681 resultados para community based literacy


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The Clemente Course in the Humanities is an anti-poverty intervention for adults who self-identity as "poor" and humanities instructors. The course was created in 1995 by journalist Earl Shorris, who based the curriculum on a Socratic method of pedagogy and the "great books" canon of Robert Hutchins. It began as a community-based initiative in urban US settings, but since 1997 Mayan, Yup'ik and Cherokee iterations have been created, as well as on-campus bridge courses for non-traditional students to explore college-level education in Canada and the USA. The course potentially conflicts with critical pedagogy because the critical theories of Paulo Freire and contemporary cultural studies reject traditional notions of both the canon and teaching. However, a comparison between Shorris' and bell hooks' theories of oppression reveals significant similarities between his "surround of force" and her "capitalist imperialist white supremacist patriarchy," with implications for liberal studies and critical pedagogy.


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The deinstitutionalization of individuals with developmental disabilities to community-based residential services is a pervasive international trend. Although controversial, the remaining three institutions in Ontario were closed in March of 2009. Since these closures, there has been limited research on the effects of deinstitutionalization. The following retrospective study evaluated family perceptions of the impact of deinstitutionalization on the quality of life of fifty-five former residents one year post-closure utilizing a survey design and conceptual quality of life framework. The methods used to analyze the survey results included descriptive statistical analyses and thematic analyses. Overall, the results suggest that most family members are satisfied with community placement and supports, and report an improved quality of life for their family member with a developmental disability. These findings were consistent with previously published studies demonstrating the short-term and long-term benefits of community living for most individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.


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Studying positive adolescent development requires an examination of the mutually beneficial associations between youth and their environment. These youthcontext relations include both the contributions that youth make to others and society and the youth-context interactions that might predict positive youth outcomes. Community and youth-serving organizations, where youth may be involved in decision-making roles such as service delivery, advocacy, or on boards of directors, can provide one important context for youth contributions and for positive adolescent development. Research on the outcomes of youth involvement in organizational decision-making, however, is limited, and largely consists of exploratory qualitative studies. This dissertation is formatted as an integrated article dissertation. It begins with a review of the literature on contexts of structured youth activities and positive youth development. This review is intended to describe theory on development-context relations, in which development is considered an interactive process that occurs between individuals and their contexts, as it pertains the positive development of youth who are involved in various structured activities (e.g., volunteering). This description follows with a review of current research, and conclusions and rationale for the current studies. Following this theoretical and research background, the dissertation includes reports of two studies that were designed to address gaps in the research on youth involvement in organizational decision-making. The first was a qualitative research synthesis to elucidate and summarize the extant qualitative research on the outcomes of youth involvement in organizational decision making on adults and organizations. Results of this study suggested a number of outcomes for service provision, staff, and broader organizational functioning, including both benefits to organizations as well as some costs. The second study was a quantitative analysis of the associations among youth involvement, organizations' learning culture, and youth initiative, and relied on survey data gathered from adults and youth in community-based organizations with youth involvement. As expected, greater youth involvement in organizational decision making was associated with higher learning culture within the organization. Two dimensions of youth involvement, greater program engagement and relationships with adults, were related to greater youth initiative. A third dimension, sense of ownership, was not- .-.- associated with youth's level of initiative. Moreover, the association between relationships with adults and youth initiative was only significant in organizations with relatively low learning culture. Despite some limitations, these studies contribute to the research literature by providing some indication of the potential benefits and costs of youth involvement and by making an important contribution toward the early stages of context-level analyses of youth development. Findings have important implications for practitioners, funders, future research, and lifespan development theory.


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This study explores the stories and experiences of second-generation Portuguese Canadian secondary school students in Southern Ontario, Canada. The purpose of this research was to understand the educational experiences of students, specifically the successes, challenges, and struggles that the participants faced within the education system. Questions were also asked about identity issues and how participants perceived their identities influencing their educational experiences. Six Portuguese Canadian students in grades 9 to 11 were interviewed twice. The interviews ranged from 45 minutes to 90 minutes in length. Data analysis of qualitative, open-ended interviews, research journals, field notes and curricular documents yielded understandings about the participants' experiences and challenges in the education system. Eight themes emerged from data that explored the realities of everyday life for second-generatiop Portuguese Canadian students. These themes include: influences of part-time work on schooling, parental involvement, the teacher is key, challenges and barriers, the importance of peers, Portuguese Canadian identity, lack of focus on identity in curricul:um content, and the dropout problem. Recommendations in this study include the need for more community-based programs to assist students. Furthermore, teachers are encouraged to utilize strategies and curriculum resources that engage learners and integrate their histories and identities. Educators are encouraged to question power dynamics both inside and outside the school system. There is also a need for further research with Portuguese Canadian students who are struggling in the education system as well as an examination of the number of hours that students work.


