937 resultados para banana cultivars


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The objective of this study was to identify common bean cultivars with resistance to Fusarium wilt.


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O Laboratório de Biotecologia da EPAMIG - Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais no Norte de Minas utiliza técnicas de criopreservação dos cultivares de bananas para multiplicação de mudas e de conservação de material para pesquisas e estudos, com o objetivo de incentivar o produtor a utilizar mudas de qualidade. As pesquisadoras da Epamig Maria Geralda Rodrigues, agrônoma e Luciana Londe, bióloga trazem mais informações sobre a bananicultura na região Norte de Minas e falam sobre a importância de se plantar mudas de qualidade.


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Ocimum basilicum, a member of the family Lamiaceae, is a rich source of polyphenolics that have antioxidant properties. The present study describes the development and application of an online HPLC-coupled acidic potassium permanganate chemiluminescence assay for the qualitative and quantitative assessment of antioxidants in three cultivars of O. basilicum grown under greenhouse conditions. The chemiluminescence based assay was found to be a sensitive and efficient method for assessment of total and individual compound antioxidant potential. Leaves, flowers and roots were found to be rich reserves of the antioxidant compounds which showed intense chemiluminescence signals. The polyphenolics such as rosmarinic, chicoric, caffeic, p-coumaric, m-coumaric and ferulic acids showed antioxidant activity. Further, rosmarinic acid was found to be the major antioxidant component in water-ethanol extracts. The highest levels of rosmarinic acid was found in the leaves and roots of cultivars "holy green" (14.37; 11.52 mM/100 g DW respectively) followed by "red rubin" (10.02; 10.75 mM/100 g DW respectively) and "subja" (6.59; 4.97 mM/100 g DW respectively). The sensitivity, efficiency and ease of use of the chemiluminescence based assay should now be considered for its use as a primary method for the identification and quantification of antioxidants in plant extracts.


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Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the most important legume crop in the world, providing low-cost, high quality protein, minerals and dietary fiber for human nutrition. The crop was originated from diversity centers in America and exhibits adaptation abilities to different environmental conditions, including soil with low pH. Acid soils occupy 30% of the agro ecosystem areas in the world. In Madeira, acid Andosols and unsatured Cambisols are the dominant groups of soils. Generally, under acidic and infertile conditions, besides of H+ toxicity, soluble aluminium (Al) is the most important abiotic factor limiting plant development and crop productivity. In the field, the hidden roots are also affected and the reduction of root growth under Al stress can be clearly observed in early stages. Seedlings of fifty bean accessions from the Archipelago of Madeira were tested under controlled conditions in the presence of 50 mM Al at pH 4.4. In general, the tested germplasm appeared to be sensitive or very sensitive to Al toxicity. However, fifteen traditional cultivars clearly exhibited elevated Al-tolerance, with an average root relative elongation (RRE) exceeding 50%, while top six accessions surpassed the 60% RRE mark. The Madeira bean germplasm is a valuable resource for sustainable crop production in acid soils and it could be used as parental lines in breeding programs aimed for Al tolerance in common beans.


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Scarcity of freshwater due to recurrent drought threatens the sustainable crop production in semi-arid regions of Ethiopia. Deficit irrigation is thought to be one of the promising strategies to increase water use efficiency (WUE) under scarce water resources. A study was carried out to investigate the effect of alternate furrow irrigation (AFI), deficit irrigation (DI) and full irrigation (FI) on marketable fruit yield, WUE and physio-chemical quality of four fresh-market tomato cultivars (Fetan, Chali, Cochoro and ARP Tomato d2) in 2013 and 2014. The results showed that marketable yield, numbers of fruits per plant and fruit size were not significantly affected by AFI and DI irrigations. WUE under AFI and DI increased by 36.7% and 26.1%, respectively with close to 30% irrigation water savings achieved. A different response of cultivars to irrigation treatments was found for marketable yield, number of fruits and fruit size, WUE, total soluble solids (TSS) of the fruit juice, titratable acids (TA) and skin thickness. Cochoro and Fetan performed well under both deficit irrigation treatments exhibited by bigger fruit size which led to higher WUE. ARP Tomato d2 showed good yields under well-watered conditions. Chali had consistently lower marketable fruit yield and WUE. TSS and TA tended to increase under deficit irrigation; however, the overall variations were more explained by irrigation treatments than by cultivars. It was shown that AFI is a suitable deficit irrigation practice to increase fresh yield, WUE and quality of tomato in areas with low water availability. However, AFI requires suitable cultivars in order to exploit its water saving potential.


