896 resultados para cohomology of groups


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Objective: To characterize the PI component of long latency auditory evoked potentials (LLAEPs) in cochlear implant users with auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder (ANSD) and determine firstly whether they correlate with speech perception performance and secondly whether they correlate with other variables related to cochlear implant use. Methods: This study was conducted at the Center for Audiological Research at the University of Sao Paulo. The sample included 14 pediatric (4-11 years of age) cochlear implant users with ANSD, of both sexes, with profound prelingual hearing loss. Patients with hypoplasia or agenesis of the auditory nerve were excluded from the study. LLAEPs produced in response to speech stimuli were recorded using a Smart EP USB Jr. system. The subjects' speech perception was evaluated using tests 5 and 6 of the Glendonald Auditory Screening Procedure (GASP). Results: The P-1 component was detected in 12/14 (85.7%) children with ANSD. Latency of the P-1 component correlated with duration of sensorial hearing deprivation (*p = 0.007, r = 0.7278), but not with duration of cochlear implant use. An analysis of groups assigned according to GASP performance (k-means clustering) revealed that aspects of prior central auditory system development reflected in the P-1 component are related to behavioral auditory skills. Conclusions: In children with ANSD using cochlear implants, the P-1 component can serve as a marker of central auditory cortical development and a predictor of the implanted child's speech perception performance. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper is a continuation of Dokuchaev and Novikov (2010) [8]. The interaction between partial projective representations and twisted partial actions of groups considered in Dokuchaev and Novikov (2010) [8] is treated now in a categorical language. In the case of a finite group G, a structural result on the domains of factor sets of partial projective representations of G is obtained in terms of elementary partial actions. For arbitrary G we study the component pM'(G) of totally-defined factor sets in the partial Schur multiplier pM(G) using the structure of Exel's semigroup. A complete characterization of the elements of pM'(G) is obtained for algebraically closed fields. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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[EN]In this paper, we focus on gender recognition in challenging large scale scenarios. Firstly, we review the literature results achieved for the problem in large datasets, and select the currently hardest dataset: The Images of Groups. Secondly, we study the extraction of features from the face and its local context to improve the recognition accuracy. Diff erent descriptors, resolutions and classfii ers are studied, overcoming previous literature results, reaching an accuracy of 89.8%.


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Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit Eduard Study (1862-1930), einem der deutschen Geometer um die Jahrhundertwende, der seine Zeit zum Einen durch seine Kontakte zu Klein, Hilbert, Engel, Lie, Gordan, Halphen, Zeuthen, Einstein, Hausdorff und Weyl geprägt hat, zum Anderen in ihr aber auch für seine beißenden und stilistisch ausgefeilten Kritiken ebenso berühmt wie berüchtigt war. Da sich Study mit einer Vielzahl mathematischer Themen beschäftigt hat, führen wir zunächst in die von ihm bearbeiteten Gebiete der Geometrie des 19. Jahrhunderts ein (analytische und synthetische Geometrie im Sinne von Monge, Poncelet, Plücker und Reye, Invariantentheorie Clebsch-Gordan'scher Prägung, abzählende Geometrie von Chasles und Halphen, die Werke Lie's und Grassmann’s, Liniengeometrie sowie Axiomatik und Grundlagenkrise). In seiner darauf folgenden Biographie finden sich als zentrale Stellen seine Habilitation bei Klein über die Chasles’sche Vermutung, sein Streit mit Zeuthen darüber als eine der Debatten der Mathematischen Annalen (aus der er historisch zwar nicht, mathematisch aber tatsächlich als Gewinner hätte herausgehen müssen, wie wir an der Lösung des Problems durch van der Waerden sehen werden) und seine Auseinandersetzungen als etablierter Bonner Professor mit Engel über Lie, Weyl über Invariantentheorie, zahlreichen philosophischen Richtungen über das Raumproblem, Pasch’s Axiomatik, Hilbert’s Formalismus sowie Brouwer’s und Weyl’s Intuitionismus.


