932 resultados para amino acid requirements
The nutritional and amino acid analysis of raw and fermented seeds of Parkia biglobosa were carried out. Parameters investigated include moisture, crude protein, crude fat, ash, crude fibre and mineral contents; and the effect of the degree of fermentation on these parameters was also investigated. The amino acid compositions of all the samples were evaluated and amino acid quality determined by calculating amino acid scores and the predicted protein efficiency ratio (P-PER). Results showed that the proximate composition was significantly affected by fermentation, although there was little difference between the parameters for the partially fermented and completely fermented samples. Based on dry matter percentage, protein content was in the 39.77 – 43.74 % range while crude fibre ranged between 5.55 – 7.42 %. The ash content was lowest in the raw sample (2.34 %), while the fermented samples had ash contents between 4.27 and 8.33 % for the fully fermented and the partially fermented seeds, respectively. The fat content increased from 8.65 % in the raw seed to 24.4 % and 27.6 % for the partially and completely fermented samples, respectively. Results of the amino acid analysis showed that the partially fermented sample had the lowest quantities of all amino acids determined and had lysine as the limiting amino acid, whereas the raw and completely fermented samples had very similar amino acid profile with amino acid scores of 100, indicating that there are no limiting amino acids. All the samples were rich in essential amino acids. The P-PER also showed that the partially fermented sample had the lowest protein efficiency while the raw seed had the highest. Mineral contents generally increased from the raw, through the partially fermented, to the completely fermented seeds and results showed the samples to be good sources of potassium (K), calcium (Ca), manganese (Mn) and copper (Cu) in addition to being complementary sources of other metals. Locust bean seed does not accumulate lead and is, therefore, safe for consumption without the potential of food poisoning.
In natural environments, bacterial physiology is frequently characterized by slow metabolic rates and complex cellular heterogeneities. The opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa provides one such example; P. aeruginosa forms untreatable chronic biofilm infections of the cystic fibrosis lung, where oxygen limitation can lead to states of metabolic dormancy. To better understand the biology of these states, in vitro experiments must be adapted to better recapitulate natural settings. However, low rates of protein turnover and cellular or phenotypic complexity make these systems difficult to study using established methods. Here we adapt the bioorthogonal noncanonical amino acid tagging (BONCAT) method for time- and cell-selective proteomic analysis to the study of P. aeruginosa. Analysis of proteins synthesized in an anoxic dormancy state led to the discovery of a new type of transcriptional regulator which we designated SutA. We performed detailed analyses of SutA’s role in transcription under slow growth states and we elucidated the structural basis for its regulatory behavior. Additionally, we used cell-selective targeting of BONCAT labeling to measure the dynamic proteomic response of an antibiotic-tolerant biofilm subpopulation. Overall this work shows the utility of selective proteomics as applied to bacterial physiology and describes the broad biological insight obtained from that application.
The objective was to evaluate amino acid composition of silages produced from three raw materials. Commercial marine fish waste, commercial freshwater fish waste, and tilapia filleting residue were used to produce fish silage by acid digestion (20 ml/kg formic acid and 20 ml/kg sulfuric acid) and anaerobic fermentation (50 g/kg Lactobacillus plantarum, 150 g/kg sugar cane molasses). Protein content and amino acid composition were determined for raw materials and silage. Marine fish waste had higher crude protein content (776.7 g/kg) compared to freshwater fish waste (496.2 g/kg) and tilapia filleting residue (429.9 g/kg). All silages lacked up to three amino acids for each product according to FAO standards for essential amino acids. However, considering as the limiting factor only the amino acids below the 30% minimum requirement for fish in general, all products were satisfactory with respect to essential amino acids. Therefore, the results suggest that all products investigated are appropriate for use in balanced fish diets. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
A study was conducted to know the reduced sugar and branched chain amino acids concentration in substrate that fermented by Aspergillus oryzae. Branched chain amino acids represent amino acids that are very important for microorganism development, including yeast and ruminal microorganism as well as for the growth of the ruminant animal. The study was conducted using Completely Randomized Design (CRD). There were five kinds of supplements that were added into the media. So, that this experiment were A: control, B: A + 0.5% urea, C: B + 1% extract of cassava leaves, D: C + 1% isobutyrate, and E: D + 1.3% 2-methilbutyrate. There were five replicates in each treatment. The measured variables in these study were, colonies cell biomass of A. oryzae, reduced sugar, Crude Protein, and branched chain amino acid concentration. The results showed that the highest number of colonies, concentration of reduce sugar, and concentration of branched chain amino acids was obtain from the substrate of treatments D. (Animal Production 4(2): 83-88 (2002)Â Key words : Branched Chain Amino Acids, Branched Chain Volatile Fatty Acids, Aspergillus oryzae
