919 resultados para UTILIZATION OF PETROLEUM
There is little doubt that both mammalian and teleost growth hormones can accelerate growth and increase food conversion efficiency in all commonly-reared species of salmonid fish. In those vertebrates that have been closely studied (predominantly mammals), the pituitary hormone somatotropin (GH or growth hormone) is a prime determinant of somatic growth. The hormone stimulates protein biosynthesis and tissue growth, enhances lipid utilization and lipid release from the adipose tissues (a protein-sparing effect) and suppresses the peripheral utilization of glucose. The present study is a prerequisite for future work on growth hormone physiology in salmonids and should contribute to our understanding of the mechanisms of growth suppression in stressed fish. Plasma growth hormone (GH) levels were measured in rainbow trout using a radioimmunoassay developed against chinook salmon growth hormone.
A literature survey was carried out into the effects of petroleum hydrocarbons in freshwater, from the toxicity, biodegradability and concentration aspects. It was supplemented by a selective search on hydrocarbons in the marine environment for comparison. The aim was to determine the major inputs of these hydrocarbons, their accumulation, effects and fate in freshwaters. The search was confined to the period 1965-1978. The bibliography contains 390 references, divided by subject.
Os métodos tradicionais de estimular a produção de petróleo, envolvendo a injeção de água, vapor, gás ou outros produtos, estabeleceram a base conceitual para novos métodos de extração de óleo, utilizando micro-organismos e processos biológicos. As tecnologias que empregam os processos de bioestimulação e bioaumentação já são amplamente utilizadas em inúmeras aplicações industriais, farmacêuticas e agroindustriais, e mais recentemente, na indústria do petróleo. Dada a enorme dimensão econômica da indústria do petróleo, qualquer tecnologia que possa aumentar a produção ou o fator de recuperação de um campo petrolífero gera a expectativa de grandes benefícios técnicos, econômicos e estratégicos. Buscando avaliar o possível impacto de MEOR (microbial enhanced oil recovery) no fator de recuperação das reservas de óleo e gás no Brasil, e quais técnicas poderiam ser mais indicadas, foi feito um amplo estudo dessas técnicas e de diversos aspectos da geologia no Brasil. Também foram realizados estudos preliminares de uma técnica de MEOR (bioacidificação) com possível aplicabilidade em reservatórios brasileiros. Os resultados demonstram que as técnicas de MEOR podem ser eficazes na produção, solubilização, emulsificação ou transformação de diversos compostos, e que podem promover outros efeitos físicos no óleo ou na matriz da rocha reservatório. Também foram identificadas bacias petrolíferas brasileiras e recursos não convencionais com maior potencial para utilização de determinadas técnicas de MEOR. Finalmente, foram identificadas algumas técnicas de MEOR que merecem maiores estudos, entre as técnicas mais consolidadas (como a produção de biossurfatantes e biopolímeros, e o controle da biocorrosão), e as que ainda não foram completamente viabilizadas (como a gaseificação de carvão, óleo e matéria orgânica; a dissociação microbiana de hidratos de gás; a bioconversão de CO2 em metano; e a bioacidificação). Apesar de seu potencial ainda não ser amplamente reconhecido, as técnicas de MEOR representam o limiar de uma nova era na estimulação da produção de recursos petrolíferos existentes, e até mesmo para os planos de desenvolvimento de novas áreas petrolíferas e recursos energéticos. Este trabalho fornece o embasamento técnico para sugerir novas iniciativas, reconhecer o potencial estratégico de MEOR, e para ajudar a realizar seu pleno potencial e seus benefícios.
Principles adopted by China for the development of reservoir fisheries are discussed. Production of some of reservoirs of China with that of India is compared. The reasons for obtaining higher production in China have been recognised as: emphasis on utilization of all resources for food production; direct feeding; use of selected varieties of fast growing carps; keeping 15 pigs per hectare of water area for application of pig void and application of manure; production of fingerlings at the reservoir sites enclaving coves and bays; grading and removing obstructions from bottom; rational harvesting and stocking and improvement of reservoir shore areas as a whole. Some of these measures which could be implemented in Indian conditions are briefly described.
The productivity level of a brackishwater fish culture farm consisting of 25 ponds, with a water spread area of 2.5 ha, was studied. Gross community photosynthesis of the farm was found to be 46.32 Kcal/m2/day, which is equivalent to the release of 13.23 of O2/m2/day, or the fixing of 4.10 gC/m2/day. Respiratory demand of the farm was estimated to be 44.66 kcal/m2/day, which is equivalent to the uptake of 12.76 g O2/m2/day or the utilization of 3.95 gC/m2/day. Photosynthetic efficiency of the farm was high at 2.26%. The P/R ratio was 1.04, showing eutrophic nature.
