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Objective: To investigate the predictive value of the Strauss and Carpenter Prognostic Scale (SCPS) for transition to a first psychotic episode in subjects clinically at high risk (CHR) of psychosis. Method: Two hundred and forty-four CHR subjects participating in the European Prediction of Psychosis Study were assessed with the SCPS, an instrument that has been shown to predict outcome in patients with schizophrenia reliably. Results: At 18-month follow-up, 37 participants had made the transition to psychosis. The SCPS total score was predictive of a first psychotic episode (P < 0.0001). SCPS items that remained as independent predictors in the Cox proportional hazard model were as follows: most usual quality of useful work in the past year (P = 0.006), quality of social relations (P = 0.006), presence of thought disorder, delusions or hallucinations in the past year (P = 0.001) and reported severity of subjective distress in past month (P = 0.003). Conclusion: The SCPS could make a valuable contribution to a more accurate prediction of psychosis in CHR subjects as a second-step tool. SCPS items assessing quality of useful work and social relations, positive symptoms and subjective distress have predictive value for transition. Further research should focus on investigating whether targeted early interventions directed at the predictive domains may improve outcomes.
Numerous studies have found a robust association between cannabis use and the onset of psychosis. Nevertheless, the relationship between cannabis use and the onset of early (or, in retrospect, prodromal) symptoms of psychosis remains unclear. The study focused on investigating the relationship between cannabis use and early and high-risk symptoms in subjects at clinical high risk for psychosis.
Measurement Properties of the Short Multi-Dimensional Observation Scale for Elderly Subjects (MOSES)
This study evaluated the five-factor measurement model of the abbreviated Multidimensional Observation Scale for Elderly Subjects (MOSES), originally proposed by Pruchno, Kleban, and Resch in 1988. Modifications of the five-factor model were examined and evaluated with regard to their practical significance. A confirmatory second-order factor analysis was performed to examine whether the correlations among the first-order factors were adequately accounted for by a global dysfunction factor. Findings indicated that the proposed measurement model was replicated adequately. Although post hoc modifications resulted in significant improvements in overall model fit, the minor parameters had only a trivial influence on the major parameters of the baseline model. Results from the second-order factor analysis showed that a global dysfunc tion factor accounted adequately for the intercorrelations among the first-order factors.
Circumstantial evidence suggests that an increase in plasma glucose availability improves exercise capacity in subjects with type 1 diabetes mellitus. The aim of this study was to assess exercise capacity in eu- and hyperglycaemic conditions in subjects with type 1 diabetes.
Avoidance of excessively deep sedation levels is problematic in intensive care patients. Electrophysiologic monitoring may offer an approach to solving this problem. Since electroencephalogram (EEG) responses to different sedation regimens vary, we assessed electrophysiologic responses to two sedative drug regimens in 10 healthy volunteers. Dexmedetomidine/remifentanil (dex/remi group) and midazolam/remifentanil (mida/remi group) were infused 7 days apart. Each combination of medications was given at stepwise intervals to reach Ramsay scores (RS) 2, 3, and 4. Resting EEG, bispectral index (BIS), and the N100 amplitudes of long-latency auditory-evoked potentials (ERP) were recorded at each level of sedation. During dex/remi, resting EEG was characterized by a recurrent high-power low-frequency pattern which became more pronounced at deeper levels of sedation. BIS Index decreased uniformly in only the dex/remi group (from 94 +/- 3 at baseline to 58 +/- 14 at RS 4) compared to the mida/remi group (from 94 +/- 2 to 76 +/- 10; P = 0.029 between groups). The ERP amplitudes decreased from 5.3 +/- 1.3 at baseline to 0.4 +/- 1.1 at RS 4 (P = 0.003) in only the mida/remi group. We conclude that ERPs in volunteers sedated with dex/remi, in contrast to mida/remi, indicate a cortical response to acoustic stimuli, even when sedation reaches deeper levels. Consequently, ERP can monitor sedation with midazolam but not with dexmedetomidine. The reverse is true for BIS.
