561 resultados para Wool fabric


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This paper describes women’s roles in the processes of territory construction and the Colombian Caribbean coast regionalization. First, we present women participation in the adaptation of the fi rst inhabitants, through their contribution to creating the most important cultures that emerged in that region, such as Tairona and Sinu. This paper also considers native women’s resistance actions against Spanish invasion; women participation in African, native, mestizo, zambo, and criollo freeing fi ghts against colonialism and in the consolidation of the Republic; along with their contribution to building the social fabric that consolidated the social life of new born towns and cities; which transformed women into family group integrators, new generation socializing forces, and sponsorsof the family structure performance. The second line of argument addressed in this article refers to women involvement in the regionalization of the Colombian Caribbean, by establishing and concluding that, although regionalization has happened, the recognition of its practical and strategic interests has not been guaranteed to allow changes in the social, economic, and political position. The reason is that, even though such interests were expressed insome forums held to reach an agreement on the vision and the requirements of the region, the social movement has not had any access to decision making, though this has not prevented its gaining strength in the last decades. 


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La televisión es un hecho cultural de gran relevancia por su influencia en el desarrollo individual y social de las nuevas generaciones; es la segunda actividad principal de los niños después de la escuela. Pigmalión, en la reelaboración romana del mito griego, fue un escultor que fabricó una estatua representando su ideal de mujer y se enamoró de ella; los autores del informe sobre el que habla este artículo, utilizan el mito para reflexionar sobre la relación dialéctica entre desarrollo infantil y humano y televisión. Defienden que la sociedad tiene que asumir una postura creadora y constructiva, asumir el papel de Pigmalión, en la creación audiovisual, la educación, la familia y la comunidad. El informe refleja los resultados de una investigación, sobre desarrollo funcional del niño en los nuevos entornos; y ofrece una serie de pautas sobre el qué se puede hacer, iniciativas de creación televisiva con impacto positivo.


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En aquest treball s'ha dissenyat un mètode ràpid i fiable de tinció amb fluorocroms per a l'anàlisi de la integritat i viabilitat espermàtiques a partir del marcatge de la beina mitocondrial amb MitoTracker®Green FM, de l'acrosoma amb la lectina Trypsin inhibitor from Soybean (SBTI) conjugada amb el fluorocrom Alexa Fluor®488 específic per la proacrosina i del nucli amb els fluorocroms bis-benzimida (específic per a cèl·lules viables) i iodur de propidi (específic per a cèl·lules no viables). També s'ha determinat l'efecte de la filtració de dosis seminals de mascles astentoteratonecrospèrmics en columnes de Sephadex neutre i de dosis de mascles amb baixa qualitat espermàtica per filtració en columnes de Sephadex iònic, llana de vidre i glass beads sobre la qualitat espermàtica dels diferents grups de mascles analitzats. Els resultats obtinguts han mostrat que diversos paràmetres de qualitat espermàtica milloren després de la filtració en les diferents reïnes segons la patologia que presentin.


