579 resultados para Température de surface du sol
Titanium dioxide with and without the addition of neodymium ions was prepared using sol-gel and precipitation methods. The resulting catalysts were characterized by thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction and BET specific surface area. Neodymium addition exerted a remarkable influence on the phase transition temperature and the surface properties of the TiO(2) matrix. TiO(2) samples synthesized by precipitation exhibit an exothermic event related from the amorphous to anatase phase transition at 510 degrees C, whereas in Nd-doped TiO(2) this transition occurred at 527 degrees C. A similar effect was observed in samples obtained using sol-gel method. The photocatalytic reactivity of the catalysts was evaluated by photodegradation of Remazol Black B (RB) under ultraviolet irradiation. Nd-doped TiO(2) showed enhanced photodegradation ability compared to undoped TiO(2) samples, independent of the method of synthesis. In samples obtained by sol-gel, RB decoloration was enhanced by 16% for TiO(2) doped with 0.5% neodymium ions. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
If a plastic material is used as a print bearer there are a need of a special surface treatment to get agod and durable printing. The most used surface treatment technique for the moment is coronatreatment. This kind of treatment has unfortunately showed not to be so durable in the long term.Plasma treatment which in this case uses different kind of gases in the treatment of polypropyleneis shown as a more effective treatment in this project. When the plasma treated surface has beenprinted is the good quality last much longer and the adhesion between the ink and the surface isremained. To test this adhesion is for the moment a standard used (ASTM D3359). This standardhas appeared unstable and dependent at many different factors, which gives a big variation in thetest results. Because of this has new test methods been carried out to give a more even and morereliable result in the test of the adhesion.
This degree project aim to evaluate if variations of the STFI thickness can be used to assess bumpiness on cardboard. During the project cardboard samples were measured using Bendtsen, PPS, a L&W formation tester, OptiTopo, Ambertec formation, the STFI thickness tester and a visual comparison. The different methods were then compared to see if there is any correlations between them. The results showed that the visual comparison and OptiTopo correlates. The STFI thickness tester shows however no correlation with the OptiTopo and visual comparison, thus aren't suitable measuring bumpiness.
Concentrated solar power systems are expected to be sited in desert locations where the direct normal irradiation is above 1800 kWh/m2.year. These systems include large solar collector assemblies, which account for a significant share of the investment cost. Solarreflectors are the main components of these solar collector assemblies and dust/sand storms may affect their reflectance properties, either by soiling or by surface abrasion. While soiling can be reverted by cleaning, surface abrasion is a non reversible degradation.The aim of this project was to study the accelerated aging of second surface silvered thickglass solar reflectors under simulated sandstorm conditions and develop a multi-parametric model which relates the specular reflectance loss to dust/sand storm parameters: wind velocity, dust concentration and time of exposure. This project focused on the degradation caused by surface abrasion.Sandstorm conditions were simulated in a prototype environmental test chamber. Material samples (6cm x 6cm) were exposed to Arizona coarse test dust. The dust stream impactedthese material samples at a perpendicular angle. Both wind velocity and dust concentrationwere maintained at a stable level for each accelerated aging test. The total exposure time in the test chamber was limited to 1 hour. Each accelerated aging test was interrupted every 4 minutes to measure the specular reflectance of the material sample after cleaning.The accelerated aging test campaign had to be aborted prematurely due to a contamination of the dust concentration sensor. A robust multi-parametric degradation model could thus not be derived. The experimental data showed that the specular reflectance loss decreasedeither linearly or exponentially with exposure time, so that a degradation rate could be defined as a single modeling parameter. A correlation should be derived to relate this degradation rate to control parameters such as wind velocity and dust/sand concentration.The sandstorm chamber design would have to be updated before performing further accelerated aging test campaigns. The design upgrade should improve both the reliability of the test equipment and the repeatability of accelerated aging tests. An outdoor exposure test campaign should be launched in deserts to learn more about the intensity, frequencyand duration of dust/sand storms. This campaign would also serve to correlate the results of outdoor exposure tests with accelerated exposure tests in order to develop a robust service lifetime prediction model for different types of solar reflector materials.
Ce mémoire a pour but de comparer deux romans policiers contemporains et ayant eu un grand succès, l’un écrit par Henning Mankell dont la traduction française a paru sous le titre Les Morts de la Saint-Jean et le second est Pars vite et reviens tard de Fred Vargas. L’objectif de la candidate est d’essayer de trouver les éléments réalistes dans le décor, les personnages et l’enquête. Pour ce qui est du premier paramètre, la candidate montre que Mankell n’essaie jamais de cacher la vérité derrière une surface idéale ; il en va de même pour Vargas qui accentue les points de vue divergents des Français sur la réalité de leur pays. En ce qui a trait aux personnages, on distingue dans le portrait qu’en fait Mankell un combat compliqué et non manichéen, proche de la réalité psychologique; idem pour ceux de Vargas, mais le réalisme est quelque peu atténué par un recours au mystère. Enfin, l’enquête menée par Wallander aboutit un peu par hasard grâce à son intuition alors qu’Adamsberg résout l’énigme grâce à sa faculté de voir, de s’imaginer et d’aller au-delà de la capacité des autres. La conclusion générale du mémoire est que ces deux œuvres sont tout à fait réalistes, mais à un degré un peu différent. Le roman de Mankell l’est sans doute davantage dans la mesure où le recours au mystère est écarté et que l’enquête est menée de façon logique alors que le roman de Vargas, tout en suivant les règles de la logique, a tendance à faire appel au merveilleux. En tout état de cause, il s’agit de deux œuvres réalistes comportant un côté romantique plus ou moins bien exprimé.
