928 resultados para Two-dimensional model
In a crosswind scenario, the risk of high-speed trains overturning increases when they run on viaducts since the aerodynamic loads are higher than on the ground. In order to increase safety, vehicles are sheltered by fences that are installed on the viaduct to reduce the loads experienced by the train. Windbreaks can be designed to have different heights, and with or without eaves on the top. In this paper, a parametric study with a total of 12 fence designs was carried out using a two-dimensional model of a train standing on a viaduct. To asses the relative effectiveness of sheltering devices, tests were done in a wind tunnel with a scaled model at a Reynolds number of 1 × 105, and the train’s aerodynamic coefficients were measured. Experimental results were compared with those predicted by Unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) simulations of flow, showing that a computational model is able to satisfactorily predict the trend of the aerodynamic coefficients. In a second set of tests, the Reynolds number was increased to 12 × 106 (at a free flow air velocity of 30 m/s) in order to simulate strong wind conditions. The aerodynamic coefficients showed a similar trend for both Reynolds numbers; however, their numerical value changed enough to indicate that simulations at the lower Reynolds number do not provide all required information. Furthermore, the variation of coefficients in the simulations allowed an explanation of how fences modified the flow around the vehicle to be proposed. This made it clear why increasing fence height reduced all the coefficients but adding an eave had an effect mainly on the lift force coefficient. Finally, by analysing the time signals it was possible to clarify the influence of the Reynolds number on the peak-to-peak amplitude, the time period and the Strouhal number.
Este trabalho desenvolve e apresenta um modelo tridimensional em elementos finitos de um cabo umbilical do tipo STU (Steel Tube Umbilical) utilizado na extração offshore de petróleo. Tal modelo é utilizado para estudar o carregamento de crushing, que é imposto ao cabo umbilical pelas sapatas do tensionador durante o seu lançamento, de modo a obter de forma detalhada a distribuição de tensões nos componentes do núcleo, com foco nos tubos de aço utilizados para o transporte de fluidos. A metodologia empregada no desenvolvimento do modelo é descrita detalhadamente ao longo do trabalho, de forma que possa vir a ser utilizada no estudo de outras configurações de cabos umbilicais. O modelo elaborado é utilizado (i) como paradigma para a validação de um modelo bidimensional, que visa analisar o mesmo problema de forma mais simples e rápida, e (ii) para o estudo do comportamento das tensões nos tubos de aço na região de transição de entrada/saída da sapata. Na comparação entre os modelos bi e tridimensional, o trabalho conclui pela validade do modelo bidimensional na avaliação das tensões nos tubos de aço resultantes do carregamento de crushing, na região central do cabo. O estudo realizado na região de transição de entrada/saída da sapata permitiu verificar que ocorre um aumento dos níveis de tensão nos tubos de aço nessas regiões de transição, com redistribuição do campo de tensões após plastificação.
Equações diferenciais de quarta ordem aparecem naturalmente na modelagem de oscilações de estruturas elásticas, como aquelas observadas em pontes pênseis. São considerados dois modelos que descrevem as oscilações no tabuleiro de uma ponte. No modelo unidimensional estudamos blow up em espaço finito de soluções de uma classe de equações diferenciais de quarta ordem. Os resultados apresentados solucionam uma conjectura apresentada em [F. Gazzola and R. Pavani. Wide oscillation finite time blow up for solutions to nonlinear fourth order differential equations. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal., 207(2):717752, 2013] e implicam a não existência de ondas viajantes com baixa velocidade de propagação em uma viga. No modelo bidimensional analisamos uma equação não local para uma placa longa e fina, suportada nas extremidades menores, livre nas demais e sujeita a protensão. Provamos existência e unicidade de solução fraca e estudamos o seu comportamento assintótico sob amortecimento viscoso. Estudamos ainda a estabilidade de modos simples de oscilação, os quais são classificados como longitudinais ou torcionais.
