963 resultados para Transformation induced plasticity steel


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In this work, cracking of concrete due to steel reinforcement corrosion is experimentally and numerically studied. The tests combined accelerated corrosion—to generate the cracks—with impregnation under vacuum with resin containing fluorescein—to enhance their visibility under ultraviolet light. In parallel, a model—called expansive joint element—was developed to simulate the expansion of the oxide and finite elements with an embedded adaptable cohesive crack were used to describe concrete cracking. The results show that a good agreement exists between the experimental and numerical crack patterns, which constitutes promising progress towards a comprehensive understanding of corrosion-induced cracking in reinforced concrete.


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The wavelet transform and Lipschitz exponent perform well in detecting signal singularity.With the bridge crack damage modeled as rotational springs based on fracture mechanics, the deflection time history of the beam under the moving load is determined with a numerical method. The continuous wavelet transformation (CWT) is applied to the deflection of the beam to identify the location of the damage, and the Lipschitz exponent is used to evaluate the damage degree. The influence of different damage degrees,multiple damage, different sensor locations, load velocity and load magnitude are studied.Besides, the feasibility of this method is verified by a model experiment.


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ETS1 is a cellular homologue of the product of the viral ets oncogene of the E26 virus, and it functions as a tissue-specific transcription factor. It plays an important role in cell proliferation, differentiation, lymphoid cell development, transformation, angiogenesis, and apoptosis. ETS1 controls the expression of critical genes involved in these processes by binding to ets binding sites present in the transcriptional regulatory regions. The ETS1 gene generates two proteins, p51 and a spliced variant, p42, lacking exon VII. In this paper we show that p42-ETS1 expression bypasses the damaged Fas-induced apoptotic pathway in DLD1 colon carcinoma cells by up-regulating interleukin 1β-converting enzyme (ICE)/caspase-1 and causes these cancer cells to become susceptible to the effects of the normal apoptosis activation system. ICE/caspase-1 is a redundant system in many cells and tissues, and here we demonstrate that it is important in activating apoptosis in cells where the normal apoptosis pathway is blocked. Blocking ICE/caspase-1 activity by using specific inhibitors of this protease prevents the p42-ETS1-induced apoptosis from occurring, indicating that the induced ICE/caspase-1 enzyme is responsible for killing the cancer cells. p42-ETS1 activates a critical alternative apoptosis pathway in cancer cells that are resistant to normal immune attack, and thus it may be useful as an anticancer therapeutic.


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The intracellular signals governing cellular proliferation and developmental progression during lymphocyte development are incompletely understood. The tyrosine kinase Blk is expressed preferentially in the B lineage, but its function in B cell development has been largely unexplored. We have generated transgenic mice expressing constitutively active Blk [Blk(Y495F)] in the B and T lymphoid compartments. Expression of Blk(Y495F) in the B lineage at levels similar to that of endogenous Blk induced B lymphoid tumors of limited clonality, whose phenotypes are characteristic of B cell progenitors at the proB/preB-I to preB-II transition. Expression of constitutively active Blk in the T lineage resulted in the appearance of clonal, thymic lymphomas composed of intermediate single positive cells. Taken together, these results indicate that specific B and T cell progenitor subsets are preferentially susceptible to transformation by Blk(Y495F) and suggest a role for Blk in the control of proliferation during B cell development.


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Cancer is a progressive multigenic disorder characterized by defined changes in the transformed phenotype that culminates in metastatic disease. Determining the molecular basis of progression should lead to new opportunities for improved diagnostic and therapeutic modalities. Through the use of subtraction hybridization, a gene associated with transformation progression in virus- and oncogene-transformed rat embryo cells, progression elevated gene-3 (PEG-3), has been cloned. PEG-3 shares significant nucleotide and amino acid sequence homology with the hamster growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible gene gadd34 and a homologous murine gene, MyD116, that is induced during induction of terminal differentiation by interleukin-6 in murine myeloid leukemia cells. PEG-3 expression is elevated in rodent cells displaying a progressed-transformed phenotype and in rodent cells transformed by various oncogenes, including Ha-ras, v-src, mutant type 5 adenovirus (Ad5), and human papilloma virus type 18. The PEG-3 gene is transcriptionally activated in rodent cells, as is gadd34 and MyD116, after treatment with DNA damaging agents, including methyl methanesulfonate and γ-irradiation. In contrast, only PEG-3 is transcriptionally active in rodent cells displaying a progressed phenotype. Although transfection of PEG-3 into normal and Ad5-transformed cells only marginally suppresses colony formation, stable overexpression of PEG-3 in Ad5-transformed rat embryo cells elicits the progression phenotype. These results indicate that PEG-3 is a new member of the gadd and MyD gene family with similar yet distinct properties and this gene may directly contribute to the transformation progression phenotype. Moreover, these studies support the hypothesis that constitutive expression of a DNA damage response may mediate cancer progression.


