997 resultados para Stockmar, Christian Friedrich, Freiherr von, 1787-1863.
von Friedrich Ruperti
von Johann Friedrich Hauschild
von Friedrich Rott
Mit den Bischofsviten von 1693 bis 1802 liegt nun die vollständige Bischofsreihe des Bistums Bamberg vor. Der Band reicht vom Beginn des Pontifikats des Lothar Franz von Schönborn bis zur Säkularisation unter Christoph Franz von Buseck. Damit fallen der Barockkatholizismus, Ansätze zur absolutistischen Herrschaft und die Aufklärung in den Untersuchungszeitraum. Mit Lothar Franz und Friedrich Karl von Schönborn, Adam Friedrich von Seinsheim und Franz Ludwig von Erthal werden Fürstbischöfe erfasst, die weit über den Bamberger Raum hinaus Bedeutung hatten. Die ebenso umfassenden wie markanten Bischofsporträts berücksichtigen auch literar- und kunstgeschichtliche Fragestellungen. Ein eigener Abschnitt enthält Kurzbiographien der Weihbischöfe, Generalvikare, Fiskale und Kanzler und stellt damit die eigentlichen Träger der geistlichen Verwaltung vor. Über die individuellen Biographien hinaus werden auch längerfristige Entwicklungen wie die Herausbildung absolutistischer Regierungsformen oder der Wandel des Bischofsideals im Zuge der Aufklärung deutlich.
Rezension von: Barbara Stambolis (Hrsg.): Jugendbewegt geprägt, Essays zu autobiographischen Texten von Werner Heisenberg, Robert Jungk und vielen anderen, Göttingen: V&R unipress 2013 (819 S.; ISBN 978-3-8471-0004-1; 74,99 EUR)
A recent Guest Editorial by Parenti & Ebach (2013, Journal of Biogeography, 40, 813–820) disagrees with the methods or interpretations in two of our recent papers. In addition, the authors open a debate on biogeographical concepts, and present an alternative philosophy for biogeographical research in the context of their recently described biogeographical subregion called ‘Pandora’. We disagree with their approach and conclusions, and comment on several issues related to our differing conceptual approaches for biogeographical research; namely, our use of molecular phylogenetic analyses, including time estimates; and Parenti & Ebach's reliance on taxon/general area cladograms. Finally, we re-examine their ‘tests’ supporting the existence of ‘Pandora’.
De acordo com Leibniz, nossos raciocínios estão fundados em dois grandes princípios, o Princípio de Razão Suficiente e o Princípio de Contradição. Apesar da reconhecida relevância de tais princípios para sua filosofia, muitas são as interpretações sobre o real papel que eles desempenham dentro dela e sobre a relação deles entre si. Nosso estudo pauta-se não só pela interpretação de Leibniz como pela visão de alguns de seus comentadores, especialmente três deles: Russell, Couturat e Deleuze. Iremos pesquisar, entre outras coisas, se tais princípios são independentes um do outro; se são aplicáveis a todo tipo de verdade; se o Princípio de Perfeição é uma particularização do Princípio de Razão Suficiente ou se é irredutível a ele; e se as verdades da razão são regidas pelo Princípio de Contradição e as verdades de fato são regidas pelo Princípio de Razão Suficiente. A articulação entre tais princípios remete a um terceiro ponto: a concepção da verdade como inclusão do conceito do predicado no sujeito, tema este que iremos analisar com base nos diferentes pontos de vista acerca das proposições essenciais e existenciais. Em relação a esta última, investigaremos se representam ou não uma exceção ao caráter analítico de todas as proposições verdadeiras.
This thesis critically assesses the impact of neoliberal ideology on liberal thought and contemporary politics specifically examining the question, To what extent has neoliberalism, as elucidated originally by Hayek affected change in contemporary politics? This question is crucial to understanding the nature, role, influence and impact of neoliberal ideas. This investigation required a broad engagement with the literature, identifying and discussing the relationships within neoliberalism allowing a clearer understanding of the role of ideas in neoliberalism’s continuing hegemony. The methodological approach adopted a social constructivist character that encompassed an individual centric emphasis, acknowledging the breadth and complexity of Neoliberalization through the use of interpretive repertoires. The initial chapters examine the ideational process and the role of particular understanding in motivating political conduct. In this context of the transfer of ideas through their everyday resonance eventually becoming ‘stubborn social facts’ (Habermas 2006:413) is highlighted. Later chapters discuss the historical and economic context of Neoliberalization focussing on the role of the hegemon and its influence, outlining and evaluating the contribution of Hayek to liberal thought. The penultimate chapter deals with the contemporary situation and the irony associated with Hayek’s original ideas. Concluding, several findings emerged contributing by combining available knowledge in a uniquely fresh way and generating originality by linking old ideas, new ideas and new facts. The results are grouped as, - Pragmatic, recognising that political pragmatism trumps ideological aspiration where liberal democratic processes require politicians are held to account. - Realistic, recognising the contrast and irony between political action and ideological insight reflected in the operationalization of neoliberalism. - General, recognising Hayek’s on-going but increasingly indirect influence. The thesis finishes with a short aside on ideational change within the context of the current crisis and advocates an introspective approach that includes entrepreneurial spirit, good conscience and duty as part of future deliberations.