994 resultados para Veterinary autopsy


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Os mecanismos biológicos desenvolvidos para aumentar a qualidade da regeneração óssea e da reparação tecidual de sítios periodontais específicos continuam a ser um desafio e têm sido complementado pela capacidade de adesão celular do colágeno do tipo I, promovida por um peptídeo sintético de adesão celular (P-15), associado a uma matriz inorgânica de osso (MIO) para formar MIO/P-15. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a perda do nível clínico de inserção e a resposta da bolsa periodontal em dentes após 3 e 6 meses da aplicação de enxerto com MIO/P-15. Vinte e um cães do Hospital Veterinário da Universidade de São Paulo foram anestesiados para realização de tratamento periodontal e 132 faces dentais com perda de nível clínico de inserção foram tratadas, sendo que 36,4% (48 faces) receberam o peptídeo de adesão celular e 63,6% (84 faces) compuseram o grupo controle que recebeu tratamento convencional (retalho muco-gengival e aplainamento radicular). O procedimento foi documentado através de radiografia intra-oral e todas as sondagens de bolsas periodontais foram fotografadas. Depois de 3 e de 6 meses, os animais foram re-anestesiados a fim de se obter novas avaliações, radiografias, fotografias e sondagens periodontais. As 48 faces com perda de nível clínico de inserção que receberam material de enxertia apresentaram taxa de 40% de recuperação do nível clínico de inserção após 6 meses. O grupo controle de faces dentais não apresentou alteração do nível clínico de inserção. A face palatina foi a que apresentou melhor taxa de regeneração (40%) e os dentes caninos e molares mostraram as melhores respostas (57,14% e 65%, respectivamente). Não houve sinais de infecção pós-cirúrgica relacionadas à falta de higienização oral dos animais. Pode-se concluir que o MIO/P-15 auxilia na regeneração e re-aderência das estruturas periodontais, incluindo osso alveolar. Sua aplicação mostrou-se fácil e prática e a incidência de complicações pós-cirúrgicas foi baixa. Ainda assim, mais estudos e pesquisas são necessários para que se avalie a quantidade e a qualidade do osso e do ligamento periodontal formados.


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Há tempo sabe-se que o omento humano pode promover atividade angiogênica em estruturas adjacentes nas quais ele é aplicado. Na medicina veterinária, são poucas as pesquisas com retalho pediculado de omento maior como indutor angiogênico e imunogênico, porém suas propriedades de adesão e drenagem são bem conhecidas. Os objetivos deste estudo foram criar um retalho pediculado de omento maior, mensurar seu comprimento durante as etapas de criação e avaliar a possibilidade de alcance para ossos longos (fêmur, tíbia, úmero, rádio e ulna) através de túnel subcutâneo, visando a utilizá-lo futuramente como indutor angiogênico em focos de fratura, para aceleração da osteogênese e controle de infecções ósseas. Foram utilizados 30 cadáveres frescos de cães de todas as raças, com exceção dos condrodistróficos. Os resultados foram conclusivos e confirmaram a possibilidade de alcance do retalho de omento para ossos longos de cadáveres de cães em que todos os retalhos alcançaram a metáfise distal dos ossos avaliados. A média de comprimento do omento, em camada dupla, dos 30 animais avaliados foi de 30,87cm; da camada simples foi de 54,37cm e do retalho em L foi de 92,7cm. Com a extensão máxima do omento, foi possível alcançar as metáfises distais de todos os ossos propostos, com comprimento médio excedente de 29,87cm para fêmur, 20,73cm para tíbia/fíbula, 25,13cm para úmero e 16,27cm para rádio/ulna. As variáveis peso e retalho em L avaliadas estatisticamente de cada indivíduo apresentaram correlação positiva moderada. Concluiu-se que, em cadáveres de cães, é possível levar o retalho pediculado de omento maior através de túnel subcutâneo para metáfise distal de ossos longos e que, quanto maior o peso do animal, maior o comprimento do retalho em L.


