978 resultados para analgesia obstétrica


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Foram avaliados os efeitos anestésicos da associação de cloridrato de tiletamina, cloridrato de zolazepam e cloridrato de xilazina para contenção farmacológica de gatos-do-mato-pequenos, Leopardus tigrinus Schreber, 1775 (Felidae), submetidos à colheita de sêmen por eletroejaculação. Formularam-se três diferentes protocolos, sendo as doses calculadas individualmente, por meio de extrapolação alométrica interespecífica, com base nas indicações posológicas usuais para o cão doméstico com massa de 10,0 kg. No Protocolo 1 (n=10) a base para o cálculo alométrico foi 5,0mg/kg para tiletamina + zolazepam e 0,5mg/kg para xilazina; no Protocolo 2 (n=12,) foi 5,0mg/kg para tiletamina + zolazepam e 0,75mg/kg para xilazina; e no Protocolo 3 (n=11), foi 5,0mg/ kg para tiletamina + zolazepam e 1,0mg/kg para xilazina. Os animais foram anestesiados em três ocasiões, com intervalo mínimo de 30 dias. Após a administração dos fármacos, monitorizaram-se durante 120 minutos freqüência cardíaca, freqüência respiratória, temperatura retal, miorrelaxamento e nocicepção. Também foram avaliados período de latência, período anestésico hábil e contaminação do ejaculado por urina. De um total de 32 colheitas, houve contaminação por urina em 10 colheitas (31,2%) e em 18 alíquotas (0,07%), as quais foram desprezadas, não inviabilizando a análise e o processamento do sêmen. Observou-se pequeno aumento da temperatura retal durante a eletroejaculação, justificado pela contração muscular, ocorrendo redução da temperatura após o procedimento. As freqüências cardíaca e respiratória oscilaram durante o experimento, porém se mantiveram dentro dos padrões fisiológicos para a espécie. Nos três protocolos analisados não houve diferença significativa de sensibilidade de membros torácicos entre momentos antes e durante a eletroejaculação (pe"0,10), caracterizando assim a eficácia dos protocolos em propiciar analgesia e anestesia durante a colheita de sêmen por tal método.


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As formas de imobilização em bovinos mais utilizadas levam a uma manipulação excessiva e consequentemente estressante para o animal. A dor é uma experiência emocional de sensação desagradável que vem associada a um prejuízo tecidual. Surge no mercado um método de contenção física para bovinos que propõe a utilização de um aparelho que funciona com ondas eletromagnéticas de baixa intensidade promovendo imobilização sem estresse e ou estímulo doloroso para o animal. O objetivo deste projeto foi avaliar os parâmetros cardiorrespiratórios e hemogasométricos bem como os níveis de cortisol de bovinos submetidos à imobilização eletromagnética, a fim de observar se tal método é eficaz na diminuição do estresse e/ou estímulo doloroso. Foram utilizados 6 bovinos, mestiços, peso médio de 300,3 kg (±85,76). Os animais foram alocados aleatoriamente em dois grupos (controle dele mesmo): grupo controle (GC), introdução da sonda via retal (desligada); grupo Imobilizador (GI) introdução da sonda e permanência desta ligada por 5 minutos. Análise estatística utilizou o Teste T pareado entre os grupos (P<0,05) e a avaliação entre tempos dentro de cada grupo análise de variância de uma única via com repetições múltiplas (ANOVA - RM). Momentos avaliados M0: basal; M1: imediatamente após a retirada da sonda; M2 e M3 (30 e 60 minutos após M1 respectivamente). Houve um aumento significativo nas variáveis: frequências cardíaca e respiratória em (M1), na Pressão arterial média (M1, M2, M3) e níveis de cortisol nos momentos M1 e M2 no grupo imobilizador quando comparado ao grupo controle. Com relação à resposta ao estímulo, o GI teve resposta negativa no momento da estimulação, comparado ao GC (resposta máxima). De acordo com os resultados obtidos, podemos concluir que o imobilizador eletromagnético é um método, exclusivamente, de contenção física, não oferecendo nenhum suporte anestésico, para o conforto ou bem estar ao animal.