Costs related to inventory are usually a significant amount of the company’s total assets. Despite this, companies in general don’t pay a lot of interest in it, even if the benefits from effective inventory are obvious when it comes to less tied up capital, increased customer satisfaction and better working environment. Permobil AB, Timrå is in an intense period when it comes to revenue and growth. The production unit is aiming for an increased output of 30 % in the next two years. To make this possible the company has to improve their way to distribute and handle material,The purpose of the study is to provide useful information and concrete proposals for action, so that the company can build a strategy for an effective and sustainable solution when it comes to inventory management. Alternative methods for making forecasts are suggested, in order to reach a more nuanced perception of different articles, and how they should be managed. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used in order to give specially selected persons the chance to decide criteria for how the article should be valued. The criteria they agreed about were annual volume value, lead time, frequency rate and purchase price. The other method that was proposed was a two-dimensional model where annual volume value and frequency was the criteria that specified in which class an article should be placed. Both methods resulted in significant changes in comparison to the current solution. For the spare part inventory different forecast methods were tested and compared with the current solution. It turned out that the current forecast method performed worse than both moving average and exponential smoothing with trend. The small sample of ten random articles is not big enough to reject the current solution, but still the result is a reason enough, for the company to control the quality of the forecasts.
This study had three objectives: (1) to develop a comprehensive truck simulation that executes rapidly, has a modular program construction to allow variation of vehicle characteristics, and is able to realistically predict vehicle motion and the tire-road surface interaction forces; (2) to develop a model of doweled portland cement concrete pavement that can be used to determine slab deflection and stress at predetermined nodes, and that allows for the variation of traditional thickness design factors; and (3) to implement these two models on a work station with suitable menu driven modules so that both existing and proposed pavements can be evaluated with respect to design life, given specific characteristics of the heavy vehicles that will be using the facility. This report summarizes the work that has been performed during the first year of the study. Briefly, the following has been accomplished: A two dimensional model of a typical 3-S2 tractor-trailer combination was created. A finite element structural analysis program, ANSYS, was used to model the pavement. Computer runs have been performed varying the parameters defining both vehicle and road elements. The resulting time specific displacements for each node are plotted, and the displacement basin is generated for defined vehicles. Relative damage to the pavement can then be estimated. A damage function resulting from load replications must be assumed that will be reflected by further pavement deterioration. Comparison with actual damage on Interstate 80 will eventually allow verification of these procedures.
To understand the evolution of bipedalism among the homnoids in an ecological context we need to be able to estimate theenerrgetic cost of locomotion in fossil forms. Ideally such an estimate would be based entirely on morphology since, except for the rare instances where footprints are preserved, this is hte only primary source of evidence available. In this paper we use evolutionary robotics techniques (genetic algoritms, pattern generators and mechanical modeling) to produce a biomimentic simulation of bipedalism based on human body dimensions. The mechnaical simulation is a seven-segment, two-dimensional model with motive force provided by tension generators representing the major muscle groups acting around the lower-limb joints. Metabolic energy costs are calculated from the muscel model, and bipedal gait is generated using a finite-state pattern generator whose parameters are produced using a genetic algorithm with locomotor economy (maximum distance for a fixed energy cost) as the fitness criterion. The model is validated by comparing the values it generates with those for modern humans. The result (maximum efficiency of 200 J m-1) is within 15% of the experimentally derived value, which is very encouraging and suggests that this is a useful analytic technique for investigating the locomotor behaviour of fossil forms. Initial work suggests that in the future this technique could be used to estimate other locomotor parameters such as top speed. In addition, the animations produced by this technique are qualitatively very convincing, which suggests that this may also be a useful technique for visualizing bipedal locomotion.