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O eritrograma é uma avaliação que representa um auxílio ao clínico no diagnóstico de afecções que acometem os animais domésticos. No entanto, estudos hematológicos em bubalinos são escassos, havendo poucas informações na literatura a respeito de valores de referência dos constituintes sanguíneos desta espécie. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo a análise do eritrograma de búfalos de diferentes faixas etárias da raça Murrah, machos e fêmeas. Os animais em estudo foram distribuídos em quatro grupos experimentais, de acordo com as idades: Grupo 1: animais com idade entre o nascimento e 3 meses (n=15); Grupo 2: animais com idade entre 4 e 6 meses (n=50); Grupo 3: animais com idade entre 7 e 12 meses (n=50); e Grupo 4: animais com idade superior a 12 meses (n=50). Como resultados das análises foram encontrados os seguintes valores médios, no Grupo 1: 7,9x106 hemácias/mL de sangue (He); 13,0 g/dL de hemoglobina (Hb); hematócrito (Ht) de 38,9%; Volume Corpuscular Médio (VCM) de 49,0 fl; Concentração Hemoglobínica Corpuscular Média (CHCM) de 33,6 %, e Hemoglobina Corpuscular Média (HCM) de 16,4 pg; no Grupo 2: He: 7,1 x10(6)/mL; Hb: 12,5 g/dL; Ht: 36,8%; VCM: 52,4 fl; CHCM: 33,9%, e HCM: 17,8 pg; no Grupo 3: He: 7,9 x10(6)/mL; Hb: 12,0 g/dL; Ht: 33,8%; VCM: 43,1 fl; CHCM: 35,4%, e HCM: 15,34 pg; e no Grupo 4: He: 6,7 x10(6)/mL; Hb: 11,7 g/dL; Ht: 34,4%; VCM: 53,4 fl; CHCM: 34,4%. e HCM: 17,4 pg. A análise estatística dos resultados encontrados para as diferentes faixas etárias permitiu concluir que ocorreram variações determinadas pela evolução da idade, caracterizadas por diminuição do número médio de hemácias (He), da concentração de hemoglobina (Hb) e do valor do hematócrito (Ht). Os índices hematimétricos apresentaram variações significativas no G3.


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Heartworm disease is caused by the intravascular nematode Dirofilaria immitis, a pathogen of public health importance usually associated to domestic dogs and cats, and to a lesser extend to other mammal species. The oncilla (Leopardus tigrinus) is a threatened neotropic felid species that naturally occurs in Brazil. Here, we report the encounter of adult and larval stages of heartworms in a female specimen of L. tigrinus, probable of free-ranging origin, from Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil, which died showing clinical signals compatible with heartworm disease. This was the first reported case of D. immitis infection and associated disease in L. tigrinus, also suggesting that the oncilla acted as a definitive host for this parasite. The present findings confirmed D. immitis as a pathogenic agent for this felid species, thus supporting the recommendation for the inclusion of diagnostic testing for this pathogen in routine health screening procedures for captive and free-ranging oncillas in Brazil, especially in those localities where climate conditions support the occurrence of the parasite. Potential reservoirs as oncillas are established beyond the reach of veterinary care, thus representing a continuing risk for domestic animals and humans acquiring heartworm infection. We encourage further serologic and molecular studies aiming to establish D. immitis prevalences in L. tigrinus and other wild carnivores in the region of Ubatuba, as well as ecological and veterinary studies to access the role of this pathogen for the survival of this threatened felid species.


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OBJETIVO: Desenvolver método para planejamento e avaliação de campanhas de vacinação contra a raiva animal. MÉTODOS: O desenvolvimento da metodologia baseou-se em sistemas de informação geográfica para estimar a população e a densidade animal (canina e felina) por setores censitários e subprefeituras do município de São Paulo, em 2002. O número de postos de vacinação foi estimado para atingir uma dada cobertura vacinal. Foram utilizadas uma base de dados censitários para a população humana, e estimativas para razões cão:habitante e gato:habitante. RESULTADOS: Os números estimados foram de 1.490.500 cães e 226.954 gatos em São Paulo, uma densidade populacional de 1.138,14 animais domiciliados por km². Foram vacinados, na campanha de 2002, 926.462 animais, garantindo uma cobertura vacinal de 54%. O número total estimado de postos no município para atingir uma cobertura vacinal de 70%, vacinando em média 700 animais por posto foi de 1.729. Estas estimativas foram apresentadas em mapas de densidade animal, segundo setores censitários e subprefeituras. CONCLUSÕES: A metodologia desenvolvida pode ser aplicada de forma sistemática no planejamento e no acompanhamento das campanhas de vacinação contra a raiva, permitindo que sejam identificadas áreas de cobertura vacinal crítica.


