimensiones 1, 3, 4 y 6 tuvieron asociación significativa las variables género y posición (p<0.001). Conclusiones: La percepción de seguridad en las siete dimensiones se relacionó con el género, edad, estado civil, nivel educativo, cargo, posición y antigüedad laboral. No se encontraron diferencias significativas por turno de trabajo o clínica.


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Employability represents a critical resource for new entrants in the labour market to deal with fragile employment prospects and have a psychologically sustainable transition to work. Although research has devoted remarkable attention to Employability in Higher Education, more empirical research is needed to investigate it. This dissertation aimed to deepen the understanding of Employability among Italian university students and graduates, focusing on Perceived Employability, considered a personal resource within the Conservation of Resources Theory. Three studies conducted with students and graduates who completed an online questionnaire investigated some underexplored aspects of Perceveid Employability. Study 1—a two-wave time-lagged study with 223 students—tested whether Support from Teaching staff and Career Engagement influence Perceived Employability. Study 2—a three-wave time-lagged study with 158 students and graduates— tests whether Job Interview Self-efficacy predicts Perceived Employability and whether Career Identity predicts this relationship. Studies 1 and 2 investigate Perceived Employability psychological outcomes, namely Confidence in Career future and Psychological Well-being. In both studies, a mediating role of Perceived Employability connecting its antecedents and consequences is posited. Study 3—a three-wave longitudinal study with 376 students and graduates—tested the reciprocal relationships between Perceived Employability and Psychological well-being. The data confirmed the expected relationships, providing a noteworthy theoretical contribution. Studies 1 and 2 expand the knowledge of Perceived Employability antecedents, stressing contextual and career self-management factors. Moreover, Perceived Employability also appears to have a positive psychological impact, confirming its benefits for new entrants. Study 3 shows that Perceived Employability and Psychological well-being influence each other over time, providing novel insights into Perceived Employability. At a practical level, the results inform actions to foster Perceived Employability in Higher Education, to help new entrants manage the transition to work and experience benefits at a psychological level, in coherence with the need for a psychologically sustainable transition.


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In insect societies, workers often try to challenge the reproductive monopoly of the queen by laying their own eggs. Successful worker reproduction, however, is frequently prevented by queen policing or worker policing, whereby either the mother queen or non-reproductive workers selectively kill worker-laid eggs. Recently, a third mechanism-""selfish"" worker policing-has also been described in which the workers selectively police worker-laid eggs but also lay eggs themselves. Here, we present results from the monogynous wasp Dolichovespula norwegica, which show that all three kinds of policing-queen policing, worker policing and ""selfish"" worker policing-co-occur. The net effect of these three kinds of policing collectively favoured the queen`s reproduction, as within 1 day 44% of the worker-laid eggs versus only 8% of the queen-laid eggs were eaten. Of the worker-laid eggs that were killed by workers, approximately two thirds were eaten by the reproductive workers even though these made up only a small proportion, 8%, of the work force. This means that policing workers obtained both direct fitness benefits as well as indirect (inclusive) fitness. In addition, we show that worker policing was carried out by a limited, specialised set of workers that was estimated to constitute approximately one quarter of the whole colony and of which 66% were non-reproductive.


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Psychosocial manifestations of erectile dysfunction (ED) differ across cultures. Understanding the treatment response to ED medications within cultural groups can aid in resource allocation and in developing treatment strategies. Evaluate the effect of sildenafil treatment on self-esteem, confidence, and sexual relationship satisfaction in Brazilian men with ED. The Self-Esteem and Relationship (SEAR) questionnaire, a validated, 14-question instrument developed to specifically address self-esteem and relationship issues within the context of ED. Men aged 18 years or older with a clinical diagnosis of ED (<= 21 on the Sexual Health Inventory for Men) and in a stable relationship with a partner during the study were eligible. The primary end point was a change from baseline in the self-esteem subscale of the SEAR questionnaire. Thirteen Brazilian sites participated in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of sildenafil treatment for ED. Patients were randomized to receive either 50 mg of sildenafil (adjustable to 25 mg or 100 mg based on patient response) or matching placebo approximately 1 hour before anticipated sexual activity but not more than once a day. At the end of double-blind treatment, 63 and 66 patients in the placebo and sildenafil groups, respectively, from 13 Brazilian sites were assessed for efficacy. Brazilian patients receiving sildenafil had significantly greater improvements in their scores on the SEAR self-esteem subscale (42.9 [95% confidence interval 35.7-50.0]) compared with placebo (21.1 [95% confidence interval 13.7-28.6]; P < 0.0001). Effect sizes ranged from 0.91 to 1.25 for individual SEAR components. The psychosocial parameters in Brazilian men with ED assessed by the SEAR questionnaire showed significant improvements in self-esteem, confidence, and relationships after treatment with sildenafil. Glina S, Damiao R, Abdo C, Afif-Abdo J, Tseng L-J, and Stecher V. Self-esteem, confidence, and relationships in Brazilian men with erectile dysfunction receiving sildenafil citrate: A randomized, parallel-group, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in Brazil. J Sex Med 2009;6:268-275.


