974 resultados para Troca materno-fetal
Objetivo:Determinar intervalos de referência para o volume da cisterna magna fetal por meio do método bidimensional (2D) usando o modo multiplanar da ultrassonografia tridimensional.Materiais e Métodos:Estudo de corte transversal com 224 gestantes normais entre a 17ª e 29ª semanas. O volume foi obtido automaticamente pela multiplicação dos três maiores eixos nos planos axial e sagital pela constante 0,52. Regressão polinomial foi realizada para obter correlação entre o volume 2D da cisterna magna e a idade gestacional, sendo os ajustes realizados pelo coeficiente de determinação (R2). Confiabilidade e concordância foram obtidas pelo coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI) e limites de concordância.Resultados:A média do volume da cisterna magna 2D variou de 0,71 ± 0,19 cm3 para 4,18 ± 0,75 cm3 entre a 17ª e 29ª semanas, respectivamente. Observou-se boa correlação do volume da cisterna magna fetal 2D e a idade gestacional (R2 = 0,67). Observou-se excelente confiabilidade e concordância intraobservador com CCI = 0,89 e limites de concordância 95% (-52,0; 51,8), respectivamente. Observou-se baixa confiabilidade e concordância interobservador com CCI = 0,64 e limites de concordância 95% (-110,1; 84,6), respectivamente.Conclusão:Intervalos de referência para o volume 2D da cisterna magna fetal usando o modo multiplanar da ultrassonografia tridimensional foram determinados e apresentaram excelente confiabilidade e concordância intraobservador.
Hemoglobin and its structures have been described since the 1990s to enhance a variety of biological activities of endotoxins (LPS) in a dose-dependent manner. To investigate the interaction processes in more detail, the system was extended by studying the interactions of newly designed peptides from the γ-chain of human hemoglobin with the adjuvant monophosphoryl lipid A (MPLA), a partial structure of lipid A lacking its 1-phosphate. It was found that some selected Hbg peptides, in particular two synthetic substructures designated Hbg32 and Hbg35, considerably increased the bioactivity of MPLA, which alone was only a weak activator of immune cells. These findings hold true for human mononuclar cells, monocytes and T lymphocytes. To understand the mechanisms of action in more detail, biophysical techniques were applied. These showed a peptide-induced change of the MPLA aggregate structure from multilamellar into a non-lamellar, probably inverted, cubic structure. Concomitantly, the peptides incorporated into the tightly packed MPLA aggregates into smaller units down to monomers. The fragmentation of the aggregates was an endothermic process, differing from a complex formation but rather typical for a catalytic reaction.
Rare earth elements supported in zeolites are the most important catalysts in the fluid cracking of petroleum. The solid state ion exchange of Eu3+ in Y zeolite was investigated. First of all, the hydrated EuCl3 was well mixed in a ball mill and was then heated at 300ºC for different times. The quantitative determination of Eu3+ showed that the degree of ion exchange depends on the reaction time at constant temperature, being ~95% in 4 h. The X-ray study showed that the crystallinity of the zeolite is little affected by the exchange procedure. The study of spectroscopic properties of Eu3+, emission spectra and lifetime, give information about the migration and position of the ion in the zeolite cages.
A new method for determination of potassium in honey samples of different colors was developed as an alternative method for determination of this metal. Analysis of genuine honeys attested by the qualities and quantities tests officially adopted in Brazil, showed that the concentration of potassium ranged from 181 to 315 mg/kg for light honeys, from 393 to 570 mg/kg for medium honeys and from 791 to 915 mg/kg for dark honeys. Recoveries making use of spikes of potassium added to the honey samples and to the deionized distilled water showed results close by hundred percent at pH <= 2,0 under temperature bellow 20°C.
The development associated with the research field involving crystalline inorganic lamellar titanium hydrogenphosphate, Ti(HPO4).H2O, synthesized as alpha or gamma forms, is directly linked to the huge number of reactions, that occur inside the free interlamellar space. Two distinguishable well-characterized features such as ion-exchange and intercalation reactions are explored here. From the interactive point of view, the acidic OH centres distributed on the lamella can interact with cations or with basic polar molecules to exchange or to intercalate them. These chemical reactions are normally followed by an expansion of the interlamellar space, proportional to the amount intercalated, reflecting in ion radii or organic molecule size lengths used in ion-exchange or insertion processes, respectively. The effectiveness of the exchange increased when the original matrix has the proton of OH group previously ion-exchanged by an alkaline or an alkylammonium cations. Monoalkyl-, dialkyl- and heterocyclic amines are focused in this revision as clear and elucidative examples of acid-base interactive processes, that come out inside of the well-formed infinite sequence of inorganic lamellar structure.
In this work the metal distribution and exchange constants between metal species and aquatic humic fractions with different molecular sizes were studied. The aquatic humic substances (AHS) were extracted by XAD-8 resin from water sample collected from Itapitanguí river, São Paulo State, Brazil. The AHS were fractionated in six fractions with different molecular sizes (>100 - <5 kDa) and characterized by several techniques. Molar ratios H/C suggested higher aromaticity for fractions F1 and F6 whereas molar ratios C/N didn´t show any differences regarding the humification degree between the fractions. The UV-Vis absorbance a254/a436 ratio showed higher results for F4 and F5, probably by less condensed features. FTIR studies showed high similarity in the functional groups in the fractions. The highest percentage of traces of Co, Al, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and Ni (determined by ICP-AES) was preferably complexed by fractions F3 and F4 with a greater amount of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). In addition, the exchange constants, determined by ultrafiltration method, showed complexes AHS-Fe and AHS-Al with higher stability than complexes AHS-Co in all fractions.