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Understanding the variation in physiological response to deficit irrigation together with better knowledge on physiological characteristics of different genotypes that contribute to drought adaptation mechanisms would be helpful in transferring different irrigation technologies to farmers. A field experiment was carried to investigate the physiological response of four tomato cultivars (Fetan, Chali, Cochoro and ARP Tomato d2) to moderate water deficit induced by alternate furrow irrigation (AFI) and deficit irrigation (DI) under semi-arid condition of Ethiopia during 2013 and 2014. The study also aimed at identifying physiological attributes to the fruit yield of tomato under different deficit irrigation techniques. A factorial combination of irrigation treatments and cultivar were arranged in a complete randomized design with three replicates. Results showed that stomatal conductance (g_s) was significantly reduced while photosynthetic performance measured as chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv’/Fm’), relative water content (RWC) and leaf ash content remained unaffected under deficit irrigations. Significant differences among cultivars were found for water use efficiency (WUE), g_s, chlorophyll content (Chl_SPAD), normal difference vegetation index (NDVI), leaf ash content and fruit growth rate. However, cultivar differences in WUE were more accounted for by the regulation of g_s, therefore, g_s could be useful for breeders for screening large numbers of genotypes with higher WUE under deficit irrigation condition. The study result also demonstrated that cultivar with traits that contribute to achieve higher yields under deficit irrigation strategies has the potential to increase WUE.


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Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the most important legume crop in the world, providing low-cost, high quality protein, minerals and dietary fiber for human nutrition. The crop was originated from diversity centers in America and exhibits adaptation abilities to different environmental conditions, including soil with low pH. Acid soils occupy 30% of the agro ecosystem areas in the world. In Madeira, acid Andosols and unsatured Cambisols are the dominant groups of soils. Generally, under acidic and infertile conditions, besides of H+ toxicity, soluble aluminium (Al) is the most important abiotic factor limiting plant development and crop productivity. In the field, the hidden roots are also affected and the reduction of root growth under Al stress can be clearly observed in early stages. Seedlings of fifty bean accessions from the Archipelago of Madeira were tested under controlled conditions in the presence of 50 mM Al at pH 4.4. In general, the tested germplasm appeared to be sensitive or very sensitive to Al toxicity. However, fifteen traditional cultivars clearly exhibited elevated Al-tolerance, with an average root relative elongation (RRE) exceeding 50%, while top six accessions surpassed the 60% RRE mark. The Madeira bean germplasm is a valuable resource for sustainable crop production in acid soils and it could be used as parental lines in breeding programs aimed for Al tolerance in common beans.


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Fungal endophytes present in different asymptomatic grapevine plants (Vitis vinifera L.) located in different vineyards within Alentejo, a highly important viticulture region in Portugal, were identified in this study. Sampled grapevine plants included the three most representative cultivars in the region, Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Aragonez, growing under two different modes of management, conventional and biological. Sixteen fungal taxa were identified through sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer region. Total number of endophytic fungi isolated showed significant differences both in management mode and in cultivars, with higher numbers in grapevines under conventional mode and from Syrah cultivar. The composition of fungal endophytic communities did not show significant differences among cultivars, but differences were observed between fungal communities isolated from grapevines under biological or conventional modes. The most fungal taxa isolated from grapevines cultivated under biological mode were Alternaria alternata, Cladosporium sp., and Nigrospora oryzae, and under conventional mode Botrytis cinerea, Epicoccum nigrum, and Epicoccum sp. These differences suggest that the different products used in grapevine production have impacts in fungal endophytic composition. Further investigation of the identified fungi with respect to their antagonistic characteristics and potential use in plant protection to ensure food safety is now in course.


