954 resultados para Yeast Pyruvate Decarboxylase
The accurate targeting of secretory vesicles to distinct sites on the plasma membrane is necessary to achieve polarized growth and to establish specialized domains at the surface of eukaryotic cells. Members of a protein complex required for exocytosis, the exocyst, have been localized to regions of active secretion in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae where they may function to specify sites on the plasma membrane for vesicle docking and fusion. In this study we have addressed the function of one member of the exocyst complex, Sec10p. We have identified two functional domains of Sec10p that act in a dominant-negative manner to inhibit cell growth upon overexpression. Phenotypic and biochemical analysis of the dominant-negative mutants points to a bifunctional role for Sec10p. One domain, consisting of the amino-terminal two-thirds of Sec10p directly interacts with Sec15p, another exocyst component. Overexpression of this domain displaces the full-length Sec10 from the exocyst complex, resulting in a block in exocytosis and an accumulation of secretory vesicles. The carboxy-terminal domain of Sec10p does not interact with other members of the exocyst complex and expression of this domain does not cause a secretory defect. Rather, this mutant results in the formation of elongated cells, suggesting that the second domain of Sec10p is required for morphogenesis, perhaps regulating the reorientation of the secretory pathway from the tip of the emerging daughter cell toward the mother–daughter connection during cell cycle progression.
Although vertebrate cytoplasmic dynein can move to the minus ends of microtubules in vitro, its ability to translocate purified vesicles on microtubules depends on the presence of an accessory complex known as dynactin. We have cloned and characterized a novel gene, NIP100, which encodes the yeast homologue of the vertebrate dynactin complex protein p150glued. Like strains lacking the cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain Dyn1p or the centractin homologue Act5p, nip100Δ strains are viable but undergo a significant number of failed mitoses in which the mitotic spindle does not properly partition into the daughter cell. Analysis of spindle dynamics by time-lapse digital microscopy indicates that the precise role of Nip100p during anaphase is to promote the translocation of the partially elongated mitotic spindle through the bud neck. Consistent with the presence of a true dynactin complex in yeast, Nip100p exists in a stable complex with Act5p as well as Jnm1p, another protein required for proper spindle partitioning during anaphase. Moreover, genetic depletion experiments indicate that the binding of Nip100p to Act5p is dependent on the presence of Jnm1p. Finally, we find that a fusion of Nip100p to the green fluorescent protein localizes to the spindle poles throughout the cell cycle. Taken together, these results suggest that the yeast dynactin complex and cytoplasmic dynein together define a physiological pathway that is responsible for spindle translocation late in anaphase.
We have screened for temperature-sensitive (ts) fission yeast mutants with altered polarity (alp1–15). Genetic analysis indicates that alp2 is allelic to atb2 (one of two α-tubulin genes) and alp12 to nda3 (the single β-tubulin gene). atb2+ is nonessential, and the ts atb2 mutations we have isolated are dominant as expected. We sequenced two alleles of ts atb2 and one allele of ts nda3. In the ts atb2 mutants, the mutated residues (G246D and C356Y) are found at the longitudinal interface between α/β-heterodimers, whereas in ts nda3 the mutated residue (Y422H) is situated in the domain located on the outer surface of the microtubule. The ts nda3 mutant is highly sensitive to altered gene dosage of atb2+; overexpression of atb2+ lowers the restrictive temperature, and, conversely, deletion rescues ts. Phenotypic analysis shows that contrary to undergoing mitotic arrest with high viability via the spindle assembly checkpoint as expected, ts nda3 mutants execute cytokinesis and septation and lose viability. Therefore, it appears that the ts nda3 mutant becomes temperature lethal because of irreversible progression through the cell cycle in the absence of activating the spindle assembly checkpoint pathway.
The members of the MCM protein family are essential eukaryotic DNA replication factors that form a six-member protein complex. In this study, we use antibodies to four MCM proteins to investigate the structure of and requirements for the formation of fission yeast MCM complexes in vivo, with particular regard to Cdc19p (MCM2). Gel filtration analysis shows that the MCM protein complexes are unstable and can be broken down to subcomplexes. Using coimmunoprecipitation, we find that Mis5p (MCM6) and Cdc21p (MCM4) are tightly associated with one another in a core complex with which Cdc19p loosely associates. Assembly of Cdc19p with the core depends upon Cdc21p. Interestingly, there is no obvious change in Cdc19p-containing MCM complexes through the cell cycle. Using a panel of Cdc19p mutants, we find that multiple domains of Cdc19p are required for MCM binding. These studies indicate that MCM complexes in fission yeast have distinct substructures, which may be relevant for function.
