940 resultados para X-RAY-CLUSTERS
The reaction of 2,6-diformylpyridine-bis(benzoylhydrazone) [dfpbbh] and 2,6-diformylpyridine-bis(4-phenylsemicarbazone) [dfpbpsc] with lanthanides salts yielded the new chelates complexes [Eu(dfpbpsc-H +) 2]NO 3 (1), [Dy(fbhmp) 2][Dy(dfpbbh-2H +) 2]·2EtOH·2H 2O (fbhmp = 2-formylbenzoylhydrazone-6-methoxide-pyridine; Ph = phenyl; Py = pyridine; Et = ethyl) and [Er 2(dfpbbh-2H +) 2(μ-NO 3)(H 2O) 2(OH)]·H 2O. X-ray diffraction analysis was employed for the structural characterization of the three chelate complexes. In the case of complex 1, optical, synthetic and computational methods were also exploited for ground state structure determinations and triplet energy level of the ligand and HOMO-LUMO calculations, as well as for a detailed study of its luminescence properties. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of some acidic drinks on dentin erosion, using methods of surface profile (SP) analysis and energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (EDXRF). One hundred standardized dentin slabs obtained from bovine incisor roots were used. Dentin slabs measuring 5x5 mm were ground flat, polished and half of each specimen surface was protected with nail polish. For 60 min, the dentin surfaces were immersed in 50 mL of 5 different drinks (Gatorade®, Del Valle Mais orange juice®, Coca-Cola®, Red Bull® and white wine), 20 blocks in each drink. The pH of each beverage was measured. After the erosive challenge, the nail polish was removed and SP was analyzed. The mineral concentration of dentin surfaces was determined by means of EDXRF. Data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). SP analysis showed that Red-Bull had the highest erosive potential (p<0.05). EDXRF results exhibited a decrease in phosphate in the groups immersed in Red-Bull, orange juice and white wine (p<0.05), and no significant difference in calcium content between the reference surface and eroded surface. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that all studied beverages promoted erosion on root dentin and Red Bull had the highest erosive potential. There was no correlation between pH of beverages and their erosive potential and only the P content changed after erosive challenge.
The present paper is a comprehensive study concerning Fe K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) measurements, which were performed to characterize the local structure of (1 - x)Pb(Fe2/3W1/3)O 3-xPbTiO3 samples as a function of temperature and PbTiO3 content. Results obtained by the fits of extended X-ray absorption fine structure consist with rhombohedral symmetry for Pb(Fe 2/3W1/3)O3 composition at temperatures lower than room temperature. This result is in apparent disagreement with X-ray and neutron diffraction characterization which have been reported. This apparent disagreement is related to the fact that XAS probes the short-range order, whereas X-ray diffraction provides structural information about the average structure. Moreover, as the PbTiO3 content increases, a disorder has been detected at local structure of the FeO6 octahedron. Analysis of X-ray absorption near edge structure spectra did not show modifications in intensity nor energy of transitions. © 2013 American Institute of Physics.
The X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) analysis is a technique for the qualitative and quantitative determination of chemical constituents in a sample. This method is based on detection of the characteristic radiation intensities emitted by the elements of the sample, when properly excited. A variant of this technique is the Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence (TXRF) that utilizes electromagnetic radiation as excitation source. In total reflection of X-ray, the angle of refraction of the incident beam tends to zero and the refracted beam is tangent to the sample support interface. Thus, there is a minimum angle of incidence at which no refracted beam exists and all incident radiation undergoes total reflection. In this study, we evaluated the influence of the energy variation of the beam of incident x-rays, using the MCNPX code (Monte Carlo NParticle) based on Monte Carlo method. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.