Defects are often present in rolled products, such as wire rod. The markets demand for wire rod without any defects has increased. In the final wire rod products, defects originating from the steel making, casting, pre-rolling of billets and during the wire rod rolling can appear. In this work, artificial V-shaped longitudinal surface cracks has been analysed experimentally and by means of FEM. The results indicate that the experiments and FEM calculations show the same tendency except in two cases, where instability due to a fairly “round” false round bars disturbed the experiment. FE studies in combination with practical experiments are necessary in order to understand the behaviour of the material flows in the groove and to explain whether the crack will open up as a V-shape or if it will be closed as an I-shape.
Detta är en bok om dagens värld, men framförallt är det en bok om hur antropologer studerar dagens värld - med andra ord, i rätt vid mening en bok om metod, om antaganden, tillvägagångssätt och erfarenheter i fältarbeten.
Two simulative test methods were used to study galling in sheet forming of two types of stainlesssteel sheet: austenitic (EN 1.4301) and lean duplex LDX 2101 (EN 1.4162) in different surface conditions. Thepin-on-disc test was used to analyse the galling resistance of different combinations of sheet materials and lubricants. The strip reduction test, a severe sheet forming tribology test was used to simulate the conditionsduring ironing. This investigation shows that the risk of galling is highly dependent on the surface texture of theduplex steel. Trials were also performed in an industrial tool used for high volume production of pumpcomponents, to compare forming of LDX 2101 and austenitic stainless steel with equal thickness. The forming forces, the geometry and the strains in the sheet material were compared for the same component.It was found that LDX steels can be formed to high strain levels in tools normally applied for forming ofaustenitic steels, but tool adaptations are needed to comply with the higher strength and springback of thematerial.
Test method for integrated solar- biomass systems - Long term prediction trough short term measurementsSP Technical Research Institute of Sweden and SERC, Dalarna University have in cooperation developed a test method for integrated solar and biomass systems. The test method is performed under six days including two summer days, two winter days and two spring/autumn days true to real weather conditions and loads for a single family house. The aim of the test method is to get information about a Combisystem’s annual performance and operation throughout a short term test. Seven different solar Combisystems have been tested within the project together with a pellet boiler without solar collectors. In addition to that a comparative testing has been performed at the two laboratories at SP and at SERC on the same Combisystem. The test method developed within the project has been proved to withstand the aim of the project, which is to be able to compare the performance between the systems. The test method is also suitable for identification of possible operation problems so they can be taken care of and consequently improves the system.The project and the system testing reveal that it is in general favorable to combine biomass pellets with solar heating. Pellet boilers has normally a low performance during the summer period but combined with a solar collector the boiler can be switch off during this period. There are however big differences in performance between the tested. The efficiency of the pellet boiler is highly dependent of the operating conditions and elements like heat losses from the system, system configuration and control strategy have great influence of the performance of the system and the emissions. On the other hand, the performance and the size of the solar collectors have a minor effect on the overall system performance. There is obviously a big potential for improvement of the system´s performance and the developed test method is an essential way to implement this perfection.
Det är svårt att på ett genomarbetat sätt, kontrollera en solvärmeanläggning som är i drift och det blir svårare när solvärmesystemet ska samverka med en biobränsleanläggning, som har sina speciella egenheter.Det enklaste och, som det kan tyckas, bästa sättet att kontrollera om en solvärmeanläggning fungerar, är att beräkna utifrån en värmemängdsmätare, som förhoppningsvis finns i anläggningen, hur mycket energi per m2 aktiv area som solfångaren har producerat per år.Om produktionen ligger mellan 300 – 350 kWh/m2 är det bra. Det är dock så att en solvärmeanläggning borde kunna producera betydligt mer värme om den bara ges lite bättre förutsättning eller att den faktiskt kan ge mindre, men ändå uppfylla de krav som ställdes. Det behöver inte nödvändigtvis vara antalet producerade solfångarkWh värme som är högt utan det viktigaste kanske är att antalet inbesparade kWh biobränsle är många.För att kunna få ett grepp om hur en solvärmeanläggning fungerar i sitt sammanhang bör det totala systemet redovisas framför allt med avseende på:• Värmedistributionssystemets uppbyggnad. Var, när och hur mycket kallt vatten ska värmas?• Energi- och effektnivåer för olika delar av systemet, framför allt under sommaren?• Vilka pannor och bränslen används, framför allt med betoning på reglerbarhet?Solvärmekretsen, som inte är speciellt annorlunda utformad än i andra lite större solvärmeanläggningar, ges i den här rapporten relativt stort utrymme, eftersom den samlade kompetensen bland de som gör besiktningar och kontroller inte är så hög. Mest berörda delar är:• Trycket i solvärmeanläggningen med avseende på expansionskärlets förtryck, systemets uppfyllnadstryck och driftsfunktioner• Flödet i anläggningen som inriktar sig på luftmedryckning, flödesfördelning och vanliga flödeshastigheter• Solfångarnas energi- och värmeeffektproduktionHuvuddelen av underlagsmaterialet bör ha samlats in före besöket, genom att försöka få tag på:• Förstudier för solvärme- och pannanläggning• Förfrågningsunderlag för i första hand solvärmeanläggningen• Driftstatistik• Data på hur det totala systemet ser utDessa data bör bearbetas innan besöket på plats, vilket ska inkludera en genomgång av driftsansvarig kompletterat med en guidad tur genom anläggningen. Besöket bör också vara förberett hos driftsansvariga så att stegar för att komma åt solfångarna finns framtagna och de säkerhetsselar, som ska användas vid okulär inspektion, finns tillgängliga.Efter avslutad på-platsen-kontroll ska en besiktningsrapport skrivas. Mycket underlagsberäkningar ska skickas med som bilaga samt en lista med punkter som syftar till att få en effektivare sol- och biobränsleanläggning.