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The human body eliminates foreign compounds primarily by metabolizing them to hydrophilic forms to facilitate effective excretion through the kidneys. Cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes in the liver and intestine contribute to the metabolism of many drugs. Pharmacokinetic drugdrug interactions occur if the activity of CYPs are inhibited or induced by another drug. Prescribing multiple drugs to the improve effectiveness of therapy or to treat coexisting diseases is a common practice in clinical medicine. Polypharmacy predisposes patients to adverse effects because of the profound unpredictability in CYP enzymatic-mediated drug metabolism. S-ketamine is a phencyclidine derivative which functions as an antagonist of the N-methyl-Daspartate (NMDA) receptor in the central nervous system. It is a unique anaesthetic producing “dissociative anaesthesia” in high doses and analgesia in low doses. Studies with human liver microsomes suggest that ketamine is metabolized primarily via CYP3A4 and CYP2B6 enzymes. In this thesis, in healthy volunteers, randomized and controlled cross-over studies were conducted to investigate the effects of different CYP inducers and inhibitors on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of oral and intravenous S-ketamine. The plasma concentrations of ketamine and its metabolite, norketamine, were determined at different timepoints over a 24 hour period. Other pharmacodynamic variables were examined for 12 hours. Results of these studies showed that the inhibition of the CYP3A4 pathway by clarithromycin or grapefruit juice increased the exposure to oral S-ketamine by 2.6- and 3.0-fold. Unexpectedly, CYP3A4 inhibition by itraconazole caused no significant alterations in the plasma concentrations of oral S-ketamine. CYP3A4 induction by St. John´s wort or rifampicin decreased profoundly the concentrations of oral S-ketamine. However, after rifampicin, there were no significant differences in the plasma concentrations of S-ketamine when it was administered intravenously. This demonstrated that rifampicin inhibited the metabolism of Sketamine at the intestinal level. When CYP2B6 was inhibited by ticlopidine, there was a 2.4- fold increase in the exposure of S-ketamine. These studies demonstrated that low dose oral Sketamine is metabolized both via CYP3A4 and CYP2B6 pathways. The concomitant use of drugs that affect CYP3A4 or CYP2B6, during oral S-ketamine treatment, may cause clinically significant drug-drug interactions.


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Day surgery has gained a large popularity during the last decades. In Finland, 57% of the elective procedures, and 50% at Turku University Hospital, were already conducted on day basis during 2012. The steady growth of day surgery is mostly due to an increased safety in perioperative care and cost-effectiveness. The development of surgical techniques and anaesthetic methods has advanced the modern day surgery and extended the repertory of the procedures for use in day surgery operations. Day surgery also offers certain benefits like reduced risk for hospital-related infections, stress and confusion. Patient satisfaction, regarding several issues, is high. Most concerns and complaints are related to postoperative pain, nausea and vomiting pain and nausea. Pain can hamper recovery and pain management is a crucial factor for hospital discharge. Appropriate pain treatment is effective, safe, easy and economical. A procedure-specific approach and an individually planned, multimodal analgesia should be the basis of modern pain management. The main aim of this thesis was to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of anaesthetic technique and methods in pain treatment of orthopaedic day case surgery, and following conclusions were made. Unilateral spinal block was achieved using hyperbaric bupivacaine with a small dose of clonidine but clonidine prolonged the block. Continuous subacromial bupivacaine was found to be safe but conferring only moderate efficacy in pain care after shoulder arthroscopy. Transdermal fentanyl, 12 g/h, as part of multimodal analgesia, offered a safe and easy option to pain management in this patient group. However, after forefoot surgery, it did not reduce pain any further. In general, pain scores in all patient groups were low and the need for rescue opioid moderate.


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Twenty-four surgical patients of both sexes without cardiac, hepatic, renal or endocrine dysfunctions were divided into two groups: 10 cardiac surgical patients submitted to myocardial revascularization and cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), 3 females and 7 males aged 65 ± 11 years, 74 ± 16 kg body weight, 166 ± 9 cm height and 1.80 ± 0.21 m2 body surface area (BSA), and control, 14 surgical patients not submitted to CPB, 11 female and 3 males aged 41 ± 14 years, 66 ± 14 kg body weight, 159 ± 9 cm height and 1.65 ± 0.16 m2 BSA (mean ± SD). Sodium diclofenac (1 mg/kg, im Voltaren 75® twice a day) was administered to patients in the Recovery Unit 48 h after surgery. Venous blood samples were collected during a period of 0-12 h and analgesia was measured by the visual analogue scale (VAS) during the same period. Plasma diclofenac levels were measured by high performance liquid chromatography. A two-compartment open model was applied to obtain the plasma decay curve and to estimate kinetic parameters. Plasma diclofenac protein binding decreased whereas free plasma diclofenac levels were increased five-fold in CPB patients. Data obtained for analgesia reported as the maximum effect (EMAX) were: 25% VAS (CPB) vs 10% VAS (control), P<0.05, median measured by the visual analogue scale where 100% is equivalent to the highest level of pain. To correlate the effect versus plasma diclofenac levels, the EMAX sigmoid model was applied. A prolongation of the mean residence time for maximum effect (MRTEMAX) was observed without any change in lag-time in CPB in spite of the reduced analgesia reported for these patients, during the time-dose interval. In conclusion, the extent of plasma diclofenac protein binding was influenced by CPB with clinically relevant kinetic-dynamic consequences