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Amb aquesta investigació, que s'emmarca dins l'àmbit de l'Antropologia Filosòfica, el que ens proposem és escriure un capítol per a una genealogia de l'home contemporani, intentant respondre a la pregunta: com hem arribat a ser el que som? No pretenem descriure els principals factors que han influït en la manera de ser de l'home contemporani, sinó que l'objectiu d'aquest treball és molt més limitat: dibuixar algunes de les principals relacions entre el saber i el poder que s'han donat en el si de la medicina contemporània, i més concretament en l'àmbit de la Salut Pública, i que han contribuït a subjectar els individus d'una determinada manera, creant un model: l'home saludable. Volem mostrar com el discurs i la pràctica mèdica que es van començar a perfilar entre el segle XVIII i el segle XIX moment en què es solidificaren els fonaments de l'art de guarir tal com ara l'entenem , a part d'aportar un conjunt de tècniques de curació, també van oferir una determinada visió de l'home, la qual va tenir importants repercussions en la manera de ser de l'individu contemporani. Ens interessa mostrar de quina manera la medicina, a partir de la Salut Pública, ha intervingut en la gestió de l'existència humana, prenent una postura normativa que l'ha autoritzat a governar la vida de les persones. L'objectiu de la nostra investigació és respondre les qüestions: quin tipus de subjectivació implica la medicina contemporània? Quin tipus de subjecte ha ajudat a crear, incitant l'home a establir unes determinades maneres de relacionar-se amb si mateix i amb els altres? En definitiva, desciure algunes de les principals estratègies dibuixades des de la Salut Pública que han actuat com a poders de normalització, en tant que han fomentat un determinat tipus d'home. Tal com veurem, la nostra medicina, almenys des del moment en què es va poder parlar d'una salut pública, ha anat lligada al projecte d'una determinada tecnologia de la població. Entre els segles XVIII i XIX, la medicina va anar desenvolupant una nova política de la salut en la qual les malalties van passar a ser considerades com un problema polític i econòmic que afectava les col.lectivitats i que demanava solucions globals. El que va aparèixer en el segle XVIII no es pot resumir només en el fet que l'estat va començar a intervenir d'una forma constant en la pràctica mèdica, sinó que el que va passar va ser que la salut i la malaltia, vistes com a problemes que exigien algun tipus de gestió col.lectiva, van ser considerades des de múltiples llocs del cos social. És a dir, la política de la salut que s'inaugura en el llindar de l'època contemporània, més que una iniciativa vertical, va prendre la forma d'un problema amb orígens i direccions múltiples. Pretenem mostrar aquesta política mèdica que es va posar en joc al voltant de l'origen de la nostra Salut Pública, fent sortir a la llum el que podríem anomenar l'«ètica de la bona salut» que es va potenciar i que va servir no solament per elaborar algunes indicacions per prevenir o curar les malalties, sinó que també fabricà prescripcions que feien referència a la forma de vida en general (des de l'alimentació i la vestimenta fins a la procreació, la sexualitat, el comportament, les relacions familiars, etc.). És a dir, es tractaria de veure com a l'interior del discurs i de les pràctiques de la nostra Salut Pública, s'ha anat contruint un cert espai de la normalitat, en el qual ha estat possible associar Salut i Raó, Malaltia i Desraó.


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La parròquia, poc valorada per la historiografia medieval, fou una la institució fonamental per a l'ordenació de la societat rural del bisbat de Girona entre els segles X i XIV. Constituïa un territori ben delimitat, els habitants del qual rebien els sagraments eclesiàstics dels clergues que regien l'església i, a través de l'obreria i dels obrers, participaven en la gestió del temple i de la seva economia. La parròquia va incidir directament en l'ordenació del poblament rural a través tant dels nuclis eclesials o "celleres" com dels masos dispersos pel terme d'una parròquia. A més, la parròquia era una important font de rendes: a través de la documentació generada pel bisbe de Girona, el delme era una renda en mans, sobretot, de senyors feudals, cavallers i importants institucions eclesiàstiques; els clergues parroquials només rebien les primícies i altres drets de menor valor. Finalment, la parròquia contribuí enormement a la configuració de les comunitats rurals de bona part del bisbat de Girona.


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Throughout the lengthy duration of this extremely violent slavery phenomenon where man's cruelty is made evident, it gave rise to places of memory: monuments, toponyms, ethnonymns, stories, legends and myths. Collective memory has constantly recycled this basic fabric. The aim of this Catalogue, dedicated to acknowledging the memory of places in the Portuguese-speaking African countries, is to identify, list, map and give information about the different sites of memory: those that can be seen and touched, without however forgetting those which have re-enacted the creative process thanks to oral tradition.


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The work on Social Memory, focused on the biographic method and the paths of immaterial Heritage, are the fabric that we have chosen to substantiate the idea of museum. The social dimensions of memory, its construction and representation, are the thickness of the exhibition fabric. The specificity of museological work in contemporary times resembles a fine lace, a meticulous weaving of threads that flow from time, admirable lace, painstaking and complex, created with many needles, made up of hollow spots and stitches (of memories and things forgotten). Repetitions and symmetries are the pace that perpetuates it, the rhythmic grammar that gives it body. A fluid body, a single piece, circumstantial. It is always possible to create new patterns, new compositions, with the same threads. Accurately made, properly made, this lace of memories and things forgotten is always an extraordinary creation, a web of wonder that expands fantasy, generates value and feeds the endless reserve of the community’s knowledge, values and beliefs.


