940 resultados para United States Food and Drug Administration
BACKGROUND: In 1997, the US Food and Drug Administration passed a unique ruling that allowed oat bran to be registered as the first cholesterol-reducing food at a dosage of 3 g beta-glucan/d. OBJECTIVE: The effects of a low dose of oat bran in the background diet only were investigated in volunteers with mild-to-moderate hyperlipidemia. DESIGN: The study was a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, parallel study. Sixty-two healthy men (n = 31) and women (n = 31) were randomly allocated to consume either 20 g oat bran concentrate (OBC; containing 3 g beta-glucan) or 20 g wheat bran (control) daily for 8 wk. Fasting blood samples were collected at weeks -1, 0, 4, 8, and 12. A subgroup (n = 17) was studied postprandially after consumption of 2 meals (containing no OBC or wheat bran) at baseline and after supplementation. Fasting plasma samples were analyzed for total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triacylglycerol, glucose, and insulin. LDL cholesterol was measured by using the Friedewald formula. The postprandial samples were anlayzed for triacylglycerol, glucose, and insulin. RESULTS: No significant difference was observed in fasting plasma cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, glucose, or insulin between the OBC and wheat-bran groups. HDL-cholesterol concentrations fell significantly from weeks 0 to 8 in the OBC group (P = 0.05). There was a significant increase in fasting glucose concentrations after both OBC (P = 0.03) and wheat-bran (P = 0.02) consumption. No significant difference was found between the OBC and wheat-bran groups in any of the postprandial variables measured. CONCLUSIONS: A low dosage of beta-glucan (3 g/d) did not significantly reduce total cholesterol or LDL cholesterol in volunteers with plasma cholesterol concentrations representative of a middle-aged UK population.
Concerns about potentially misleading reporting of pharmaceutical industry research have surfaced many times. The potential for duality (and thereby conflict) of interest is only too clear when you consider the sums of money required for the discovery, development and commercialization of new medicines. As the ability of major, mid-size and small pharmaceutical companies to innovate has waned, as evidenced by the seemingly relentless decline in the numbers of new medicines approved by Food and Drug Administration and European Medicines Agency year-on-year, not only has the cost per new approved medicine risen: so too has the public and media concern about the extent to which the pharmaceutical industry is open and honest about the efficacy, safety and quality of the drugs we manufacture and sell. In 2005 an Editorial in Journal of the American Medical Association made clear that, so great was their concern about misleading reporting of industry-sponsored studies, henceforth no article would be published that was not also guaranteed by independent statistical analysis. We examine the precursors to this Editorial, as well as its immediate and lasting effects for statisticians, for the manner in which statistical analysis is carried out, and for the industry more generally.
In 1952, Dwyer and coworkers began testing a series of metal complexes for potential inhibition of cancer cell proliferation in animals.[l] The complexes tested were unsuitable for such studies due to their high toxicity. Therefore, no further work was done on the project. However, in 1965, Rosenberg and coworkers revisited the possibility of potential metal-based drugs. Serendipitously, they discovered that cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(lI) (cisplatin) inhibits cell division in E. coli.[2] Further studies of this and other platinum compounds revealed inhibition of tumor cell lines sarcoma 180 and leukemia LI2l0 in mice.[l] Cisplatin was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 1970 as a chemical chemotherapeutic agent in the treatment of cancer. The drug has primarily been used in the treatment of testicular and ovarian cancers, although the powerful chemotherapeutic properties of the compound indicate use against a variety of other cancers.[3] The toxicity of this compound, however, warrants the development of other metal-based potential antitumor agents. The success of cisplatin, a transition-metal-based chemotherapeutic, opened the doors to a host of research on the antitumor effects of other transition-metal complexes. Beginning in the 1970s, researchers looked to rhodium for potential use in antitumor complexes. Dirhodium complexes with bridging equatorial ligands (Figure I) were the primary focus for this research. The overwhelming majority of these complexes were dirhodium(II) carboxylate complexes, containing two rhodium(II) centers, four equatorial ligands in a lantero formation around the metal center, and an axial ligand on either end. The family of complexes in Figure 1 will be referred to as dirhodium(II) carboxylate complexes. The dirhodium centers are each d? with a metal-metal bond between them. Although d? atoms are paramagnetic, the two unpaired electrons pair to make the complex diamagnetic. The basic formula of the dirhodium(lI) carboxylate complexes is Rh?(RCOO)?(L)? with R being methyl, ethyl, propyl, or butyl groups and L being water or the solvent in which the complex was crystalized. Of these dirbodium(II) carboxylate complexes, our research focuses on Rb la and two other similar complexes Rh2 and Rh3 (Figure 2). Rh2 is an activated form of Rhla, with four acetonitrile groups in place of two of the bidentate acetate ligands. Rh3 is similar to Rhla, with trifluoromethyl groups in place of the methyl groups on the acetate ligands.