The Schizosaccharomyces pombe sod2 gene, located near the telomere on the long arm of chromosome I, encodes a Na+ (or Li+)/H+ antiporter. Amplification of sod2 has previously been shown to confer resistance to LiCl. We analyzed 20 independent LiCl-resistant strains and found that the only observed mechanism of resistance is amplification of sod2. The amplicons are linear, extrachromosomal elements either 225 or 180 kb long, containing both sod2 and telomere sequences. To determine whether proximity to a telomere is necessary for sod2 amplification, a strain was constructed in which the gene was moved to the middle of the same chromosomal arm. Selection of LiCl-resistant strains in this genetic background also yielded amplifications of sod2, but in this case the amplified DNA was exclusively chromosomal. Thus, proximity to a telomere is not a prerequisite for gene amplification in S. pombe but does affect the mechanism. Relative to wild-type cells, mutants with defects in the DNA damage aspect of the rad checkpoint control pathway had an increased frequency of sod2 amplification, whereas mutants defective in the S-phase completion checkpoint did not. Two models for generating the amplified DNA are presented.
SacIp dysfunction results in bypass of the requirement for phosphatidylinositol transfer protein (Sec14p) function in yeast Golgi processes. This effect is accompanied by alterations in inositol phospholipid metabolism and inositol auxotrophy. Elucidation of how sac1 mutants effect “bypass Sec14p” will provide insights into Sec14p function in vivo. We now report that, in addition to a dramatic accumulation of phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate, sac1 mutants also exhibit a specific acceleration of phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis via the CDP-choline pathway. This phosphatidylcholine metabolic phenotype is sensitive to the two physiological challenges that abolish bypass Sec14p in sac1 strains; i.e. phospholipase D inactivation and expression of bacterial diacylglycerol (DAG) kinase. Moreover, we demonstrate that accumulation of phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate in sac1 mutants is insufficient to effect bypass Sec14p. These data support a model in which phospholipase D activity contributes to generation of DAG that, in turn, effects bypass Sec14p. A significant fate for this DAG is consumption by the CDP-choline pathway. Finally, we determine that CDP-choline pathway activity contributes to the inositol auxotrophy of sac1 strains in a novel manner that does not involve obvious defects in transcriptional expression of the INO1 gene.
Sla2p, also known as End4p and Mop2p, is the founding member of a widely conserved family of actin-binding proteins, a distinguishing feature of which is a C-terminal region homologous to the C terminus of talin. These proteins may function in actin cytoskeleton-mediated plasma membrane remodeling. A human homologue of Sla2p binds to huntingtin, the protein whose mutation results in Huntington’s disease. Here we establish by immunolocalization that Sla2p is a component of the yeast cortical actin cytoskeleton. Deletion analysis showed that Sla2p contains two separable regions, which can mediate association with the cortical actin cytoskeleton, and which can provide Sla2p function. One localization signal is actin based, whereas the other signal is independent of filamentous actin. Biochemical analysis showed that Sla2p exists as a dimer in vivo. Two-hybrid analysis revealed two intramolecular interactions mediated by coiled-coil domains. One of these interactions appears to underlie dimer formation. The other appears to contribute to the regulation of Sla2p distribution between the cytoplasm and plasma membrane. The data presented are used to develop a model for Sla2p regulation and interactions.
ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae are encoded by two genes, ARF1 and ARF2. The addition of the c-myc epitope at the C terminus of Arf1 resulted in a mutant (arf1-myc arf2) that supported vegetative growth and rescued cells from supersensitivity to fluoride, but homozygous diploids failed to sporulate. arf1-myc arf2 mutants completed both meiotic divisions but were unable to form spores. The SPO14 gene encodes a phospholipase D (PLD), whose activity is essential for mediating the formation of the prospore membrane, a prerequisite event for spore formation. Spo14 localized normally to the developing prospore membrane in arf1-myc arf2 mutants; however, the synthesis of the membrane was attenuated. This was not a consequence of reduced PLD catalytic activity, because the enzymatic activity of Spo14 was unaffected in meiotic arf1-myc arf2 mutants. Although potent activators of mammalian PLD1, Arf1 proteins did not influence the catalytic activities of either Spo14 or ScPld2, a second yeast PLD. These results demonstrate that ARF1 is required for sporulation, and the mitotic and meiotic functions of Arf proteins are not mediated by the activation of any known yeast PLD activities. The implications of these results are discussed with respect to current models of Arf signaling.