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Receptors coupled to heterotrimeric G proteins can effectively stimulate growth promoting pathways in a large variety of cell types, and if persistently activated, these receptors can also behave as dominant-acting oncoproteins. Consistently, activating mutations for G proteins of the Gαs and Gαi2 families were found in human tumors; and members of the Gαq and Gα12 families are fully transforming when expressed in murine fibroblasts. In an effort aimed to elucidate the molecular events involved in proliferative signaling through heterotrimeric G proteins we have focused recently on gene expression regulation. Using NIH 3T3 fibroblasts expressing m1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors as a model system, we have observed that activation of this transforming G protein-coupled receptors induces the rapid expression of a variety of early responsive genes, including the c-fos protooncogene. One of the c-fos promoter elements, the serum response element (SRE), plays a central regulatory role, and activation of SRE-dependent transcription has been found to be regulated by several proteins, including the serum response factor and the ternary complex factor. With the aid of reporter plasmids for gene expression, we observed here that stimulation of m1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors potently induced SRE-driven reporter gene activity in NIH 3T3 cells. In these cells, only the Gα12 family of heterotrimeric G protein α subunits strongly induced the SRE, while Gβ1γ2 dimers activated SRE to a more limited extent. Furthermore, our study provides strong evidence that m1, Gα12 and the small GTP-binding protein RhoA are components of a novel signal transduction pathway that leads to the ternary complex factor-independent transcriptional activation of the SRE and to cellular transformation.


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Hippocampal slices are used to show that, as a temporal input pattern of activity flows through a neuronal layer, a temporal-to-spatial transformation takes place. That is, neurons can respond selectively to the first or second of a pair of input pulses, thus transforming different temporal patterns of activity into the activity of different neurons. This is demonstrated using associative long-term potentiation of polysynaptic CA1 responses as an activity-dependent marker: by depolarizing a postsynaptic CA1 neuron exclusively with the first or second of a pair of pulses from the dentate gyrus, it is possible to “tag” different subpopulations of CA3 neurons. This technique allows sampling of a population of neurons without recording simultaneously from multiple neurons. Furthermore, it reflects a biologically plausible mechanism by which single neurons may develop selective responses to time-varying stimuli and permits the induction of context-sensitive synaptic plasticity. These experimental results support the view that networks of neurons are intrinsically able to process temporal information and that it is not necessary to invoke the existence of internal clocks or delay lines for temporal processing on the time scale of tens to hundreds of milliseconds.


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Solar UV irradiation is the causal factor for the increasing incidence of human skin carcinomas. The activation of the transcription factor activator protein-1 (AP-1) has been shown to be responsible for the tumor promoter action of UV light in mammalian cells. We demonstrate that proteinase inhibitor I (Inh I) and II (Inh II) from potato tubers, when applied to mouse epidermal JB6 cells, block UV-induced AP-1 activation. The inhibition appears to be specific for UV-induced signal transduction for AP-1 activation, because these inhibitors did not block UV-induced p53 activation nor did they exhibit any significant influence on epidermal growth factor-induced AP-1 transactivation. Furthermore, the inhibition of UV-induced AP-1 activity occurs through a pathway that is independent of extracellular signal-regulated kinases and c-Jun N-terminal kinases as well as P38 kinases. Considering the important role of AP-1 in tumor promotion, it is possible that blocking UV-induced AP-1 activity by Inh I or Inh II may be functionally linked to irradiation-induced cell transformation.