O sulfato de condroitina (SC) é um agente protetor de cartilagem usado na terapêutica das osteoartrites/osteoartroses. Considerado nutracêutico (parte de alimento que propicia benefício médico), não é regulamentado pela FDA (Food and Drug Administration) nos Estados Unidos. No Brasil a ANVISA (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária) controla esses produtos. Na Europa, agências controladoras de medicamentos também controlam a liberação desses produtos para o comércio. O presente estudo foi realizado para avaliar a embriofeto-toxicidade potencial dessa substância. O estudo é parte de uma avaliação para verificação da segurança do SC. Para isso foi utilizado o segmento II, dos testes de toxicidade reprodutiva preconizado pelas normas da EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) e FDA. O SC nas dosagens de 200, 400 e 600 mg/kg de massa corporal foi administrado por via oral a ratas Wistar (N=14) entre os dias 6 e 15 de prenhez. Aos 21 dias de gestação (dia previsto para o parto) as fêmeas tratadas foram mortas e foi realizada histerectomia. O número de sítios de implantação, de fetos vivos e mortos, reabsorções e corpos lúteos foram registrados. Os fetos foram pesados, examinados quanto a malformações externas, e fixados em formol para posterior técnica de coloração por alizarina para avaliação esquelética. O desenvolvimento ponderal das ratas e seu consumo de água e ração também foram registrados para posterior avaliação de toxicidade materna. Não houve alteração nos índices de fertilidade e reprodutivos das mães entre os grupos. O desenvolvimento ponderal e consumos de água e ração também não foram alterados pelo tratamento com diferentes doses de SC, quando comparados com o grupo controle. Não foram encontradas alterações estatisticamente significativas (p<0,05) nos percentuais de malformações esqueléticas (200 mg/kg = 25,45%, 400 mg/kg = 19,44%, 600 mg/kg = 11,84%, controle = 12,76%). Os resultados verificados nesse trabalho permitem afirmar que o SC em doses de 200, 400 e 600 mg/kg, administrado no período de embriogênese, não é teratogênico para ratas Wistar. Também não ocorreram sinais de toxicidade materna.
Esta tese aborda a identificação e análise das relações causais de incidentes (acidentes e quaseacidentes) no ato anestésico, em salas cirúrgicas, considerando os aspectos humanos, técnicos e organizacio nais envolvidos. Inicialmente, realizou-se revisão sistemática em estudos de casos (no Brasil e Estados Unidos da América - USA), sendo seu modelo descritivo, a direcionalidade retrógrada e o sentido temporal histórico. Procurou-se analisar e sintetizar as evidências sobre incidentes, onde foram identificadas oportunidades de melhorias nos modelos utilizados. A seguir, foram conduzidas pesquisas quali-quantitativas com questionários validados, cujos dados puderam revelar a existência de condutas sistemáticas conduzindo a desfechos desfavoráveis. A última etapa foi a aplicação de questionário adaptado da técnica NASA/TLX (National Aeronautics and Space Adiministration/Task Load) para avaliar o nível da carga de trabalho percebido pelos anestesiologistas durante a realização do ato anestésico. Dos resultados obtidos pôde-se constatar que 81,7% dos anestesiologistas têm a percepção que para ser um bom anestesiologista é necessário dar segurança aos pacientes. Dos estudos de casos de incidentes no ato anestésico, onde nos relatos são atribuídos 100% de falhas técnicas do dispositivo médico, os resultados refutaram esse dado e indicaram que 87,5% (Food and Drug Administration - FDA/USA), 66,7% (Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia - SBA/BRASIL) e 94% (Estudo Exploratório - EE/BRASIL) foram falhas organizacionais. Identificou-se, na amostra estudada, que 50% (FDA), 58,8% (EE), 44,4% (SBA) das falhas humanas foram relacionadas a pouca familiaridade do anestesiologista com as tecnologias (dispositivo médico), ou seja , são problemas com a calibração do conhecimento. Os resultados mais significativos em relação à conseqüência dos incidentes foram: 6,3% (quase-acidentes) e 16,5% (acidentes) foram a óbito, 11,4% (quase-acidentes) e 17,7% (acidentes) sofreram seqüelas permanentes, 31,6% (quase-acidentes) e 46,8% (acidentes) sofreram internação prolongada. O fator de prevenção que mais se destacou foi a maior vigilância e constatouse que os anestesiologistas acreditam que 63,4% dos quase-acidentes e 50,7% dos acidentes podem ser evitados. Os modelos mentais pré-estabelecidos para análise de falhas em incidentes no ato anestésico que consideram apenas o fator humano-máquina não são mais suficientes, estes são sintomas de grandes problemas do sistema organizacional e, se não forem valorizados e analisados, podem realizar seu potencial.