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This article addresses the issue of accountability and transparency in relation to the use of commercial-in-confidence clauses to withhold information. The issue is contentious. On the one hand some like the Senate Finance and Public Administration Reference Committee (SFPARC) argue that: 'Put simply there can be no accountability if there is no information' (SFPARC 2000). On the other hand, an alternative view is: 'I think that the sanctity of contract... [is] a fundamental pillar of our legal system, and if private businesses enter into contracts with governments that specify confidentiality, then that ought to be respected' (Paterson 1999). This paper is an abridged version of a keynote address to CPA Australia (Queensland Division) Audit Intensive Day 2000, Brisbane Hilton, 10 November 2000.


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Desde a aprovação do plano de saúde mental regional em Itália ... o Departamento Local de Saúde Mental e Perturbações aditivas em Bolonha, tem desenvolvido um projeto de reforma cujo objectivo é inovar o sistema de saúde mental local. ...ABSTRACT: Since the Regional mental health plan 2009-2011 was approved in Italy the Department of Mental Health and addictions of the Bologna local health trust developed as a laboratory aimed at innovating the mental health systen locally. ...


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This paper studies information transmission between an uninformed decision maker (receiver) and an informed player (sender) who have asymmetric beliefs ("con fidence") on the sender s ability ("competence") to observe the state of nature. We fi nd that even when the material payoffs of are perfectly aligned, the sender s over- and underconfi dence on his information give rise to information loss in communication, although they do not by themselves completely eliminate information transmission in equilibrium. However, an underconfi dent sender may prefer no communication to informative communication. We also show that when the sender is biased, overconfi dence can lead to more information transmission and welfare improvement.


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In some ants, bees, and wasps, workers kill or "police" male eggs laid by other workers in order to maintain the reproductive primacy of the queen. Kin selection theory predicts that multiple mating by the queen is one factor that can selectively favor worker policing. This is because when the queen is mated to multiple males, workers are more closely related to the queen's sons than to the sons of other workers. Earlier work has suggested that reproductive patterns in the German wasp Vespula germanica may contradict this theory, because in some colonies a large fraction of the adult males were inferred to be the workers' sons, despite the effective queen mating frequency being greater than 2 (2.4). In the present study, we reexamine the V. germanica case and show that it does support the theory. First, genetic analysis confirms that the effective queen mating frequency is high, 2.9, resulting in workers being more related to the queen's sons than to other workers' sons. Second, behavioral assays show that worker-laid eggs are effectively killed by other workers, despite worker-laid eggs having the same intrinsic viability as queen-laid ones. Finally, we estimate that approximately 58.4% of the male eggs but only 0.44% of the adult males are worker derived in queenright colonies, consistent with worker reproduction being effectively policed.


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L’informe que es presenta en aquest llibre és el resultat d’un nou acord de col·laboració entre el Programa de les Nacions Unides per als Assentaments Humans (ONU-Habitat) i l’Institut de Seguretat Pública de Catalunya, impulsat amb l’objectiu de millorar la seguretat en esdeveniments públics en els espais urbans a l’Àfrica. La fase pilot es va dur a terme el 2010, durant els dos seminaris de formació realitzats a Mollet del Vallès (Barcelona) com a part de la Plataforma Policia per al Desenvolupament Urbà (PPUD). En aquest informe es descriuen els orígens i l’estat de la iniciativa i resumeix els resultats. També s’inclouen algunes recomanacions per a millorar la seguretat d’esdeveniments públics. Font d'informació: http://www.onuhabitat.org.


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In some ants, bees, and wasps, workers kill or "police" male eggs laid by other workers in order to maintain the reproductive primacy of the queen. Kin selection theory predicts that multiple mating by the queen is one factor that can selectively favor worker policing. This is because when the queen is mated to multiple males, workers are more closely related to the queen's sons than to the sons of other workers. Earlier work has suggested that reproductive patterns in the German wasp Vespula germanica may contradict this theory, because in some colonies a large fraction of the adult males were inferred to be the workers' sons, despite the effective queen mating frequency being greater than 2 (2.4). In the present study, we reexamine the V. germanica case and show that it does support the theory. First, genetic analysis confirms that the effective queen mating frequency is high, 2.9, resulting in workers being more related to the queen's sons than to other workers' sons. Second, behavioral assays show that worker-laid eggs are effectively killed by other workers, despite worker-laid eggs having the same intrinsic viability as queen-laid ones. Finally, we estimate that approximately 58.4% of the male eggs but only 0.44% of the adult males are worker derived in queenright colonies, consistent with worker reproduction being effectively policed.