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Realizou-se um estudo para caracterizar a situação epidemiológica da brucelose bovina no Estado de Sergipe. O Estado foi estratificado em dois circuitos produtores. Em cada circuito produtor foram amostradas aleatoriamente cerca de 300 propriedades e, dentro dessas foi escolhido de forma aleatória um número pré-estabelecido de animais, dos quais foi obtida uma amostra de sangue. No total foram amostrados 4.757 animais, provenientes de 590 propriedades. Em cada propriedade amostrada foi aplicado um questionário epidemiológico para verificar o tipo de exploração da propriedade e as práticas zootécnicas e sanitárias que poderiam estar associadas ao risco de infecção pela doença. O protocolo de testes utilizado foi o da triagem com o teste do antígeno acidificado tamponado e a confirmação dos positivos com o teste do 2-mercaptoetanol. O rebanho foi considerado positivo, se pelo menos um animal foi reagente às duas provas sorológicas. A prevalência de focos e a de animais foram: 12,6% [9,2-16,0%] e 3,4% [2,3-4,4%], respectivamente. As prevalências de focos e de animais infectados para os circuitos pecuários foram: circuito 1, 11,1% [7,9-15,0%] e 2,6% [1,6-3,5%]; circuito 2, 12,9% [9,1-17,6%] e 6,2% [3,0-9,5%]. Os fatores de risco (odds ratio, OR) associados à condição de foco foram: assistência veterinária (OR= 2,89 [1,15-7,23]), tamanho do rebanho ≥30 fêmeas adultas (OR= 1,88 [1,07-3,28]) e uso de inseminação artificial (OR= 1,92 [0,84-4,38]).


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This study aimed to evaluate the presence of antibodies against Neospora caninum, Toxoplasma gondii and Leishmania infantum in dogs attended at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Piauí, Northeastern Brazil, where there are no reports of the occurrence of N. caninum and T. gondii in dogs. Serum samples from 530 dogs of genders, different ages and breeds from the municipality of Teresina and nearby towns were analyzed using three indirect fluorescent antibody tests, each one targeting one of the three agents. The associations between the parasites and gender, breed and age of the dogs were assessed by the chi-square test (p > 0.05). The occurrence of antibodies to N. caninum, T. gondii and L. infantum was 3.2, 18.0 and 78.1%, respectively. Toxoplasma gondii was more frequently found in older dogs (p < 0.05) whereas L. infantum was more common in animals aged between 1 to 3 years (p < 0.05). In order to evaluate potential associations between the presence of anti-N. caninum and anti-T. gondii antibodies and Leishmania infection, 240 dogs were selected (120 positive and 120 negative for Leishmania spp.), based on serological and parasitological diagnoses. No association was found between Leishmania spp. and the coccidian parasites (p > 0.05). The results confirm the exposure of dogs to these parasites in the State of Piauí.


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Diferentes afecções podem acometer o trato urinário inferior dos felinos, acarretando sinais clínicos inespecíficos como: hematúria, disúria, polaquiúria, estrangúria, periúria ou obstrução, caracterizando a doença do trato urinário inferior dos felinos (DTUIF). Entretanto, em até 65% dos felinos acometidos, a etiologia é indeterminada, denominada de doença idiopática do trato urinário inferior dos felinos (DTUIF idiopática), que tem se mostrado como um desafio ao clínico veterinário, uma vez que não há diagnóstico específico ou terapia efetiva. Atualmente, tem sido estudado o papel da inflamação neurogênica da bexiga urinária secundária ao estresse, como etiologia da DTUIF idiopática. Há evidências científicas de que a acupuntura restaure a homeostase, reduza o estresse e, pela estimulação neural periférica, ative mecanismos endógenos de antinocicepção, regulando a liberação de mediadores dos mecanismos da dor e do processo inflamatório, como a substância P. O objetivo desta revisão bibliográfica foi descrever como a acupuntura pode ser um recurso na terapia da DTUIF idiopática, tendo como base a modulação da inflamação neurogênica da bexiga urinária e o controle do estresse desses gatos.