We have identified a mutant allele of the DAM1 gene in a screen for mutations that are lethal in combination with the mps1-1 mutation. MPS1 encodes an essential protein kinase that is required for duplication of the spindle pole body and for the spindle assembly checkpoint. Mutations in six different genes were found to be lethal in combination with mps1-1, of which only DAM1 was novel. The remaining genes encode a checkpoint protein, Bub1p, and four chaperone proteins, Sti1p, Hsc82p, Cdc37p, and Ydj1p. DAM1 is an essential gene that encodes a protein recently described as a member of a microtubule binding complex. We report here that cells harboring the dam1-1 mutation fail to maintain spindle integrity during anaphase at the restrictive temperature. Consistent with this phenotype, DAM1 displays genetic interactions with STU1, CIN8, and KAR3, genes encoding proteins involved in spindle function. We have observed that a Dam1p-Myc fusion protein expressed at endogenous levels and localized by immunofluorescence microscopy, appears to be evenly distributed along short mitotic spindles but is found at the spindle poles at later times in mitosis.
The roles of two kinesin-related proteins, Kip2p and Kip3p, in microtubule function and nuclear migration were investigated. Deletion of either gene resulted in nuclear migration defects similar to those described for dynein and kar9 mutants. By indirect immunofluorescence, the cytoplasmic microtubules in kip2Δwere consistently short or absent throughout the cell cycle. In contrast, in kip3Δ strains, the cytoplasmic microtubules were significantly longer than wild type at telophase. Furthermore, in the kip3Δ cells with nuclear positioning defects, the cytoplasmic microtubules were misoriented and failed to extend into the bud. Localization studies found Kip2p exclusively on cytoplasmic microtubules throughout the cell cycle, whereas GFP-Kip3p localized to both spindle and cytoplasmic microtubules. Genetic analysis demonstrated that the kip2Δ kar9Δ double mutants were synthetically lethal, whereas kip3Δ kar9Δ double mutants were viable. Conversely, kip3Δ dhc1Δ double mutants were synthetically lethal, whereas kip2Δ dhc1Δ double mutants were viable. We suggest that the kinesin-related proteins, Kip2p and Kip3p, function in nuclear migration and that they do so by different mechanisms. We propose that Kip2p stabilizes microtubules and is required as part of the dynein-mediated pathway in nuclear migration. Furthermore, we propose that Kip3p functions, in part, by depolymerizing microtubules and is required for the Kar9p-dependent orientation of the cytoplasmic microtubules.
Polα is the principal DNA polymerase for initiation of DNA replication and also functions in postinitiation DNA synthesis. In this study, we investigated the cell cycle responses induced by mutations in polα+. Germinating spores carrying either a deletion of polα+ (polαΔ) or a structurally intact but catalytically dead polα mutation proceed to inappropriate mitosis with no DNA synthesis. This suggests that the catalytic function, and not the physical presence of Polα, is required to generate the signal that prevents the cells from entering mitosis prematurely. Cells with a polαts allele arrest the cell cycle near the hydroxyurea arrest point, but, surprisingly, polαts in cdc20 (polε mutant) background arrested with a cdc phenoytpe, not a polαts-like phenotype. At 25°C, replication perturbation caused by polαts alleles induces Cds1 kinase activity and requires the checkpoint Rads, Cds1, and Rqh1, but not Chk1, to maintain cell viability. At 36°C, replication disruption caused by polαts alleles induces the phosphorylation of Chk1; however, mutant cells arrest with heterogeneous cell sizes with a population of the cells entering aberrant mitosis. Together, our results indicate that the initiation DNA structure synthesized by Polα is required to bring about the S phase to mitosis checkpoint, whereas replication defects of different severity caused by polαts mutations induce differential downstream kinase responses.
The spindle pole body (SPB) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae functions as the microtubule-organizing center. Spc110p is an essential structural component of the SPB and spans between the central and inner plaques of this multilamellar organelle. The amino terminus of Spc110p faces the inner plaque, the substructure from which spindle microtubules radiate. We have undertaken a synthetic lethal screen to identify mutations that enhance the phenotype of the temperature-sensitive spc110–221 allele, which encodes mutations in the amino terminus. The screen identified mutations in SPC97 and SPC98, two genes encoding components of the Tub4p complex in yeast. The spc98–63 allele is synthetic lethal only with spc110 alleles that encode mutations in the N terminus of Spc110p. In contrast, the spc97 alleles are synthetic lethal with spc110 alleles that encode mutations in either the N terminus or the C terminus. Using the two-hybrid assay, we show that the interactions of Spc110p with Spc97p and Spc98p are not equivalent. The N terminus of Spc110p displays a robust interaction with Spc98p in two different two-hybrid assays, while the interaction between Spc97p and Spc110p is not detectable in one strain and gives a weak signal in the other. Extra copies of SPC98 enhance the interaction between Spc97p and Spc110p, while extra copies of SPC97 interfere with the interaction between Spc98p and Spc110p. By testing the interactions between mutant proteins, we show that the lethal phenotype in spc98–63 spc110–221 cells is caused by the failure of Spc98–63p to interact with Spc110–221p. In contrast, the lethal phenotype in spc97–62 spc110–221 cells can be attributed to a decreased interaction between Spc97–62p and Spc98p. Together, these studies provide evidence that Spc110p directly links the Tub4p complex to the SPB. Moreover, an interaction between Spc98p and the amino-terminal region of Spc110p is a critical component of the linkage, whereas the interaction between Spc97p and Spc110p is dependent on Spc98p.