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Typical employment options for people with developmental disabilities are insufficient. Most employment opportunities that are community-based provide typical workplace and geographical inclusion but tend not to support social inclusion and "belonging". This study explored the innovative employment alternative of social businesses and considered this form of employment for persons with a developmental disability as a viable avenue for meaningful work and social inclusion. A total of six business partners with a developmental disability were interviewed; two partners from three separate worker owned businesses. The partners' descriptions of their job and their workplace composed the interpretative findings. The social businesses provided an avenue for this group of people who tend to be segregated in isolated workshops or marginalized in mainstream work environments and who feel a sense of being "outsiders" to participate in meaningful work in community settings. This group of partners described their job as authentic "work" and discussed the many skills and the work ethic learned from their employment opportunity. In addition to the instrumental aspects of the job, the partners also discussed the group autonomy and self-determination of being their own "bosses". The partners confidently expressed feeling valued, understood in the context of others with similar life experiences, attached to the workplace and connected to a larger community as important outcomes of their businesses. These criteria of social inclusion (Hall, 2010) were complemented by teamwork, friendship and ultimately, with a feeling of being genuine "insiders". Replication of this innovative employment model would be recommended for groups of marginalized people with DD in other geographic areas.


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Employing critical pedagogy and transformative theory as a theoretical framework, I examined a learning process associated with building capacity in community-based organizations (CBOs) through an investigation of the Institutional Capacity Building Program (ICBP) initiated by a Foundation. The study sought to: (a) examine the importance of institutional capacity building for individual and community development; (b) investigate elements of a process associated with a program and characteristics of a learning process for building capacity in CBOs; and (c) analyze the Foundation’s approach to synthesizing, systematizing, and sharing learning. The study used a narrative research design that included 3 one-on-one, hour-long interviews with 2 women having unique vantage points in ICBP: one is a program facilitator working at the Foundation and the other runs a CBO supported by the Foundation. The interviews’ semistructured questions allowed interviewees to share stories regarding their experience with the learning process of ICB and enabled themes to emerge from their day-to-day experience. Through the analysis of this learning process for institutional capacity building, a few lessons can be drawn from the experience of the Foundation.


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This mixed methods research explores the role of reading engagement in 30 grade 1 students’ motivation to read mobile electronic storybooks (eBooks) and cognitive strategies used during eBook reading. Data collection comprised motivation and parent questionnaires, behavioural observation checklists, cognitive strategies rubric, and teacher interviews. Students’ emotional engagement with and enjoyment of mobile eBooks corresponded to 4 motivational aspects of intrinsic motivation: curiosity, control, choice, and challenge. Post-intervention results indicated that most student participants enjoyed answering eBook comprehension questions and preferred eBooks to print books; by the end of the study, all had access to a mobile device at home. A majority of participants were actively engaged during mobile eBook reading sessions and persisted in answering embedded eBook comprehension questions, which together reflected students’ behavioural engagement and time-on-task during mobile reading. Students’ off-task behaviours related to iPads’ accessibility features and inherent reader-friendliness. All participants successfully answered evaluative questions requiring them to activate prior knowledge, and experienced higher levels of difficulty with making personal connections. The study highlights the importance of making school-based literacy practices relevant to students’ outside worlds, and discusses implications for teacher educators, administrators, curriculum developers, and eBook and other digital developers concerning the need for greater collaboration in order to more closely align technology resources with national curriculum expectations.


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Affiliation: Mark Daniel : Département de médecine sociale et préventive, Faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal


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Affiliation: J. O'Loughlin: Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Centre de recherche CHUM, Université de Montréal


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Cette recherche porte sur l’impact de la politique d’activation des prestataires d’aide sociale sur la santé et le bien-être des mères seules. Au Québec, un prestataire d’aide sociale dont le plus jeune enfant est âgé de moins de cinq ans est considéré comme ayant des contraintes temporaires à l’emploi. À la première rentrée scolaire de cet enfant, ce même prestataire est considéré apte à l’emploi, car Emploi-Québec juge qu’il s’agit du moment le plus opportun pour un retour au travail. Dans le cadre de cette recherche, nous avons analysé ce que ce moment de transition représentait pour les mères seules en termes de nouvelles relations au marché du travail et de tensions éventuelles associées à ces relations. Nous avons rencontré 13 mères seules prestataires de l’aide sociale en entrevues. Les données obtenues nous ont aidée à remplir les objectifs de cette recherche, qui étaient de 1) reconstruire les trajectoires d’insertion sur le marché du travail des mères seules rencontrées en mettant l’accent sur le moment de la transition et de 2) saisir les processus par lesquels les trajectoires d’insertion ont un impact sur la santé et le bien-être de cette population. Nous avons d’abord trouvé que la « relation à l’aide sociale » avait des effets négatifs sur la santé et le bien-être de nos répondantes, et ce, en raison essentiellement des normes de l’aide sociale à l’origine des bas niveaux de prestations. En ce qui concerne les effets du processus d’activation en lui-même sur la santé et le bien-être des mères seules, nous avons observé que la participation à des mesures d’activation dans des organismes communautaires en employabilité avait des effets positifs surtout sur le bien-être des mères seules. Toutefois, le processus d’activation est également apparu comme ayant un impact négatif sur la santé et le bien-être des mères seules rencontrées en raison des tensions qui existent entre les exigences d’Emploi-Québec liées à la participation aux mesures actives et au manque de ressources disponibles pour les mères seules participant à ces mesures.