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Cross-hole anisotropic electrical and seismic tomograms of fractured metamorphic rock have been obtained at a test site where extensive hydrological data were available. A strong correlation between electrical resistivity anisotropy and seismic compressional-wave velocity anisotropy has been observed. Analysis of core samples from the site reveal that the shale-rich rocks have fabric-related average velocity anisotropy of between 10% and 30%. The cross-hole seismic data are consistent with these values, indicating that observed anisotropy might be principally due to the inherent rock fabric rather than to the aligned sets of open fractures. One region with velocity anisotropy greater than 30% has been modelled as aligned open fractures within an anisotropic rock matrix and this model is consistent with available fracture density and hydraulic transmissivity data from the boreholes and the cross-hole resistivity tomography data. However, in general the study highlights the uncertainties that can arise, due to the relative influence of rock fabric and fluid-filled fractures, when using geophysical techniques for hydrological investigations.


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Earthworms of the family Lumbricidae, which includes many common species, produce and secrete up to millimeter-sized calcite granules, and the intricate fine-scale zoning of their constituent crystals is unique for a biomineral. Granule calcite is produced by crystallization of amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) that initially precipitates within the earthworm calciferous glands, then forms protogranules by accretion on quartz grain cores. Crystallization of ACC is mediated by migrating fluid films and is largely complete within 24 11 of ACC production and before granules leave the earthworm. Variations in the density of defects formed as a byproduct of trace element incorporation during calcite crystall growth have generated zoning that can be resolved by cathodoluminescence imaging at ultraviolet to blue wavelengths and using the novel technique of scanning electron microscope charge contrast imaging. Mapping of calcite crystal orientations by electron backscatter diffraction reveals an approximate radial fabric to the granules that reflects crystal growth from internal nucleation sites toward their margins. The survival within granules of ACC inclusions for months after they enter soils indicates that they crystallize only within the earthworm and in the presence of fluids containing biochemical catalysts. The earthworm probably promotes crystallization of ACC in order to prevent remobilization of the calcium carbonate by dissolution. Calcite granules vividly illustrate the role of transient precursors in biomineralization, but the underlying question of why earth-worms produce granules in volumes sufficient to have a measurable impact on soil carbon cycling remains to be answered.


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Bioturbation at all scales, which tends to replace the primary fabric of a sediment by the ichnofabric (the overall fabric of a sediment that has been bioturbated), is now recognised as playing a major role in facies interpretation. The manner in which the substrate may be colonized, and the physical, chemical and ecological controls (grainsize, sedimentation rate, oxygenation, nutrition, salinity, ethology, community structure and succession), together with the several ways in which the substrate is tiered by bioturbators, are the factors and processes that determine the nature of the ichnofabric. Eleven main styles of substrate tiering are described, ranging from single, pioneer colonization to complex tiering under equilibria, their modification under environmental deterioration and amelioration, and diagenetic enhancement or obscuration. Ichnofabrics may be assessed by four attributes: primary sedimentary factors, Bioturbation Index (BI), burrow size and frequency, and ichnological diversity. Construction of tier and ichnofabric constituent diagrams aid visualization and comparison. The breaks or changes in colonization and style of tiering at key stratal surfaces accentuate the surfaces, and many reflect a major environmental shift of the trace-forming biota. due to change in hydrodynamic regime (leading to non-deposition and/or erosion and/or lithification), change in salinity regime, or subaerial exposure. The succession of gradational or abrupt changes in ichnofabric through genetically related successions, together with changes in colonization and tiering across event beds, may also be interpreted in terms of changes in environmental parameters. It is not the ichnotaxa per se that are important in discriminating between ichnofabrics, but rather the environmental conditions that determine the overall style of colonization. Fabrics composed of different ichnotaxa (and different taphonomies) but similar tier structure and ichnoguild may form in similar environments of different age or different latitude. Appreciation of colonization and tiering styles places ancient ichnofabrics on a sound processrelated basis for environmental interpretation. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Crises cause social disturbances within their host organisation and the patterns of interpersonal ties that emerge are an important determinant of crisis management efficiency. In this article, social network analysis is used within a construction project context, to demonstrate that efficient crisis management depends upon the design and maintenance of an appropriate social fabric. However, crises have defence mechanisms that make management difficult by inducing forces that encourage people to pursue inappropriate social ties. Purposeful social intervention is therefore an essential part of the crisis management process to confront and avoid disorganisation.


