855 resultados para Technology in motion pictures
The study reported presents the findings relating to commercial growing of genetically-modified Bt cotton in South Africa by a large sample of smallholder farmers over three seasons (1998/99, 1999/2000, 2000/01) following adoption. The analysis presents constructs and compares groupwise differences for key variables in Bt v. non-Bt technology and uses regressions to further analyse the production and profit impacts of Bt adoption. Analysis of the distribution of benefits between farmers due to the technology is also presented. In parallel with these socio-economic measures, the toxic loads being presented to the environment following the introduction of Bt cotton are monitored in terms of insecticide active ingredient (ai) and the Biocide Index. The latter adjusts ai to allow for differing persistence and toxicity of insecticides. Results show substantial and significant financial benefits to smallholder cotton growers of adopting Bt cotton over three seasons in terms of increased yields, lower insecticide spray costs and higher gross margins. This includes one particularly wet, poor growing season. In addition, those with the smaller holdings appeared to benefit proportionately more from the technology (in terms of higher gross margins) than those with larger holdings. Analysis using the Gini-coefficient suggests that the Bt technology has helped to reduce inequality amongst smallholder cotton growers in Makhathini compared to what may have been the position if they had grown conventional cotton. However, while Bt growers applied lower amounts of insecticide and had lower Biocide Indices (per ha) than growers of non-Bt cotton, some of this advantage was due to a reduction in non-bollworm insecticide. Indeed, the Biocide Index for all farmers in the population actually increased with the introduction of Bt cotton. The results indicate the complexity of such studies on the socio-economic and environmental impacts of GM varieties in the developing world.
Background: Transcriptomic techniques are now being applied in ecotoxicology and toxicology to measure the impact of stressors and develop understanding of mechanisms of toxicity. Microarray technology in particular offers the potential to measure thousands of gene responses simultaneously. However, it is important that microarrays responses should be validated, at least initially, using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (QPCR). The accurate measurement of target gene expression requires normalisation to an invariant internal control e. g., total RNA or reference genes. Reference genes are preferable, as they control for variation inherent in the cDNA synthesis and PCR. However, reference gene expression can vary between tissues and experimental conditions, which makes it crucial to validate them prior to application. Results: We evaluated 10 candidate reference genes for QPCR in Daphnia magna following a 24 h exposure to the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) ibuprofen (IB) at 0, 20, 40 and 80 mg IB l(-1). Six of the 10 candidates appeared suitable for use as reference genes. As a robust approach, we used a combination normalisation factor (NF), calculated using the geNorm application, based on the geometric mean of three selected reference genes: glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, ubiquitin conjugating enzyme and actin. The effects of normalisation are illustrated using as target gene leukotriene B4 12-hydroxydehydrogenase (Ltb4dh), which was upregulated following 24 h exposure to 63-81 mg IB l(-1). Conclusions: As anticipated, use of the NF clarified the response of Ltb4dh in daphnids exposed to sublethal levels of ibuprofen. Our findings emphasise the importance in toxicogenomics of finding and applying invariant internal QPCR control(s) relevant to the study conditions.
Over the past decade there has been significant growth in the facilities management (FM) sector resulting in a diverse and highly competitive marketplace. This marketplace engages contractors, in-house teams, suppliers, consultants and professional institutions. Many of these organisations have had to innovate to differentiate themselves from competitors. The subject of this paper is facilities management innovation. More specifically, it examines the introduction of information technology (IT) to support such innovations. Our understanding of how such innovations are brought about is scant. The intention of this paper is to examine the motivations and factors which have brought about ‘information system’ innovations in the sector based on an examination of a small but diverse collection of case studies. The study specifically considers the route by which the selected innovations came about and the way in which the innovation has diffused throughout the rest of the organisation. The IT innovations identified in case studies include whole life cost modelling, a content management solution, open book partnering, management information portal (fmNet), RFID technology, and capacity and capability planning. Taken together they characterise a sector that is using IT to codify and standardise information such that useful knowledge becomes widely dispersed.
Consumers increasingly demand convenience foods of the highest quality in terms of natural flavor and taste, and which are freedom additives and preservatives. This demand has triggered the need for the development of a number of nonthermal approaches to food processing, of which high-pressure technology has proven to be very valuable. A number of recent publications have demonstrated novel and diverse uses of this technology. Its novel features, which include destruction of microorganisms at room temperature or lower, have made the technology commerically attractive. Enzymes forming bacteria can be by the application of pressure-thermal combinations. This review aims to identify the opportunities and challenges associated with this technology. In addition to discussing the effects of high pressure on food components, this review covers the combined effects of high pressure processing with: gamma irradiation, alternating current, ultrasound, and carbon dioxide or anti-microbial treatment. Further, the applications of this technology in various sectors-fruits and vegetables, dairy and meat processing-have been dealt with extensively. The integration of high-pressure with other matured processing operations such as blanching, dehydration, osmotic dehydration, rehyrdration, frying, freezing/thawing and solid-liquid extraction has been shown to open up new processing options. The key challenges identified include: heat transfer problems and resulting non-uniformity in processing, obtaining reliable and reproducible data, for process validation, lack of detailed knowledge about the interaction between high pressure, and a number of food constituents, packaging and statutory issues.
There are still major challenges in the area of automatic indexing and retrieval of multimedia content data for very large multimedia content corpora. Current indexing and retrieval applications still use keywords to index multimedia content and those keywords usually do not provide any knowledge about the semantic content of the data. With the increasing amount of multimedia content, it is inefficient to continue with this approach. In this paper, we describe the project DREAM, which addresses such challenges by proposing a new framework for semi-automatic annotation and retrieval of multimedia based on the semantic content. The framework uses the Topic Map Technology, as a tool to model the knowledge automatically extracted from the multimedia content using an Automatic Labelling Engine. We describe how we acquire knowledge from the content and represent this knowledge using the support of NLP to automatically generate Topic Maps. The framework is described in the context of film post-production.
This paper discusses the activating role of e-Governments in the Arab countries, by seeking new rules and innovative ways to provide services to the public sector. It starts from the analysis of different stages and dimensions of e-government through better understanding of the phenomenon and investment of opportunities in Information Technology in order to develop the role of governments and departments of public affairs particularly in Arab countries. In the developing countries most of the Arab governments may be doing their best to deliver the best services they can offer but with low level of efficiency and high cost. This raised many questions about productivity and performance of government agencies; the problem of low productivity and poor performance in the government sector that affected individuals and administrative units. This paper aims to analyze the different stages, concepts and dimensions of e-government and to understand the opportunities that information technology offers, especially in Arab countries in order to develop the government role as well as public affairs administration system.
In this paper an attempt is described to increase the range of human sensory capabilities by means of implant technology. The key aim is to create an additional sense by feeding signals directly to the human brain, via the nervous system rather than via a presently operable human sense. Neural implant technology was used to directly interface a human nervous system with a computer in a one off trial. The output from active ultrasonic sensors was then employed to directly stimulate the human nervous system. An experimental laboratory set up was used as a test bed to assess the usefulness of this sensory addition.
In this paper results are shown to indicate the efficacy of a direct connection between the human nervous system and a computer network. Experimental results obtained thus far from a study lasting for over 3 months are presented, with particular emphasis placed on the direct interaction between the human nervous system and a piece of wearable technology. An overview of the present state of neural implants is given, as well as a range of application areas considered thus far. A view is also taken as to what may be possible with implant technology as a general purpose human-computer interface for the future.