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The Ink4a/Arf locus encodes p16Ink4a and p19Arf and is among the most frequently mutated tumor suppressor loci in human cancer. In mice, many of these effects appear to be mediated by interactions between p19Arf and the p53 tumor-suppressor protein. Because Tp53 mutations are a common feature of the multistep pre-B cell transformation process mediated by Abelson murine leukemia virus (Ab-MLV), we examined the possibility that proteins encoded by the Ink4a/Arf locus also play a role in Abelson virus transformation. Analyses of primary transformants revealed that both p16Ink4a and p19Arf are expressed in many of the cells as they emerge from the apoptotic crisis that characterizes the transformation process. Analyses of primary transformants from Ink4a/Arf null mice revealed that these cells bypassed crisis. Because expression of p19Arf but not p16 Ink4a induced apoptosis in Ab-MLV-transformed pre-B cells, p19Arf appears to be responsible for these events. Consistent with the link between p19Arf and p53, Ink4a/Arf expression correlates with or precedes the emergence of cells expressing mutant p53. These data demonstrate that p19Arf is an important part of the cellular defense mounted against transforming signals from the Abl oncoprotein and provide direct evidence that the p19Arf–p53 regulatory loop plays an important role in lymphoma induction.


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Blastic transformation of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is characterized by the presence of nonrandom, secondary genetic abnormalities in the majority of Philadelphia1 clones, and loss of p53 tumor suppressor gene function is a consistent finding in 25–30% of CML blast crisis patients. To test whether the functional loss of p53 plays a direct role in the transition of chronic phase to blast crisis, bone marrow cells from p53+/+ or p53−/− mice were infected with a retrovirus carrying either the wild-type BCR/ABL or the inactive kinase-deficient mutant, and were assessed for colony-forming ability. Infection of p53−/− marrow cells with wild-type BCR/ABL, but not with the kinase-deficient mutant, enhanced formation of hematopoietic colonies and induced growth factor independence at high frequency, as compared with p53+/+ marrow cells. These effects were suppressed when p53−/− marrow cells were coinfected with BCR/ABL and wild-type p53. p53-deficient BCR/ABL-infected marrow cells had a proliferative advantage, as reflected by an increase in the fraction of S+G2 phase cells and a decrease in the number of apoptotic cells. Immunophenotyping and morphological analysis revealed that BCR/ABL-positive p53−/− cells were much less differentiated than their BCR/ABL-positive p53+/+ counterparts. Injection of immunodeficient mice with BCR/ABL-positive p53−/− cells produced a transplantable, highly aggressive, poorly differentiated acute myelogenous leukemia. In marked contrast, the disease process in mice injected with BCR/ABL-positive p53+/+ marrow cells was characterized by cell infiltrates with a more differentiated phenotype and was significantly retarded, as indicated by a much longer survival of leukemic mice. Together, these findings directly demonstrate that loss of p53 function plays an important role in blast transformation in CML.


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Neurotrophins, secreted in an activity-dependent manner, are thought to be involved in the activity-dependent refinement of synaptic connections. Here we demonstrate that in hippocampal neurons and the rat pheochromocytoma cell line PC12 application of exogenous neurotrophins induces secretion of neurotrophins, an effect that is mediated by the activation of tyrosine kinase neurotrophin receptors (Trks). Like activity-dependent secretion of neurotrophins, neurotrophin-induced neurotrophin secretion requires mobilization of calcium from intracellular stores. Because neurotrophins are likely to be released from both dendrites and axons, neurotrophin-induced neurotrophin release represents a potential positive feedback mechanism, contributing to the reinforcement and stabilization of synaptic connections.


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The assumption that genes encoding tyrosine kinase receptors could play a role in human cancers has been confirmed by the identification of oncogenic mutations in the kinase domain of RET and KIT. Recently, homologous residues were found mutated in MET, in papillary renal carcinomas (PRCs). The link coupling these genetic lesions to cellular transformation is still unclear. METPRC mutations result in increased kinase activity and—in some instances, i.e., M1250T substitution—in changes in substrate specificity. A direct correlation occurs between the transforming potential of METPRC mutants and their ability to constitutively associate with signal transducers through two phosphorylated tyrosines (Y1349VHVNATY1356VNV) located in the receptor tail. Substitution of these “docking tyrosines” with phenylalanines leaves unaffected the altered properties of the kinase but abrogates transformation and invasiveness in vitro. Uncoupling the receptor from signal transducers with a tyrosine-phosphorylated peptide derivative (YpVNV) inhibits invasive growth induced by METPRC mutants. These data indicate that constitutive receptor coupling to downstream signal transducers is a key mechanism in neoplastic transformation driven by mutated MET and suggest a therapeutic strategy to target neoplastic diseases associated with this oncogene.