A literacia em diabetes parece ser uma das ferramentas fundamentais para combater o aumento de prevalência desta patologia crónica que tem crescido exponencialmente ao longo dos anos quer a nível mundial, quer a nível nacional. Com este estudo pretendeu-se avaliar o nível de literacia em diabetes nos estudantes do ensino superior público do concelho de Mirandela, para, em consequência, fornecer algumas diretrizes para a proposta de um projeto de intervenção nesta comunidade. Teve como objetivos específicos: validar o questionário dos conhecimentos da Diabetes (QCD); relacionar os níveis de conhecimento sobre diabetes com as variáveis sociodemográficas e clinicas. A amostra estudada compreende 432 alunos do ensino superior público do concelho de Mirandela que reponderam ao questionário no período de 15 de fevereiro a 18 de março de 2016. Verificou-se que a aplicação do questionário dos conhecimentos da diabetes (QCD; Sousa & McIntyre, 2003) que avalia os conhecimentos das pessoas acerca da diabetes e seu tratamento, parece ser aceitável na população em geral e o modelo bidimensional obtido com a análise fatorial confirmatória revelou bons índices de ajustamento. Os resultados indicaram um reduzido nível de literacia em diabetes na amostra de participantes e o seu desconhecimento está associado a mitos e falsos conceitos mais do que a incerteza; que o conhecimento na dimensão duração da doença era maior que na dimensão conhecimento global da diabetes (causas, controlo, tratamento e complicações); os alunos mais novos possuem mais conhecimento sobre a diabetes, o género feminino parece revelar maior conhecimento do que o masculino, que os alunos que residem no concelho de Mirandela apresentam menor conhecimento do que os restantes e que os alunos que possuem e residem com familiares com diabetes possuem mais conhecimento do que os outros, embora apresentem igualmente elevado desconhecimento por mitos e falsos conceitos. Conclui-se que existe uma necessidade de aposta em projetos educacionais comunitários para aumentar a literacia em diabetes.
In digital markets personal information is pervasively collected by firms. In the first chapter I study data ownership and product customization when there is exclusive access to non rival but excludable data about consumer preferences. I show that an incumbent firm does not have an incentive to sell an exclusively held dataset with a rival firm, but instead it has an incentive to trade a customizing technology with the other firm. In the second chapter I investigate the effects of consumer information on the intensity of competition. In a two dimensional model of product differentiation, firms use information on preferences to practice price discrimination. I contrast a full privacy and a no privacy benchmark with a regime in which firms are able to target consumers only partially. When data is partially informative, firms are always better-off with price discrimination and an exclusive access to user data is not necessarily a competition policy concern. From a consumer protection perspective, the policy recommendation is that the regulator should promote either no privacy or full privacy. In the third chapter I introduce a data broker that observes either only one or both dimensions of consumer information and sells this data to competing firms for price discrimination purposes. When the seller exogenously holds a partially informative dataset, an exclusive allocation arises. Instead, when the dataset held is fully informative, the data broker trades information non exclusively but each competitor acquires consumer data on a different dimension. When data collection is made endogenous, non exclusivity is robust if collection costs are not too high. The competition policy suggestion is that exclusivity should not be banned per se, but it is data differentiation in equilibrium that rises market power in competitive markets. Upstream competition is sufficient to ensure that both firms get access to consumer information.
The General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM) is applied to the diagnostic turbulence field of the mixing layer (ML) over the equatorial region of the Atlantic Ocean. Two situations were investigated: rainy and dry seasons, defined, respectively, by the presence of the intertropical convergence zone and by its northward displacement. Simulations were carried out using data from a PIRATA buoy located on the equator at 23º W to compute surface turbulent fluxes and from the NASA/GEWEX Surface Radiation Budget Project to close the surface radiation balance. A data assimilation scheme was used as a surrogate for the physical effects not present in the one-dimensional model. In the rainy season, results show that the ML is shallower due to the weaker surface stress and stronger stable stratification; the maximum ML depth reached during this season is around 15 m, with an averaged diurnal variation of 7 m depth. In the dry season, the stronger surface stress and the enhanced surface heat balance components enable higher mechanical production of turbulent kinetic energy and, at night, the buoyancy acts also enhancing turbulence in the first meters of depth, characterizing a deeper ML, reaching around 60 m and presenting an average diurnal variation of 30 m.
An integrable Kondo problem in the one-dimensional supersymmetric t-J model is studied by means of the boundary supersymmetric quantum inverse scattering method. The boundary K matrices depending on the local moments of the impurities are presented as a nontrivial realization of the graded reflection equation algebras in a two-dimensional impurity Hilbert space. Further, the model is solved by using the algebraic Bethe ansatz method and the Bethe ansatz equations are obtained. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V.