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To identify natural infections by Leishmania spp. in insect vectors of cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis, we performed field studies in natural and anthropic environments in the Guaicurus Settlement (Bodoquena Range) of the Bonito municipality, Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil. From October 2002 to October 2003, a total of 1395 sandfly females were captured with Shannon and light traps and dissected in search of flagellates. The sample is composed of a total of 13 species, with Lutzomyia almerioi (59.9%) and Lutzomyia longipalpis (31.4%) predominant. Infections by flagellates were directly observed in three of the dissected of Lu. almerioi females (0.36%). To increase the sensitivity of detection, DNA extracted from pools of the 1220 dissected females (Lu. almerioi 808, Lu. longipalpis 399 and Nyssomyia whitmani 13) was subjected to small subunit rRNA-based polymerase chain reactions (SSU-PCR). DNA from Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi was detected in at least 0.37% of Lu. almerioi females and in 0.25% of Lu. longipalpis females. The DNA of the Leishmania (Viannia) sp. was detected in 0.12% of Lu. almerioi and in 0.70% of Lu. longipalpis. Leishmania (L.) amazonensis was found in 1.25% of Lu. longipalpis. Mixed infections of L. (Leishmania) sp. and L. (Viannia) sp. were found in 0.50% of Lu. longipalpis. When considering that each positive pool contained at least a single infected specimen, we found a 1.23% rate of Leishmania spp. infection among the total population of dissected female sand flies as determined by PCR. This is the first report of natural infection by L. (L.) infantum chagasi and L. (Viannia) sp. in Lu. almerioi. It is also the first report of infection by L. (Viannia) sp. in Lu. longipalpis. The observation that Lu. longipalpis and Lu. almerioi are naturally infected by agents of both cutaneous and visceral leishmaniases suggests that these two species play a role in the transmission (continua) (continuação) of these diseases within the study area. Furthermore, the finding that Lu. longipalpis has been naturally infected by L. (L.) amazonensis and L. (Viannia) sp., and Lu. almerioi by L. (L.) infantum chagasi and L. (Viannia), suggests their participation as permissive vectors


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Colostrum intake in neonatal calves is essential to obtain passive immunity and to influence metabolism, endocrine systems and the nutritional state. This study compares morphologic features of small intestine of calves fed a colostrum second meal at 12 hours of life with concentrations of immunoglobulin G (IgG) higher than 100mg mL(-1) (fresh colostrum or artificially prepared with addition of lyophilized colostrum) or smaller than 30mg mL(-1). Twenty-four Holstein calves were randomly grouped according to concentration of IgG intake at 12 hours of life: low (less than 30mg mL(-1)); high (more than 100mg mL(-1)); plus lyophilized colostrum (more than 120mg mL(-1)). Intestinal tissue samples were collected at 0, 10, 24 and 72 hours after birth to evaluate morphology in segments: duodenum; proximal, middle and distal jejunum and ileum by examined with a scanning electron microscope. Villi of all segments showed more organized and uniform morphology characteristics with age. Only the animals fed colostrum with more than 100mg mL(-1) of IgG at 24 hours after birth still showed the distal jejunum villi disoriented and more united in comparison to the other ages and groups. Intake of lyophilized colostrum affected ileum morphology along experiment period. Higher concentration of immunologic and bioactive elements supplied for longer period of time could be responsible for promoting effects on the enterocytes. Use of colostrum with high IgG concentrations, with or without addition of lyophilized colostrum, influenced the precocity of the intestinal mucosa development in newborn calves, suggesting earlier maturation of the mucosa.


