968 resultados para The ant and the grasshopper
The genetic relationships of colony members in the ant Myrmica tahoensis were determined on the basis of highly polymorphic microsatellite DNA loci. These analyses show that colonies fall into one of two classes. In roughly half of the sampled colonies, workers and female offspring appear to be full sisters. The remaining colonies contain offspring produced by two or more queens. Colonies that produce female sexuals are always composed of highly related females, while colonies that produce males often show low levels of nestmate relatedness. These results support theoretical predictions that workers should skew sex allocation in response to relatedness asymmetries found within colonies. The existence of a relatedness threshold below which female sexuals are not produced suggests a possible mechanism for worker perception of relatedness. Two results indicate that workers use genetic cues, not queen number, in making sex-allocation decisions. (i) The number of queens in a colony was not significantly correlated with either the level of relatedness asymmetry or the sex ratio. (ii) Sex-ratio shifts consistent with a genetically based mechanism of relatedness assessment were seen in an experiment involving transfers of larvae among unrelated nests. Thus workers appear to make sex-allocation decisions on the basis of larval cues and appear to be able to adjust sex ratios long after egg laying.
Species distribution patterns in planktonic foraminiferal assemblages are fundamental to the understanding of the determinants of their ecology. Until now, data used to identify such distribution patterns was mainly acquired using the standard >150 µm sieve size. However, given that assemblage shell size-range in planktonic foraminifera is not constant, this data acquisition practice could introduce artefacts in the distributional data. Here, we investigated the link between assemblage shell size-range and diversity in Recent planktonic foraminifera by analysing multiple sieve-size fractions in 12 samples spanning all bioprovinces of the Atlantic Ocean. Using five diversity indices covering various aspects of community structure, we found that counts from the >63 µm fraction in polar oceans and the >125 µm elsewhere sufficiently approximate maximum diversity in all Recent assemblages. Diversity values based on counts from the >150 µm fraction significantly underestimate maximum diversity in the polar and surprisingly also in the tropical provinces. Although the new methodology changes the shape of the diversity/sea-surface temperature (SST) relationship, its strength appears unaffected. Our analysis reveals that increasing diversity in planktonic foraminiferal assemblages is coupled with a progressive addition of larger species that have distinct, offset shell-size distributions. Thus, the previously documented increase in overall assemblage shell size-range towards lower latitudes is linked to an expanding shell-size disparity between species from the same locality. This observation supports the idea that diversity and shell size-range disparity in foraminiferal assemblages are the result of niche separation. Increasing SST leads to enhanced surface water stratification and results in vertical niche separation, which permits ecological specialisation. Specific deviations from the overall diversity and shell-size disparity latitudinal pattern are seen in regions of surface-water instability, indicating that coupled shell-size and diversity measurements could be used to reconstruct water column structures of past oceans.
A stable isotope record from the eastern Weddell Sea from 69°S is presented. For the first time, a 250,000-yr record from the Southern Ocean can be correlated in detail to the global isotope stratigraphy. Together with magnetostratigraphic, sedimentological and micropalaeontological data, the stratigraphic control of this record can be extended back to 910,000 yrs B.P. A time scale is constructed by linear interpolation between confirmed stratigraphic data points. The benthic d18O record (Epistominella exigua) reflects global continental ice volume changes during the Brunhes and late Matuyama chrons, whereas the planktonic isotopic record (Neogloboquadrina pachyderma) may be influenced by a meltwater lid caused by the nearby Antarctic ice shelf and icebergs. The worldwide climatic improvement during deglaciations is documented in the eastern Weddell Sea by an increase in production of siliceous plankton followed, with a time lag of approximately 10,000 yrs, by planktonic foraminifera production. Peak values in the difference between planktonic and benthic d13C records, which are 0.5 per mil higher during warm climatic periods than during times with expanded continental ice sheets, also suggest increased surface productivity during interglacials in the Southern Ocean.