In complex with FKBP12, the immunosuppressant rapamycin binds to and inhibits the yeast TOR1 and TOR2 proteins and the mammalian homologue mTOR/FRAP/RAFT1. The TOR proteins promote cell cycle progression in yeast and human cells by regulating translation and polarization of the actin cytoskeleton. A C-terminal domain of the TOR proteins shares identity with protein and lipid kinases, but only one substrate (PHAS-I), and no regulators of the TOR-signaling cascade have been identified. We report here that yeast TOR1 has an intrinsic protein kinase activity capable of phosphorylating PHAS-1, and this activity is abolished by an active site mutation and inhibited by FKBP12-rapamycin or wortmannin. We find that an intact TOR1 kinase domain is essential for TOR1 functions in yeast. Overexpression of a TOR1 kinase-inactive mutant, or of a central region of the TOR proteins distinct from the FRB and kinase domains, was toxic in yeast, and overexpression of wild-type TOR1 suppressed this toxic effect. Expression of the TOR-toxic domain leads to a G1 cell cycle arrest, consistent with an inhibition of TOR function in translation. Overexpression of the PLC1 gene, which encodes the yeast phospholipase C homologue, suppressed growth inhibition by the TOR-toxic domains. In conclusion, our findings identify a toxic effector domain of the TOR proteins that may interact with substrates or regulators of the TOR kinase cascade and that shares sequence identity with other PIK family members, including ATR, Rad3, Mei-41, and ATM.
The mushroom-producing fungus Schizophyllum commune has thousands of mating types defined, in part, by numerous lipopeptide pheromones and their G protein-linked receptors. Compatible combinations of pheromones and receptors encoded by different mating types regulate a pathway of sexual development leading to mushroom formation and meiosis. A complex set of pheromone–receptor interactions maximizes the likelihood of outbreeding; for example, a single pheromone can activate more than one receptor and a single receptor can be activated by more than one pheromone. The current study demonstrates that the sex pheromones and receptors of Schizophyllum, when expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, can substitute for endogenous pheromone and receptor and induce the yeast pheromone response pathway through the yeast G protein. Secretion of active Schizophyllum pheromone requires some, but not all, of the biosynthetic machinery used by the yeast lipopeptide pheromone a-factor. The specificity of interaction among pheromone–receptor pairs in Schizophyllum was reproduced in yeast, thus providing a powerful system for exploring molecular aspects of pheromone–receptor interactions for a class of seven-transmembrane-domain receptors common to a wide range of organisms.
Attachment of ubiquitin to cellular proteins frequently targets them to the 26S proteasome for degradation. In addition, ubiquitination of cell surface proteins stimulates their endocytosis and eventual degradation in the vacuole or lysosome. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, ubiquitin is a long-lived protein, so it must be efficiently recycled from the proteolytic intermediates to which it becomes linked. We identified previously a yeast deubiquitinating enzyme, Doa4, that plays a central role in ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis by the proteasome. Biochemical and genetic data suggest that Doa4 action is closely linked to that of the proteasome. Here we provide evidence that Doa4 is required for recycling ubiquitin from ubiquitinated substrates targeted to the proteasome and, surprisingly, to the vacuole as well. In the doa4Δ mutant, ubiquitin is strongly depleted under certain conditions, most notably as cells approach stationary phase. Ubiquitin depletion precedes a striking loss of cell viability in stationary phase doa4Δ cells. This loss of viability and several other defects of doa4Δ cells are rescued by provision of additional ubiquitin. Ubiquitin becomes depleted in the mutant because it is degraded much more rapidly than in wild-type cells. Aberrant ubiquitin degradation can be partially suppressed by mutation of the proteasome or by inactivation of vacuolar proteolysis or endocytosis. We propose that Doa4 helps recycle ubiquitin from both proteasome-bound ubiquitinated intermediates and membrane proteins destined for destruction in the vacuole.