980 resultados para chloride solution


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Background Chronic alcohol ingestion may cause severe biochemical and pathophysiological derangements to skeletal muscle. Unfortunately, these alcohol-induced events may also prime skeletal muscle for worsened, delayed, or possibly incomplete repair following acute injury. As alcoholics may be at increased risk for skeletal muscle injury, our goals were to identify the effects of chronic alcohol ingestion on components of skeletal muscle regeneration. To accomplish this, age- and gender-matched C57Bl/6 mice were provided normal drinking water or water that contained 20% alcohol (v/v) for 1820 wk. Subgroups of mice were injected with a 1.2% barium chloride (BaCl2) solution into the tibialis anterior (TA) muscle to initiate degeneration and regeneration processes. Body weights and voluntary wheel running distances were recorded during the course of recovery. Muscles were harvested at 2, 7 or 14 days post-injection and assessed for markers of inflammation and oxidant stress, fiber cross-sectional areas, levels of growth and fibrotic factors, and fibrosis. Results Body weights of injured, alcohol-fed mice were reduced during the first week of recovery. These mice also ran significantly shorter distances over the two weeks following injury compared to uninjured, alcoholics. Injured TA muscles from alcohol-fed mice had increased TNFα and IL6 gene levels compared to controls 2 days after injury. Total protein oxidant stress and alterations to glutathione homeostasis were also evident at 7 and 14 days after injury. Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) induction was delayed in injured muscles from alcohol-fed mice which may explain, in part, why fiber cross-sectional area failed to normalize 14 days following injury. Gene levels of TGFβ1 were induced early following injury before normalizing in muscle from alcohol-fed mice compared to controls. However, TGFβ1 protein content was consistently elevated in injured muscle regardless of diet. Fibrosis was increased in injured, muscle from alcohol-fed mice at 7 and 14 days of recovery compared to injured controls. Conclusions Chronic alcohol ingestion appears to delay the normal regenerative response following significant skeletal muscle injury. This is evidenced by reduced cross-sectional areas of regenerated fibers, increased fibrosis, and altered temporal expression of well-described growth and fibrotic factors.


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The objective of this work was to compare the meiotic behavior and pollen grain viability of three species of Crotalaria. Slides for meiotic analysis were prepared by the air-drying technique. Pollen grain viability was measured by three staining procedures (Alexander's solution, tetrazolium chloride and fluorescein diacetate) and in vitro germination in a sucrose solution. Eight bivalents were observed, confirming previous reports on populations from other regions of Brazil, as well as from other countries. All species showed abnormal meiotic behavior as follows: in Crotalaria micans, cytomixis and abnormal chromosome pairing in diakinesis; in C. spectabilis, abnormal chromosome pairing in diplotene; in C. zanzibarica, shrunk nuclei in leptotene and zygotene. Pollen grains of all three species show low viability, which may be associated with the irregularities of the meiotic behavior.


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Introduction: Le captopril, inhibiteur de l'enzyme de conversion de l'angiotensine, est largement utilisé dans le traitement de l'hypertension artérielle et de l'insuffisance cardiaque chez l'adulte et l'enfant . De par son instabilité en milieu aqueux (oxydation en captopril disulfure), il n'est actuellement commercialisé que sous forme de comprimés. La prescription fréquente de doses faibles et variables en pédiatrie justifiait le développement d'une forme orale liquide, tant sur le plan pratique et économique, que sur celui de la sécurité d'administration. Cependant toutes les formulations orales liquides publiées présentent une stabilité courte, ne dépassant guère 1 mois. Objectif: Développer une forme orale liquide de captopril d'une stabilité d'au moins 6 mois. Méthode: Sur la base des données de la littérature, élaboration de 8 formulations liquides différentes de captopril 1 mg/ml (concentration permettant le prélèvement d'un volume adéquat pour une administration en pédiatrie). Mise au point d'une « stability indicating method » par HPLC par des tests de dégradation accélérée à la chaleur (100°C), en milieu acide, basique, en présence d'un agent oxydant et de la lumière. Sélection de la formulation la plus stable durant le premier mois. Etude de stabilité sur 2 ans de 3 lots (3 échantillons/lot) dans leur conditionnement final à température ambiante (TA), au frigo et à 40° ± 2°C. Contrôle microbiologique au début et à la fin de l'étude selon la méthode de la Ph. Eur. (Ed. 3). Résultats: La formule retenue est une solution aqueuse de captopril 1 mg/ml additionnée d'EDTA 1 mg/ml comme stabilisateur et conditionnée dans des flacons VERAL en verre brun de 60 ml. Après dégradation dans les conditions définies ci-dessus, le pic du captopril est nettement séparé sur les chromatogrammes de ceux des produits de dégradation. Après 2 ans, la concentration mesurée est de 104.6% (±0.32%) au frigo, 103.6% (±0.86%) à TA et 96.5 % (±0.02%) à 40°C. Aucune croissance n'a été observée sur la durée de l'étude. Discussion et conclusion: La solution de captopril 1 mg/ml mise au point est simple à préparer. En partant du principe actif pur et en présence d'EDTA comme complexant, les traces de métaux éventuellement présents n'induisent pas l'oxydation du captopril et par conséquent le recours à d'autres stabilisateurs n'est pas nécessaire. La méthode HPLC développée est une « stability indicating method ». Les résultats de l'étude ont montré que cette solution a une durée de validité de 2 ans au frigo et à TA. Compte tenu du fait que la préparation ne contient pas d'agent antimicrobien, une conservation au frigo (2 - 8°C) est toutefois recommandée. La formule proposée présente un réel avantage en pédiatrie tant sur le plan de la sécurité d'administration que sur celui de l'économie.


