978 resultados para certified reference values
The electromyographic activity of the biceps brachii - BB (long head), triceps brachii - TB (long head) and deltoideus - DA (clavicular portion) muscles, during the going (G) and return (R) phases in front support exercise, as well the efficacy of this exercise for the development of these muscles strength were studied in 10 male volunteers. The values were normalized through maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC = 100%) and statistically analyzed using the Friedman, DMS and Wilcoxon non-parametric test. A value of p≤0.05 indicated significance (Campos, 1983). All the muscles presented higher electromyographic activity in the return phase of the movement. The triceps brachii was the muscle which had higher activity in both phases of the movement. It was concluded that the front support exercise is efficient for strength development mainly in the triceps brachii muscle.
Quantitative analysis of normal values of motor unit action potentials duration and amplitude of muscles tireoaritenoideus (TA), cricotireoideus (CT), cricoaritenoideus lateralis (CAL), and cricoaritenoideus posterioris (CAP) was performed in 14 adult normal Brazilian volunteers. The recordings were obtained by percutaneously inserted concentric needle electrode. Different motor unit action potentials were manually selected in each muscle for quantitative computerized analysis of duration and amplitude. The mean values for duration and amplitude were respectively 3.8 ms and 413 μV for TA, 4.9 ms and 585 μV for CT, 4.1 ms and 388 μV for CAL and 4.5 ms and 475 μV in CAP. There were no similar reports of normal values of motor unit action potentials in Brazilian subjects.
Mean platelet volume (MPV), platelet distribution width (PDW) and plateletcrit (PCT) platelet parameters can be important to improve the initial identification of platelet disorders. The purpose of this study is to establish reference values for the platelet count (PLT), MPV, PDW and PCT in a population of 1346 apparently healthy adults, from both sexes, as well as to evaluate the correlations among these platelet parameters and to build the necessary nomograms for the clinical interpretations of the platelet indices. The platelet parameters were analyzed in blood samples collected into dipotassium ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid (K 2 EDTA) by an electrical aperture-impedance method. There were non-linear and an inverse correlations between MPV and PLT, and between PDW and PLT, throughout the reference range of platelet count: the change in MPV and PDW was most accentuated at the lower platelet counts. Because of this non-linear inverse correlation, MPV versus PLT and PDW versus PLT nomograms were built. These correlations among the platelet parameters on a normal population provide a better understanding of these indices and may contribute to establish the real clinical significance of these platelet parameters in many diseases.
The purpose of this study was to identify the Electromyographic Fatigue Threshold (EMG FT) of the biceps brachii muscle bilaterally during the elbow flexion in tests performed in different times: 30 second test, 1 minute test and fatiguing test, in concentric (CC) and eccentric (EC) phases. Nine healthy young men performed the elbow flexion with loads corresponding at 25%, 35% and 45% of the one repetition maximum (1-RM) in separate days. The results indicated that the test applied for the biceps brachii muscle during elbow flexion induced a progressive increment of EMG activity with time indicating muscle fatigue and allowed the identification of the EMG FT. The three tests presented no difference of EMG FT between CC and EC phases bilaterally.
Purpose: To detect normal values of red phenol thread test in the Brazilian population and compare it between different races, age and sex. Methods: 280 white individuals (560 eyes) and 280 non-white individuals (560 eyes) were analyzed regarding sex and age, and analyzed using the Phenol Red test. Individuals with ocular diseases, contact lens or ocular drug users were excluded from this study. Results: Of the 1,120 evaluated eyes, the mean ± standard deviation result was 19,77±7,90 mm. Conclusion: The mean result found in this study was an intermediate value compared to the previously studied populations (Japanese and American).
