982 resultados para computational biology
This paper presents an automated optimization framework able to provide network administrators with resilient routing configurations for link-state protocols, such as OSPF or IS-IS. In order to deal with the formulated NP-hard optimization problems, the devised framework is underpinned by the use of computational in- telligence optimization engines, such as Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs). With the objective of demonstrating the framework capabilities, two il- lustrative Traffic Engineering methods are described, allowing to attain routing con- figurations robust to changes in the traffic demands and maintaining the network stable even in the presence of link failure events. The presented illustrative results clearly corroborate the usefulness of the proposed automated framework along with the devised optimization methods.
This work reports the implementation and verification of a new so lver in OpenFOAM® open source computational library, able to cope with integral viscoelastic models based on the integral upper-convected Maxwell model. The code is verified through the comparison of its predictions with analytical solutions and numerical results obtained with the differential upper-convected Maxwell model
The MAP-i Doctoral Program of the Universities of Minho, Aveiro and Porto
Floral mechanisms that ensure seed production via autogamy are more likely to occur in species growing in environments where pollination is scarce. Amasonia obovata was studied in the State of Mato Grosso-Brazil, from 2009 to 2012, to analyze the morphological and reproductive characteristics, aside from investigating the association of the reproductive success with the pollinator frequency and identity. The flowering and fruiting of A. obovata was concentrated in a period of five months during the rainy season. The dichogamy in flowers of A. obovata is not clearly defined, since the sexual functions were overlapped in the male and female phases. The species is self-compatible and not apomictic. The fruiting percentage obtained by hand self-pollination did not differ from cross-breeding (F = 0.74, P =0.39). In the observations from 2010 to 2012, a hummingbird (Thalurania furcata) legitimate visited 20-100% of the flowers in the male and female phases on different A. obovata plants. Due to the high frequency, this hummingbird was considered the single potential pollinator of the species. These findings show that a limited availability of pollinators may select for floral traits and plant mating strategies that lead to a system of self-fertilization.
The reproductive success of tropical amphibians is influenced by factors such as body size and the characteristics of breeding sites. Data on reproductive biology are important for the understanding of population dynamics and the maintenance of species. The objectives of the present study were to examine the abundance of Ameerega trivittata, analyze the use of microhabitats by calling males and the snout-vent length (SVL) of breeding males and females, the number of tadpoles carried by the males and mature oocytes in the females, as well as the relationship between the SVL of the female and both the number and mean size of the mature oocytes found in the ovaries. Three field trips were conducted between January and September, 2009. A total of 31 plots, with a mean area of 2.3 ha, were surveyed, resulting in records of 235 individuals, with a mean density of 3.26 individuals per hectare. Overall, 66.1% of the individuals sighted were located in the leaf litter, while 17.4% were perched on decaying tree trunks on the forest floor, 15.7% on the aerial roots of Cecropia trees, and 0.8% on lianas. Males were observed transporting a mean of 10.8 tadpoles on their backs. A significant correlation was found between the size of the females and the mean diameter of the oocytes. New data were collected on the size of oocytes and no pattern was found in the type of perches used by calling males of the different Ameerega species.
Reproductive biology of Macrobrachium surinamicum (Decapoda: Palaemonidae) in the Amazon River mouth
Macrobrachium surinamicum is an indigenous prawn distributed from the lower Amazon and Tocantins river basins to Venezuela in the Orinoco Delta region. It is common bycatch fauna of Macrobrachium amazonicum artisan fishing in the states of Pará and Amapá. The aim of this study was to investigate aspects on reproductive biology (reproductive period, size of sexual maturity population, fecundity, reproductive output and recruitment) of M. surinamicum from four important areas to artisanal prawn fishing located at the Amazon River mouth (Amapá and Pará). The specimens were captured using 20 handcrafted traps called "matapi". A number of 675 prawns were captured, 258 males, 409 females and eight juveniles, resulting in 1:1.6 (Male: Female) sex ratio. The reproductive peak period occurred from March to July, coinciding with the higher rainfall period. The juvenile prawn occurred only in May and July. Total length of egg-bearing females ranged from 12.12 to 38.30 mm, with mean female length at first maturity (L50) of 23.7 mm. Fecundity increased with prawn size and varied between 174 and 1780 eggs per female. Mean egg volume increased gradually from 0.031 (Stage I) to 0.060 mm³ (Stage III) during embryogenesis. Macrobrachium surinamicum depends on brackish water to complete the larval development. Irrespective of female size, reproductive output of M. surinamicum varied between 4.3 % and 35.5 % of their body weight for egg production. The knowledge of the reproductive biology reported in the present study is an important tool to define strategies to preserve M. surinamicum in Amazon River mouth.