OBJECTIVE: (I) To compare the oral microflora at implant and tooth sites in subjects participating in a periodontal recall program, (II) to test whether the microflora at implant and tooth sites differ as an effect of gingival bleeding (bleeding on probing (BOP)), or pocket probing depth (PPD), and (III) to test whether smoking and gender had an impact on the microflora. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Data were collected from 127 implants and all teeth in 56 subjects. Microbiological data were identified by the DNA-DNA checkerboard hybridization. RESULTS: PPD> or =4 mm were found in 16.9% of tooth, and at 26.6% of implant sites (P<0.01). Tooth sites with PPD> or =4 mm had a 3.1-fold higher bacterial load than implant sites (mean difference: 66%, 95% confidence interval (CI): 40.7-91.3, P<0.001). No differences were found for the red, orange, green, and yellow complexes. A higher total bacterial load was found at implant sites with PPD> or =4 mm (mean difference 35.7 x 10(5), 95% CI: 5.2 (10(5)) to 66.1 (10(5)), P<0.02 with equal variance not assumed). At implant sites, BOP had no impact on bacterial load but influenced the load at tooth sites (P<0.01). CONCLUSION: BOP, and smoking had no impact on bacteria at implant sites but influenced the bacterial load at tooth sites. Tooth sites harbored more bacteria than implant sites with comparable PPD. The 4 mm PPD cutoff level influenced the distribution and amounts of bacterial loads. The subject factor is explanatory to bacterial load at both tooth and implant sites.
OBJECTIVES: To test whether dynamic contour tonometry yields ocular pulse amplitude (OPA) measurements that are independent of corneal thickness and curvature, and to assess variables of observer agreement. METHODS: In a multivariate cluster analysis on 223 eyes, the relationship between central corneal thickness, corneal curvature, axial length, anterior chamber depth, intraocular pressure, sex, age, and OPA measurements was assessed. Intraobserver and interobserver variabilities were calculated from repeated measurements obtained from 8 volunteers by 4 observers. RESULTS: The OPA readings were not affected by central corneal thickness (P = .08), corneal curvature (P = .47), anterior chamber depth (P = .80), age (P = .60), or sex (P = .73). There was a positive correlation between OPA and intraocular pressure (0.12 mm Hg/1 mm Hg of intraocular pressure; P<.001) and a negative correlation between OPA and axial length (0.27 mm Hg/1 mm of length; P<.001). Intraobserver and interobserver variabilities were 0.08 and 0.02 mm Hg, respectively, and the intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.89. CONCLUSIONS: The OPA readings obtained with dynamic contour tonometry in healthy subjects are not influenced by the structure of the anterior segment of the eye but are affected by intraocular pressure and axial length. We found a high amount of agreement within and between observers.
As a noninvasive method, exhaled breath condensate (EBC) has gained importance to improve monitoring of lung diseases and to detect biomarkers. The aim of the study was to investigate, whether erythropoietin (EPO) is detectable in EBC. EBC was collected from 22 consecutive patients as well as from healthy individuals. Using a multiplex fluorescent bead immunoassay, we detected EPO in EBC, as well as tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) in 13 out of 22 patients simultaneously (EPO 0.21 +/- 0.03 in U/mL and TNF-alpha 34.6 +/- 4.2 in pg/mL, mean +/- SEM). No significant differences for EPO levels or correlation between EPO and TNF-alpha were found but TNF-alpha was significantly higher in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) than in non-COPD (obstructive sleep apnoea, OSA, and lung healthy patients). This is the first report of detection of EPO in EBC. Due to the small study size more data is needed to clarify the role of EPO in EBC.
BACKGROUND: Interleukin-1 gene polymorphism (IL-1 gene) has been associated with periodontitis. The present study examined the subgingival microbiota by IL-1 gene status in subjects undergoing supportive periodontal therapy (SPT). METHODS: A total of 151 subjects with known IL-1 gene status (IL-1A +4845/IL-1B -3954) (IL-1 gene) were included in this study. Clinical data and subgingival plaque samples (40 taxa) were collected. These taxa were determined by the checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization method. RESULTS: Gender, smoking habits (n-par tests), age, and clinical periodontal conditions did not differ by IL-1 gene status. IL-1 gene-negative subjects had a higher total bacterial load (mean difference, 480.4 x 10(5); 95% confidence interval [CI], 77 to 884 x 10(5); P <0.02). The levels of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans (mean difference, 30.7 x 10(5); 95% CI, 2.2 to 59.5 x 10(5); P <0.05), Eubacterium nodatum (mean difference, 4.2 x 10(5); 95% CI, 0.6 to 7.8 x 10(5); P <0.02), Porphyromonas gingivalis (mean difference, 17.9 x 10(5); 95% CI, 1.2 to 34.5 x 10(5); P <0.05), and Streptococcus anginosus (mean difference, 4.0 x 10(5); 95% CI, 0.2 to 7.2 x 10(5); P <0.05) were higher in IL-1 gene-negative subjects, an observation specifically found at sites with probing depths <5.0 mm. CONCLUSIONS: Bleeding on probing did not differ by IL gene status, reflecting clinical SPT efficacy. IL-1 gene-negative subjects had higher levels of periodontal pathogens. This may suggest that among subjects undergoing SPT, a lower bacterial load is required in IL-1 gene-positive subjects to develop the same level of periodontitis as in IL-1 gene-negative subjects.