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki pengaruh suplementasi ransum dasar (BD, ransum kontrol yang disusun menurut NRC, 1988) dengan asam amino esensial lysine, methionin, threonine (SD1 dan SD2, ransum perlakuan) terhadap konsumsi ransum dan kinerja pada ternak babi. Bahan utama ketiga ransum terdiri dari tepung barley, gandum, dan kedele. Masing-masing ransum mengandung kadar protein kasar (18% untuk grower dan 16,5% untuk finisher) dan enerji (14,2 MJ/kg). Ransum diberikan dengan cara dipecah (splitted) menurut periode pertumbuhan (grower dan finisher) dan jenis kelamin (jantan dan betina ). Ransum kg BB dan SDI dipecah menjadi 2 fase pemberian (grower: 20 - 60 kg berat badan (BB), dan finisher: 60 - 105 kg BB), ransum SD2 dipecah menjadi 4 fase pemberian (grower I: 20 - 40 kg, grower II:  40 - 60 kg, finisher I : 60 - 80 kg, dan finisher II: 80 - 105 kg BB).Babi dengan berat awal 20 kg sebanyak 72 ekor (36 jantan dan 36 betina) dikandangkan dengan kondisi lingkungan yang serupa (200C) selama penelitian. Suplementasi ransum dasar dengan asam amino esensial tidak mempengaruhi konsumsi ransum harian (2,49, 2,43, dan 2,36 kg masing-masing untuk BD, SD1 dan SD2, P>0,05). Babi pada masa pertumbuhan finisher mengonsumsi ransum harian terbanyak (2,77 - 2,83 kg) dibanding masa pertumbuhan lainnya (P<0,01). Babi jantan cenderung mengonsumsi  ransum harian lebih banyak (P<0,11) dibanding babi betina (2,49 kg vs. 2,36 kg). Babi yang diberi ransum yang diperkaya dengan asam amino tumbuh lebih cepat (0,93 dan 0,96 kg/hari untuk SD1 dan SD2) dibanding babi yang diberi ransum kontrol (0,82 kg/hari), P<0,01. Pertumbuhan tercepat terjadi pada masa awal finisher (60 - 80 kg BB), yaitu 1,07 kg/hari, sedangkan kecepatan pertumbuhan pada masa pertumbuhan yang lain sebanding(0,85; 0,86; dan 0,83 kg/hari). Babi yang diberi ransum yang diperkaya dengan asam amino esensial dapat menggunakan ransum dengan lebih efisien (2,68 dan 2,58 kg ransum/kg PBB untuk SD1 dan SD2) dibanding babi yang diberi ransum kontrol (3,03 kg ransum/kg PBB), P<0.01. Diantara masa pertumbuhan, awal masa pertumbuhan grower (20-40kg BB) mempunyai efisiensi penggunaan ransum tertinggi(2,16 kg ransum/kg PBB) dan akhir masa pertumbuhan finisher (80-105 kg BB) mempunyai nilai efisiensi terendah(3,55 kg ransum/kg PBB),P<0.01. Babi jantan cenderung lebih efisien dalam menggunakan ransum dibanding babi betina (2,66 vs 2,87 kg ransum/kg PBB), P<0,09. (Animal Production 4(1): 1-10 (2002) Kata kunci: Ransum, suplementasi,asam amino, babi, konsumsi, kinerja
Introducción: La evaluación de tecnologías en salud aplicadas a la selección de un módulo de proteína para uso hospitalario, tiene como finalidad servir de apoyo en la elección de productos costo efectivos y seguros, con el fin de favorecer la toma de decisiones a los diferentes agentes que participan en la elección de alternativas terapéuticas, recomendadas en pacientes con necesidades elevadas de proteínas, como es el caso de la presente investigación. Objetivo: Aplicar un método matemático - multicriterio que permita evaluar los módulos de proteína disponibles en el mercado para la terapia nutricional institucional. Métodos: Se establecieron dos fases, una revisión de la literatura para establecer y priorizar los criterios de evaluación técnica de las diferentes ofertas de módulos de proteína, y dos se realizó una aplicación de un modelo matemático con el fin de considerar el modulo proteico para uso dentro de las instituciones hospitalarias, el cual consistió en la asignación de un valor a cada una de las variables mediante una escala diferencial semántica establecida, que permitieron calcular el peso porcentual de cada una de las variables, cuya sumatoria arrojo la calificación porcentual de cada alternativa. Resultados: Respecto a la búsqueda de criterios de evaluación técnica para las diferentes ofertas de módulos de proteína, en la literatura se identificaron las siguientes variables para evaluación, la naturaleza o equivalencia, condiciones de administración y uso, seguridad, y eficacia. La naturaleza se evaluó mediante la calificación del cómputo químico de aminoácidos corregido por digestibilidad proteica (PDCAAS) con un peso en la evaluación del 39.05%, en referencia a las condiciones de administración y uso se tuvo en cuenta factores incluidos en los sistemas de distribución por dosis unitaria con un peso del 27.61%, la eficacia fue definida por la tasa de eficiencia proteica (PER) la cual impacta el 19.53% de la calificación y finalmente, el criterio de seguridad con un 13.81% referente al empaque y etiquetado. Conclusiones: Al realizar la evaluación de cuatro alternativas de módulos de proteína, ofertadas por las diferentes casas farmacéuticas, la mayor puntuación correspondiente a las alternativas con una calificación superior al 90%, la obtuvieron dos alternativas de módulos de proteína para uso hospitalario, las cuales contienen proteínas del suero (“Whey”) y aminoácidos en combinaciones.