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Das Protein Cytochrom c Oxidase (CcO) ist ein Enzym der mitochondrialen Atmungskette. Als letzter Komplex (Komplex IV) einer Elektronentransportkette katalysiert sie die Reduktion von molekularem Sauerstoff zu Wasser. Hierbei werden Elektronen von Cytochrom c (Cc) in das Enzym geleitet. Die durch den Redoxprozess freiwerdende freie Enthalpie wird dazu genutzt, einen Protonengradienten über die innere Mitochondrien-Membran aufzubauen. Die zurückwandernden Protonen treiben in der ATP-Synthase die Produktion von Adenosintriphosphat (ATP) an, dem universellen Energieträger in lebenden Organismen. Gegenstand dieser Dissertation sind zeitaufgelöste ATR-FTIR-Messungen des direkten Elektronentransfers in die CcO. Das Protein wird hierzu orientiert auf einer Goldelektrode immobilisiert und in eine künstliche Membran rekonstituiert (Protein-tethered Bilayer Lipid Membrane, ptBLM). Das ptBLM-System wird hinsichtlich einer möglichst hohen Protein-Aktivität optimiert. Elektronen werden durch elektrochemische Anregung von der Elektrode in die CcO injiziert. Die Goldoberfläche wird auf die reflektierende Oberfläche eines Silizium-ATR-Kristalls aufgebracht. Durch die Präparation einer rauen Oberfläche (RMS-Rauigkeit ca. 5 nm) wird eine Verstärkung der IR-Absorption erreicht. Die mit den Ladungstransferprozessen einhergehenden Konformationsänderungen der die Redoxzentren umgebenden Gruppen (CONH-Gerüst und Aminosäure-Seitenketten) können durch Infrarot-Spektroskopie nachgewiesen werden. Phasensensitive Detektion (PSD) wird zur Rauschminderung eingesetzt, um Geschwindigkeitskonstanten für die Redox-Übergänge zu bestimmen. Im Bereich der Amid-I-Bande werden etliche Peaks identifiziert, die sich mit dem Redoxzustand des Proteins ändern. Für das CuA-Zentrum, welches als erstes der vier Redoxzentren der CcO reduziert wird, wird die schnellste Geschwindigkeitskonstante ks=4870/s ermittelt. Für das Häm a3-Zentrum wird eine Geschwindigkeitskonstante von ks=13,8/s ermittelt. Die Ergebnisse sind konsistent zu elektrochemischen und Raman-Spektroskopie-Experimenten, welche ebenfalls in unserer Gruppe durchgeführt wurden. Weitere Themen dieser Dissertation sind der Nachweis der Anwendbarkeit des ptBLM-Systems für andere Membranproteine (Beispiel: bakterielles photosynthetisches Reaktionszentrum) und der Einsatz des ATR-FTIR-Setups für verschiedene künstliche Membransysteme (Aktivitätsnachweis des OR5-Geruchsrezeptors in einer peptidgestützten Membran, Eigenschaften eines Oligoethylenglycol-Spacers).


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L’elaborato è strutturato in quattro parti: la prima è dedicata all’inquadramento del background normativo. L’autrice affronta, con un approccio ricostruttivo, i precedenti alla redazione del regolamento e le difficoltà incontrate a causa delle resistenze degli Stati membri. Si sofferma altresì sulle norme UNCITRAL, anch’esse oggetto nel recente periodo, di numerose implementazioni. La seconda parte fotografa il ruolo della Corte di Giustizia nell’interpretazione del regolamento n. 1346/2000 ed individua i concetti fondamentali del regolamento: l’universalità attenuata, il campo di applicazione soggettivo del regolamento, la legge applicabile, il principio dell’automatico riconoscimento delle decisioni e la correlata tematica dell’ordine pubblico, nonché la figura del curatore. Si approfondisce l’attività degli Stati membri nel dotarsi di norme di coordinamento ( esemplare il caso della Spagna e della Germania) sottolineando il silenzio del legislatore italiano che, nonostante le numerose riforme in materia, a tutt’oggi non ha ideato un sistema in grado di coordinare la normativa nazionale con la struttura del regolamento europeo. Nella terza parte l'autrice approfondisce la giurisdizione nel regolamento n. 1346/2000. Si individuano le parole chiave: Comi e dipendenza, i cui significati sono sfumati seguendo le posizioni della Corte di Giustizia, (Leading Case Eurofood sino a Interedil) e si mette in discussione, nel panorama attuale, la tenuta di tali criteri giurisdizionali. Sempre intorno al concetto di Comi, si analizzano: la giurisdizione verso gruppi di imprese disciplina assente nel regolamento, i rapporti tra procedura principale e secondaria , la giurisdizione in materia di azioni connesse e/o correlate (Gourdain vs Nadler/Seagon vs Deko Marty). Il capitolo conclusivo offre una panoramica delle proposte finalizzate ad un’implementazione della struttura del regolamento sull’insolvenza. Numerose, infatti, sono le proposte a livello dottrinale e da parte degli organi comunitari in vista della scadenza del Report della Commissione Europea sulla applicazione del regolamento 1346 del 2000 (art. 46).