In recent years, several studies have shown that concentrations of trace elements are altered in neoplastic breast tissues. However, the microenvironment and metabolic changes caused by tumors are complex and still not completely understood. Under this aspect, the combination of different techniques to investigate the role of trace elements in promoting and/or maintaining a tumor is interesting once the combination of information obtained by analytical techniques and immunohistochemical assays, associated with clinicopathological data, may allow a better metabolic understanding of trace elements in breast cancer. In this work, the role of the trace elements Ca, Fe, Cu and Zn in neoplastic breast tissues was investigated by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) techniques and immunohistochemical assays. We determined concentrations of Ca, Fe, Cu and Zn in normal and neoplastic breast tissues using energy dispersive XRF, and these values were used to set the positive or negative expression of elements in normal and neoplastic tissues. These expressions were correlated with the spatial distributions of trace elements (evaluated by micro-XRF) and with immunoexpression of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), tissue inhibitors of MMPs and vascular endothelial growth factor. The results revealed that the expression of the trace elements Fe, Cu and vascular endothelial growth factor are related, indicating that higher levels of these elements can be associated with the angiogenic process in breast cancer. Also, associations between Ca, Zn and MMPs expression have been observed, possibly because of the fact that both metals are present in these proteins. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Cellobiohydrolases hydrolyze cellulose releasing cellobiose units. They are very important for a number of biotechnological applications, such as, for example, production of cellulosic ethanol and cotton fiber processing. The Trichoderma cellobiohydrolase I (CBH1 or Cel7A) is an industrially important exocellulase. It exhibits a typical two domain architecture, with a small C-terminal cellulose-binding domain and a large N-terminal catalytic core domain, connected by an O-glycosylated linker peptide. The mechanism by which the linker mediates the concerted action of the two domains remains a conundrum. Here, we probe the protein shape and domain organization of the CBH1 of Trichoderma harzianum (ThCel7A) by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and structural modeling. Our SAXS data shows that ThCel7A linker is partially-extended in solution. Structural modeling suggests that this linker conformation is stabilized by inter- and intra-molecular interactions involving the linker peptide and its O-glycosylations. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
Complexes of the type [PdX(PPh3)(1)]X [1 = 4-phenyl-3- thiosemicarbazide; X = Cl- (2), Br- (3), I- (4), and SCN- (5)] have been synthesized and characterized by elemental analyses and IR, UV/Vis, and 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. The molecular structure of complex 4 was determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The binding of the complexes with a purine base (guanosine) was investigated by 1H NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry, which showed the complexes to coordinate to guanosine through N7. A gel electrophoresis assay demonstrated the ability of 2-5 to cleave DNA plasmid. All the complexes were tested in vitro by means of the MTT assay for their cytotoxicity against two murine cell lines, LM3 (mammary adenocarcinoma) and LP07 (lung adenocarcinoma), and compared with cisplatin. Complexes 2-5 exhibited good cytotoxicity that surpasses that of cisplatin in the case of LM3. A series of thiosemicarbazide/phosphane palladium(II) complexes have been synthesized and fully characterized. These complexes are able to cleave DNA plasmid and show cytotoxicity against adenocarcinoma (mammary LM3 and lung LP07), surpassing the cytotoxicity of cisplatin in the case of LM3. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Glossoscolex paulistus (HbGp) hemoglobin is an oligomeric protein, presenting a quaternary structure constituted by 144 globin and 36 non-globin chains (named linkers) with a total molecular mass of 3.6MDa. SDS effects on the oxy-HbGp thermal stability were studied, by DLS and SAXS, at pH 5.0, 7.0 and 9.0. DLS and SAXS data show that the SDS-oxy-HbGp interactions induce a significant decrease of the protein thermal stability, with the formation of larger aggregates, at pH 5.0. At pH 7.0, oxy-HbGp undergoes complete oligomeric dissociation, with increase of temperature, in the presence of SDS. Besides, oxy-HbGp 3.0mg/mL, pH 7.0, in the presence of SDS, has the oligomeric dissociation process reduced as compared to 0.5mg/mL of protein. At pH 9.0, oxy-HbGp starts to dissociate at 20°C, and the protein is totally dissociated at 50°C. The thermal dissociation kinetic data show that oxy-HbGp oligomeric dissociation at pH 7.0, in the presence of SDS, is strongly dependent on the protein concentration. At 0.5mg/mL of protein, the oligomeric dissociation is complete and fast at 40 and 42°C, with kinetic constants of (2.1±0.2)×10-4 and (5.5±0.4)×10-4s-1, respectively, at 0.6mmol/L SDS. However, at 3.0mg/mL, the oligomeric dissociation process starts at 46°C, and only partial dissociation, accompanied by aggregates formation is observed. Moreover, our data show, for the first time, that, for 3.0mg/mL of protein, the oligomeric dissociation, denaturation and aggregation phenomena occur simultaneously, in the presence of SDS. Our present results on the surfactant-HbGp interactions and the protein thermal unfolding process correspond to a step forward in the understanding of SDS effects. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
This paper reports on the structural characterization of Pb 1-xLaxZr0.40Ti0.60O3 (PLZT) ferroelectric ceramic compositions prepared by the conventional solid state reaction method. X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and Raman spectroscopy were used to probe the local structure of PLZT samples that exhibits a normal and relaxor ferroelectric behavior. From the Zr K-edge and Pb LIII-edge EXAFS spectra, a considerable dissymmetry of Zr and Pb sites was observed in all samples, including those showing a long-range order cubic symmetry and a relaxor behavior. The Raman spectroscopy results confirmed the existence of a local disorder in all PLZT samples through the observation of Raman active vibrational modes. The variation in the intensity of the E(TO 3) mode in the PLZT relaxor samples indicates that the process of correlation between nanodomains stabilizes at temperatures lower than T m. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A síntese e a estrutura cristalina por difração de raios-X de dois análogos de neolignanas, 2-(4-clorofenil)-1-feniletanona (20) e 2-[tio(4-clorofenil)]-1-(3,4-dimetoxifenil)propan-1-ona (12) são descritas. O composto 12 apresenta atividade intracelular contra Leishmania donovani e Leishmania amazonensis de amastigotas que causam a leishmaniose tegumentar e visceral. Além disso, a teoria do funcional de densidade (DFT) com o funcional híbrido B3LYP foi empregado para calcular um conjunto de descritores moleculares para dezenove análogos sintéticos de neolignanas com atividades antileishmaniose. Posteriormente, a análise discriminante stepwise foi realizada para investigar possíveis relações entre a estrutura molecular e atividades biológicas. Por meio dessa análise os compostos foram classificados em dois grupos ativos e inativos de acordo com seu grau de atividade biológica, e as propriedades mais importantes foram as cargas de alguns átomos, a afinidade eletrônica e o ClogP.