PhD thesis in Biomedical Engineering
The use of genome-scale metabolic models has been rapidly increasing in fields such as metabolic engineering. An important part of a metabolic model is the biomass equation since this reaction will ultimately determine the predictive capacity of the model in terms of essentiality and flux distributions. Thus, in order to obtain a reliable metabolic model the biomass precursors and their coefficients must be as precise as possible. Ideally, determination of the biomass composition would be performed experimentally, but when no experimental data are available this is established by approximation to closely related organisms. Computational methods however, can extract some information from the genome such as amino acid and nucleotide compositions. The main objectives of this study were to compare the biomass composition of several organisms and to evaluate how biomass precursor coefficients affected the predictability of several genome-scale metabolic models by comparing predictions with experimental data in literature. For that, the biomass macromolecular composition was experimentally determined and the amino acid composition was both experimentally and computationally estimated for several organisms. Sensitivity analysis studies were also performed with the Escherichia coli iAF1260 metabolic model concerning specific growth rates and flux distributions. The results obtained suggest that the macromolecular composition is conserved among related organisms. Contrasting, experimental data for amino acid composition seem to have no similarities for related organisms. It was also observed that the impact of macromolecular composition on specific growth rates and flux distributions is larger than the impact of amino acid composition, even when data from closely related organisms are used.
Secondary metabolites from plants are important sources of high-value chemicals, many of them being pharmacologically active. These metabolites are commonly isolated through inefficient extractions from natural biological sources and are often difficult to synthesize chemically. Therefore, their production using engineered organisms has lately attracted an increased attention. Curcuminoids, an example of such metabolites, are produced in Curcuma longa and exhibit anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory activities. Herein we report the construction of an artificial biosynthetic pathway for the curcuminoids production in Escherichia coli. Different 4-coumaroyl-CoA ligases (4CL) and polyketide synthases (diketide-CoA synthase (DCS), curcumin synthase (CURS) and curcuminoid synthase) were tested. The highest curcumin production (70 mg/L) was obtained by feeding ferulic acid and with the Arabidopsis thaliana 4CL1 and C. longa DCS and CURS enzymes. Other curcuminoids (bisdemethoxy- and demethoxycurcumin) were also produced by feeding coumaric acid or a mixture of coumaric and ferulic acids, respectively. Curcuminoids, including curcumin, were also produced from tyrosine through the caffeic acid pathway. To produce caffeic acid, tyrosine ammonia lyase and 4-coumarate 3-hydroxylase were used. Caffeoyl-CoA O-methyltransferase was used to convert caffeoyl-CoA to feruloyl-CoA. This pathway represents an improvement of the curcuminoids heterologous production. The construction of this pathway in another model organism is being considered, as well as the introduction of alternative enzymes.
This paper presents an automated optimization framework able to provide network administrators with resilient routing configurations for link-state protocols, such as OSPF or IS-IS. In order to deal with the formulated NP-hard optimization problems, the devised framework is underpinned by the use of computational intelligence optimization engines, such as Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs). With the objective of demonstrating the framework capabilities, two illustrative Traffic Engineering methods are described, allowing to attain routing configurations robust to changes in the traffic demands and maintaining the network stable even in the presence of link failure events. The presented illustrative results clearly corroborate the usefulness of the proposed automated framework along with the devised optimization methods.
Dissertation for Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Engineering.