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La mia tesi approfondisce le dinamiche della cinefilia su Facebook: quali relazioni s'instaurano tra lo spettatore cinefilo, e dunque il suo particolare sguardo, e la moltitudine di frammenti di cinema dispersi nella rete; come si sono modificati i rapporti, gli atteggiamenti, i processi di negoziazione, le abitudini e soprattutto i discorsi dei cinefili al cospetto di tracce di cinema sui social network e in particolare su Facebook. Inoltreprovo a dimostrare che la cinefilia è un'esperienza costitutivamente autobiografica, cui il web permette il perpetuare potenzialmente infinito della (auto)narrazione di sé.


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The topic of this work concerns nonparametric permutation-based methods aiming to find a ranking (stochastic ordering) of a given set of groups (populations), gathering together information from multiple variables under more than one experimental designs. The problem of ranking populations arises in several fields of science from the need of comparing G>2 given groups or treatments when the main goal is to find an order while taking into account several aspects. As it can be imagined, this problem is not only of theoretical interest but it also has a recognised relevance in several fields, such as industrial experiments or behavioural sciences, and this is reflected by the vast literature on the topic, although sometimes the problem is associated with different keywords such as: "stochastic ordering", "ranking", "construction of composite indices" etc., or even "ranking probabilities" outside of the strictly-speaking statistical literature. The properties of the proposed method are empirically evaluated by means of an extensive simulation study, where several aspects of interest are let to vary within a reasonable practical range. These aspects comprise: sample size, number of variables, number of groups, and distribution of noise/error. The flexibility of the approach lies mainly in the several available choices for the test-statistic and in the different types of experimental design that can be analysed. This render the method able to be tailored to the specific problem and the to nature of the data at hand. To perform the analyses an R package called SOUP (Stochastic Ordering Using Permutations) has been written and it is available on CRAN.


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The major index has been deeply studied from the early 1900s and recently has been generalized in different directions, such as the case of labeled forests and colored permutations. In this thesis we define new types of labelings for forests in which the labels are colored integers. We extend the definition of the flag-major index for these labelings and we present an analogue of well known major index hook length formulas. Finally, this study (which has just apparently a simple combinatoric nature) allows us to show a notion of duality for two particular families of groups obtained from the product G(r,n)×G(r,m).


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Il presente studio si propone di individuare i doveri e le responsabilità, di tipo risarcitorio, degli amministratori, in particolare degli amministratori della società che esercita attività di direzione e coordinamento, in una situazione di crisi o insolvenza nel gruppo, anche in un’ottica di “prevenzione”, e, più precisamente, il complesso di regole di corretta gestione societaria e imprenditoriale, con le quali il silenzio della legge fallimentare in tema di gruppi di società non può non confrontarsi. In particolare, si indagherà sulla possibilità di individuare nel nostro ordinamento giuridico, nel momento di emersione della crisi, doveri di comportamento in capo agli organi di governo della società o ente che esercita attività di direzione e coordinamento, al fine di fronteggiare la crisi, evitando il peggioramento della stessa, ovvero per un risanamento anticipato e, quindi, più suscettibile di esito positivo, nella prospettiva di tutela dei soci c.d. esterni e dei creditori delle società figlie e, nello stesso tempo, dei soci della capogruppo medesima e, quindi, in una prospettiva più ampia e articolata rispetto a una società individualmente considerata. L’oggetto dell’analisi viene introdotto mediante un inquadramento generale della disciplina in materia di gruppi di società presente nel nostro sistema normativo, con particolare riguardo alla disciplina dell’attività di direzione e coordinamento introdotta dal legislatore della riforma del diritto societario (d.lgs. 17 gennaio 2003, n. 6) con gli artt. 2497 ss. cod. civ.. Nella seconda parte verranno individuati e approfonditi i criteri e i principi dai quali ricavare le regole di governance nei gruppi di società e la relativa responsabilità degli amministratori nelle situazioni di crisi nel gruppo. Sulla scorta delle suddette argomentazioni, nell'ultima parte verranno individuate le regole di gestione nell'ambito del gruppo nel momento di “emersione” della crisi e, in particolare, i possibili “strumenti” che il nostro legislatore offre per fronteggiarla.


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We consider stochastic individual-based models for social behaviour of groups of animals. In these models the trajectory of each animal is given by a stochastic differential equation with interaction. The social interaction is contained in the drift term of the SDE. We consider a global aggregation force and a short-range repulsion force. The repulsion range and strength gets rescaled with the number of animals N. We show that for N tending to infinity stochastic fluctuations disappear and a smoothed version of the empirical process converges uniformly towards the solution of a nonlinear, nonlocal partial differential equation of advection-reaction-diffusion type. The rescaling of the repulsion in the individual-based model implies that the corresponding term in the limit equation is local while the aggregation term is non-local. Moreover, we discuss the effect of a predator on the system and derive an analogous convergence result. The predator acts as an repulsive force. Different laws of motion for the predator are considered.