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The immunogenic properties of cysteine proteases obtained from excretory/secretory products (ES) of Haemonchus contortus were investigated with a fraction purified with a recombinant H. contortus cystatin affinity column. The enrichment of H. contortus ES for cysteine protease was confirmed with substrate SDS-PAGE gels since the cystatin-binding fraction activity was three times higher than total ES, despite representing only 3% of total ES. This activity was inhibited by a specific cysteine protease inhibitor (E64) and by recombinant cystatin. The one-dimensional profile of the cystatin-binding fraction displayed a single band with a molecular mass of 43 kDa. Mass spectrometry showed this to be AC-5, a cathepsin B-like cysteine protease which had not been identified in ES products of H. contortus before. The cystatin binding fraction was tested as an immunogen in lambs which were vaccinated three times (week 0, 2.5 and 5), challenged with 10 000 L3 H. contortus (week 6) before necropsy and compared to unvaccinated challenge controls and another group given total ES (n = 10 per group). The group vaccinated with cystatin-binding proteins showed 36% and 32% mean worm burden and eggs per gram of faeces (EPG) reductions, respectively, compared to the controls but total ES was almost without effect. After challenge the cystatin-binding proteins induced significantly higher local and systemic ES specific IgA and IgG responses.


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Obesity and endogenous hyperadrenocorticism (HAC) are common clinical conditions in veterinary practice, and both conditions have clinical and laboratory similarities, Such as weight gain and dyslipidemia. The objective of the present study was to characterize and compare the lipid profiles and plasma lipoprotein fractions in healthy dogs (n = 10), in obese dogs (n = 10), and in dogs with HAC (n = 6). All of the dogs were client owned. The lipoproteins were separated by fast protein liquid chromatography, and the plasma concentrations of total cholesterol and total triacylglycerol (TAG) were determined by enzymatic methods. When compared with the healthy and obese groups, dogs with HAC had a significant increase (P < 0.01) in the total concentrations of TAGs and cholesterol (CHOL), with higher distribution in the very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL)-CHOL fractions. In addition, the distributions of the high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-CHOL and HDL-TAG fractions were significantly lower (P < 0.01) in dogs with HAC than in healthy dogs. Considering the animals in this study, it was determined that the dogs with HAC differed significantly from the healthy and obese dogs regarding the metabolism of CHOL and TAG, as well as their VLDL and HDL fractions. Similar laboratory findings could allow veterinarians to distinguish obese dogs from those with HAC. In addition, dogs with HAC may be at higher risk for developing metabolic and atherosclerotic complications.


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Background: Visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil is caused by the protozoan Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi and it is transmitted by sandfly of the genus Lutzomyia. Dogs are an important domestic reservoir, and control of the transmission of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) to humans includes the elimination of infected dogs. However, though dogs are considered to be an important element in the transmission cycle of Leishmania, the identification of infected dogs representing an immediate risk for transmission has not been properly evaluated. Since it is not possible to treat infected dogs, they are sacrificed when a diagnosis of VL is established, a measure that is difficult to accomplish in highly endemic areas. In such areas, parameters that allow for easy identification of reservoirs that represents an immediate risk for transmission is of great importance for the control of VL transmission. In this study we aimed to identify clinical parameters, reinforced by pathological parameters that characterize dogs with potential to transmit the parasite to the vector. Results: The major clinical manifestations of visceral leishmaniasis in dogs from an endemic area were onicogriphosis, skin lesions, conjunctivitis, lymphadenopathy, and weight loss. The transmission potential of these dogs was assessed by xenodiagnosis using Lutzomyia longipalpis. Six of nine symptomatic dogs were infective to Lutzomyia longipalpis while none of the five asymptomatic dogs were infective to the sandfly. Leishmania amastigotes were present in the skin of all clinically symptomatic dogs, but absent in asymptomatic dogs. Higher parasite loads were observed in the ear and ungueal region, and lower in abdomen. The inflammatory infiltrate was more intense in the ears and ungueal regions of both symptomatic and asymptomatic dogs. In clinically affected dogs in which few or none Leishmania amastigotes were observed, the inflammatory infiltrate was constituted mainly of lymphocytes and macrophages. When many parasites were present, the infiltrate was also comprised of lymphocytes and macrophages, as well as a larger quantity of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs). Conclusion: Dogs that represent an immediate risk for transmission of Leishmania in endemic areas present clinical manifestations that include onicogriphosis, skin lesions, conjunctivitis, lymphadenopathy, and weight loss. Lymphadenopathy in particular was a positive clinical hallmark since it was closely related to the positive xenodiagnosis.