During must fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains thousands of volatile aroma compounds are formed. The objective of the present work was to adapt computational approaches to analyze pheno-metabolomic diversity of a S. cerevisiae strain collection with different origins. Phenotypic and genetic characterization together with individual must fermentations were performed, and metabolites relevant to aromatic profiles were determined. Experimental results were projected onto a common coordinates system, revealing 17 statistical-relevant multi-dimensional modules, combining sets of most-correlated features of noteworthy biological importance. The present method allowed, as a breakthrough, to combine genetic, phenotypic and metabolomic data, which has not been possible so far due to difficulties in comparing different types of data. Therefore, the proposed computational approach revealed as successful to shed light into the holistic characterization of S. cerevisiae pheno-metabolome in must fermentative conditions. This will allow the identification of combined relevant features with application in selection of good winemaking strains.
Muchas respuestas a preguntas básicas sobre relaciones evolutivas, ubicación sistemática y evolución de caracteres morfológicos y ecológicos pueden ser obtenidas a través de las reconstrucciones filogenéticas. Sobre este contexto se pretende encarar en este proyecto estudios de filogenia molecular, revisiones sistemáticas, biología reproductiva y citogenética en Solanáceas americanas. Se intentará resolver la delimitación específica de Solanum sect. Solanum y Geminata, y Capsicum, y establecer relaciones filogenéticas en estos grupos. Se harán revisiones analizándose caracteres vegetativos y reproductivos críticos para evaluar su variabilidad y definir su valor taxonómico; para los estudios moleculares se utilizarán los marcadores ndhF, trnT-L, trnL-F y waxy. En base a los resultados se propondrán agrupamientos y relaciones de parentesco. Además, se hará un estudio cariosistemático para caracterizar y circunscribir especies en Solanum y miembros de la tribu Physaleae, y hasta variedades y/o cultivares en Capsicum, mediante técnicas clásicas y de bandeos de fluorescencia y AgNOR e hibridación in situ fluorescente (FISH). A nivel reproductivo, se estudiará la ecofisiología en las estructuras masculinas y su incidencia en la fructificación en Capscium baccatum. El desarrollo de esta temática comprende experiencias in vivo (a campo y en laboratorio) así como estudios histológicos y químicos.Se espera avanzar en la resolución de algunos problemas: 1) la complicada delimitación de especies de los taxones en estudio; 2) las relaciones filogenéticas en algunos de ellos; 3) la falta de conocimiento de la organización genómica; 4) el origen de las especies cultivadas de Capsicum. En cuanto a la biología reproductiva, para C. baccatum se pretende avanzar en el conocimiento de variables de relevancia en la reproducción, en especial los efectos del ambiente.
El objetivo de este proyecto, enmarcado en el área de metodología de análisis en bioingeniería-biotecnología aplicadas al estudio del cancer, es el análisis y caracterización a través modelos estadísticos con efectos mixtos y técnicas de aprendizaje automático, de perfiles de expresión de proteínas y genes de las vías metabolicas asociadas a progresión tumoral. Dicho estudio se llevará a cabo mediante la utilización de tecnologías de alto rendimiento. Las mismas permiten evaluar miles de genes/proteínas en forma simultánea, generando así una gran cantidad de datos de expresión. Se hipotetiza que para un análisis e interpretación de la información subyacente, caracterizada por su abundancia y complejidad, podría realizarse mediante técnicas estadístico-computacionales eficientes en el contexto de modelos mixtos y técnias de aprendizaje automático. Para que el análisis sea efectivo es necesario contemplar los efectos ocasionados por los diferentes factores experimentales ajenos al fenómeno biológico bajo estudio. Estos efectos pueden enmascarar la información subycente y así perder informacion relavante en el contexto de progresión tumoral. La identificación de estos efectos permitirá obtener, eficientemente, los perfiles de expresión molecular que podrían permitir el desarrollo de métodos de diagnóstico basados en ellos. Con este trabajo se espera poner a disposición de investigadores de nuestro medio, herramientas y procedimientos de análisis que maximicen la eficiencia en el uso de los recursos asignados a la masiva captura de datos genómicos/proteómicos que permitan extraer información biológica relevante pertinente al análisis, clasificación o predicción de cáncer, el diseño de tratamientos y terapias específicos y el mejoramiento de los métodos de detección como así tambien aportar al entendimieto de la progresión tumoral mediante análisis computacional intensivo.