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In the last 10 years the number of mobile devices has grown rapidly. Each person usually brings at least two personal devices and researchers says that in a near future this number could raise up to ten devices per person. Moreover, all the devices are becoming more integrated to our life than in the past, therefore the amount of data exchanged increases accordingly to the improvement of people's lifestyle. This is what researchers call Internet of Things. Thus, in the future there will be more than 60 billions of nodes and the current infrastructure is not ready to keep track of all the exchanges of data between them. Therefore, infrastructure improvements have been proposed in the last years, like MobileIP and HIP in order to facilitate the exchange of packets in mobility, however none of them have been optimized for the purpose. In the last years, researchers from Mid Sweden University created The MediaSense Framework. Initially, this framework was based on the Chord protocol in order to route packets in a big network, but the most important change has been the introduction of PGrids in order to create the Overlay and the persistence. Thanks to this technology, a lookup in the trie takes up to 0.5*log(N), where N is the total number of nodes in the network. This result could be improved by further optimizations on the management of the nodes, for example by the dynamic creation of groups of nodes. Moreover, since the nodes move, an underlaying support for connectivity management is needed. SCTP has been selected as one of the most promising upcoming standards for simultaneous multiple connection's management.


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Die Leishmaniose gehört zu den „vernachlässigten tropischen Erkrankungen“. Sie wird durch parasitäre Protozoen der Gattung Leishmania ausgelöst. Weltweit sind ca. 12 Mio. Menschen infiziert, ca. 70 Tausend erliegen ihr jährlich. Die aktuelle Therapie wird überschattet von Toxizitäts- und Teratogenitätsproblemen und von aufkommenden Resistenzen. Die von den Leishmanien exprimierten Cysteinproteasen spielen vielfältige Rollen bei Wachstum und Vermehrung der Erreger. Aufgrund der evolutionären Verwandtschaft der Enzyme sind die parasitären Cysteinproteasen strukturell den humanen sehr ähnlich. Die Herausforderung bei der Entwicklung antiparasitärer Wirkstoffe, basierend auf der Hemmung dieser Proteasen, besteht deshalb darin, sehr selektive Inhibitoren zu entwickeln, die die Wirtsproteasen nicht, oder nur in einem vertretbaren Rahmen, inhibieren. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Weiterentwicklung der Aziridin-2,3-dicarbonsäure-basierten Cysteinproteaseinhibitoren RV122C bzw. CS09 hinsichtlich Selektivität und Aktivität gegenüber der parasitären Cathepsin-L-ähnlichen Cystein-Protease LmCPB2.8 durch Design, incl. Docking, Synthese und Testung. Neben der gezielten Variation nicht essenzieller Gruppen wurde molekulares Docking mittels AutoDock Vina an Cruzain als verwandtes Modellenzym durchgeführt, um durch Variationen K.O.-Kandidaten für die Differenzierung zwischen zwei postulierten Bindungsmodi zu finden. Die Ergebnisse der Enzymassays zeigen eine Verbesserung der Hemmeigenschaften bei gleichzeitig verbesserter Selektivität sowie erhöhter ligand efficiency und ligand lipophilic efficiency für Derivate mit sterisch anspruchsvolleren Ester-Resten und für Derivate mit einer freien Carbonsäurefunktion am Aziridin-Ring (Halbester).


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Power calculations in a small sample comparative study, with a continuous outcome measure, are typically undertaken using the asymptotic distribution of the test statistic. When the sample size is small, this asymptotic result can be a poor approximation. An alternative approach, using a rank based test statistic, is an exact power calculation. When the number of groups is greater than two, the number of calculations required to perform an exact power calculation is prohibitive. To reduce the computational burden, a Monte Carlo resampling procedure is used to approximate the exact power function of a k-sample rank test statistic under the family of Lehmann alternative hypotheses. The motivating example for this approach is the design of animal studies, where the number of animals per group is typically small.


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As object-oriented languages are extended with novel modularization mechanisms, better underlying models are required to implement these high-level features. This paper describes CELL, a language model that builds on delegation-based chains of object fragments. Composition of groups of cells is used: 1) to represent objects, 2) to realize various forms of method lookup, and 3) to keep track of method references. A running prototype of CELL is provided and used to realize the basic kernel of a Smalltalk system. The paper shows, using several examples, how higher-level features such as traits can be supported by the lower-level model.