961 resultados para Zuccotti, Susan: Under his very windows
"The Itinerary now reprinted in full for the first time since its publication was 'printed by John Beale, dwelling in Aldersgate street', in 1617 ... The book was first written in Latin and then translated into English ... the Latin version, however, was never printed. In 'the table' of the Itinerary, after the contents of the fourth book of the third part there is given a brief summary of twenty-five chapters ... The ms. of these chapters, which were not printed by Moryson, is now in the library of Corpus Christi college, Oxford, and portions of it were edited by Mr. Charles Hughes and published in 1903 under the title of 'Shakespeare's Europe'."--Publishers' note.
"This work was supported in part by the Atomic Energy Commission and the Office of Naval Research under AEC Contract AT(11-1)-415."
Originally presented as the authors' Master of Science thesis to the University of Arkansas, 1957.
"A work of fiction, describing the prevalent customs and manners of England, under the name of a supposed Hindoo [Seeta Juin Zāārmilla"--Watt, Bibl. brit.
First published in this edition 1838.
"The glasse of Godly loue" forms part of a tract entitled: The school of honest and vertuous lyfe ... by T[homas] P[ritchard] Also a ... discourse, of the worthynesse of honorable wedlocke ... by I[ohn] R[ogers]" It is uncertain who is the author. cf. Forewords.
Added t.p. vignette: The conflagration of Richmond.
First published in 1894 under title: Richard Jefferies : a study.
Of benefits -- Of a happy life -- Of anger -- Epistles -- Postscript -- An after-thought.
A revised edition of the author's thesis published originally under title: An introduction to Robinson Jeffers, Dijon, 1932.
No respecter of persons -- Cap'n Bob of the Screamer -- A procession of umbrellas -- "Doc" Shipman's fee -- Plain Fin--paper-hanger -- Long Jim -- Compartment number four--Cologne to Paris -- Sammy -- Marny's shadow -- Muffles--the bar-keep -- His last cent.
"The diary here printed under its original title, 'Some cursory remarks made by James Birket', came undoubtedly from the collection of Dr. William Thornton, now on deposit in the Library of Congress. It was preserved by Mrs. Margaret Bayard Smith ... and descended to Mrs. Smith's grandson, J. Henley Smith, by whom it was presented to the University for publication."--Pref.
Originally published under the title: Letters of Lucius M. Piso, from Palmyra, of which the first nine first appeared in the Knickerbocker magazine.
Based on the author's paper published in the Ulster journal of archeology, v.1, pt.3, April 1895 under title: Spanish Armada in Ulster and Connacht.
Includes index.