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Identification of cytokine-inducible genes is imperative for determining the mechanisms of cytokine action. A cytokine-inducible gene, mrg1 [melanocyte-specific gene (msg1) related gene], was identified through mRNA differential display of interleukin (IL) 9-stimulated and unstimulated mouse helper T cells. In addition to IL-9, mrg1 can be induced by other cytokines and biological stimuli, including IL-1α, -2, -4, -6, and -11, granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor, interferon γ, platelet-derived growth factor, insulin, serum, and lipopolysaccharide in diverse cell types. The induction of mrg1 by these stimuli appears to be transient, with induction kinetics similar to other primary response genes, implicating its role in diverse biological processes. Deletion or point mutations of either the Box1 motif (binds Janus kinase 1) or the signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 binding site-containing region within the intracellular domain of the IL-9 receptor ligand binding subunit abolished or greatly reduced mrg1 induction by IL-9, suggesting that the Janus kinase/signal transducer and activator of transcription signaling pathway is required for mrg1 induction, at least in response to IL-9. Transfection of mrg1 cDNA into TS1, an IL-9-dependent mouse T cell line, converted these cells to IL-9-independent growth through a nonautocrine mechanism. Overexpression of mrg1 in Rat1 cells resulted in loss of cell contact inhibition, anchorage-independent growth in soft agar, and tumor formation in nude mice, demonstrating that mrg1 is a transforming gene. MRG1 is a transcriptional activator and may represent a founding member of an additional family of transcription factors.


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Enhanced activity of receptor tyrosine kinases such as the PDGF β-receptor and EGF receptor has been implicated as a contributing factor in the development of malignant and nonmalignant proliferative diseases such as cancer and atherosclerosis. Several epidemiological studies suggest that green tea may prevent the development of cancer and atherosclerosis. One of the major constituents of green tea is the polyphenol epigallocathechin-3 gallate (EGCG). In an attempt to offer a possible explanation for the anti-cancer and anti-atherosclerotic activity of EGCG, we examined the effect of EGCG on the PDGF-BB–, EGF-, angiotensin II-, and FCS-induced activation of the 44 kDa and 42 kDa mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase isoforms (p44mapk/p42mapk) in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) from rat aorta. VSMCs were treated with EGCG (1–100 μM) for 24 h and stimulated with the above mentioned agonists for different time periods. Stimulation of the p44mapk/p42mapk was detected by the enhanced Western blotting method using phospho-specific MAP kinase antibodies that recognized the Tyr204-phosphorylated (active) isoforms. Treatment of VSMCs with 10 and 50 μM EGCG resulted in an 80% and a complete inhibition of the PDGF-BB–induced activation of MAP kinase isoforms, respectively. In striking contrast, EGCG (1–100 μM) did not influence MAP kinase activation by EGF, angiotensin II, and FCS. Similarly, the maximal effect of PDGF-BB on the c-fos and egr-1 mRNA expression as well as on intracellular free Ca2+ concentration was completely inhibited in EGCG-treated VSMCs, whereas the effect of EGF was not affected. Quantification of the immunoprecipitated tyrosine-phosphorylated PDGF-Rβ, phosphatidylinositol 3′-kinase, and phospholipase C-γ1 by the enhanced Western blotting method revealed that EGCG treatment effectively inhibits tyrosine phosphorylation of these kinases in VSMCs. Furthermore, we show that spheroid formation of human glioblastoma cells (A172) and colony formation of sis-transfected NIH 3T3 cells in semisolid agar are completely inhibited by 20–50 μM EGCG. Our findings demonstrate that EGCG is a selective inhibitor of the tyrosine phosphorylation of PDGF-Rβ and its downstream signaling pathway. The present findings may partly explain the anti-cancer and anti-atherosclerotic activity of green tea.


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Antagonists of glutamate receptors of the N-methyl-d-aspartate subclass (NMDAR) or inhibitors of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) prevent nervous system plasticity. Inflammatory and neuropathic pain rely on plasticity, presenting a clinical opportunity for the use of NMDAR antagonists and NOS inhibitors in chronic pain. Agmatine (AG), an endogenous neuromodulator present in brain and spinal cord, has both NMDAR antagonist and NOS inhibitor activities. We report here that AG, exogenously administered to rodents, decreased hyperalgesia accompanying inflammation, normalized the mechanical hypersensitivity (allodynia/hyperalgesia) produced by chemical or mechanical nerve injury, and reduced autotomy-like behavior and lesion size after excitotoxic spinal cord injury. AG produced these effects in the absence of antinociceptive effects in acute pain tests. Endogenous AG also was detected in rodent lumbosacral spinal cord in concentrations similar to those previously detected in brain. The evidence suggests a unique antiplasticity and neuroprotective role for AG in processes underlying persistent pain and neuronal injury.