INTRODUÇÃO: A hiperexpressão de human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER-2/neu) e a amplificação do seu gene são indicadores de formas mais agressivas do câncer de mama. A Food and Drug Administration (FDA) aprovou o teste denominado HercepTest® com a finalidade de selecionar pacientes com indicação para o uso de um anticorpo humanizado anti-HER-2/neu (trastuzumab), com efeito terapêutico comprovado. OBJETIVOS: O presente trabalho tem como objetivo comparar os resultados obtidos pelos métodos imuno-histoquímicos LSAB®+ com a utilização de anticorpo A0485 e HercepTest®. Material e métodos: Foram utilizados 50 casos de carcinoma de mama nos quais a pesquisa da hiperexpressão de HER-2 pelo método LSAB®+ já havia sido realizada. Foi repetida a pesquisa da hiperexpessão de HER-2/neu nos mesmos casos, utilizando-se o método do HercepTest®. RESULTADOS: 34 casos foram considerados negativos pelos dois métodos, com escore 0 pelo método HercepTest®. Destes, 12 obtiveram escore 1+ e 22 obtiveram escore 0 pelo método LSAB®+. em oito casos, o escore foi 2+ pelos dois métodos. Escore 3+ foi encontrado também em oito casos pelos dois métodos. DISCUSSÃO: O método mais prático utilizado em laboratório de rotina diagnóstica para investigar a hiperexpressão de HER-2/neu é o estudo imuno-histoquímico. em função de muitas variáveis, como tempo de fixação, tipo de fixador, duração da fixação, método de recuperação antigênica e tipo de anticorpo utilizado, pode haver divergência de resultados. CONCLUSÃO: O presente estudo concluiu que o método HercepTest®demonstrou resultados equivalentes aos resultados obtidos pelo método LSAB®+ em carcinoma de mama.
Since the nineteenth century ships have been using ballast water (BW) for safety, stability, propulsion and maneuverability, as well as to redress loss of fuel weight and water consumption, and to maintain structural stress at acceptable levels. Ballast water has been spreading many non-native species around the globe, but little is known about the extent and potential significance of ship-mediated transfer of microorganisms. The global movements of ballast water by ships create a long-distance dispersal mechanism for human pathogens that may be important in the worldwide distribution of microorganisms, as well as for the epidemiology of waterborne diseases. Only a few studies have been carried out on this subject, most of them involving ballast water containing crustacean larvae and phytoplankton. Specialized microbiological studies on these waters are necessary to avoid a repeat of what happened in 1991, when epidemic cholera was reported in Peru and rapidly spread through Latin America and Mexico. In July of 1992, Vibrio cholerae was found in the USA and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) determined that it came from ballast water of ships whose last port of call was in South America. In Brazil, just a few studies about the subject have been performed. An exploratory study by the Brazilian National Health Surveillance Agency (Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria - ANVISA) found in ballast water different microorganisms, such as fecal coliforms, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Clostridium perfringens, coliphages, Vibrio cholerae O1 and Vibrio cholerae non-O1. Until now, Brazil has been focusing only on organisms transported to its territory from other countries by ballast water, to avoid their establishment and dissemination in Brazilian areas. Studies that can assess the probability that water ballast carries pathogenic microorganisms are extremely important, as is the examination of ships that arrive in the country. Treatment of the human infections caused by BW exists but none is completely safe and efficient.