Many of the reproductive disorders that emerge in adulthood have their origin during fetal development. Numerous studies have demonstrated that exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals can permanently affect the reproductive health of experimental animals. In mammals, male sexual differentiation and development are androgen-dependent processes. In rat, the critical programming window for masculinization occurs between embryonic days (EDs) 15.5 and 19.5. Disorders in sex steroid balance during fetal life can disturb the development of the male reproductive tract. In addition to the fetal testis, the adrenal cortex starts to produce steroid hormones before birth. Glucocorticoids produced by the adrenal cortex are essential for preparing the fetus for birth. In the present study, the effects of exposure to endocrine disrupters on fetal male rat testicular and adrenal development were investigated. To differentiate the systemic and direct testicular effects of endocrine disrupters, both in vivo and in vitro experiments were performed. The present study also clarified the role of desert hedgehog signalling (Dhh) in the development of the testis. The results indicate that endocrine disrupters, diethylstilbestrol (DES) and flutamide, are able to induce rapid steroidogenic changes in fetal rat testis under in vitro conditions. Although in utero exposure to these chemicals did not show overt effects in fetal testis, they can induce permanent changes in the developing testis and accessory sex organs later in life. We also reported that exposure to antiandrogens can interfere with testicular Dhh signalling and result in impaired differentiation of the fetal Leydig cells and subsequently lead to abnormal testicular development and sexual differentiation. In utero exposure to tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) caused direct testicular and pituitary effects on the fetal male rat but with different dose responses. In a study in which the effects of developmental exposure to environmental antiandrogens, di-isononylphthalate and 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethylene (p,p’-DDE), on fetal male rat steroidogenesis were investigated, chemicals did not down-regulate testicular or adrenal steroid hormone synthesis or production in 19.5-day-old fetal rats. However, p,p’-DDE-treatment caused clear histological and ultrastructural changes in the prenatal testis and adrenal gland. These structural alterations can disturb the development and function of fetal testis and adrenal gland that may become evident later in life. Exposure to endocrine disrupters during fetal life can cause morphological abnormalities and alter steroid hormone production by fetal rat Leydig cells and adrenocortical cells. These changes may contribute to the maldevelopment of the testis and the adrenal gland. The present study highlights the importance of the fetal period as a sensitive window for endocrine disruption.
A demonstractive experiment was proposed in order to verify students' habilities in recognizing the presence and nature of ions in solutions, before and after their passage through ion-exchange columns. The students have no previous contact with ion-exchange resins, so they must deduce how they work and explain the experimental facts. The performance of classes, at different stages of learning, is compared and discussed.
KBrO3 is registered by the FAO/OMS as a genotoxic and carcinogenic compound. In spite of this, KBrO3 is still employed by Brazilian bakeries. Nowadays ion exchange chromatography (IEC) is the most rapid and trustful method for BrO3- analysis. When at high concentrations, chloride ions can interfere in the BrO3- analysis, if the detection is performed by electrical conductivity. On the other hand, spectrophotometric detection, presented here is based on the absorption of BrO3- in the ultraviolet region (210 - 230 nm) where the absortion of chloride ions is very low, thus making possible the qualitative and quantitative analysis of BrO3- in flour improver samples.
Plant extracts are usually complex mixtures which contain several molecules of different sizes with varied functional groups. Such extracts are a challenge to the chemist of natural products. Ion exchange chromatography in non-aqueous medium, used for separation of basic or acidic fractions from plant extracts, is an important unit operation in preparative scale separations. Anionic macroporous resin in non-aqueous medium was used with success in this study for separation of the acid fraction of Copaifera multijuga (Copaiba oil), rich in labdanic diterpenes and for the methanolic extract of Croton cajucara (acetyl aleuritoric acid).
The niobate with formula K4Nb6O17 has a layered structure formed by stacked negative sheets and exchangeable cations in the interlayer region. In this study we discuss some structural aspects related to the ion exchange in layered hexaniobate based on X-ray diffractometry and vibrational Raman spectroscopy data. Hexaniobate has two distinct interlayer regions and the potassium ions of one interlayer in particular are preferably exchanged by other cations, leading to an interstratified material.
En este artículo se presenta una actualización sobre el control del bienestar fetal anteparto, que incluye la monitorización biofísica con el test no estresante y el test estresante y su valoración. Se describen los parámetros de la frecuencia cardiaca fetal - la línea de base, la variabilidad y los ascensos transitorios de la frecuencia cardiaca fetal - en relación con los movimientos fetales, su significado clínico y la actuación que deriva del mismo.
Controlar la frecuencia cardiaca fetal y la dinámica uterina durante el proceso del embarazo y el parto resulta de particular importancia para conocer el estado de salud de la madre y el niño. Hoy en día existen aparatos muy novedosos para este fin de uso generalizado en los hospitales españoles. De este tema se ocupa la Ficha de Utillaje de este mes analizando en qué consiste este monitor; cómo se utiliza, los pasos a seguir; etc.
En este artículo se presenta una actualización sobre el control del bienestar fetal anteparto, que incluye la monitorización biofísica con el test no estresante y el test estresante y su valoración. Se describen los parámetros de la frecuencia cardiaca fetal - la línea de base, la variabilidad y los ascensos transitorios de la frecuencia cardiaca fetal - en relación con los movimientos fetales, su significado clínico y la actuación que deriva del mismo.