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A cultura da banana tem baixa diversidade genética, tornando a espécie susceptível a doenças dizimadoras como a Sigatoka negra. No entanto, a adoção de novas variedades necessita de avaliações agronômicas e físico-químicas. Neste estudo, as variedades de banana, resistentes à Sigatoka negra, foram caracterizadas e comparadas com a variedade tradicional (Grand Naine). Cada variedade foi avaliada considerando-se critérios relevantes para a agroindústria, como pH, sólidos solúveis totais, acidez total titulável, relação SST/ATT, açúcares totais, açúcares redutores e não redutores, umidade, sólidos totais e rendimento no processamento. A variedade Thap Maeo apresentou-se como a variedade mais potencial para substituição da Gran Naine na indústria, com altos teores de sólidos solúveis totais, açúcares redutores, açúcares totais e umidade. As variedades Caipira e FHIA 2 também podem substituir a Grand Naine. Na análise de agrupamentos, verificou-se que a variedade Grand Naine esteve muito próxima das variedades do subgrupo Gros Michel (Bucaneiro, Ambroisa e Calipso) e também da variedade Caipira, apresentando no seu genoma o grupo AAA. Conclui-se que há opções de variedades resistentes para substituição da variedade tradicional, nas regiões afetadas pela Sigatoka-negra.


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The recommendation of bean cultivars and the use of appropriate storage techniques allow the quality characteristics of these grains to be preserved for human consumption. The aim of this study was to characterize the effects of storage on three cultivars of the common carioca bean in raw form and to determine the relationships between storage time and technological quality parameters involved in the darkening and hardening of grains, the chemical composition of the beans and the presence of secondary metabolites. The experiment followed a completely randomized design (CRD) with a full factorial scheme consisting of two factors: bean cultivars, with three levels and storage time, with five levels. The color parameters and the storage times significantly differed between the cultivars. The cooking time, when compared to the water absorption index, indicated that the cultivars had, on average, a high percentage of moisture (>95%) and an average cooking time of 17 min., this applies to the control, while values increase during the storage time. Storage under ambient conditions led to a reduction in grain brightness parameters, characterized by darkening and hardening; no reduction in protein and mineral content; and an increase in iron, phosphorous, tannin, and phytic acid contents at 180 days.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar os custos de produção e determinar a viabilidade econômica da exploração da banana orgânica na região do Vale do Submédio São Francisco. Como esse tipo de sistema de cultivo ainda está em processo de construção na região em foco, justifica-se a realização dessa pesquisa. Para a análise dos custos de produção da cultura utilizou-se o método de orçamentação parcial e para a determinação da rentabilidade da exploração dessa frutífera foram utilizados os seguintes indicadores de eficiência econômica: Renda líquida (RL), Produtividade Total dos Fatores (PTF) e Taxa de Retorno do Empreendedor (TER). E os seguintes indicadores de eficiência financeira: Valor Presente Líquido (VPL), Taxa Interna de Retorno (TIR), Taxa Interna de Retorno Modificada (TIRM), Índice de Lucratividade (IL), Taxa de Rentabilidade (TR), Valor Presente Líquido Anualizado (VPLA) e Payback Descontado (PD). As análises de eficiência econômica e financeira apontaram que a exploração da banana orgânica é um empreendimento significativamente rentável. O estudo também revela que no sistema de cultivo em análise os gastos com insumos superam os gastos com serviço, sendo a água o item mais caro.