924 resultados para Suelos-Castelló


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En este trabajo se aportan algunos datos sobre los bosques de los suelos no encharcadas del SW de Asturias (España). Basándase en ellos y en otros de territorios más orientales se proponen dos nuevas asociaciones: Linario triornitophorae-Quercetum petreae y Mercurialidi perennis-Fraxinetum excelsioris, que constituyen la etapa madura boscosa de dos series de vegetación orocantábricas.


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Durantedos años consecutivos se ha estudiado el contenido en agua de las capas superficiales del suelo de 29 parcelas pobladas por distintas unidades de jaral pertenecientes a la alianza Cistion laurifolii. Se aportan gráficas sobre la marcha de los contendio hídricos disponibles de los suelos, poniéndose de relieve la existencia de dos periodos: uno húmedo, caracterizado por existir agua disponible más o menos abundante, y otro seco en el que no existe agua disponible en los niveles superficiales del suelo. La duración de estos periodos se discute relacionándola con el régimen de precipitaciones, valorándose la importancia de éste frente a las precipitaciones totales anuales. Se comparan los distintos sintáxones para el factor hídrico por medio de análisis multivariables, determinándose la diferenciación de éstos en base a dicho factor.


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Los brezales del Campoo se pueden agrupar en cinco asociaciones. Tres de ellas: Halimio umbellatae-Daboecietum cantabricae sobre suelos secos y degradados, Daboecio cantabricae-Ericetum aragonensis, propia del nivel montano superior cantábrico, y Euphorbio polygalifoliae-Ericetum tetralicis, sobre suelos higrófilos de la parte eurosiberiana del territorio, se describen como nuevas. Además se incluye un mapa en el que se propone el límite entre las regiones Eurosiberiana y Mediterránea en el área estudiada.


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Se dan a conocer cinco comunidades que constituyen la vegetación briofítica más frecuente sobre los suelos ácidos del sur de la Península Ibérica: Pogonatetum aloidis (Pogonation aloidis), Fossombronio-Phaeoceretum bulbiculosi y Saccogyno-Fissidentetum serrulati (Dicranellion heteromallae, Dicranelletalia heteromallae, Pogonato-Dicranelletea heteromallae), la asociación Calypogeio-Pallavicinietum lyellii no se incluye en ninguna alianza del mencionado orden. Se propone una nueva alianza submediterránea-subatlántica, Campylopodion fragili-introflexi (Polytrichetalia piliferi, Ceratodo-Polytrichetea piliferi), describiéndose para ella una asociación del sur y suroeste de la Península, Polytricho-Campylopodetum polytrichoidis.


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(1x1) and (2x1) reconstructions of the (001) SrTiO3 surface were studied using the first-principles full-potential linear muffin-tin orbital method. Surface energies were calculated as a function of TiO2 chemical potential, oxygen partial pressure and temperature. The (1x1) unreconstructed surfaces were found to be energetically stable for many of the conditions considered. Under conditions of very low oxygen partial pressure the (2x1) Ti2O3 reconstruction [Martin R. Castell, Surf. Sci. 505, 1 (2002)] is stable. The question as to why STM images of the (1x1) surfaces have not been obtained was addressed by calculating charge densities for each surface. These suggest that the (2x1) reconstructions would be easier to image than the (1x1) surfaces. The possibility that the presence of oxygen vacancies would destabilise the (1x1) surfaces was also investigated. If the (1x1) surfaces are unstable then there exists the further possibility that the (2x1) DL-TiO2 reconstruction [Natasha Erdman Nature (London) 419, 55 (2002)] is stable in a TiO2-rich environment and for p(O2)>10(-18) atm.


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Este artículo pretende analizar las diferentes teorías emitidas en torno a las autorías de la Colección Castellano, conservada en la Biblioteca Nacional de España. De este modo podremos estar en posición de confirmarlas o matizarlas, gracias al empleo de nuevas metodologías comparativas de los suelos y decorados de los estudios fotográficos en el Madrid decimonónico.


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This research is set in the context of today’s societies, in which the corporate visual symbology of a business, corporation or institution constitutes an essential way to transmit its corporate image. Traditional discursive procedures can be discovered in the development of these signs. The rhetorical strategies developed by the great classical authors appear in the logo-symbols expressing the corporate values of today’s companies. Thus, rhetoric is emerging once again in the sense it had many centuries ago: A repertory of rules that, paradoxically, standardizes the deviations of language and whose control is synonymous with power. The main objective of this study is to substantiate the rhetorical construction of logos using as a model of analysis the classical process of creating discourse. This involves understanding logos as persuasive discourses addressed to a modern audience. Our findings show that the rhetorical paradigm can be considered as a creative model for the con­struction of an original logo consistent with a company’s image.