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Opiates have been implicated in learned helplessness (LH), a phenomenon known to be related to opiate stress-induced analgesia (SIA). In the present study, we investigated the role of opiates in the induction of LH and SIA under different conditions. Adult female Wistar rats were trained either by receiving 60 inescapable 1-mA footshocks (IS group, N = 114) or by confinement in the shock box (control or NS group, N = 92). The pain threshold of some of the animals was immediately evaluated in a tail-flick test while the rest were used 24 h later in a shuttle box experiment to examine their escape performance. The opiate antagonist naltrexone (0 or 8 mg/kg, ip) and the previous induction of cross-tolerance to morphine by the chronic administration of morphine (0 or 10 mg/kg, sc, for 13 days) were used to identify opiate involvement. Analysis of variance revealed that only animals in the IS group demonstrated antinociception and an escape deficit, both of which were resistant to the procedures applied before the training session. However, the escape deficit could be reversed if the treatments were given before the test session. We conclude that, under our conditions, induction of the LH deficit in escape performance is not opiate-mediated although its expression is opiate-modulated


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Calcium ions are widely recognized to play a fundamental role in the regulation of several biological processes. Transient changes in cytoplasmic calcium ion concentration represent a key step for neurotransmitter release and the modulation of cell membrane excitability. Evidence has accumulated for the involvement of calcium ions also in nociception and antinociception, including the analgesic effects produced by opioids. The combination of opioids with drugs able to interfere with calcium ion functions in neurons has been pointed out as a useful alternative for safer clinical pain management. Alternatively, drugs that reduce the flux of calcium ions into neurons have been indicated as analgesic alternatives to opioids. This article reviews the manners by which calcium ions penetrate cell membranes and the changes in these mechanisms caused by opioids and calcium antagonists regarding nociceptive and antinociceptive events.


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The treatment of pain before it initiates may prevent the persistent pain-induced changes in the central nervous system that amplify pain long after the initial stimulus. The effects of pre- or postoperative intraperitoneal administration of morphine (2 to 8 mg/kg), dipyrone (40 and 80 mg/kg), diclofenac (2 to 8 mg/kg), ketoprofen (10 and 20 mg/kg), and tenoxicam (10 and 20 mg/kg) were studied in a rat model of post-incisional pain. Groups of 5 to 8 male Wistar rats (140-160 g) were used to test each drug dose. An incision was made on the plantar surface of a hind paw and the changes in the withdrawal threshold to mechanical stimulation were evaluated with Von Frey filaments at 1, 2, 6 and 24 h after the surgery. Tenoxicam was given 12 or 6 h preoperatively, whereas the remaining drugs were given 2 h or 30 min preoperatively. Postoperative drugs were all given 5 min after surgery. No drug abolished allodynia when injected before or after surgery, but thresholds were significantly higher than in control during up to 2 h following ketoprofen, 6 h following diclofenac, and 24 h following morphine, dipyrone or tenoxicam when drugs were injected postoperatively. Significant differences between pre- and postoperative treatments were obtained only with ketoprofen administered 30 min before surgery. Preoperative (2 h) intraplantar, but not intrathecal, ketoprofen reduced the post-incisional pain for up to 24 h after surgery. It is concluded that stimuli generated in the inflamed tissue, rather than changes in the central nervous system are relevant for the persistence of pain in the model of post-incisional pain.


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The aim of the present study was to assess the analgesic activity of the aerial parts of two Hypericum species native to Southern Brazil, H. caprifoliatum and H. polyanthemum. The antinociceptive effect of the H. polyanthemum cyclohexane extract (POL; 180 mg/kg) and of the H. caprifoliatum methanol (MET) and cyclohexane (CH) extracts (90 mg/kg) was evaluated in the hot-plate (ip and po) and writhing (po) tests using male Swiss CF1 mice weighing 22-27 g (N = 10 per group). All extracts displayed antinociceptive effects in the hot-plate test (MET ip = 48%, MET po = 39%, CH ip = 27%, CH po = 50%, POL ip = 74%, and POL po = 49% compared to control). Pretreatment with naloxone (2.5 mg/kg, sc) abolished the effects of CH and POL, and partially prevented the analgesia induced by MET administered by the ip (but not by the po) route. POL and CH (po) significantly reduced the number of writhes induced by acetic acid, while MET was ineffective in this regard. We conclude that the antinociceptive effects of the H. caprifoliatum (CH) and H. polyanthemum (POL) hexane extracts seem to be mediated by the opioid system. Moreover, the antinociceptive activity of the H. caprifoliatum MET extract seems to depend on at least two chemical substances (or groups of substances) with distinct pharmacokinetic profiles and mechanisms of action. Only the naloxone-insensitive component of MET activity showed good bioavailability following oral administration.


