750 resultados para acetylenic alcohols
Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system and alterations in central GABAergic transmission may contribute to the symptoms of a number of neurological and psychiatric disorders. Because of this relationship, numerous laboratories are attempting to develop agents which will selectively enhance GABA neurotransmission in brain. Due to these efforts, several promising compounds have recently been discovered. Should these drugs prove to be clinically effective, they will be used to treat chronic neuropsychiatric disabilities and, therefore, will be administered for long periods of time. Accordingly, the present investigation was undertaken to determine the neurochemical consequences of chronic activation of brain GABA systems in order to better define the therapeutic potential and possible side-effect liability of GABAmimetic compounds.^ Chronic (15 day) administration to rats of low doses of amino-oxyacetic acid (AOAA, 10 mg/kg, once daily), isonicotinic acid hydrazide (20 mg/kg, b.i.d.), two non-specific inhibitors of GABA-T, the enzyme which catabolizes GABA in brain, or (gamma)-acetylenic GABA (10 mg/kg, b.i.d.) a catalytic inhibitor of this enzyme, resulted in a significant elevation of brain and CSF GABA content throughout the course of treatment. In addition, chronic administration of these drugs, as well as the direct acting GABA receptor agonists THIP (8 mg/kg, b.i.d.) or kojic amine (18 mg/kg, b.i.d.) resulted in a significant increase in dopamine receptor number and a significant decrease in GABA receptor number in the corpus striatum of treated animals as determined by standard in vitro receptor binding techniques. Changes in the GABA receptor were limited to the corpus striatum and occurred more rapidly than did alterations in the dopamine receptor. The finding that dopamine-mediated stereotypic behavior was enhanced in animals treated chronically with AOAA suggested that the receptor binding changes noted in vitro have some functional consequence in vitro.^ Coadministration of atropine (a muscarinic cholinergic receptor antagonist) blocked the GABA-T inhibitor-induced increase in striatal dopamine receptors but was without effect on receptor alterations seen following chronic administration of direct acting GABA receptor agonists. Atropine administration failed to influence the drug-induced decreases in striatal GABA receptors.^ Other findings included the discovery that synaptosomal high affinity ('3)H-choline uptake, an index of cholinergic neuronal activity, was significantly increased in the corpus striatum of animals treated acutely, but not chronically, with GABAmimetics.^ It is suggested that the dopamine receptor supersensitivity observed in the corpus striatum of animals following long-term treatment with GABAmimetics is a result of the chronic inhibition of the nigrostriatal dopamine system by these drugs. Changes in the GABA receptor, on the other hand, are more likely due to a homospecific regulation of these receptors. An hypothesis based on the different sites of action of GABA-T inhibitors vis-a-vis the direct acting GABA receptor agonists is proposed to account for the differential effect of atropine on the response to these drugs.^ The results of this investigation provide new insights into the functional interrelationships that exist in the basal ganglia and suggest that chronic treatment with GABAmimetics may produce extrapyramidal side-effects in man. In addition, the constellation of neurochemical changes observed following administration of these drugs may be a useful guide for determining the GABAmimetic properties of neuropharmacological agents. ^
The ligand 1,2-bis(1H-benzimidazol-2-yl)-1,2-ethanediol, 1, and its methylated derivative 2 are readily synthesized from tartaric acid, and act as chiral, facially coordinating tridentate ligands, forming complexes of composition ML2 with octahedral transition metals. The copper(II) complexes show distorted 4 + 2 coordination with benzimidazoles occupying the equatorial sites and alcohol functions weakly binding in the axial sites. Nickel(II) complexes in three different states of protonation show regular octahedral geometry with the alcohols mutually cis. Deprotonation of the coordinated alcohol produces little structural change but the monodeprotonated complex forms a hydrogen bonded dimer. Magnetic measurements show the hydrogen bonded bridge to offer a pathway for weak antiferromagnetic coupling. UV-Visible spectroscopy shows the ligand to have a field intermediate between water and pyridine. The diastereoselectivity of complexation depends on the geometry: nickel(II) shows a weak preference for the homochiral complex, whereas copper(II) forms almost exclusively homochiral complexes.