El carcinoma basocelular (CBC) representa el tumor maligno más frecuente de la piel en personas de raza blanca. Incide en mayores de 50 años de edad e infiltra los tejidos, pero rara vez ocasiona metástasis. En trabajos anteriores, observamos imágenes de cuerpos apoptóticos con MOAR (microscopía óptica de alta resolución), en pieles portadoras de CBC. Todas las células eucariotas poseen una maquinaria enzimática que interviene en la apoptosis. Estas enzimas son las proteincinasas pertenecientes a la familia de las caspasas. Se sintetizan como procaspasas, las cuales una vez activadas, actúan sobre otra caspasa en una reacción secuencial en cadena. Se reconoce que la apoptosis juega un rol importante en el balance y mantenimiento de los tejidos. Hipótesis: -Investigar si la expresión de metaloproteasas y caspasas en las células del CBC promueven y contribuyen a la progresión y extensión tumoral. Objetivos:-Profundizar el conocimiento de la conducta biológica del CBC, en referencia a la relación de los patrones de crecimiento macro y microscópicos del tumor, enfatizando en la expresión de metaloproteasas (colagenasa-3 y streptomelisina), CD-31, Ki-67, oncoproteína bcl-2 y caspasas, mediante la implementación de técnicas de inmunohistoquímica. -Analizar a nivel morfológico la presencia de cuerpos apoptóticos por medio de MOAR y determinar si influyen en la conducta biológica del tumor. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizará un estudio retrospectivo y prospectivo de pacientes asistidos en el Servicio de Dermatología del Hospital Nacional de Clínicas, desde el año 2000. Se utilizarán tomas incisionales de piel, que se fijarán en formol neutro al 10 por ciento y luego serán procesadas e incluidas en parafina y coloreadas con H-E (hematoxilina-eosina). Especimenes seleccionados, se utilizarán para técnicas de MOAR e inmunocitoquímica. El material para MOAR, se fijará en Karnovsky enfriado a pH 7,2 y se incluirá en resinas epóxicas, seccionados con un ultramicrótomo Porter BluMT1 (1micra) y coloreados con P.A.S. azul de toluidina, fuscina básica y metenamina-plata. La aplicación de las técnicas inmunohistoquímicas, se utilizaran sobre cortes desparafinados con xilol, que permitirán investigar en forma retrospectiva y prospectiva la matriz extracelular (MEC) y los elementos neoplásicos. Los anticuerpos monoclonales a utilizar serán: Colageno tipo IV clone CIV 22 M0785 monoclonal antibody (DAKO), CD44 clone E29 M0613 monoclonal antibody (DAKO), Oncoproteina bcl-2 clone 124 M0887 monoclonal antibody (DAKO), CD31: clone 35 BH11 MO631 monoclonal antibody (DAKO) K-167 clone PC10 M0879 monoclonal antibody.(DAKO) bclx y Caspasa 8. Metodología Estadística Los resultados serán evaluados mediante: a) Varianza Anova; para datos con distribución gausiana como media, SD. b) Krusal Walles; para rasgos de distribución no gausiana. c) Chi2 para determinar la diferencia significativa para proporciones. Resultados esperados: Del análisis histomorfológico cualitativo y cuantitativo de biopsias de piel con CBC, aportar determinaciones que clarifiquen la conducta biológica de este tumor.- Importancia del Proyecto: El CBC es una entidad que está aumentando su incidencia en forma exponencial, debido sobre todo a pautas sociales. No sólo ocasiona trastornos en los pacientes, sino que también, representa gastos en el sistema de salud. Asimismo, significa un desafío para la investigación. Esto permite explorar aspectos de la biología molecular, a partir de una entidad que posee características únicas.