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¿Puede un retrato pictórico suscitar un ejercicio de microhistoria? Nuestra investigación tratará de aportar una respuesta positiva a esta cuestión, analizando para ello uno de los pocos retratos del pintor postimpresionista Joaquim Mir Trinxet, fechado en 1926. El protagonista representado no es otro que el suegro del pintor, Antoni Estalella i Trinxet, un insigne personaje de Vilanova y la Geltrú (Barcelona) que vivió entre dos siglos. La obra está ambientada en la tienda de juguetes de la familia, convirtiéndose así en una de las escasas pinturas que han captado el interior de una juguetería en la España anterior a la Guerra Civil. Gracias a los trabajos de archivo realizados, este artículo reúne diversos documentos inéditos que permiten reconstruir no sólo la vida del retratado, que llegó a ser corresponsal de Francisco Pi y Margall, sino también el ambiente social, artístico y comercial de Vilanova, en un período que abarca desde la década de 1870 a la primera mitad del siglo XX, en plena “Edad de Oro” de la industria juguetera. Es esta una propuesta de metodología historiográfica cuyo recorrido comienza en el oficio arcaico de la tonelería para desembocar al fin en los albores del comercio moderno de juguetes.


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Aims/hypothesis: We investigated whether children who are heavier at birth have an increased risk of type 1 diabetes. Methods: Relevant studies published before February 2009 were identified from literature searches using MEDLINE, Web of Science and EMBASE. Authors of all studies containing relevant data were contacted and asked to provide individual patient data or conduct pre-specified analyses. Risk estimates of type 1 diabetes by category of birthweight were calculated for each study, before and after adjustment for potential confounders. Meta-analysis techniques were then used to derive combined ORs and investigate heterogeneity between studies. Results: Data were available for 29 predominantly European studies (five cohort, 24 case-control studies), including 12,807 cases of type 1 diabetes. Overall, studies consistently demonstrated that children with birthweight from 3.5 to 4 kg had an increased risk of diabetes of 6% (OR 1.06 [95% CI 1.01-1.11]; p=0.02) and children with birthweight over 4 kg had an increased risk of 10% (OR 1.10 [95% CI 1.04-1.19]; p=0.003), compared with children weighing 3.0 to 3.5 kg at birth. This corresponded to a linear increase in diabetes risk of 3% per 500 g increase in birthweight (OR 1.03 [95% CI 1.00-1.06]; p=0.03). Adjustments for potential confounders such as gestational age, maternal age, birth order, Caesarean section, breastfeeding and maternal diabetes had little effect on these findings. Conclusions/interpretation: Children who are heavier at birth have a significant and consistent, but relatively small increase in risk of type 1 diabetes. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.


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Perovskite phase instability of BiMnO3 has been exploited to synthesize epitaxial metal oxide magnetic nanocrystals. Thin film processing conditions are tuned to promote the breakdown of the perovskite precursor into Bi2O3 matrix and magnetic manganese oxide islands. Subsequent cooling in vacuum ensures complete volatization of the Bi2O3, thus leaving behind an array of self-assembled magnetic Mn3O4 nanostructures. Both shape and size can be systematically controlled by the ambient oxygen environments and deposition time.As such, this approach can be extended to any other Bi-based complex ternary oxide system as it primarily hinges on the breakdown of parent Bi-based precursor and subsequent Bi2O3 volatization.


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Gastroesophageal reflux is implicated in the pathogenesis of asthma and chronic cough. To date most studies have focused on acid reflux measured by pH below the upper esophageal sphincter (UES). The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between cough and reflux through the UES into the pharynx. Methods: Thirty-seven patients with asthma (19) and chronic cough (18) were recruited from the respiratory clinic. Reflux was monitored using a combined multichannel intraluminal impedance and pH probe by detecting (1) bolus reflux episodes within the esophagus and in the pharynx and (2) acidic reflux episodes within the esophagus and in the pharynx. All acid suppressive therapy was stopped for at least 7 days before the study. Demonstration of cough being linked to reflux was achieved using the symptom association probability (SAP). This was calculated using a 2-minute association window between symptoms and bolus entry into the esophagus. SAP was considered positive if >95%. Results: A positive SAP for cough was noted in 7/26 patients reporting symptoms on the day of monitoring. Compared with SAP-negative patients, SAP-positive patients had both a greater number [median (interquartile range), 5(2 to 8) vs. 2(0 to 4), P


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The aim of the study was to describe 20-year incidence trends for childhood type 1 diabetes in 23 EURODIAB centres and compare rates of increase in the first (1989-1998) and second (1999-2008) halves of the period.


All registers operate in geographically defined regions and are based on a clinical diagnosis. Completeness of registration is assessed by capture-recapture methodology. Twenty-three centres in 19 countries registered 49,969 new cases of type 1 diabetes in individuals diagnosed before their 15th birthday during the period studied.


Ascertainment exceeded 90% in most registers. During the 20-year period, all but one register showed statistically significant changes in incidence, with rates universally increasing. When estimated separately for the first and second halves of the period, the median rates of increase were similar: 3.4% per annum and 3.3% per annum, respectively. However, rates of increase differed significantly between the first half and the second half for nine of the 21 registers with adequate coverage of both periods; five registers showed significantly higher rates of increase in the first half, and four significantly higher rates in the second half.


The incidence rate of childhood type 1 diabetes continues to rise across Europe by an average of approximately 3-4% per annum, but the increase is not necessarily uniform, showing periods of less rapid and more rapid increase in incidence in some registers. This pattern of change suggests that important risk exposures differ over time in different European countries. Further time trend analysis and comparison of the patterns in defined regions is warranted.