Several clean-up procedures which included the use of glass chromatography columns (silica gel, alumina, Florisil, silanized Celite-charcoal), Sep-Pak cartridges and standard solutions were compared for the determination of the following N-methylcarbamate (NMC) insecticides: aldicarb, carbaryl, carbofuran, methomyl and propoxur. According to recovery results of the compounds after elution in a glass column, the most efficient systems employed 4.6% deactivated alumina and a silanized Celite-charcoal (4:1) as adsorbents, using dichloromethane-methanol (99:1) and toluene-acetonitrile (75:25) mixtures, respectively, as binary eluents. The recoveries of the compounds studied varied from 84 to 120%. Comparable recoveries (75-100%) for Sep-Pak cartridges in normal phase (NH2, CN) and reversed phase (C-8) were observed. Different temperatures were tested during the concentration step in a rotary evaporator, and we verified a strong influence of this parameter on the stability of some compounds, such as carbofuran and carbaryl. Recovery studies employing the best clean up procedures were performed at the Brazilian agricultural level in potato and carrot samples; Validation methodology of the US Food and Drug Administration was adapted for the N-methylcarbamate analysis. Their recoveries ranged between 79 and 93% with coefficients of variation of 2.3-8%. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. B.V.
Objective: To assess the bioequivalence of 2 tablet formulations of phentolamine (Regitine phentolamine 40 mg tablet formulation by Novartis, Brazil, as test formulation, and Vasomax, phentolamine 40 mg tablet formulation by Schering Plough S.A., Brazil, as reference formulation). Methods: A single 40 mg oral dose of each formulation was administered to 36 male healthy volunteers. The study was conducted after screening, using an open, randomized, 2-period crossover design, a 7-day interval between doses, and wash-out period of at least 4 weeks. Plasma samples for determination of phentolarnine were obtained predose and at intervals over 720 min postdose. Plasma concentrations were quantified by reversed-phase liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS-MS) with positive ion electrospray ionization using multiple reactions monitoring (MRM) method. Precision of the method was evaluated using calibration curves and plasma quality control samples. The subjects were monitored throughout the study. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure and pulse rate measurement were taken predose and at intervals up to 720 min. Tolerance of both products was good. No serious adverse reactions were reported. The pharmacokinetic parameters calculated for both compounds included: AUC((0-720 min)), AUC((0-infinity)), C-max,C- C-max/AUC((0-720 min),) t(max), t(1/2) and k(c). Results: the maximum concentrations reached (Cmax) were compared. Regitine 40 mg formulation C-max geometric mean ratio was 108.29% (90% Cl = 98.58 - 118.96) of Vasomax 40 mg formulation. The areas under the curve (AUC((0-720 min))) were compared. Regitine 40 formulation (AUC((0-720 min)) geometric mean ratio was 102.33% (90% Cl = 97.21 - 107.72) of Vasomax 40 mg formulation. Conclusion: Since the 90% Cl for both Cmax and AUC ratio where inside the 80 to 125% interval proposed by the Food and Drug Administration, it is concluded that Regitine 40 mg tablet is bioequivalent to Vasomax for the rate and extent of absorption.
A simple, rapid, and sensitive spectrophotometric method for routine analysis of saccharin in commercial noncaloric sweeteners is proposed. This method is based on the reaction of saccharin with tetrachloro-p-benzoquinone (p-chloranil) accelerated by hydrogen peroxide and conducted in an ethanol:acetone (4:1) medium, producing a violet-red compound (γ max = 550 nm). Beer's law is obeyed in a concentration range of 2.05 × 10 -4 to 3.00 × 10 -3 M with an excellent correlation coefficient (r = 0.9998). The detection limit was 1.55 × 10 -5 M, and the effect of interferences on the spectrophotometric measurements was evaluated. The proposed procedure was applied successfully to the determination of saccharin in noncaloric sweeteners. Recoveries were within 99.2-104.3% with standard deviations ranging from to 0.5-1.6%. Results of the proposed method compare very favorably with those given by the high-performance liquid chromatography method recommended by the Food and Drug Administration.