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Réalisé en cotutelle avec l'Université de Paris-Sud


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Much of the literature on ethical issues in child and youth participation has drawn on the episodic experiences of participatory research efforts in which young people’s input has been sought, transcribed and represented. This literature focuses in particular on the power dynamics and ethical dilemmas embedded in time-bound adult/child and outsider/insider relationships. While we agree that these issues are crucial and in need of further examination, it is equally important to examine the ethical issues embedded within the “everyday” practices of the organizations in and through which young people’s participation in community research and development often occurs (e.g., community-based organizations, schools and municipal agencies). Drawing on experience from three summers of work in promoting youth participation in adult-led organizations of varying purpose, scale and structure, a framework is postulated that presents participation as a spatial practice shaped by five overlapping dimensions. The framework is offered as a point of discussion and a potential tool for analysis in ecipation in relation to organizational practice.


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La ville mexicaine de Cuernavaca, dans l’État de Morelos, a vu arriver depuis 1970 de nombreux migrants autochtones nahuas originaires de l’État voisin du Guerrero. Les migrants, qui ont élu domicile dans un même quartier résidentiel, subsistent grâce à la vente d’artisanat et partagent le nahuatl comme langue maternelle. Cette recherche s’intéresse aux stratégies mises en oeuvre par les migrants dans la reproduction de l’identité nahua et dans sa transmission aux nouvelles générations. La pratique artisanale et le maintien des relations sociales avec les villages du Guerrero se retrouvent au centre des stratégies identitaires nahuas : en plus d’assurer la transmission de l’héritage culturel nahua aux jeunes nés à Cuernavaca, ils facilitent la participation des migrants à la vie sociale villageoise. Au fil des décennies, les migrants ont ainsi favorisé le maintien de l’identité nahua et assuré la cohésion de la communauté sur la base du partage d’une identité commune.


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Ce mémoire fut financé par le Département de communication de communication de l'Université de Montréal et le Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada (CRSH).


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La recherche explore le rapport à l’école et aux savoirs scolaires de jeunes d’origine haïtienne en contexte scolaire défavorisé. Considérant des trajectoires contrastées d’élèves en réussite scolaire, d’élèves vulnérables et de jeunes décrocheurs, elle examine les processus qui concourent à la réussite socioscolaire des uns et à la moindre réussite des autres en interrogeant le sens que les jeunes accordent à l’école et à l’acte d’apprendre. La recherche documente par ailleurs la manière dont ce sens s’est construit dans la trajectoire socioscolaire depuis la maternelle. Cette approche basée sur des entretiens approfondis à caractère biographique permet d'avoir des hypothèses explicatives sur un résiduel non expliqué par les recherches quantitatives. Elle bonifie aussi la perspective de Charlot (2001) jugée trop centrée sur l'élève (Thésée, 2003). L’élève est au centre de la démarche, mais son rapport aux savoirs scolaires est analysé à travers l’exploration de la trajectoire de socialisation scolaire, familiale et communautaire et en croisant les regards des jeunes, des parents, enseignants et autres personnes significatives sur cette trajectoire. Selon les résultats de notre recherche, le rapport à l’école et aux savoirs scolaires semble plus complexe et critique chez les élèves en réussite qui identifient la valeur formative, qualifiante et socialisante de l’école. Ces derniers se mobilisent fortement dans leur apprentissage. En comparaison, les élèves en difficulté mettent plutôt l’accent sur la socialisation et la qualification et ils font preuve d’une moindre mobilisation scolaire. Certains d’entre eux se rapprochent des jeunes décrocheurs avec un rapport aux savoirs de non-sens et de désengagement. Mais au-delà de ces grandes lignes, le rapport à l’école et aux savoirs scolaires se décline différemment d’un jeune à l’autre, suivant des caractéristiques personnelles, familiales et sociales spécifiques et suivant le savoir/apprentissage scolaire considéré et son mode de transmission par l’enseignant. Les résultats de la recherche mettent en évidence le rôle d’acteur de l’élève dans son apprentissage, mais aussi celui des principaux contextes dans lesquels il évolue. L’école est particulièrement interpellée. Les élèves dénoncent la forme scolaire scripturale, perçue monotone lourde et rigide, et certaines pratiques enseignantes qui ne favorisent pas l’apprentissage (Fabre, 2007 ; Pépin, 1994). Les familles sont aussi interpellées quant à leurs valeurs, pratiques et cohésion. Enfin, la recherche souligne l’influence du réseau des pairs et des milieux communautaires. Apprendre et réussir à l’école se révèlent un enjeu individuel et social qui implique une mobilisation collective.