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The objective of this work was to determine if KCl could be a useful nutrient primer for safe seed germination in maize crop under salt stress conditions. Seed priming was done using 50 mmol L‑1 of muriate of potash, and germination and seedling growth were evaluated after salt stress with NaCl up to 50 mmol L‑1. Another set of seeds was tested under the same salt stress conditions without priming. Under salinity stress, germination percentage, germination rate index, germination coefficient, and seedling vigor indexes were higher in primed seeds. In unprimed seeds, mean germination time increased, while the germination rate index and the fresh and dry matter mass decreased more sharply with salinity stress. The Na/K ratio was higher in unprimed seeds.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of alkaline solution marinades on the characteristics of pork subjected to post-mortem pH decrease in pig muscle. The pH of carcasses was measured in a commercial slaughterhouse (n = 526), 45 min after slaughtering (pH45) and, then, the carcasses were divided into the groups with pH45<5.7 or pH45>5.7. Ten samples of the longissimus dorsi muscles of each group were collected and distributed in an entirely randomized design, in a 2x4 factorial arrangement, with two conditions (pH45<5.7 or pH45>5.7), and four marinade solutions: TC, no marinade; TM1, sodium bicarbonate and sodium chloride; TM2, sodium tripolyphosphate and sodium chloride; TM3, sodium bicarbonate, sodium tripolyphosphate and sodium chloride. There was no interaction between pH45 of the meat and the marinade treatments. Meat with pH45<5.7 showed higher values for lightness, and for purge loss (PL), exudate loss (EL), cooking loss (CL) and shear force (SF). Marinating increased the pH, reduced the lightness, EL, CL and SF, and improved tenderness, juiciness and flavor of meat. Marinades with solutions containing chloride, bicarbonate, and sodium tripolyphosphate are effective in the improvement of pork quality, making physical characteristics of marinated meat similar to those of fresh pork, as a consequence of accelerated postmortem glycolysis.


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The neuron-specific K-Cl cotransporter, KCC2, is highly expressed in the vicinity of excitatory synapses in pyramidal neurons, and recent in vitro data suggest that this protein plays a role in the development of dendritic spines. The in vivo relevance of these observations is, however, unknown. Using in utero electroporation combined with post hoc iontophoretic injection of Lucifer Yellow, we show that premature expression of KCC2 induces a highly significant and permanent increase in dendritic spine density of layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons in the somatosensory cortex. Whole-cell recordings revealed that this increased spine density is correlated with an enhanced spontaneous excitatory activity in KCC2-transfected neurons. Precocious expression of the N-terminal deleted form of KCC2, which lacks the chloride transporter function, also increased spine density. In contrast, no effect on spine density was observed following in utero electroporation of a point mutant of KCC2 (KCC2-C568A) where both the cotransporter function and the interaction with the cytoskeleton are disrupted. Transfection of the C-terminal domain of KCC2, a region involved in the interaction with the dendritic cytoskeleton, also increased spine density. Collectively, these results demonstrate a role for KCC2 in excitatory synaptogenesis in vivo through a mechanism that is independent of its ion transport function.


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Softcatalà is a non-profit associationcreated more than 10 years ago to fightthe marginalisation of the Catalan languagein information and communicationtechnologies. It has led the localisationof many applications and thecreation of a website which allows itsusers to translate texts between Spanishand Catalan using an external closed-sourcetranslation engine. Recently,the closed-source translation back-endhas been replaced by a free/open-sourcesolution completely managed by Softcatalà: the Apertium machine translationplatform and the ScaleMT web serviceframework. Thanks to the opennessof the new solution, it is possibleto take advantage of the huge amount ofusers of the Softcatalà translation serviceto improve it, using a series ofmethods presented in this paper. In addition,a study of the translations requestedby the users has been carriedout, and it shows that the translationback-end change has not affected theusage patterns.


