999 resultados para VACAS HOLSTEIN


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A 5-½-month-old female Holstein-Friesian calf was presented with a history of recurring ruminal tympany and poor development. The absence of lung sounds on the right hemithorax suggested a right-sided intrathoracic pathology. Radiography and computed tomography revealed a large thin-walled cavernous lesion with a gas-fluid interface which almost completely filled the right thoracic cavity. Fluid aspirated from the lesion was clear, yellowish and odorless. These findings led to the diagnosis of a bronchogenic cyst. Thoracotomy was performed under general anesthesia. The cyst strongly adhered to the adjacent lung tissue. After removal of the free wall, the adjacent lung tissue was sealed using surgical stapling instruments, and the non-removable part of the wall was curetted and rinsed. The intensive postoperative management included antibiotic therapy, oxygen supplementation and regional lidocaine infusion. Anti-inflammatory drugs were administered for further pain control. The calf recovered well and was released from the clinic on postoperative day 11. Intra- or extrathoracic bronchogenic cysts result from abnormal budding during the embryonic development of the tracheobronchial system. Successful treatment of this calf despite the size of the lesion and the invasive character of the surgical intervention indicates that resection of bronchogenic cysts in cattle may be an option for valuable animals.


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In addition to plasma metabolites and hormones participating as humoral signals in the control of feed intake, oxidative metabolic processes in peripheral organs also generate signals to terminate feeding. Although the degree of oxidation over longer periods is relatively constant, recent work suggests that the periprandial pattern of fuel oxidation is involved in regulating feeding behavior in the bovine. However, the association between periprandial oxidative metabolism and feed intake of dairy cows has not yet been studied. Therefore, the aim of this study was to elucidate possible associations existing between single feed intake events and whole-body net fat and net carbohydrate oxidation as well as their relation to plasma metabolite concentrations. To this end, 4 late-lactating cows equipped with jugular catheters were kept in respiratory chambers with continuous and simultaneous recording of gas exchange and feed intake. Animals were fed ad libitum (AL) for 24h and then feed restricted (RE) to 50% of the previous AL intake for a further 24h. Blood samples were collected hourly to analyze β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), glucose, nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), insulin, and acylated ghrelin concentrations. Cross-correlation analysis revealed an offset ranging between 30 and 42 min between the maximum of a feed intake event and the lowest level of postprandial net fat oxidation (FOX(net)) and the maximum level of postprandial net carbohydrate oxidation (COX(net)), respectively. During the AL period, FOX(net) did not increase above -0.2g/min, whereas COX(net) did not decrease below 6g/min before the start of the next feed intake event. A strong inverse cross-correlation was obtained between COX(net) and plasma glucose concentration. Direct cross-correlations were observed between COXnet and insulin, between heat production and BHBA, between insulin and glucose, and between BHBA and ghrelin. We found no cross-correlation between FOX(net) and NEFA. During RE, FOX(net) increased with an exponential slope, exceeded the threshold of -0.2g/min as indicated by increasing plasma NEFA concentrations, and approached a maximum rate of 0.1g/min, whereas COX(net) decayed in an exponential manner, approaching a minimal COX(net) rate of about 2.5 g/min in all cows. Our novel findings suggest that, in late-lactating cows, postprandial increases in metabolic oxidative processes seem to signal suppression of feed intake, whereas preprandially an accelerated FOX(net) rate and a decelerated COX(net) rate initiate feed intake.


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von [Willi] Victor


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Mutations in MITF lead to a large variety of phenotypes in human, mice and other species. They mostly affect pigmentation and hearing, whereas in mice, they may additionally cause microphthalmia and osteopetrosis. In this study, we report a single case of a Holstein calf with lack of pigmentation and microphthalmia born to healthy parents. Mendelian analysis of high-density SNP genotypes reveals a large number of parentage errors showing missing paternal alleles in the offspring, indicating a deletion encompassing 19 Mb on BTA 22. The genomic deletion affects the paternal allele and includes MITF and 131 other annotated genes. As the calf shows only one copy of the BTA 22 segment, the observed phenotype is probably caused by haploinsufficiency of the genes in that genomic region. Both the observed lack of skin pigmentation and reduced eye size can most likely be explained by a lack of MITF function.


