997 resultados para Tropical Estuary


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In order to control the proliferation of floating aquatic vegetation in Côte d'Ivoire, a coastal inlet, allowing a direct communication between the Comoe river and the ocean, was created in September 1987. The impact of this operation on the hydrochemistry (salinity, nutrients, algal biomass) and the bacterial contamination level was studied in the area close to the Vridi canal.


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The waste water treatment of Dabou (Côte d'Ivoire), made of three oxydation ponds (B1, B2 and B3), is designed to ensure a biological treatment of domestic sewage and a valorization of the final effluent in aquaculture. In order to understand the ecological mechanisms and the performance of this system, a pluridisciplinary program was achieved in February 1989.


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Primary production rates in the Gulf the Guinea (east tropical Atlantic) were measured with in situ incubations. The extracellular organic carbon passed through 0.8 u pore size membrane filters averaged 29.5% of the carbon fixed by photosynthesis. These is a good linear correlation (r=0.86) between assimilation and organic excretion. The significance and limits of the method for the measurements of low rates of photosynthesis is discussed. The influence of ecological factors (nutrients, light and stability) cannot be demonstrated. The importance of bacterial regeneration processes by reutilization of algal extracellular products is assessed.


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This report details the results from water quality surveys, carried out in August 1986, which were designed to examine the condition of the Crossens Estuary when receiving primary treated effluent from Southport STW. The results are compared with previous surveys in 198 2 and 1984 when various degrees of secondary treatment were provided. The findings demonstrate that the reduction in the level of treatment has resulted in longer periods of deoxygenation throughout the estuary, but that this has not resulted in any major change in the use or characteristics of the estuary. The estuary remains in Class C.


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Blackpool, Lytham St. Anne's and Southport are household names as popular leisure and holiday resorts the length and breadth of the land. Their location at the mouth of the estuary of the River Ribble is much less well known, yet this same estuary is of paramount importance to both the economy and the environment of North West England. Indeed, the Ribble Estuary is of international importance for interests as diverse as wintering and migrating wild birds on one hand to the modern aerospace industry on the other. This brochure provides a brief introduction to the estuary of the River Ribble including a historic overview of the people living near the estuary, agriculture and wildlife.


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This study gives the results of oblique plankton hauls (from the sea-surface to the top of the thermocline), made during the dry season (January to March) by oceanographic vessel R.V. Capricorne during three cruises, of tuna larvae research in 1976 and 1977, between the African Coast and the Equator, from 17 degrees W to 9 degrees E.


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The standing stock of chlorophyll, the quantities of copepods collected with a 30 liter Niskin bottle and the standing stock of zooplankton collected with a 'Bongo' net were measured from 0 to 200 m depth during a cruise along 10' W from 1' N to 12' S. These parameters are correlated to hydrological conditions measured simultaneously. 6 zonal areas have been delimited and described; the north equatorial convergence, the northern flow of the south equatorial counter-current, the trade winds drift, the south equatorial counter-current and the Benguela's drift.


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The report looks at trials and results of sonic tracking devices. The report includes an appendix on a salmon tracking exercise using oxygen sensing ultrasonic transmitting tags which was carried out on the Ribble Estuary during the period 8th July 1982 to 19th July, 1982. The tags used were developed and manufactured by Aberdeen University and Zootelemetry Research Laboratory Ltd. of Aberdeen, working under contract from the Water Research Centre.


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The Wyre estuary is sampled for water quality four times a year. The sampling locations are shown in Figure 1, and their descriptions are found in Appendix 1.


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The Ribble estuary (North West England) is sampled for water quality twelve times a year. The suite of parameters used for baseline monitoring is only analysed four times a year on the designated sampling sites. The sampling locations are shown in Figure 1, and their descriptions are found in Appendix 1. The baseline monitoring stations have been chosen to respond to regional, national and European requirements. The suite of parameters to be analysed in the laboratory is listed in Tables 1 and 2. Appendix 2 lists the environmental quality objectives (EQOs) and standards (EQSs) for estuaries and coastal waters. These values will help in interpreting the collected data from the Ribble surveys.


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Crassostrea (Sacco, 1897) é o gênero mais importante do mundo de ostras de cultivo e consiste de 34 espécies distribuídas pelas regiões tropicais e temperadas do globo. C. gasar e C. rhizophorae são as duas espécies nativas que estão distribuídas ao longo de toda a costa do Brasil até o Caribe. C. gasar também ocorre na costa da Africa. Ainda que sua distribuição seja extensa e com disponibilidade abundante, o cultivo de ostras nativas no Brasil ainda é incipiente e a delimitação correta dos estoques mantém-se incerta. O sucesso do desenvolvimento da malacocultura, que é recomendada internacionalmente como forma sustentável de aquicultura, depende da resolução desses problemas. Assim, com o objetivo de determinar geneticamente seus estoques no Atlântico como também estimar sua história demográfica, dois diferentes marcadores moleculares foram empregados: sequências de DNA da região controle mitocondrial e loci de microssatélites espécie-especifícos, desenvolvidos no presente estudo. Foram sequenciados fragmentos da região controle de um total de 930 indivíduos de C. gasar e C. rhizophorae coletados em 32 localidades que incluíram o Caribe, a Guiana Francesa, a costa brasileira e a África. Também foram realizadas genotipagens de 1178 indivíduos, e ambas as espécies, com 9 e 11 loci de microssatélites para C. gasar e C. rhizophorae, respectivamente. Os dados genéticos foram analisados através de diferentes abordagens (índices de estruturação (FST) e de (Jost D), análise molecular de variância (AMOVA), análise espacial molecular de variância (SAMOVA), Bayesian Skyline Plots (BSP), análise fatorial de correspondência (AFC) e análise de atribuição Bayesiana (STRUCTURE)). Os resultados indicaram um padrão geral de estruturação, onde dois diferentes estoques foram detectados para ambas as espécies: grupos do norte e do sul, onde o Rio de Janeiro seria a região limitante entre os dois estoques. Os maiores valores dos índices de estruturação foram encontrados para C. gasar, indicando que esta espécie estaria mais estruturada do que C. rhizophorae. As análises demográficas indicaram uma provável expansão das populações durante o ultimo período glacial e uma possível origem americana das populações africanas. Todos os resultados sugeriram a existência de uma barreira geográfica próxima ao Rio de Janeiro, que poderia ser a cadeia de Vitória-Trindade e o fenômeno de ressurgência que ocorre em Cabo Frio (RJ). Esses resultados serão de grande utilidade para estabelecer critérios para seleção de sementes para cultivo ao longo da costa do Brasil que permitirá o manejo adequado dos estoques ostreícolas, prevenindo seu desaparecimento como já ocorrido em outros recifes no mundo.