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Interdependency and Care over the Lifecourse draws upon theories of time and space to consider how informal care is woven into the fabric of everyday lives and is shaped by social and economic inequalities and opportunities. The book comprises three parts. The first explores contrasting social and economic contexts of informal care in different parts of the world. The second looks at different themes and dynamics of caring, using fictional vignettes of illness and health, child care, elderly care and communities of care. The book examines the significance to practices of care throughout the lifecourse of: understandings and expectations of care emotional exchanges involved in care memories and anticipations of giving and receiving care the social nature of the spaces and places in which care is carried out the practical time-space scheduling necessary to caring activities. Finally the authors critically examine how the frameworks of caringscapes and carescapes might be used in research, policy and practice. A working example is provided. This book will be of interest to students and researchers of care work, health and social care, geography, sociology of the family and social policy as well as those in business and policy communities trying to gain an understanding of how work and informal care interweave


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This Information Paper is the third in a four-part series that looks at the lessons learnt from the BRE Innovation Park concerning compliance with the Code for Sustainable Homes published in November 2006. It focuses on water use, harvesting, recycling and drainage. The other parts deal with: building fabric; energy sources, overheating and ventilation; architecture, construction and sourcing.


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We present simulations of London's meteorology using the Met Office Unified Model with a new, sophisticated surface energy-balance scheme to represent the urban surfaces, called MORUSES. Simulations are performed with the urban surfaces represented and with the urban surfaces replaced with grass in order to calculate the urban increment on the local meteorology. The local urban effects were moderated to some extent by the passage of an onshore flow that propagated up the Thames estuary and across the city, cooling London slightly in the afternoon. Validations of screen-level temperature show encouraging agreement to within 1–2 K, when the urban increment is up to 5 K. The model results are then used to examine factors shaping the spatial and temporal structure of London's atmospheric boundary layer. The simulations reconcile the differences in the temporal evolution of the urban heat island (UHI) shown in various studies and demonstrate that the variation of UHI with time depends strongly on the urban fetch. The UHI at a location downwind of the city centre shows a decrease in UHI during the night, while the UHI at the city centre stays constant. Finally, the UHI at a location upwind of the city centre increases continuously. The magnitude of the UHI by the time of the evening transition increases with urban fetch. The urban increments are largest at night, when the boundary layer is shallow. The boundary layer experiences continued warming after sunset, as the heat from the urban fabric is released, and a weakly convective boundary layer develops across the city. The urban land-use fraction is the dominant control on the spatial structure in the sensible heat flux and the resulting urban increment, although even the weak advection present in this case study is sufficient to advect the peak temperature increments downwind of the most built-up areas. Copyright © 2011 Royal Meteorological Society and British Crown Copyright, the Met Office


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In the winter of 2007, Doug Aitken’s moving image installation, sleepwalkers, was projected onto the exterior walls of the Museum of Modern Art in New York. The project was a collaboration between Aitken, the museum and Creative Time, a New York-based organisation that commissions public art projects. A site-specific version of the installation has been commissioned by the Miami Art Museum for the opening of its new facility, designed by Swiss architects Herzog and de Meuron, in 2013: “sleepwalkers (Miami) will expand the work’s landscape and characters in a manner that reflects the diverse social fabric of Miami.” This essay examines sleepwalkers as an example of the emerging form of film as public art. There are three strands to my argument: first, an examination of the role of film in the redefinition of public art, shifting away from spatial practices concerned with fixed and permanent notions of space, community and art and towards transient and experimental spatial and artistic practices; second,a discussion of the relationship between projection and the built environment and the ways that the qualities of luminescence, transparency, movement and connectivity are transferred from projected images to the surfaces on which they are projected and the spaces around them; and third, an examination of the ways that sleepwalkers uses only certain aspects of narrativity, those concerned with movement and change, and avoids hermeneutic absorption in order to keep the spectators moving (transposing the idea of sleepwalking from characters to spectators). Transience and transparency are key ideas in the conceptualisation of the work, and these are deployed with significant differences in relation to the distinctive characteristics of each city and each museum.