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It is widely accepted that the classical constant-temperature hot-plate test is insensitive to cyclooxygenase inhibitors. In the current study, we developed a variant of the hot-plate test procedure (modified hot-plate (MHP) test) to measure inflammatory nociception in freely moving rats and mice. Following left and right hind paw stimulation with a phlogogen and vehicle, respectively, the animals were placed individually on a hot-plate surface at 51ºC and the withdrawal latency for each paw was determined simultaneously in measurements performed at 15, 60, 180, and 360 min post-challenge. Plantar stimulation of rats (250 and 500 µg/paw) and mice (125-500 µg/paw) with carrageenan led to a rapid hyperalgesic response of the ipsilateral paw that reached a plateau from 15 to 360 min after challenge. Pretreatment with indomethacin (4 mg/kg, ip) inhibited the phenomenon at all the times analyzed. Similarly, plantar stimulation of rats and mice with prostaglandin E2 (0.5 and 1 µg/paw) also resulted in rapid hyperalgesia which was first detected 15 min post-challenge. Finally, we observed that the MHP test was more sensitive than the classical Hargreaves' test, being able to detect about 4- and 10-fold lower doses of prostaglandin E2 and carrageenan, respectively. In conclusion, the MHP test is a simple and sensitive method for detecting peripheral hyperalgesia and analgesia in rats and mice. This test represents a low-cost alternative for the study of inflammatory pain in freely moving animals.


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Third molar extraction is a common procedure frequently accompanied by moderate or severe pain, and involves sufficient numbers of patients to make studies relatively easy to perform. The aim of the present study was to determine the efficacy and safety of the therapeutic combination of 10 mg piroxicam, 1 mg dexamethasone, 35 mg orphenadrine citrate, and 2.5 mg cyanocobalamin (Rheumazin®) when compared with 20 mg piroxicam alone (Feldene®) in mandibular third molar surgery. Eighty patients scheduled for removal of the third molar were included in this randomized and double-blind study. They received (vo) Rheumazin or Feldene 30 min after tooth extraction and once daily for 4 consecutive days. Pain was determined by a visual analogue scale and by the need for escape analgesia (paracetamol). Facial swelling was evaluated with a measuring tape and adverse effects and patient satisfaction were recorded. There was no statistically significant difference in facial swelling between Rheumazin and Feldene (control group). Both drugs were equally effective in the control of pain, with Rheumazin displaying less adverse effects than Feldene. Therefore, Rheumazin appears to provide a better risk/benefit ratio in the mandibular molar surgery. Since the side effects resulting from nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug administration are a severe limitation to the routine use of these drugs in clinical practice, our results suggest that Rheumazin can be a good choice for third molar removal treatment.


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The amplification of pain long after the initial stimulus may be avoided if the treatment of pain is introduced before its initiation. However, conflicting evidence exists about the efficacy of such preemptive analgesia for the management of postoperative pain. This study compares the efficacy of intraplantar administration of indomethacin (a non-selective inhibitor of cyclooxygenase) and MK886 (an inhibitor of 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein), separately or in combination to produce preemptive analgesia in a model of surgical incisional pain in male Wistar rats. All incised rats (5 to 6 rats per group) had allodynia at 2, 6, and 24 h after surgery as evaluated using von Frey filaments. MK886, but not indomethacin (50 to 200 µg/paw), reduced the allodynia when injected either 1 h before or 1 h after surgery. The effect of preoperative MK886 (160 µg/paw) against incisional allodynia had a magnitude apparently similar to that produced by postoperative MK886. Pre-, but not postoperative MK886 (80 µg/paw) reduced the allodynia but the effect was seen only at 6 h after surgery. In contrast, MK886 (40 µg/paw) intensified the allodynia observed 2 h after the incision either injected before or after surgery. MK886 or indomethacin alone did not provide preemptive analgesia in the model of incisional pain. In contrast, the combination of MK886 with indomethacin reduced the allodynia more effectively when used before than after surgery, thus fulfilling the criteria for preemptive analgesia. In conclusion, preoperative inhibition of the local generation of both prostaglandins and leukotrienes by surgical incision may be an alternative to provide preemptive analgesia.