When formulating least-cost poultry diets, ME concentration should be optimised by an iterative procedure, not entered as a fixed value. This iteration must calculate profit margins by taking into account the way in which feed intake and saleable outputs vary with ME concentration. In the case of broilers, adjustment of critical amino acid contents in direct proportion to ME concentration does not result in birds of equal fatness. To avoid an increase in fat deposition at higher energy levels, it is proposed that amino acid specifications should be adjusted in proportion to changes in the net energy supplied by the feed. A model is available which will both interpret responses to amino acids in laying trials and give economically optimal estimates of amino acid inputs for practical feed formulation. Flocks coming into lay and flocks nearing the end of the pullet year have bimodal distributions of rates of lay, with the result that calculations of requirement based on mean output will underestimate the optimal amino acid input for the flock. Chick diets containing surplus protein can lead to impaired utilisation of the first-limiting amino acid. This difficulty can be avoided by stating amino acid requirements as a proportion of the protein.
O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar equações de predição das exigências de proteína bruta (PB) para frangos de corte machos e fêmeas através do método fatorial. Na determinação das exigências de proteína bruta para mantença, foi utilizada a técnica do balanço de nitrogênio. As exigências de proteína bruta para o crescimento foram determinadas em função do conteúdo de nitrogênio na carcaça e a eficiência de utilização do nitrogênio da dieta. A partir dos valores das exigências para mantença e para crescimento foram elaboradas equações de predição para as exigências diárias de PB (g/ ave/ dia) para frangos de corte machos (7 a 21 dias - PB = 1,323xP0,75 + 0,256xG, 22 a 42 dias - PB = 1,323xP0,75 + 0,277xG e 43 a 56 dias - PB = 1,323xP0,75 + 0,283xG) e fêmeas (7 a 21 dias - PB = 1,748xP0,75 + 0,258xG, 22 a 42 dias - PB = 1,748xP0,75 + 0,274xG, e 43 a 56 dias - PB = 1,748xP0,75 + 0,300xG), em que P = peso corporal (kg) e G = ganho de peso diário (g/dia). Recomenda-se a utilização das equações para a determinação das exigências mínimas de nitrogênio ou proteína bruta somente com atenção no atendimento das exigências em aminoácidos.
Avaliaram-se os efeitos da inclusão de fitase e de sua matriz nutricional em rações contendo sorgo sobre o desempenho das aves, a qualidade dos ovos, a ingestão e a excreção e retenção de fósforo e nitrogênio em poedeiras comerciais. Utilizaram-se 180 poedeiras comerciais, distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso em esquema fatorial 2 × 2 + 1, com dois níveis de fitase (0 e 500 FTU/kg de ração) e dois níveis de substituição do milho pelo sorgo (50 e 100%) e uma ração testemunha (isenta de sorgo e fitase), constituindo cinco tratamentos com seis repetições de seis aves. As rações foram à base de milho e farelo de soja, sem fitase e sorgo, considerando a matriz nutricional da fitase. O desempenho e a qualidade dos ovos foram avaliados em quatro períodos de 28 dias. Ao final do experimento, um ensaio de metabolismo foi realizado para quantificar a ingestão, excreção e retenção aparente de fósforo e nitrogênio e avaliar a viabilidade econômica das rações. Ao considerar a matriz nutricional da fitase, as exigências em energia, cálcio, fósforo, proteína e aminoácidos foram atendidas, mesmo com a redução dos níveis nutricionais da dieta, e o desempenho e a qualidade dos ovos não foram comprometidos. A adição de fitase nas rações possibilitou reduzir todos os parâmetros econômicos avaliados. O sorgo pode substituir totalmente o milho e ser o único grão energético da dieta.
O experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar diferentes níveis de energia metabolizável e de programas de alimentação sobre o desempenho de frangos de corte no período de 42 a 57 dias de idade. Foram utilizados 1.600 pintos machos da linhagem Cobb, em um delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 2 x 4, composto de dois níveis de energia (3.200 e 3.600 kcal EM/kg) e quatro programas de alimentação (recomendações de aminoácidos). As aves foram alimentadas com ração à base de milho e farelo de soja até os 41 dias de idade, quando foram pesadas, homogeneizadas e separadas por tratamento, dando-se início ao fornecimento das rações experimentais. Foram avaliados dados de ganho de peso, consumo de ração e conversão alimentar ao final de cada período experimental, a conversão calórica e o índice de eficiência produtiva para todo o período experimental. O nível de 3.600 kcal EM/kg melhorou o desempenho das aves, mas o fracionamento das exigências de aminoácidos digestíveis em dois períodos piorou os resultados. O desempenho no período de 50 a 57 dias de idade indicou que o abate tardio deve ser antecipado em uma semana, pois, após os 49 dias de idade, ocorre piora na conversão alimentar.
This experiment was conducted to evaluate the use of different energy levels and amino acid recommendations on performance, carcass yield and intestinal morphometry of broilers from 42 to 57 days of age. We used 1,600 one-day old male broilers (Cobb 500) in a completely randomized design arranged in a 2x4 factorial scheme with 3,200 and 3,600 kcal ME/kg and four different feed programs. The metabolizable energy levels and the feed programs did not determine significant differences in carcass characteristics for choosing a level of energy or a feed program, thus the energy level and the recommendations of amino acids that determine the highest cost-benefit ratio should prevail. It was observed that 3,600 kcal ME/kg resulted in some improvement on performance and morphometry of the intestinal mucosa, also the fractioning of digestible amino acid requirements during two periods resulted in worse performance and intestinal villi height.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
Proteins anchored to the cell membrane via a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) moiety are found in all eukaryotes. After NH2-terminal peptide cleavage of the nascent protein by the signal peptidase, a second COOH-terminal signal peptide is cleaved with the concomitant addition of the GPI unit. The proposed mechanism of the GPI transfer is a transamidation reaction that involves the formation of an activated carbonyl intermediate (enzyme-substrate complex) with the ethanolamine moiety of the preassembled GPI unit serving as a nucleophile. Other nucleophilic acceptors like hydrazine (HDZ) and hydroxylamine have been shown to be possible alternate substrates for GPI. Since GPI has yet to be purified, the use of readily available nucleophilic substitutes such as HDZ and hydroxylamine is a viable alternative to study COOH-terminal processing by the putative transamidase. As a first step in developing a soluble system to study this process, we have examined the amino acid requirements at the COOH terminus for the transamidation reaction using HDZ as the nucleophilic acceptor instead of GPI. The hydrazide-forming reaction shows identical amino acid requirement profiles to that of GPI anchor addition. Additionally, we have studied other parameters relating to the kinetics of the transamidation reaction in the context of rough microsomal membranes. The findings with HDZ provide further evidence for the transamidase nature of the enzyme and also provide a starting point for development of a soluble assay.
Corn and soyabeans may not be available in many countries particularly those which do not have sufficient foreign currency or the capacity to grow them. This paper outlines strategies that may be important under these circumstances. Alternative feedstuffs and various feeding systems may be used to support poultry production. Alternative ingredients such as rice bran, pearl millet, cottonseed meal and grain legumes are discussed. Evidence is presented showing that amino acid requirements of layers and broilers may be too generous particularly in countries where climate, management and disease can impose production constraints. The ability of finishing broilers to perform well on very low-energy diets allows the inclusion of alternative feeds and by-products into formulations. Very low protein diets based on cereals and free amino acids can be used for layers without loss of performance. Self-selection of feedstuffs may be an important strategy in reducing feed costs of broilers and layers. The concept of matching production with available feed resources may compromise broiler growth and egg production, but in many countries this may be the most economical choice. Countries in the humid tropics usually have reduced poultry performance. The effects of high temperature and humidity are difficult to overcome. The vexed questions of the escalation in the price of fossil fuel and the outbreak of avian influenza, both seemingly without a solution, are clouds hanging over an otherwise buoyant industry.