The computational program called GIS_EM (Geographic Information System for Environmental Monitoring), a software devised to manage geographic information for monitoring soil, surface, and ground water, developed for use in the Health, Safety, and Environment Division of Paulinia Refinery is presented. This program enables registering and management of alphanumeric information pertaining to specific themes such as drilling performed for sample collection and for installation of monitoring wells, geophysical and other tests, results of chemical analyses of soil, surface, and groundwater, as well as reference values providing orientation for soil and water quality, such as EPA, Dutch List, etc. Management of such themes is performed by means of alphanumeric search tools, with specific filters and, in the case of spatial search, through the selection of spatial elements (themes) in map view. Documents existing in digital form, such as reports, photos, maps, may be registered and managed in the network environment. As the system centralizes information generated upon environmental investigations, it expedites access to and search of documents produced and stored in the network environment, minimizing search time and the need to file printed documents. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the AIChE Annual Meeting and Fall Showcase (Cincinnati, OH 10/30/2005-11/4/2005).
Inverted flying exercise with external loads of 25, 50, 75 and 100% of each individual maximum load in the pectoralis major and deltoideus anterior muscles was electromyographically analyzed in eleven male volunteers, using surface electrodes MEDI-TRACE-200 connected to a biological signals acquisition module coupled to a PC/AT computer. Electromyographic signals were processed and the effective values obtained were standardized through maximum voluntary isometric contraction. When the concentric phase of each muscle with the same load was statistically compared with the eccentric phase, it was observed that for all loads all the muscles presented significant electromyographic difference, and that the concentric phase was always higher. By analyzing the different loads for each muscle, it was noticed that in the concentric phase all the muscles presented significant electromyographic activity, being it higher with maximum load. When the effect of each load on different muscle in the concentric and eccentric phases was analyzed, the muscles presented a distinct activity profile.
The objective of this study was to analyze the electromyographic (EMG) signal behavior of rectus femoris (RF), vastus medialis (VM), vastus lateralis (VL) and biceps femoris (caput longum) (BFCL) from nine women during fatiguing dynamic and isometric knee extensions tests and to determine their EMGFT (Electromyographic Fatigue Threshold). Surface electrodes, biological signal acquisition module, analogical-digital converter board and specific software were used. The RMS (Root Mean Square) values obtained from concentric phase (80 to 30 degrees) of the dynamic knee extension andfrom isometric contraction were correlated with time on each load by linear regression analysis. The respective slopes were correlated with the correspondent load to determine the EMGFT. Force (Kgf) and median frequency - MF (Hz) obtained during MIVC (Maximal Isometric Voluntary Contraction) performed before and after the fatiguing tests were calculated in Matlab environment. The results demonstrated that the endurance time decreases with higher loads the EMG amplitude increase with time and was greater at higher loads, between muscles in dynamic exercise the RF and VL showed higher slopes, and in isometric exercise the VL showed the same behavior The EMGFT values were similar in both exercises; the force values predominantly decreased after fatiguing tests; however the MF only decreased after some loads. The protocols proposed allowed standardizing protocols at least to induce the fatigue process and to determine the EMGFT as an endurance indicative, which may be used to evaluate the effectiveness of rehabilitative or training interventions indicated to reduce muscle weakness and fatigue.
It is usual to find athletes that can perform de curl up test easily, but are unable to maintain the stabilization of the low back during the double straight leg lowering (DSLL). In spite of having strong abdominal muscles, its stabilization role seems not to be effective. Thus, the purpose of this study was to verify the relation among individuals with strong abdominal muscles and the ability in perform posterior pelvic tilt (PPT); the ability to stabilize the low back during the DSLL and the eletromyographic activity of the abdominal muscles. Eighteen male subjects (aged 19.27 ± 3.5), without history of muscle skeletal dysfunction, performed both the PPT and DSLL tests. During these tests electromyographic signals of the rectus abdominis (RA), obliquus internus abdominis (01) and obliquus externus abdominis (OE) were recorded, the angle of the hip and the pressure under the low back were measured The results of analyses of variance (ANOVA) show that most volunteers accomplished the PPT test, actively flattening the low back with regular or good quality. However, none of them was able to stabilize the low back during the DSLL test. During the PPT test all abdominal muscle portions analysed were activated without significant differences. In an attempt of maintaining the lumbo-pelvic region stabilized during the DSLL, it was observed a tendency of higher bilateral activation of OE when compared to RA and 01 muscle portions between 70 and 20 degrees of hip flexion.