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Mentha x villosa Huds (Labiatae) is an aromatic herb widely used in folk medicine. Since the essential oil of the herb has many pharmacological activities, including antispasmodic effects, we determined whether the oil and its major constituent, piperitenone oxide (PO), have antinociceptive activity. The essential oil of M. x villosa (EOMV) and PO administered orally at 200 mg/kg (vehicle: 0.1% Tween 80 in water) significantly reduced the writhings induced by acetic acid from control values of 59.5 ± 3.1 s (N = 10) to 31.9 ± 2.8 s (N = 10) and 23.8 ± 3.4 s (N = 10), respectively. When administered at 100 and 200 mg/kg, EOMV reduced the paw licking time for the second phase of the formalin test from the control value of 20.6 ± 2.1 s (N = 13) to 5.3 ± 2.2 s (N = 12) and 2.7 ± 1.2 s (N = 18), respectively. At 100 and 200 mg/kg, PO reduced this second phase to 8.3 ± 2.7 s (N = 12) and 3.0 ± 1.2 s (N = 10), respectively. This effect of EOMV and PO was not reversed by naloxone. EOMV and PO had no significant effect on the first phase of the formalin test. As evaluated by the hot-plate and tail immersion test, EOMV and PO, at doses up to 200 mg/kg, showed no analgesic activity. These results show that EOMV and PO have antinociceptive activity and suggest that this effect is probably an indirect anti-inflammatory effect, which does not involve the central nervous system.


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The preemptive analgesic efficacy and adverse effects of preoperatively administered piroxicam-β-cyclodextrin for post-endoscopic sinus surgery pain was determined in a prospective, double-blind, randomized, clinical study. Seventy-five American Society of Anesthesiologists status I-II patients, aged 18-65 years, were divided into three groups with similar demographic characteristics: group 1 received 20 mg piroxicam-β-cyclodextrin, group 2 received 40 mg piroxicam-β-cyclodextrin and group 3 received placebo orally before induction of general anesthesia. A blinded observer recorded the incidence and severity of pain at admission to the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU), at 15, 30, and 45 min in the PACU, and 1, 2, 4, 6, and 24 h postoperatively. All patients received patient-controlled morphine analgesia during the postoperative period and consumption was recorded for 24 h. During the PACU period, mean visual analogue scale values were significantly lower in groups 1 and 2 compared to group 3 (P < 0.05). During the postoperative period, morphine consumption was 3.03 ± 2.54, 2.7 ± 2.8, and 5.56 ± 3.12 mg for each group, respectively (P < 0.05). As a side effect, bleeding was observed in groups 1 and 3, nausea and vomiting in all groups, and edema only in group 3. However, no significant differences were detected in any of the parameters analyzed, which also included epigastric pain, constipation/diarrhea and headache. Similar hematological test results were obtained for all groups. Preemptive administration of piroxicam-β-cyclodextrin effectively reduced analgesic consumption, and 40 mg of the drug was more effective than 20 mg piroxicam-β-cyclodextrin without side effects during the postoperative period.


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Sympathetic ganglion block (SGB) or intravenous regional block (IVRB) has been recommended for pain management in patients with complex regional pain syndrome type I (CRPS-I). Forty-five patients were initially selected but only 43 were accepted for the study. The present study evaluated the efficacy of IVRB produced by combining 70 mg lidocaine with 30 µg clonidine (14 patients, 1 male/13 females, age range: 27-50 years) versus SGB produced by the injection of 70 mg lidocaine alone (14 patients, 1 male/13 females, age range: 27-54 years) or combined with 30 µg clonidine (15 patients, 1 male/14 females, age range: 25-50 years) into the stellate ganglion for pain management in patients with upper extremity CRPS-I. Each procedure was repeated five times at 7-day intervals, and pain intensity and duration were measured using a visual analog scale immediately before each procedure. A progressive and significant reduction in pain scores and a significant increase in the duration of analgesia were observed in all groups following the first three blocks, but no further improvement was obtained following the last two blocks. Drowsiness, the most frequent side effect, and dry mouth occurred only in patients submitted to SGB with lidocaine combined with clonidine. The three methods were similar regarding changes in pain intensity and duration of analgesia. However, IVRB seems to be preferable to SGB due to its easier execution and lower risk of undesirable effects.