This bulletin has been written primarily to serve as a handbook to the Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council at its sessions in Colombo during December 1958. It presents an outline of the fishing industry as found in Ceylon today, in non-technical language so that it may also be understood by laymen. The large gaps in our knowledge are brought out in the section on "resources"; the section on "administration" gives an indication of progress made towards solving the problems of the industry, while sections on "fishing methods" and "utilization of catch" will help us to appreciate the handicaps and difficulties of those concerned with the industry. The Government Administration of the fisheries of Ceylon is being assisted to a considerable extent by the generous gifts of machinery and equipment as well as the loan of skilled technical personnel made by other countries through the FAO and the Colombo Plan. The progress made so far has helped to place the industry in a favorable position for further improvements.
The basic purpose of fishing is to catch/harvest as much fish as possible and reach it to the consumer as a wholesome, acceptable food, though fishery development programs are based on diverse objectives which include, besides the production of a valuable food, creation of employment opportunities, socio-economic uplift of the fishermen community, and earning foreign exchange through export. Both the production and the utilization of fish depend intrinsically on the efficient application of technology.
India has a long coast line of about 4,800 km along which fish landing centers are scattered. Fish catches are showing an upward trend consequent on rapid mechanization of fishing crafts. Economic utilization of the landed fish is an essential prerequisite for the proper development of Indian fishing and fish processing industries.
Prospects of integration of aquaculture with animal husbandry and land crop culture in Tripura State
Tripura is a densely populated small state with meagre water resources. 47.51% of the population is constituted by socio-economically backward, illiterate, orthodox, tribal and scheduled castes. Some of them are nomad and a majority of the rest of the population is refugees from Bangladesh, but almost 100% is fish eater. Settlement of tribes in villages, provision of nutritious food and employment therefore calls for proper utilization of every resource they have. The State is poor in water resources but recently has created 21,636.23 ha of new water area. Tripura is rich in pig population, besides poultry birds. Paddy is the main crop cultivated in arable lands. An integration of livestock raising and land based agriculture with pisciculture practices around mini barrages will help in solving the problems to a great extent. The paper is an attempt to outline the prospects of integration of aquaculture with animal husbandry and land based crop culture in Tripura State.
Sri Lanka is an island surrounded by the Indian Ocean. Many varieties of marine species of fishes are caught in waters surrounding the island. The catches vary from coast to coast with the monsoonal fluctuations. The island is geographically situated in the tropical latitudes of high rainfall. The topographical landscape presents a central cluster of peaks surrounded by vistas of plains. Hence inland water bodies rise and meander in different directions of the country resulting in heterogeneous habitats yielding a host of freshwater fishes. As the different types of marine and freshwater fishes are manifold, an investigation into the nature and constituents of various species from a chemical standpoint was initiated by Lantz and Gunasekera (1957). Their paper was with a view to rendering possible a better commercial utilization of fishes. The present work is an extension of the above with necessary deviations. Lantz and Gunasekera (1957) had published results of 30 species of Sri Lanka fishes. The present paper introduces results of 5 species and investigations are being continued to cover other species. Investigations appearing in this paper were on fish samples obtained from different sales points in Colombo.
The paper describes the world tuna fishery, industry and markets and the trends for its future development. The prospects for developing a tuna export industry in Sri Lanka are discussed. Suggestions are given as to products composition, international co-operation and utilization of available processing facilities. The need for industry and export support is stressed, and it is concluded that preparations for the development should start well in time.