The 20th Annual Biochemical Engineering Symposium was held at Kansas State University on April 21,1990. The objectives of the symposium were to provide: (i) a forum for informal discussion of biochemical engineering research being conducted at the participating institutions and (ii) an opportunity for students to present and publish their work. Twenty-eight papers presented at the symposium are included in this proceedings. Some of the papers describe the progress of ongoing projects, and others contain the results of completed projects. Only brief summaries are given of the papers that will be published in full elsewhere. The program of the symposium and a list of the participants are included in the proceedings. ContentsCell Separations and Recycle Using an Inclined Settler, Ching-Yuan Lee, Robert H. Davis and Robert A. Sclafani Micromixing and Metabolism in Bioreactors: Characterization of a 14 L Fermenter, K.S. Wenger and E.H. Dunlop Production, Purification, and Hydrolysis Kinetics of Wild-Type and Mutant Glucoamylases from Aspergillus Awamori, Ufuk Bakir, Paul D. Oates, Hsiu-Mei Chen and Peter J. Reilly Dynamic Modeling of the Immune System, Barry Vant-Hull and Dhinakar S. Kompala Dynamic Modeling of Active Transport Across a Biological Cell: A Stochastic Approach, B.C. Shen, S.T. Chou, Y.Y. Chiu and L.T. Fan Electrokinetic Isolation of Bacterial Vesicles and Ribosomes, Debra T.L. Hawker, Robert H. Davis, Paul W. Todd, and Robert Lawson Application of Dynamic Programming for Fermentative Ethanol Production by Zymomonas mobilis, Sheyla L. Rivera and M. Nazmul Karim Biodegradation of PCP by Pseudomonas cepacia, R. Rayavarapu, S.K. Banerji, and R.K. Bajpai Modeling the Bioremediation of Contaminated Soil Aggregates: a Phenomenological Approach, S. Dhawan, L.E. Erickson and L.T. Fan Biospecific Adsorption of Glucoamylase-I from Aspergillus niger on Raw Starch, Bipin K. Dalmia and Zivko L. Nikolov Overexpression in Recombinant Mammalian Cells: Effect on Growth Rate and Genetic Instability, Jeffrey A. Kern and Dhinakar S. Kompala Structured Mathematical Modeling of Xylose Fermentation, A.K. Hilaly, M.N. Karim, I. C. Linden and S. Lastick A New Culture Medium for Carbon-limited Growth of Bacillus thuringiensis, W. -M. Liu and R.K. Bajpai Determination of Sugars and Sugar Alcohols by High Performance Ion Chromatography, T. J. Paskach, H.-P. Lieker, P.J. Reilly, and K. Thielecke Characterization of Poly-Asp Tailed B-Galactosidase, M.Q. Niederauer, C.E. Glatz, l.A. Suominen, C.F. Ford, and M.A. Rougvie Computation of Conformations and Energies of cr-Glucosyl Disaccharides, Jing Zepg, Michael K. Dowd, and Peter J. Reilly Pentachlorophenol Interactions with Soil, Shein-Ming Wei, Shankha K. Banerji, and Rakesh K. Bajpai Oxygen Transfer to Viscous Liquid Media in Three-Phase Fluidized Beds of Floating Bubble Freakers, Y. Kang, L.T. Fan, B.T. Min and S.D. Kim Studies on the Invitro Development of Chick Embryo, A. Venkatraman and T. Panda The Evolution of a Silicone Based Phase-Separated Gravity-Independent Bioreactor, Peter E. Villeneuve and Eric H. Dunlop Biodegradation of Diethyl Phthalate, Guorong Zhang, Kenneth F. Reardon and Vincent G. Murphy Microcosm Treatability of Soil Contaminated with Petroleum Hydrocarbons, P. Tuitemwong, S. Dhawan, B.M. Sly, L.E. Erickson and J.R. Schlup
The lipid and organic nitrogen isotopic (delta15N) compositions of two common deep-water corals (Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata) collected from selected locations of the NE Atlantic are compared to the composition of suspended particulate organic matter, in order to determine their principle food source. Initial results suggest that they may feed primarily on zooplankton. This is based on the increased abundances of mono-unsaturated fatty acids and alcohols and the different ratios of the polyunsaturated fatty acids, 22:6/20:5 of the corals when compared to those of the suspended particulate organic matter. There is enrichment in L. pertusa of mono-unsaturated fatty acids and of delta15N relative to M. oculata. It is unclear whether this reflects different feeding strategies or assimilation/storage efficiencies of zooplankton tissue or different metabolism in the two coral species.
The book presents results of comprehensive geological investigations carried out during Cruise 8 of R/V "Vityaz-2" to the western part of the Black Sea in 1984. Systematic studies in the Black Sea during about hundred years have not weakened interest in the sea. Lithological and geochemical studies of sediments in estuarine areas of the Danube and the Kyzyl-Irmak rivers, as well as in adjacent parts of the deep sea and some other areas were the main aims of the cruise. Data on morphological structures of river fans, lithologic and chemical compositions of sediments in the fans and their areal distribution, forms of occurrence of chemical elements, role of organic matter and gases in sedimentation and diagenesis are given and discussed in the book.
Seamounts are of great interest to science, industry and conservation because of their potential role as 'stirring rods' of the oceans, their enhanced productivity, their high local biodiversity, and the growing exploitation of their natural resources. This is accompanied by rising concern about the threats to seamount ecosystems, e.g. through over-fishing and the impact of trawling. OASIS described the functioning characteristics of seamount ecosystems. OASIS' integrated hydrographic, biogeochemical and biological information. Based on two case studies. The scientific results, condensed in conceptual and mass balanced ecosystem models, were applied to outline a model management plan as well as site-specific management plans for the seamounts investigated. OASIS addressed five main objectives: Objective 1: To identify and describe the physical forcing mechanisms effecting seamount systems Objective 2: To assess the origin, quality and dynamics of particulate organic material within the water column and surface sediment at seamounts. Objective 3: To describe aspects of the biodiversity and the ecology of seamount biota, to assess their dynamics and the maintenance of their production. Objective 4: Modelling the trophic ecology of seamount ecosystems. Objective 5: Application of scientific knowledge to practical conservation.