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The challenge for sustainable organic dairy farming is identification of cows that are well adapted to forage-based production systems. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the grazing behaviour, physical activity and metabolic profile of two different Holstein strains kept in an organic grazing system without concentrate supplementation. Twelve Swiss (HCH ; 566 kg body weight (BW) and 12 New Zealand Holstein-Friesian (HNZ ; 530 kg BW) cows in mid-lactation were kept in a rotational grazing system. After an adaptation period, the milk yield, nutrient intake, physical activity and grazing behaviour were recorded for each cow for 7 days. On three consecutive days, blood was sampled at 07:00, 12:00 and 17:00 h from each cow by jugular vein puncture. Data were analysed using linear mixed models. No differences were found in milk yield, but milk fat (3.69 vs. 4.05%, P = 0.05) and milk protein percentage (2.92 vs. 3.20%, P < 0.01) were lower in HCH than in HNZ cows. Herbage intake did not differ between strains, but organic matter digestibility was greater (P = 0.01) in HCH compared to HNZ cows. The HCH cows spent less (P = 0.04) time ruminating (439 vs. 469 min/day) and had a lower (P = 0.02) number of ruminating boli when compared to the HNZ cows. The time spent eating and physical activity did not differ between strains. Concentrations of IGF-1 and T3 were lower (P ≤ 0.05) in HCH than HNZ cows. In conclusion, HCH cows were not able to increase dry matter intake in order to express their full genetic potential for milk production when kept in an organic grazing system without concentrate supplementation. On the other hand, HNZ cows seem to compensate for the reduced nutrient availability better than HCH cows but could not use that advantage for increased production efficiency


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Until recently, measurements of energy expenditure (EE; herein defined as heat production) in respiration chambers did not account for the extra energy requirements of grazing dairy cows on pasture. As energy is first limiting in most pasture-based milk production systems, its efficient use is important. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to compare EE, which can be affected by differences in body weight (BW), body composition, grazing behavior, physical activity, and milk production level, in 2 Holstein cow strains. Twelve Swiss Holstein-Friesian (HCH; 616 kg of BW) and 12 New Zealand Holstein-Friesian (HNZ; 570 kg of BW) cows in the third stage of lactation were paired according to their stage of lactation and kept in a rotational, full-time grazing system without concentrate supplementation. After adaption, the daily milk yield, grass intake using the alkane double-indicator technique, nutrient digestibility, physical activity, and grazing behavior recorded by an automatic jaw movement recorder were investigated over 7d. Using the (13)C bicarbonate dilution technique in combination with an automatic blood sampling system, EE based on measured carbon dioxide production was determined in 1 cow pair per day between 0800 to 1400 h. The HCH were heavier and had a lower body condition score compared with HNZ, but the difference in BW was smaller compared with former studies. Milk production, grass intake, and nutrient digestibility did not differ between the 2 cow strains, but HCH grazed for a longer time during the 6-h measurement period and performed more grazing mastication compared with the HNZ. No difference was found between the 2 cow strains with regard to EE (291 ± 15.6 kJ) per kilogram of metabolic BW, mainly due to a high between-animal variation in EE. As efficiency and energy use are important in sustainable, pasture-based, organic milk production systems, the determining factors for EE, such as methodology, genetics, physical activity, grazing behavior, and pasture quality, should be investigated and quantified in more detail in future studies.


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A 2-year-old German Holstein bull was identified as a carrier of a mutation within the X-chromosomal ED1 gene, which encodes a TNF-related signalling molecule mainly involved in ectodermal development. The clinicopathological appearance was associated with hypotrichosis, hypodontia, and a reduced number of eccrine glands, in addition to chronic rhinotracheitis and partial squamous metaplasia. Furthermore, for the first time in an ED1-deficient animal, a complete lack of respiratory mucous glands was observed. This suggests that the ED1 gene plays a role in the development of mucous glands, the absence of which resembles a feature of X-linked anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (ED1) in human patients.


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Boberach: Der Vorwurf, die evangelischen Geistlichen in Schleswig hätten sich durch Unterstützung des Widerstands gegen die Ansprüche des Königs von Dänemark an einer revolutionären Erhebung beteiligt, wird zurückgewiesen, Hofprediger Prof. Martensen in Kopenhagen um Verbreitung der Ansichten der Pfarrer in Dänemark gebeten


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Wentzke: 1. Rede, in der ersten preußischen Kammer in der Adreßdebatte am 8. Januar 1851 nicht gehalten: Scharfe Kritik der Politik des Novemberministeriums in der deutschen Frage; Aufzählung seiner Niederlagen. - 2. Rede, ebenda in der Schleswig-Holsteinischen Frage am 15. Februar gehalten: Angriff auf die Politik des Ministeriums


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Boberach: Für den Verfassungsstreit wird darauf hingewiesen, daß unter Beteiligung der Landstände gültige Reformen durchgeführt wurden wie Ablösung bäuerlicher Lasten, Gewerbesteuerermäßigung, Koalitionsfreiheit, Öffentlich- und Mündlichkeit der Strafrechtspflege mit Schwurgerichten, Aufhebung der Polizeigerichtsbarkeit, Mitwirkung der Landstände bei Ernennung von Oberrichtern


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Boberach: Ein Artillerieoffizier erhebt den Vorwurf, daß es in den Elbherzogtümern für die Soldaten und besonders die Offiziere der Karriere dienlich war, Preuße zu sein, und warnt die Schleswig-Holsteiner vor ihren preußischen "Freunden"; sie sollen den preußischen Einfluß in Schleswig-Holstein beseitigen


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Boberach: Auf eine ausführliche historische Schilderung der Rechtsverhältnisse von Schleswig und Holstein folgt die Darstellung der Ereignisse in den Elbherzogtümern bis zum 12. April 1848