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PURPOSE: Diisononyl phthalate (DiNP) is primarily used as a plasticizer in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) materials. While information is available on general population exposure to DiNP, occupational exposure data are lacking. We present DiNP metabolite urinary concentrations in PVC processing workers, estimate DiNP daily intake for these workers, and compare worker estimates to other populations. METHODS: We assessed DiNP exposure in participants from two companies that manufactured PVC materials, a PVC film manufacturer (n = 25) and a PVC custom compounder (n = 12). A mid-shift and end-shift urine sample was collected from each participant and analyzed for the DiNP metabolite mono(carboxy-isooctyl) phthalate (MCiOP). Mixed models were used to assess the effect on MCiOP concentrations of a worker being assigned to (1) a task using DiNP and (2) a shift where DiNP was used. A simple pharmacokinetic model was used to estimate DiNP daily intake from the MCiOP concentrations. RESULTS: Creatinine-adjusted MCiOP urinary concentrations ranged from 0.42-80 μg/g in PVC film and from 1.11-13.4 μg/g in PVC compounding. PVC film participants who worked on a task using DiNP (n = 7) had the highest MCiOP geometric mean (GM) end-shift concentration (25.2 μg/g), followed by participants who worked on a shift where DiNP was used (n = 11) (17.7 μg/g) as compared to participants with no task (2.92 μg/g) or shift (2.08 μg/g) exposure to DiNP. The GM end-shift MCiOP concentration in PVC compounding participants (4.80 μg/g) was comparable to PVC film participants with no task or shift exposure to DiNP. Because no PVC compounding participants were assigned to tasks using DINP on the day sampled, DiNP exposure in this company may be underestimated. The highest DiNP intake estimate was 26 μg/kg/day. CONCLUSION: Occupational exposure to DiNP associated with PVC film manufacturing tasks were substantially higher (sixfold to tenfold) than adult general population exposures; however, all daily intake estimates were less than 25% of current United States or European acceptable or tolerable daily intake estimates. Further characterization of DiNP occupational exposures in other industries is recommended.


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The continuous wavelet transform is obtained as a maximumentropy solution of the corresponding inverse problem. It is well knownthat although a signal can be reconstructed from its wavelet transform,the expansion is not unique due to the redundancy of continuous wavelets.Hence, the inverse problem has no unique solution. If we want to recognizeone solution as "optimal", then an appropriate decision criterion hasto be adopted. We show here that the continuous wavelet transform is an"optimal" solution in a maximum entropy sense.


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Verkkoon kytkettävien laitteiden määrä on lisääntynyt viime vuosina, joka luo tarpeen reitittimille ja niiden ominaisuuksille. On muodostunut uusi tarve laitteille, jotka voivat yhdistää erilaisia verkkoja toisiinsa. Tällaisen reitittimen rakentamiseen tarvitaan vakaa alusta. Tällaisella alustalla luodaan mahdollisuus kuormittaa järjestelmää ilman suuria ongelmia. Tällainen alusta on Open Platform, joka on suunniteltu tällaisille toiminnoille ja yhdessä oikeanlaisen verkkoratkaisun kanssa sitä voidaan käyttää sille suunnitellussa ympäristössä. Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena on arvioida neljää eri reititysohjelmistoa ja kahta eri IP pinoa. Työssä käytetyt testit on suunniteltu arviointia varten ja niiden tarkoituksena on tuoda esille ohjelmistoissa esiintyvät viat ja ongelmat. Kaikki testit ovat samoja kaikille ohjelmille ja tehdään samassa ympäristössä. Testit analysoidaan niiden ajon jälkeen ja niiden tulosten avulla tehdään päätös mitä näistä ohjelmistoista tullaan käyttämään seuraavan sukupolven avoimella alustalla, joka tulee toimimaan Nokian Intelligent Service Nodessa. Tämä verkon laite toimii yhdyskäytävänäerilaisten verkkojen välillä.