An integrable Kondo problem in the one-dimensional supersymmetric extended Hubbard model is studied by means of the boundary graded quantum inverse scattering method. The boundary K-matrices depending on the local moments of the impurities are presented as a non-trivial realization of the graded reflection equation algebras in a two-dimensional impurity Hilbert space. Further, the model is solved by using the algebraic Bethe ansatz method and the Bethe ansatz equations are obtained.
The phase diagram of a simple model with two patches of type A and ten patches of type B (2A10B) on the face centred cubic lattice has been calculated by simulations and theory. Assuming that there is no interaction between the B patches the behavior of the system can be described in terms of the ratio of the AB and AA interactions, r. Our results show that, similarly to what happens for related off-lattice and two-dimensional lattice models, the liquid-vapor phase equilibria exhibit reentrant behavior for some values of the interaction parameters. However, for the model studied here the liquid-vapor phase equilibria occur for values of r lower than 1/3, a threshold value which was previously thought to be universal for 2AnB models. In addition, the theory predicts that below r = 1/3 (and above a new condensation threshold which is < 1/3) the reentrant liquid-vapor equilibria are so extreme that it exhibits a closed loop with a lower critical point, a very unusual behavior in single-component systems. An order-disorder transition is also observed at higher densities than the liquid-vapor equilibria, which shows that the liquid-vapor reentrancy occurs in an equilibrium region of the phase diagram. These findings may have implications in the understanding of the condensation of dipolar hard spheres given the analogy between that system and the 2AnB models considered here. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4771591]
The phase diagram of a simple model with two patches of type A and ten patches of type B (2A10B) on the face centred cubic lattice has been calculated by simulations and theory. Assuming that there is no interaction between the B patches the behavior of the system can be described in terms of the ratio of the AB and AA interactions, r. Our results show that, similarly to what happens for related off-lattice and two-dimensional lattice models, the liquid-vapor phase equilibria exhibit reentrant behavior for some values of the interaction parameters. However, for the model studied here the liquid-vapor phase equilibria occur for values of r lower than 1/3, a threshold value which was previously thought to be universal for 2AnB models. In addition, the theory predicts that below r = 1/3 (and above a new condensation threshold which is < 1/3) the reentrant liquid-vapor equilibria are so extreme that it exhibits a closed loop with a lower critical point, a very unusual behavior in single-component systems. An order-disorder transition is also observed at higher densities than the liquid-vapor equilibria, which shows that the liquid-vapor reentrancy occurs in an equilibrium region of the phase diagram. These findings may have implications in the understanding of the condensation of dipolar hard spheres given the analogy between that system and the 2AnB models considered here.
A numerical study is presented of the third-dimensional Gaussian random-field Ising model at T=0 driven by an external field. Standard synchronous relaxation dynamics is employed to obtain the magnetization versus field hysteresis loops. The focus is on the analysis of the number and size distribution of the magnetization avalanches. They are classified as being nonspanning, one-dimensional-spanning, two-dimensional-spanning, or three-dimensional-spanning depending on whether or not they span the whole lattice in different space directions. Moreover, finite-size scaling analysis enables identification of two different types of nonspanning avalanches (critical and noncritical) and two different types of three-dimensional-spanning avalanches (critical and subcritical), whose numbers increase with L as a power law with different exponents. We conclude by giving a scenario for avalanche behavior in the thermodynamic limit.
A numerical study is presented of the third-dimensional Gaussian random-field Ising model at T=0 driven by an external field. Standard synchronous relaxation dynamics is employed to obtain the magnetization versus field hysteresis loops. The focus is on the analysis of the number and size distribution of the magnetization avalanches. They are classified as being nonspanning, one-dimensional-spanning, two-dimensional-spanning, or three-dimensional-spanning depending on whether or not they span the whole lattice in different space directions. Moreover, finite-size scaling analysis enables identification of two different types of nonspanning avalanches (critical and noncritical) and two different types of three-dimensional-spanning avalanches (critical and subcritical), whose numbers increase with L as a power law with different exponents. We conclude by giving a scenario for avalanche behavior in the thermodynamic limit.