Although not desirable, cosmetic products can cause some adverse effects in me user. Such effects can be due bom to individual factors and by inadequate use. So, the safety evaluation must precede the placement of the cosmetic product in the market. Once the consumer has free access to cosmetic product, it must be safe in normal conditions or reasonably previsible of use. Historically the evaluation tests were accomplished with animals (in vivo) but, at the moment, some research centers have been adopting new alternatives (in vitro) in order to replace me tests with animals. This article emphasizes me necessity of accomplishing toxicity assays for personal hygiene products, cosmetics and perfumes, an also presents the tests in vivo and in vitro used, approaching the necessity of alternative methods to the assays in vitro in the evaluation of security of them.
Objective: To study the activation of an inflammatory cascade through leukocyte mRNA expression of TLR2, TLR4, MyD88, and pro-inflammatory cytokines in individuals with childhood onset type 1 diabetes. Design and methods: Seventy-six type 1 diabetic patients and 100 normoglycemic subjects (NG) 6 to 20 years old were recruited. Type 1 diabetic patients (DM1) were considered to have good (DM1G) or poor (DM1P) glycemic control according to the values of glycated hemoglobin. TLR2, TLR4, MyD88, interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta), IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) mRNA expressions were measured in peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Urea, creatinine, albumin, and total protein serum levels were determined. Urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR) was calculated. Results: DM1 and DM1P patients showed higher glycated hemoglobin (10 and 11%, respectively) and serum glucose concentrations (208 and 226 mg/ dL, respectively) compared to NG (Glycated hemoglobin: 7% and glucose: 76 mg/ dL) (p < 0.05). PBL mRNA expressions of TLR2, MyD88, IL-1 beta, IL-6, and TNF-alpha were higher in DM1 and TLR2, IL-1 beta, and IL-6 expressions were higher in DMP1 compared to NG (p < 0.05). In DM1, serum albumin and total protein were lower, while serum urea and ACR were higher in comparison to NG (p < 0.05). However, these differences compared to NG were more pronounced in DM1P, which included nine individuals with microalbuminuria. Conclusions: Increased mRNA expression of TLR2, MyD88, and pro-inflammatory cytokines in leukocytes of patients with childhood onset type 1 diabetes indicates the development of a TLR2-mediated pro-inflammatory process, which may also be associated with an early inflammatory process in the kidney and the occurrence of microalbuminuria.
Human biomonitoring (HBM) is an ideal tool for evaluating toxicant exposure in health risk assessment. Chemical substances or their metabolites related to environmental pollutants can be detected as biomarkers of exposure using a wide variety of biological fluids. Individual exposure to aromatic hydrocarbon compounds (benzene, toluene, and o-xylene –“BTX”) were analysed with a liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionisation-mass spectrometry (μHPLC-ESI-MS/MS) method for the simultaneous quantitative detection of the BTX exposure biomarker SPMA, SBMA and o-MBMA in human urine. Urinary S-phenylmercapturic acid (SPMA) is a biomarker proposed by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) for assessing occupational exposure to benzene (Biological Exposure Index of 25 microg/g creatinine). Urinary S-benzylmercapturic (SBMA) and o-methyl S-benzyl mercapturic acid (o-MBMA) are specific toluene and o-xylene metabolites of glutathione detoxicant pathways, proposed as reliable biomarkers of exposure. To this aim a pre-treatment of the urine with solid phase extraction (SPE) and an evaporation step were necessary to concentrate the mercapturic acids before instrumental analysis. A liquid chromatography separation was carried out with a reversed phase capillary column (Synergi 4u Max-RP) using a binary gradient composed of an acquous solution of formic acid 0.07% v/v and methanol. The mercapturic acids were determinated by negative-ion-mass spectrometry and the data were corrected using isotope-labelled analogs as internal standards. The analytical method follows U.S. Food and Drug Administration guidance and was applied to assess exposure to BTX in a group of 396 traffic wardens. The association between biomarker results and individual factors, such as age, sex and tobacco smoke were also investigated. The present work also included improvements in the methods used by modifying various chromatographic parameters and experimental procedures. A partial validation was conducted to evaluate LOD, precision, accuracy, recovery as well as matrix effects. Higher sensitivity will be possible in future biological monitoring programmes, allowing evaluation of very low level of BTX human exposure. Keywords: Human biomonitoring, aromatic hydrocarbons, biomarker of exposure, HPLC-MS/MS.