Purpose: Selecting artificial teeth for edentulous patients is difficult when pre-extraction records are not available. Various guidelines have been suggested for determining the width of the maxillary anterior denture teeth. This study was undertaken to evaluate the use of the nasal width as a guide for the selection of proper width maxillary anterior denture teeth in four racial groups of the Brazilian population. Materials and Methods: One hundred and sixty subjects (40 Whites, 40 Mulattos, 40 Blacks, and 40 Asians) were selected. Using a sliding caliper, the nasal width and the intercanine distance were measured. The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient was used to determine the relationship between the above measurements. A prediction was made of the percentage of subjects of the White, Mulatto, Black, and Asian populations in which the selection error due to the clinical application of the method of the nasal width would be within 0 to 2 mm, within 2 to 4 mm, and greater than 4 mm. Results: The four racial groups showed a weak correlation between the intercanine distance and the nasal width. In 39.7% of the White, 55.7% of the Mulatto, 81.9% of the Black, and 48.2% of the Asian populations, errors greater than 4 mm would be present with the use of the nasal width. Conclusions: The correlation found between the intercanine distance and the nasal width was not high enough to be used as a predictive factor. The relationship between natural tooth width and artificial tooth width as predicted by the nasal width showed that the nasal width method is not accurate for all the studied groups. Copyright © 2006 by The American College of Prosthodontists.
Puberty is the fundamental period for bone mass (BM) acquisition. In this period mineralization is found to increase with levels of high bone formation. The critical years of intense bone anabolism deserve special attention, as adequate gain could minimize fracture risk in later years. The objective of this work was to study bone mineral content (BMC) and bone mineral density (BMD) in male adolescents with age bracket and maturation level. Sixty-one healthy male 10 to 19 year-olds were evaluated for calcium intake, weight, stature, BMI, puberty stage and BMC and BMD in the lumbar spine and femur. BM was measured by bone densitometry (DXA). Calcium intake was calculated by recording 3 days diet. Puberty stage was defined as per Tanner. Descriptive statistics was used with means and standard deviations, linear correlation, and analysis of variance for comparison between age groups, and the Tukey test (p<0.05). Linear correlation was positive and indicated body weight as the main correlation variable with BMD in both studied locations (p<0.01). BMC and BMD increased with age, differences were significant from 14 to 15 years, and when adolescents reached Tanner stage G4. These results showed a pronounced increase in bone mineralization, with the years after 14 to 15 being critical for BM acquisition in Brazilian adolescents.
This study aims at quantifying through electromyography the actions of the biceps brachii-BB (long head), tríceps brachii- TB (long head) and deltoideus-DA (clavicular portion) muscles, during the going (G) and return (R) phases in back support exercises. Surface electrodes were placed at the muscles, according to DELAGI (1981). It was used a specific software and a AID plate to take the signals. After being collected, the records were processed resulting in efficient values (RMS), were normalized by maximum isometric contraction (MVIC=100%) and statistically analysed using the Friedman, DSM and Wilcox non-parametric tests. All the muscles presented electromyographic activity of the movements. The triceps brachii was the muscle with higher activity in both phases of the movement. It was concluded that the exercise is indicated for the arm muscle strength development.
The electromyographic activity of the deltoideus (anterior portion) and pectoralis major (clavicular portion) muscles was analyzed in 24 male volunteers in two different modalities of pull-over exercises. The PMC activity varied from weak to moderate in both modalities, while the DA activity was moderate in the pull-over and strong in the pull-over with bent arms exercises.
Captive brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira) were manually restrained to assess tear production by the Schirmer tear test I to measure intraocular pressure by applanation tonometry, to examine ocular conjunctival epithelial cells via cytologic and histologic samples, and to survey ocular conjunctival microflora by microbiologic culture. The mean value for the Schirmer tear test I was 8.9 ± 1.8 mm/min, and the mean intraocular pressure was 15.3 ± 3.1 mm Hg. Conjunctival epithelium contained stratified pavimentous layers of cells, and the microflora consisted of predominantly gram-positive bacteria. Copyright 2007 by American Association of Zoo Veterinarians.