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Background: Suicide is a leading cause of death worldwide. Mental disorders are among the strongest predictors of suicide; however, little is known about which disorders are uniquely predictive of suicidal behavior, the extent to which disorders predict suicide attempts beyond their association with suicidal thoughts, and whether these associations are similar across developed and developing countries. This study was designed to test each of these questions with a focus on nonfatal suicide attempts. Methods and Findings: Data on the lifetime presence and age-of-onset of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition (DSM-IV) mental disorders and nonfatal suicidal behaviors were collected via structured face-to-face interviews with 108,664 respondents from 21 countries participating in the WHO World Mental Health Surveys. The results show that each lifetime disorder examined significantly predicts the subsequent first onset of suicide attempt (odds ratios [ORs] = 2.9-8.9). After controlling for comorbidity, these associations decreased substantially (ORs = 1.5-5.6) but remained significant in most cases. Overall, mental disorders were equally predictive in developed and developing countries, with a key difference being that the strongest predictors of suicide attempts in developed countries were mood disorders, whereas in developing countries impulse-control, substance use, and post-traumatic stress disorders were most predictive. Disaggregation of the associations between mental disorders and nonfatal suicide attempts showed that these associations are largely due to disorders predicting the onset of suicidal thoughts rather than predicting progression from thoughts to attempts. In the few instances where mental disorders predicted the transition from suicidal thoughts to attempts, the significant disorders are characterized by anxiety and poor impulse-control. The limitations of this study include the use of retrospective self-reports of lifetime occurrence and age-of-onset of mental disorders and suicidal behaviors, as well as the narrow focus on mental disorders as predictors of nonfatal suicidal behaviors, each of which must be addressed in future studies. Conclusions: This study found that a wide range of mental disorders increased the odds of experiencing suicide ideation. However, after controlling for psychiatric comorbidity, only disorders characterized by anxiety and poor impulse-control predict which people with suicide ideation act on such thoughts. These findings provide a more fine-grained understanding of the associations between mental disorders and subsequent suicidal behavior than previously available and indicate that mental disorders predict suicidal behaviors similarly in both developed and developing countries. Future research is needed to delineate the mechanisms through which people come to think about suicide and subsequently progress from ideation to attempts.


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Neospora caninum is an intracellular parasite that causes major economic impact on cattle raising farms, and infects a wide range of warm-blooded hosts worldwide. Innate immune mechanisms that lead to protection against this parasite are still unknown. In order to investigate whether myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88) is required for resistance against N. caninum, genetically deficient mice (MyD88(-/-)) and wild type littermates were infected with live tachyzoites and the resistance to infection was evaluated. We found that sub-lethal tachyzoite doses induced acute mortality of MyD88(-/-) mice, which succumbed to infection due to uncontrolled parasite replication. Higher parasitism in MyD88(-/-) mice was associated with the lack of IL-12 production by dendritic cells, delayed IFN-gamma responses by NKT, CD4(+) and CD8(+) T lymphocytes, and production of high levels of IL-10. MyD88(-/-) mice replenished with IL-12 and IFN-gamma abolished susceptibility as the animals survived throughout the experimental period. We conclude that protective IFN-gamma-mediated immunity to N. caninum is dependent on initial MyD88 signaling, in a mechanism triggered by production of IL-12 by dendritic cells. Further knowledge on Toll-like receptor recognition of N. caninum antigens is encouraged, since it could generate new prophylactic and therapeutic tools to control parasite burden.