BACKGROUND: Periodontitis has been identified as a potential risk factor in cardiovascular diseases. It is possible that the stimulation of host responses to oral infections may result in vascular damage and the inducement of blood clotting. The aim of this study was to assess the role of periodontal infection and bacterial burden as an explanatory variable to the activation of the inflammatory process leading to acute coronary syndrome (ACS). METHODS: A total of 161 consecutive surviving cases admitted with a diagnosis of ACS and 161 control subjects, matched with cases according to their gender, socioeconomic level, and smoking status, were studied. Serum white blood cell (WBC) counts, high- and low-density lipoprotein (HDL/LDL) levels, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsC-rp) levels, and clinical periodontal routine parameters were studied. The subgingival pathogens were assayed by the checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization method. RESULTS: Total oral bacterial load was higher in the subjects with ACS (mean difference: 17.4x10(5); SD: 10.8; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 4.2 to 17.4; P<0.001), and significant for 26 of 40 species including Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythensis, and Treponema denticola. Serum WBC counts, hsC-rp levels, Streptococcus intermedius, and Streptococcus sanguis, were explanatory factors to acute coronary syndrome status (Nagelkerke r2=0.49). CONCLUSION: The oral bacterial load of S. intermedius, S. sanguis, Streptococcus anginosus, T. forsythensis, T. denticola, and P. gingivalis may be concomitant risk factors in the development of ACS.
Background: Periodontitis and caries are common diseases in older adults. Aims: To test if rinsing with chlorhexidine over five years has an impact on the subgingival microbiota. Methods: In a double blind randomized five years chlorhexidine rinse study clinical oral data and subgingival plaque samples were analyzed by the checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization method. Results: At year 5 subject mean age was 71.2 years (S.D. + 4.1) (56.2% women). Only in subjects with no bone loss did the chlorhexidine rinse group subjects presented with lower total bacterial (DNA) counts (mean diff: 63.1 (x105), S.E diff + 30.1 (x105), 95%CI: 0.8 to 120.5 (x105), p<0.05) [(i.e.Lactobacillus acidophilicus (p<0.05) , Streptococcus oralis (p<0.05), Eikenella. corrodens (p< 0.05), C. gracilis (p<0.01), F.nucl.sp. nucleatum (p< 0.02), Fusobacterium nucl. sp. polymorphum (p<0.02), Neisseria mucosa (p<0.02), Leptothrichia buccalis (p<0.02), and Selenomonas noxia (p<0.050)]. Higher bacterial loads were found for the green (p<0.05), yellow (streptococci spp) (p<0.01), and the ‘other' complexes (p<0.01). Conclusions: Independent of probing pocket depth, older subjects carry a large variety of bacteria associated with periodontitis. The oral microbiota in older subjects is linked to alveolar bone loss and not to probing depth. Chlorhexidine may provide a benefit in preventing periodontitis in older persons.
We performed a Rey visual design learning test (RVDLT) in 17 subjects and measured intervoxel coherence (IC) by DTI as an indication of connectivity to investigate if visual memory performance would depend on white matter structure in healthy persons. IC considers the orientation of the adjacent voxels and has a better signal-to-noise ratio than the commonly used fractional anisotropy index. Voxel-based t-test analysis of the IC values was used to identify neighboring voxel clusters with significant differences between 7 low and 10 high test performers. We detected 9 circumscribed significant clusters (p< .01) with lower IC values in low performers than in high performers, with centers of gravity located in left and right superior temporal region, corpus callosum, left superior longitudinal fascicle, and left optic radiation. Using non-parametric correlation analysis, IC and memory performance were significantly correlated in each of the 9 clusters (r< .61 to r< .81; df=15, p< .01 to p< .0001). The findings provide in vivo evidence for the contribution of white matter structure to visual memory in healthy people.