Following the global stringent legislations regulating the wastes generated from the drilling process of oil exploration and production activities, the management of hazardous drill cuttings has become one of the pressing needs confronting the petroleum industry. Most of the prevalent treatment techniques adopted by oil companies are extremely expensive and/or the treated product has to be landfilled without any potential end-use; thereby rendering these solutions unsustainable. The technique of stabilisation/solidification is being investigated in this research to treat drill cuttings prior to landfilling or for potential re-use in construction products. Two case studies were explored namely North Sea and Red Sea. Given the known difficulties with stabilising/solidifying oils and chlorides, this research made use of model drill cutting mixes based on typical drill cutting from the two case studies, which contained 4.2% and 10.95% average concentrations of hydrocarbons; and 2.03% and 2.13% of chlorides, by weight respectively. A number of different binders, including a range of conventional viz. Portland cement (PC) as well as less-conventional viz. zeolite, or waste binders viz. cement kiln dust (CKD), fly ash and compost were tested to assess their ability to treat the North Sea and Red Sea model drill cuttings. The dry binder content by weight was 10%, 20% and 30%. In addition, raw drill cuttings from one of the North Sea offshore rigs were stabilised/solidified using 30% PC. The characteristics of the final stabilised/solidified product were finally compared to those of thermally treated cuttings. The effectiveness of the treatment using the different binder systems was compared in the light of the aforementioned two contaminants only. A set of physical tests (unconfined compressive strength (UCS)), chemical tests (NRA leachability) and micro-structural examinations (using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD)) were used to evaluate the relative performance of the different binder mixes in treating the drill cuttings. The results showed that the observed UCS covered a wide range of values indicating various feasible end-use scenarios for the treated cuttings within the construction industry. The teachability results showed the reduction of the model drill cuttings to a stable non-reactive hazardous waste, compliant with the UK acceptance criteria for non-hazardous landfills: (a) by most of the 30% and 20% binders for chloride concentrations, and (b) by the 20% and 30% of compost-PC and CKD-PC binders for the Red Sea cuttings. The 20% and 30% compost-PC and CKD-PC binders successfully reduced the leached oil concentration of the North Sea cuttings to inert levels. Copyright 2007, Society of Petroleum Engineers.
The successful utilization of an array of silicon on insulator complementary metal oxide semiconductor (SOICMOS) micro thermal shear stress sensors for flow measurements at macro-scale is demonstrated. The sensors use CMOS aluminum metallization as the sensing material and are embedded in low thermal conductivity silicon oxide membranes. They have been fabricated using a commercial 1 μm SOI-CMOS process and a post-CMOS DRIE back etch. The sensors with two different sizes were evaluated. The small sensors (18.5 ×18.5 μm2 sensing area on 266 × 266 μm2 oxide membrane) have an ultra low power (100 °C temperature rise at 6mW) and a small time constant of only 5.46 μs which corresponds to a cut-off frequency of 122 kHz. The large sensors (130 × 130 μm2 sensing area on 500 × 500 μm2 membrane) have a time constant of 9.82 μs (cut-off frequency of 67.9 kHz). The sensors' performance has proven to be robust under transonic and supersonic flow conditions. Also, they have successfully identified laminar, separated, transitional and turbulent boundary layers in a low speed flow. © 2008 IEEE.
This paper introduces current work in collating data from different projects using soil mix technology and establishing trends using artificial neural networks (ANNs). Variation in unconfined compressive strength as a function of selected soil mix variables (e.g., initial soil water content and binder dosage) is observed through the data compiled from completed and on-going soil mixing projects around the world. The potential and feasibility of ANNs in developing predictive models, which take into account a large number of variables, is discussed. The main objective of the work is the management and effective utilization of salient variables and the development of predictive models useful for soil mix technology design. Based on the observed success in the predictions made, this paper suggests that neural network analysis for the prediction of properties of soil mix systems is feasible. © ASCE 2011.
Explaining "Tragedy of the Commons" of evolution of cooperation remains one of the greatest problems for both biology and social science. Asymmetrical interaction, which is one of the most important characteristics of cooperative system, has not been sufficiently considered in the existing models of the evolution of cooperation. Considering the inequality in the number and payoff between the cooperative actors and recipients in cooperation systems, discriminative density-dependent interference competition will occur in limited dispersal systems. Our model and simulation show that the local but not the global stability of a cooperative interaction can be maintained if the utilization of common resource remains unsaturated, which can be achieved by density-dependent restraint or competition among the cooperative actors. More intense density dependent interference competition among the cooperative actors and the ready availability of the common resource, with a higher intrinsic contribution ratio of a cooperative actor to the recipient, will increase the probability of cooperation. The cooperation between the recipient and the cooperative actors can be transformed into conflict and, it oscillates chaotically with variations of the affecting factors under different environmental or ecological conditions. The higher initial relatedness (i.e. similar to kin or reciprocity relatedness), which is equivalent to intrinsic contribution ratio of a cooperative actor to the recipient, can be selected for by penalizing less cooperative or cheating actors but rewarding cooperative individuals in asymmetric systems. The initial relatedness is a pivot but not the aim of evolution of cooperation. This explains well the direct conflict observed in almost all cooperative systems.