The physiological condition of larval Antarctic krill was investigated during austral autumn 2004 and winter 2006 in the Lazarev Sea, to provide better understanding of a critical period of their life cycle. The condition of larvae was quantified in both seasons by determining their body length (BL), dry mass (DM), elemental- and biochemical composition, as well as stomach content analysis, and rates of metabolism and growth. Overall the larvae in autumn were in better condition under the ice than in open water, and for those under the ice there was a decrease in condition from autumn to winter. Thus growth rates of furcilia larvae in open water in autumn were similar to winter values under the ice (mean 0.008 mm/d), whereas autumn, under ice values were higher: 0.015 mm/d. Equivalent larval stages had up to 30% lower BL and 70% lower DM in winter compared to autumn, with mean oxygen consumption 44% lower (0.54 µl O2 DM/h). However, their ammonium excretion rates doubled (from 0.03-0.06 µg NH4 DM/h) so their mean O:N ratio was 46 in autumn and 15 in winter. Thus differing metabolic substrates were used between autumn and winter, suggesting a flexible overwintering strategy, as suggested for adults. The larvae were eating small copepods (Oithona spp.) and/or protozoans as well as autotrophic food under the ice. However, pelagic Chlorophyll a (Chl a) was a good predictor for growth in both seasons. The physics (current speed/ice topography) probably has a critical part to play in whether larval krill can exploit the food that may be associated with sea ice or be advected away from such suitable feeding habitat.
The responses of larger (>50 µm in diameter) protozooplankton groups to a phytoplankton bloom induced by in situ iron fertilization (EisenEx) in the Polar Frontal Zone (PFZ) of the Southern Ocean in austral spring are presented. During the 21 days of the experiment, samples were collected from seven discrete depths in the upper 150 m inside and outside the fertilized patch for the enumeration of acantharia, foraminifera, radiolaria, heliozoa, tintinnid ciliates and aplastidic thecate dinoflagellates. Inside the patch, acantharian numbers increased twofold, but only negligibly in surrounding waters. This finding is of major interest, since acantharia are suggested to be involved in the formation of barite (BaSO_4 ) found in sediments and which is a palaeoindicator of both ancient and modern high productivity regimes. Foraminifera increased significantly in abundance inside and outside the fertilized patch. However the marked increase of juveniles after a full moon event suggests a lunar periodicity in the reproduction cycle of some foraminiferan species rather than a reproductive response to enhanced food availability. In contrast, adult radiolaria showed no clear trend during the experiment, but juveniles increased threefold indicating elevated reproduction. Aplastidic thecate dinoflagellates almost doubled in numbers and biomass, but also increased outside the patch. Tintinnid numbers decreased twofold, although biomass remained constant due to a shift in the size spectrum. Empty tintinnid loricae, however, increased by a factor of two indicating that grazing pressure on this group mainly by copepods intensified during EisenEx. The results show that iron-fertilization experiments can shed light on the biology and the role of these larger protists in pelagic ecosystem which will improve their use as proxies in palaeoceanography.
Five short cores sub-sampled from box cores from three sites in the eastern Weddell Sea off Antarctica and in the eastern Pacific off southern California, covering a range in water depth from 500 to 2000 m, were analysed for the down-core distribution of live (stained with Rose Bengal) and dead benthic foraminifera. In the California continental borderland, Planulina ariminensis, Rosalina columbiensis and Trochammina spp. live attached to agglutinated polychaetes tubes that rise above the sedimentwater interface. Bolivina spissa lives exclusively in or on the uppermost sediment. Stained specimens of Chilostomella ovoidea are found down to 6 cm within the sediment and specimens of Globobulimina pacifica down to a maximum of 8 cm. Delta13C values of live G. pacifica decrease with increasing depth from the sediment surface down to 7 cm core depth, indicating that this infaunal species utilizes13C-depleted carbon from pore waters. In the dead, predominantly calcareous benthic forminiferal assemblage, selective dissolution of small delicate tests in the upper sediment column causes a continuous variation in species proportions. In the eastern Weddell Sea, the calcareous Bulimina aculeata lives in a carbonate corrosive environment exclusively in or on the uppermost sediment. The arenaceous Cribrostomoides subglobosum, Recurvoides contortus and some Reophax species are frequently found within the top 4 cm of the sediment, whereas stained specimens of Haplophragmoides bradyi, Glomospira charoides and Cribrostomoides wiesneri occur in maximum abundance below the uppermost 1.5 cm. Species proportions in the dead, predominantly arenaceous, benthic foraminiferal assemblage change in three distinct steps. The first change is caused by calcite dissolution at the sediment-water interface, the second coincides with the lower boundary of intense bioturbation, and the third results from the geochemical shift from oxidizing to reducing conditions below a compacted ash layer.