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Työssä tutkittiin moniarvoisten metalliformiaattien valmistusta ioninvaihto-menetelmällä. Kirjallisuustutkimus käsitteleetunnettuja alumiiniformiaatin ja rautaformiaatin valmistusmenetelmiä, kationinvaihtohartsien ominaisuuksia, ioninvaihtohartsien selektiivisyyttä ja alumiinin, raudan, magnesiumin ja sinkin vesikemiaa. Laboratoriokokeiden avulla tutkittiin sinkki-, magnesium-, rauta(II)- ja alumiiniformiaattien valmistusta ioninvaihdolla. Kokeet suoritettiin kolonnissa, joka oli pakattu makrohuokoisella tai geelimäisellä vahvalla kationin-vaihtohartsilla. Hartsi vaihdettiin natriummuodosta metallimuotoon metallikloridi- tai metallisulfaattiliuoksella.Metalli eluoitiin hartsista natriumformiaatilla. Formiaattien valmistus onnistui makrohuokoista vahvaa kationinvaihtohartsia käyttämällä. Rauta(II)formiaatin valmistus oli vaikeampaa kuin muiden formiaattien, koska rauta(II) hapettui osittain rauta(III):ksi valmistuksen aikana. Alumiiniformiaattia valmistettiin käyttäen sekä makrohuokoista että geelimäistä hartsia. Makrohuokoisen hartsin havaittiin soveltuvan geelimäistä hartsia paremmin alumiiniformiaatin valmistukseen. Kungeelimäistä hartsia käytettiin, noin 30 % alumiinista jäi kiinni hartsiin eikä siten eluoitunut. Ioninvaihdon selektiivisyyskertoimien saamiseksi suoritettiin tasapainokokeita. Selektiivisyyskertoimia käytettiin ioninvaihtokolonnin dynaamisessa simuloinnissa. Ioninvaihdon simuloiminen dynaamisella kolonnimallilla onnistui hyvin.


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OBJECTIVES: Resuscitation in severe head injury may be detrimental when given with hypotonic fluids. We evaluated the effects of lactated Ringer's solution (sodium 131 mmol/L, 277 mOsm/L) compared with hypertonic saline (sodium 268 mmol/L, 598 mOsm/L) in severely head-injured children over the first 3 days after injury. DESIGN: An open, randomized, and prospective study. SETTING: A 16-bed pediatric intensive care unit (ICU) (level III) at a university children's hospital. PATIENTS: A total of 35 consecutive children with head injury. INTERVENTIONS: Thirty-two children with Glasgow Coma Scores of <8 were randomly assigned to receive either lactated Ringer's solution (group 1) or hypertonic saline (group 2). Routine care was standardized, and included the following: head positioning at 30 degrees; normothermia (96.8 degrees to 98.6 degrees F [36 degrees to 37 degrees C]); analgesia and sedation with morphine (10 to 30 microg/kg/hr), midazolam (0.2 to 0.3 mg/kg/hr), and phenobarbital; volume-controlled ventilation (PaCO2 of 26.3 to 30 torr [3.5 to 4 kPa]); and optimal oxygenation (PaO2 of 90 to 105 torr [12 to 14 kPa], oxygen saturation of >92%, and hematocrit of >0.30). MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Mean arterial pressure and intracranial pressure (ICP) were monitored continuously and documented hourly and at every intervention. The means of every 4-hr period were calculated and serum sodium concentrations were measured at the same time. An ICP of 15 mm Hg was treated with a predefined sequence of interventions, and complications were documented. There was no difference with respect to age, male/female ratio, or initial Glasgow Coma Score. In both groups, there was an inverse correlation between serum sodium concentration and ICP (group 1: r = -.13, r2 = .02, p < .03; group 2: r = -.29, r2 = .08, p < .001) that disappeared in group 1 and increased in group 2 (group 1: r = -.08, r2 = .01, NS; group 2: r = -.35, r2 =.12, p < .001). Correlation between serum sodium concentration and cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) became significant in group 2 after 8 hrs of treatment (r = .2, r2 = .04, p = .002). Over time, ICP and CPP did not significantly differ between the groups. However, to keep ICP at <15 mm Hg, group 2 patients required significantly fewer interventions (p < .02). Group 1 patients received less sodium (8.0 +/- 4.5 vs. 11.5 +/- 5.0 mmol/kg/day, p = .05) and more fluid on day 1 (2850 +/- 1480 vs. 2180 +/- 770 mL/m2, p = .05). They also had a higher frequency of acute respiratory distress syndrome (four vs. 0 patients, p = .1) and more than two complications (six vs. 1 patient, p = .09). Group 2 patients had significantly shorter ICU stay times (11.6 +/- 6.1 vs. 8.0 +/- 2.4 days; p = .04) and shorter mechanical ventilation times (9.5 +/- 6.0 vs. 6.9 +/- 2.2 days; p = .1). The survival rate and duration of hospital stay were similar in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment of severe head injury with hypertonic saline is superior to that treatment with lactated Ringer's solution. An increase in serum sodium concentrations significantly correlates with lower ICP and higher CPP. Children treated with hypertonic saline require fewer interventions, have fewer complications, and stay a shorter time in the ICU.