Estudos fitoquímicos com as cascas do caule e com as folhas de Croton palanostigma Klotzsch (Euphorbiaceae) levaram ao isolamento do novo diterpeno clerodânico 8-epicordatina (2), além de éster metílico do ácido 12-oxohardwickiico (3), aparisthmano, cordatina (1), ácido ent-trachiloban-18-óico, óxido de ent-13-epimanoila, óxido de ent-3-oxo-13-epimanoila, óxido de ent-3β-hidroxi-13-epimanoila, sitosterol, estigmasterol, estigmastan-3-ona, 6β-hidroxiestigmast-4-en-3-ona, 6β-hidroxiestigmasta-4,22-dien-3-ona, estigmast-4-en-3-ona, estigmasta-4,22-dien-3-ona, ácido 3-O-acetilaleuritolico, 11α-hidroxiurs-12-en-3-ona, α-amirenona, 24-metilenocicloartenona e lupenona. Estas substâncias foram isoladas através de procedimentos fitoquímicos usuais e suas estruturas foram deduzidas por estudos espectroscópicos, incluindo experimentos em 2D. Adicionalmente, a estrutura cristalina de 8-epicordatina (2) foi determinada por difração de raios-X. Cálculos teóricos de RMN ao nível B3PW91/DGDZVP foram usados para confirmação dos assinalamentos dos deslocamentos químicos dos hidrogênios H-7α e H-7β de 8-epicordatina.
ABSTRACT: The present work uses multivariate statistical analysis as a form of establishing the main sources of error in the Quantitative Phase Analysis (QPA) using the Rietveld method. The quantitative determination of crystalline phases using x ray powder diffraction is a complex measurement process whose results are influenced by several factors. Ternary mixtures of Al2O3, MgO and NiO were prepared under controlled conditions and the diffractions were obtained using the Bragg-Brentano geometric arrangement. It was possible to establish four sources of critical variations: the experimental absorption and the scale factor of NiO, which is the phase with the greatest linear absorption coefficient of the ternary mixture; the instrumental characteristics represented by mechanical errors of the goniometer and sample displacement; the other two phases (Al2O3 and MgO); and the temperature and relative humidity of the air in the laboratory. The error sources excessively impair the QPA with the Rietveld method. Therefore it becomes necessary to control them during the measurement procedure.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Oxidation state and coordination of transition metal cations seems to be hard to assess when considering multiple cations, each one with different possible oxidation states. In fact, this is the case of the spineltype double oxides family. High resolution K beta X-ray fluorescence spectra were measured in Mn(2-x)V(1+4)O4 (x=0 and 1/3) spinels-type double oxides in order to determine the oxidation state and coordination of V and Mn cations. The relative intensity of radiative Auger effect KM2,3M4,5 to the total intensity and the integral absolute difference value were used as reference parameters for the characterization of Mn oxidation states. The coordination of Mn ions was inferred by the intensity of the K beta(5) line. In the case of V compounds, it was used as the intensity of the line K beta' relative to the total area of K beta region. The obtained results were further compared with X-ray absorption spectra analysis, showing good agreements regarding the oxidation state characterization. However, there were found some discrepancies in coordination, due to customary oversimplifications in the K beta(5) line origin. The obtained results might represent valuable and useful data for chemical scopes of characterizing spineltype oxides family. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.